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 ZENITH 2016 - Part 4 Something Began In 2012 That Will Zenith In 2016?

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ZENITH 2016 - Part 4 Something Began In 2012 That Will Zenith In 2016? Empty
PostSubject: ZENITH 2016 - Part 4 Something Began In 2012 That Will Zenith In 2016?   ZENITH 2016 - Part 4 Something Began In 2012 That Will Zenith In 2016? I_icon_minitimeTue May 21, 2013 9:49 am

ZENITH 2016 - Part 4
Something Began In 2012
That Will Zenith In 2016?

ZENITH 2016 - Part 4 Something Began In 2012 That Will Zenith In 2016? Babylontower

The most penetrating response I received on the question of whether Obama could be the Antichrist came from Douglas W. Krieger, Dene McGriff, and S. Douglas Woodward when I learned of their scholarly argument (due out in book form in 2013 under the title “The Final Babylon”). Drawing upon historical comparisons between the current administration’s rise to power and that of the Third Reich, the following excerpt is used by permission and should be required reading by Christians in particular: We begin by proposing a troubling issue for the reader’s consideration: If Antichrist were to be revealed in America, would the faithful recognize him? Would Americans committed to spiritual values miss the same clues disclosing Antichrist’s true nature as did the Germans with Hitler? There is little doubt that if a figure paraded himself in front of the American people resembling an easily stereotyped leader of the Third Reich—with a mousy moustache, an armband, and wearing a brown shirt—his character and agenda would be obvious to almost everyone. Mounting the podium with an emotional appeal to our national loyalty, the adamant display of venom and vitriol against the enemies of the State, the promise of the restoration of our American “empire” through a continuing buildup of military might, the stark name calling identifying an appropriate scapegoat to fault for our problems—all of these factors would, at best, betray a would-be antichrist figure as a false messiah—or at worst, spotlight an artless actor who undoubtedly took us for fools.

ZENITH 2016 - Part 4 Something Began In 2012 That Will Zenith In 2016? Zenith-7

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