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 FUKUSHIMA:: Navy Sailors-leukemia, testicular cancer, growths brain lesions and lost sight in eye

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FUKUSHIMA::  Navy Sailors-leukemia, testicular cancer, growths brain lesions and lost sight in eye Empty
PostSubject: FUKUSHIMA:: Navy Sailors-leukemia, testicular cancer, growths brain lesions and lost sight in eye   FUKUSHIMA::  Navy Sailors-leukemia, testicular cancer, growths brain lesions and lost sight in eye I_icon_minitimeTue Feb 12, 2013 9:50 am

Yup send em" in to help, directly in the path of the cloud and check the vitals once in a while, will help with future holocaust of course! Sad!

Navy Sailors After Fukushima: They’ve got leukemia, testicular cancer, growths… They’ve had surgery to remove brain lesions and lost sight in eye (VIDEO)

Published: February 11th, 2013 at 11:29 am ET
By ENENews
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Title: 70,000 US Service Personnel Exposed To Radiation: Operation Tomodachi 3/11
Source: Nuked Radio with RadChick
Date Published: Feb 9, 2013

At 36:45 in

Attorney Paul C. Garner, representing U.S. service members who were in Japan after 3/11: They’ve got leukemia, they have growths, they’re undergoing surgery to remove lesions in their brains, a couple of them have had them and have lost the sight in their eye.

One guy has testicular cancer he was aboard the Reagan, he’s 21, he had one of his testicles removed already.

You know what their talking points are, the Tepco people and those in power? It’s all low-level radiation, nothing to worry about. It’s too little to worry about. […] If they get away with this then what did we fight Watergate for?

Watch the program here

Published: February 11th, 2013 at 11:29 am ET
By ENENews
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FUKUSHIMA::  Navy Sailors-leukemia, testicular cancer, growths brain lesions and lost sight in eye Empty
PostSubject: FUKUSHIMA:: Sharp increase in Fukushima doctors who don’t feel well physicallyn   FUKUSHIMA::  Navy Sailors-leukemia, testicular cancer, growths brain lesions and lost sight in eye I_icon_minitimeTue Feb 12, 2013 9:52 am

Sharp increase in Fukushima doctors who don’t feel well physically since 3/11 — More than 3 times as many now say their health condition is not good

Published: February 11th, 2013 at 11:48 pm ET
By ENENews
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Source: FRCSR (Fukushima Radioactive Contamination Symptoms Research) Newsletter
Date: February 10, 2013

[...] 19.4% of Fukushima physicians answered that their “physical state isn’t well.” 14.1% of Miyagi physicians and 12.8% of Iwate physicians answered similarly. In particular, the percentage of Fukushima physician, 19.4%, is 3.5 times more than pre-311. [...]

The Japan Medical Association Research Institute (JMARI), which conducted the survey, suggested that “These physician from three Tohoku prefectures have been working hard and long hours due to lack of physicians. In Fukushima they might be affected by stress caused by Tokyo Electric Company Fukushima Daiichi nuclear power plant accident.” [...]

(From a Kyodo article dated February 10, 2013)

Fukushima Diary summarized the Japan Medical Association Research Institute’s findings:

According to Japan Medical Association Research Institute, 19.4 % of Fukushima doctors answered “Their health condition is not good” for the questionnaire. The ratio used to be 5.6% before 311. [...]

The research was conducted from late August to mid September of 2012. [...]

See also: Fukushima Woman Warns of Cover-up: People are talking about nose bleeds and coughing that won’t end -- Nurses tell patients: Stay quiet, don’t mention radiation to doctor (VIDEO)

Published: February 11th, 2013 at 11:48 pm ET
By ENENews
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Internet Pilgrim

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PostSubject: Fukishima/ separation of sheep and goats   FUKUSHIMA::  Navy Sailors-leukemia, testicular cancer, growths brain lesions and lost sight in eye I_icon_minitimeWed Feb 13, 2013 9:07 am

There's a program that everyone should hear that deals with Fukishima and other even more crucial topics. Last July Henry Gruver was on Trunews and spoke about what was occurring in Japan spiritually. He also was in the Fukishima area and he spoke to the radiation levels at a meeting they were having and ordered them to dissipate in the name of Jesus. They did. Incredible. But the program is important because of the next topic discussed and that is Gruver's word from the Lord that He was beginning the separation of sheep from goats. The period of 3 months, beginning in May 2012 would be critical in that separation, and actions taken then would bear of which side individual Christians would fall on. The show is archived at trunews at blogtalkradio but someone also has posted it on youtube. I was so moved by the show last summer that I downloaded it and made cds of it for people I knew. If you can spare the time, please listen.

I'm still not savvy on this new forum so I can't tell whether this is going to show up as a reply or as a new topic so whatever...
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FUKUSHIMA::  Navy Sailors-leukemia, testicular cancer, growths brain lesions and lost sight in eye Empty
PostSubject: Re: FUKUSHIMA:: Navy Sailors-leukemia, testicular cancer, growths brain lesions and lost sight in eye   FUKUSHIMA::  Navy Sailors-leukemia, testicular cancer, growths brain lesions and lost sight in eye I_icon_minitimeWed Feb 13, 2013 4:08 pm

No one ever takes interest but the forest surrounding Chernobyl is/was the Wormwood Forest. Post meltdown it was renamed the "red forest" because of the radioactivity's effects on nature.
At the rate this regime is headed I wouldn't be surprised to see a carrier group sailing up the potomac while barry soetero thought they were somewhere in the south pacific.
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PostSubject: Re: FUKUSHIMA:: Navy Sailors-leukemia, testicular cancer, growths brain lesions and lost sight in eye   FUKUSHIMA::  Navy Sailors-leukemia, testicular cancer, growths brain lesions and lost sight in eye I_icon_minitime

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