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 ZENITH 2016 -- PART 3 Did Something Begin In 2012 That Will Zenith In 2016?

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ZENITH 2016 -- PART 3 Did Something Begin In 2012 That Will Zenith In 2016? Empty
PostSubject: ZENITH 2016 -- PART 3 Did Something Begin In 2012 That Will Zenith In 2016?   ZENITH 2016 -- PART 3 Did Something Begin In 2012 That Will Zenith In 2016? I_icon_minitimeThu May 16, 2013 8:28 am

ZENITH 2016 -- PART 3
Did Something Begin In 2012
That Will Zenith In 2016?

ZENITH 2016 -- PART 3 Did Something Begin In 2012 That Will Zenith In 2016? ObamaNewsweekSecondComing

Conversely, this is where contrasting social feedback becomes equally interesting especially as a Public Policy Poll released in April 2013 reveals that one in four Americans now think Obama may actually be the Antichrist. I myself have taken the position that Obama is an antichrist but probably not the final one described in the book of Revelation (unless something dramatic or otherworldly were to happen with his mental acuity and/or genetics such as described in Chapter Eight of the upcoming book ZENITH 2016) not the least of which reasons is that he is not, so far as I know, a Roman as identified by the prophet Daniel (chapter 9:26). Nevertheless, as a result of the April, 2013 polling, I decided to find out what other scholars believe in this regard. Some, such as legendary broadcaster Noah Hutchings, believe there is a small chance Obama could be the evil one. In response to my query, Noah emailed, “Tom, concerning Obama being the Antichrist, we know from 1 John 2:18, that in the last days, many Antichrists would arise. From the signs of our time it is evident we are in the last days, and it is evident that Mr. Obama is an antichrist. Could he be THE Antichrist? Possibly. He is the one person who has made this nation more like Sodom and Gomorrah than any other man, president or otherwise. He has dealings with a strange god and people all over the world worship his image on television.” Other experts I contacted—men like Dr. Chuck Missler, Jonathan Cahn, Texas megachurch pastor Robert Jeffress, pastor Mark Biltz and more—felt Obama is too much of a ‘light weight’ to be the final Antichrist, though they did point out some profound comparisons between Obama and the coming Man of Sin. For instance, one noted how Obama is... (more)
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ZENITH 2016 -- PART 3 Did Something Begin In 2012 That Will Zenith In 2016? Empty
PostSubject: Re: ZENITH 2016 -- PART 3 Did Something Begin In 2012 That Will Zenith In 2016?   ZENITH 2016 -- PART 3 Did Something Begin In 2012 That Will Zenith In 2016? I_icon_minitimeTue May 21, 2013 7:47 pm

Well you can chalk this up as exhibit "b" that Tom Horn is right as usual :

San Francisco wins bid for Super Bowl L
And........wait for be held in the yet to be constructed Levi Stadium.

edit to add: SF representative of jussst about everything wrong in the us imho.
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ZENITH 2016 -- PART 3 Did Something Begin In 2012 That Will Zenith In 2016? Empty
PostSubject: Re: ZENITH 2016 -- PART 3 Did Something Begin In 2012 That Will Zenith In 2016?   ZENITH 2016 -- PART 3 Did Something Begin In 2012 That Will Zenith In 2016? I_icon_minitimeTue May 21, 2013 8:04 pm

ZENITH 2016 -- PART 3 Did Something Begin In 2012 That Will Zenith In 2016? Griffsuper1025_0
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Warrior Shepard

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ZENITH 2016 -- PART 3 Did Something Begin In 2012 That Will Zenith In 2016? Empty
PostSubject: Re: ZENITH 2016 -- PART 3 Did Something Begin In 2012 That Will Zenith In 2016?   ZENITH 2016 -- PART 3 Did Something Begin In 2012 That Will Zenith In 2016? I_icon_minitimeTue May 21, 2013 9:45 pm

very well written article series. What else would we expect from Tom Horn?

"Woe to you who make your neighbors drink, Who mix in your venom even to make them drunk so as to look on their nakedness! You will be filled with disgrace rather than honor. Now you yourself drink and expose your own nakedness." Habakkuk 2:15
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ZENITH 2016 -- PART 3 Did Something Begin In 2012 That Will Zenith In 2016? Empty
PostSubject: Re: ZENITH 2016 -- PART 3 Did Something Begin In 2012 That Will Zenith In 2016?   ZENITH 2016 -- PART 3 Did Something Begin In 2012 That Will Zenith In 2016? I_icon_minitime

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