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 ZENITH 2016 - PART 7 Did Something Begin In 2012... That Will Reach Zenith In 2016?

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ZENITH 2016 - PART 7 Did Something Begin In 2012... That Will Reach Zenith In 2016? Empty
PostSubject: ZENITH 2016 - PART 7 Did Something Begin In 2012... That Will Reach Zenith In 2016?   ZENITH 2016 - PART 7 Did Something Begin In 2012... That Will Reach Zenith In 2016? I_icon_minitimeThu May 30, 2013 7:15 am

ZENITH 2016 - PART 7
Did Something Begin In 2012...
That Will Reach Zenith In 2016?

ZENITH 2016 - PART 7 Did Something Begin In 2012... That Will Reach Zenith In 2016? Endtimes

Not everybody accepts the wisdom of discussing ancient extra-biblical texts or dates such as the years 2012 and 2016 in particular, most publicly identified with the end of the Mayan Calendar Long Count and Precession Cycle. Yet we do so precisely because the upcoming release of Zenith 2016 and others we have written intend to unveil not just what Bible scholars believe about the end times, but what occultists are convinced of and are dedicated to fulfilling. Knowledge is power, we believe, and prayer is most effective when the target is understood. Our enemy is definitely scheming over particular dates, and from Scripture we learn that demons know something about times and dispensations and plot within them, something they most assuredly want Christians to remain ignorant of. ... This fact—that demons can prophesy, know something of times and seasons, and want true Christians to remain ignorant of their schemes related to those specific periods—is especially important at this juncture because while the first part of the “final mystery of the Great Seal” involves who is prophesied to rule the novus order seclorum, the second, more disturbing, aspect of the US national cipher has to do with when this deity—and its Nephilim army—are predicted to arrive.

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ZENITH 2016 - PART 7 Did Something Begin In 2012... That Will Reach Zenith In 2016? Empty
PostSubject: Video Zenith 2016:   ZENITH 2016 - PART 7 Did Something Begin In 2012... That Will Reach Zenith In 2016? I_icon_minitimeThu May 30, 2013 7:50 am

Zenith 2016: Did Something Begin in 2012 that Will Reach Its Zenith in 2016?

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murray leslie

murray leslie

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ZENITH 2016 - PART 7 Did Something Begin In 2012... That Will Reach Zenith In 2016? Empty
PostSubject: Re: ZENITH 2016 - PART 7 Did Something Begin In 2012... That Will Reach Zenith In 2016?   ZENITH 2016 - PART 7 Did Something Begin In 2012... That Will Reach Zenith In 2016? I_icon_minitimeThu May 30, 2013 8:25 am

luke21:34 ¶And take heed to yourselves, lest at any time your hearts be overcharged with surfeiting, and drunkenness, and cares of this life, and so that day come upon you unawares.
35 For as a snare shall it come on all them that dwell on the face of the whole earth.
36 Watch ye therefore, and pray always, that ye may be accounted worthy to escape all these things that shall come to pass, and to stand before the Son of man.
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ZENITH 2016 - PART 7 Did Something Begin In 2012... That Will Reach Zenith In 2016? Empty
PostSubject: Re: ZENITH 2016 - PART 7 Did Something Begin In 2012... That Will Reach Zenith In 2016?   ZENITH 2016 - PART 7 Did Something Begin In 2012... That Will Reach Zenith In 2016? I_icon_minitime

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ZENITH 2016 - PART 7 Did Something Begin In 2012... That Will Reach Zenith In 2016?
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