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 SPRING'S === 11-10-2017 MANDATORY VACCINES & Assange& VAULT 8 & Ozone Layer Collapse & Survive Dog Attack

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PostSubject: SPRING'S === 11-10-2017 MANDATORY VACCINES & Assange& VAULT 8 & Ozone Layer Collapse & Survive Dog Attack   SPRING'S === 11-10-2017 MANDATORY VACCINES & Assange& VAULT 8 & Ozone Layer Collapse & Survive Dog Attack I_icon_minitimeFri Nov 10, 2017 9:02 am


The fight against medical tyranny is just beginning

Rob Dew & Jake Lloyd | - NOVEMBER 9, 2017

Last edited by spring2 on Fri Nov 10, 2017 9:50 am; edited 2 times in total
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PostSubject: Muslim New Jersey Mayor-Bhalla believes very strong in adherence to the Quran   SPRING'S === 11-10-2017 MANDATORY VACCINES & Assange& VAULT 8 & Ozone Layer Collapse & Survive Dog Attack I_icon_minitimeFri Nov 10, 2017 9:17 am

  • UPDATE: Muslim New Jersey Mayor Has Ties To Radical Islamic Terrorist Cells: Bhalla believes very strong in adherence to the Quran and that it should be the 'cornerstone of every decision made in this or any country.' 

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PostSubject: WHY PREPARE: 'Scientists shocked as fisheries collapse along West Coast   SPRING'S === 11-10-2017 MANDATORY VACCINES & Assange& VAULT 8 & Ozone Layer Collapse & Survive Dog Attack I_icon_minitimeFri Nov 10, 2017 9:18 am

  • 'Scientists shocked as fisheries collapse along West Coast — 'It’s the worst we’ve seen… they’re starving' — Death rates skyrocket, no babies being born — Fish stocks at all-time record lows 

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PostSubject: Preparedness allows us to exert a certain amount of control over what happens to us.   SPRING'S === 11-10-2017 MANDATORY VACCINES & Assange& VAULT 8 & Ozone Layer Collapse & Survive Dog Attack I_icon_minitimeFri Nov 10, 2017 9:20 am

November 10, 2017 danama
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PostSubject: Re: SPRING'S === 11-10-2017 MANDATORY VACCINES & Assange& VAULT 8 & Ozone Layer Collapse & Survive Dog Attack   SPRING'S === 11-10-2017 MANDATORY VACCINES & Assange& VAULT 8 & Ozone Layer Collapse & Survive Dog Attack I_icon_minitimeFri Nov 10, 2017 9:22 am


“Hive provides a covert communications platform for a whole range of CIA malware…”

[size=17]Mikael Thalen | - NOVEMBER 9, 2017[/size]




WikiLeaks began publishing the source code of alleged CIA hacking tools Thursday in a new series dubbed “Vault 8.”

The source code, according to a press release from the anti-secrecy organization, is intended to “enable investigative journalists, forensic experts and the general public to better identify and understand covert CIA infrastructure components.”

“Source code published in this series contains software designed to run on servers controlled by the CIA,” WikiLeaks writes, stressing that the material does not contain 0-day or undisclosed vulnerabilities that could be utilized by others.

Hive, the first tool featured in Vault 8, aids the agency in controlling malware installed on target devices.

“Even the most sophisticated malware implant on a target computer is useless if there is no way for it to communicate with its operators in a secure manner that does not draw attention,” WikiLeaks writes. “Using Hive even if an implant is discovered on a target computer, attributing it to the CIA is difficult by just looking at the communication of the malware with other servers on the internet.”

“Hive provides a covert communications platform for a whole range of CIA malware to send exfiltrated information to CIA servers and to receive new instructions from operators at the CIA.”

SPRING'S === 11-10-2017 MANDATORY VACCINES & Assange& VAULT 8 & Ozone Layer Collapse & Survive Dog Attack Hive-e1510261163897

Details on Hive were first revealed last April as part of WikiLeaks’ release of CIA hacking tool documentation known as Vault 7.

While the source code for Hive is unlikely to do little more than assist forensics analysts, the code for more powerful tools in Vault 7, if released, could potentially enable malicious attackers.

These latest leaks, likely from the same source as the Vault 7 files, are believed to have originated from a CIA employee or contractor.

In April of last year it was learned that a joint investigation by the FBI and CIA had begun looking into hundreds of agency members who would have had access to the material.

That same month CIA Director Mike Pompeo criticized WikiLeaks and its founder Julian Assange during his first public speech as head of the agency.

“Assange and his ilk make common cause with dictators today,” Pompeo said at the time. “Yes, they try unsuccessfully to cloak themselves and their actions in the language of liberty and privacy; in reality, however, they champion nothing but their own celebrity. Their currency is clickbait; their moral compass, nonexistent.”

Although then-presidential candidate Donald Trump repeatedly praised WikiLeaks during his campaign, reports claimed last April that Trump’s Justice Department had prepared charges seeking the arrest of WikiLeaks founder Julian Assange.

While Attorney General Jeff Sessions appeared to hint at the alleged charges during a press conference that month, Assange’s lawyer, Barry Pollack, stated that the Department of Justice has not attempted to make contact.

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PostSubject: VIDEO:Ozone Layer Collapse, A Former NASA Contract Engineer Warns Of Planetary Omnicide ( Dane Wigington ) MUST LISTEN    SPRING'S === 11-10-2017 MANDATORY VACCINES & Assange& VAULT 8 & Ozone Layer Collapse & Survive Dog Attack I_icon_minitimeFri Nov 10, 2017 9:25 am

  • VIDEO:Ozone Layer Collapse, A Former NASA Contract Engineer Warns Of Planetary Omnicide ( Dane Wigington ) MUST LISTEN 

Last edited by spring2 on Fri Nov 10, 2017 9:33 am; edited 1 time in total
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PostSubject: WINTER (PREPARE)    SPRING'S === 11-10-2017 MANDATORY VACCINES & Assange& VAULT 8 & Ozone Layer Collapse & Survive Dog Attack I_icon_minitimeFri Nov 10, 2017 9:30 am

The first Arctic blast of the year is here, and it's about to get ass-cold, folks

SPRING'S === 11-10-2017 MANDATORY VACCINES & Assange& VAULT 8 & Ozone Layer Collapse & Survive Dog Attack Uschill
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PostSubject: Julian Assange – NO ONE has any faith left in EU or the US “justice” systems.   SPRING'S === 11-10-2017 MANDATORY VACCINES & Assange& VAULT 8 & Ozone Layer Collapse & Survive Dog Attack I_icon_minitimeFri Nov 10, 2017 9:32 am


Julian Assange – NO ONE has any faith left in EU or the US “justice” systems.
By The Phaser | November 10, 2017

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PostSubject: Antarctic Supervolcano Is Melting The Ice-Caps From Within   SPRING'S === 11-10-2017 MANDATORY VACCINES & Assange& VAULT 8 & Ozone Layer Collapse & Survive Dog Attack I_icon_minitimeFri Nov 10, 2017 9:35 am

“This Is Crazy” – Antarctic Supervolcano Is Melting The Ice-Caps From Within
Tyler Durden
November 10th, 2017
Zero Hedge

This report was originally published by Tyler Durden at Zero Hedge
SPRING'S === 11-10-2017 MANDATORY VACCINES & Assange& VAULT 8 & Ozone Layer Collapse & Survive Dog Attack Antarctica
As we’ve pointed out, the supervolcano phenomenon is hardly unique to Yellowstone National Park, where a long dormant volcano with the potential to cause a devastating eruption has been rumbling since mid-summer, making some scientists uneasy.
Surprisingly active supervolcanos have been documented in Italy, North Korea and, now, Antarctica after scientists at NASA’s Jet Propulsion Laboratory (JPL) have found new evidence to support a theory that the breakup of Antarctic ice may be caused in part by a massive geothermal heat source, with output close to the scale of Yellowstone National Park.
Of course, if accurate, this theory would help rebut the notion that man-made climate change is in part responsible for the melting ice, Russia Today reports.
A geothermal heat source called a mantle plume, a hot stream of subterranean molten rock that rises through the Earth’s crust, may explain the breathing effect visible on Antarctica’s Marie Byrd Land and elsewhere along the massive ice sheet.
While the mantle plume is not a new discovery, the recent research indicates it may explain why the ice sheet collapsed in a previous era of rapid climate change 11,000 years ago, and why the sheet is breaking up so quickly now.
Quote :
“I thought it was crazy. I didn’t see how we could have that amount of heat and still have ice on top of it,” said Hélène Seroussi of NASA’s Jet Propulsion Laboratory in Pasadena, California.
Seroussi and Erik Ivins of JPL used the Ice Sheet System Model (ISSM), a mathematical depiction of the physics of ice sheets developed by scientists at JPL and the University of California, Irvine. Seroussi then tweaked the ISSM to hunt for natural heat sources as well as meltwater deposits.
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This warm water lubricates the ice sheet from below, allowing glaciers to slide off into the sea. Studying meltwater in western Antarctica may allow scientists to estimate how much ice will be lost in future.
During their initial work, Seroussi and Ivins created simulations using higher heat flows than 150 milliwatts per square meter, which did not align with their space-based readings, except for one area: The Ross Sea.

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Quote :

SPRING'S === 11-10-2017 MANDATORY VACCINES & Assange& VAULT 8 & Ozone Layer Collapse & Survive Dog Attack H4_uLagc_normalRT 


[ltr]Scientists to study 120,000yo ecosystem uncovered after 1tn-ton iceberg break (PHOTOS) [/ltr]
4:20 PM - Oct 10, 2017

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Their calculations showed that, in certain sections of the sea, a heat flow of at least 150-180 milliwatts was required to create sufficient meltwater flows that matched with observations. They now believe the mantle plume is responsible for these higher-than-average readings.
The Marie Byrd Land mantle plume formed 50 to 110 million years ago, predating the Western Antarctic ice sheet. The mantle plume theory was initially proposed 30 years ago, but it’s not the only theory. Another posits that the sheer weight of the ice sheets causes melting deep below the surface.[/size]
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PostSubject: Nuke Cloud Over Europe Tied to Illegal Ukraine Arsenal Explosion   SPRING'S === 11-10-2017 MANDATORY VACCINES & Assange& VAULT 8 & Ozone Layer Collapse & Survive Dog Attack I_icon_minitimeFri Nov 10, 2017 9:44 am

VETERANS TODAY Was Right, Nuke Cloud Over Europe Tied to Illegal Ukraine Arsenal Explosion

 Gordon Duff, Senior Editor

November 10, 2017

March 25, 2017 nuclear detonation at Ukraine arms depot (time mark 2:00 onward)
Introduction by Gordon Duff, Senior Editor
The Sputnik News story, censored in the West, tells of a nuclear cloud over europe, confirmed by the French IRSN (Nuclear Safety Institute). The Guardian called the cloud “harmless.”
Nobody knows where the radioactive cloud comes from despite a planet ringed with radiation tracking satellites and a massive network of monitoring stations that came online in the wake of the Chernobyl disaster of 1986.
The blame game, as with staged Syrian gas attacks, on the victims of course.  What is the truth?  Ukraine has kept nuclear weapons and one cooked off at 2:06 in the video above.
When the story was first on VT, March 25, 2017, YouTube videos hit immediately.  However, aggressive censorship at orders of the Google Jigsaw group headed by Jared Cohen, the man we allege planned and executed the 2014 Ukraine coup, pinched off the story or at least tried to.
Google is the biggest threat to press freedom in world history, mark my words.  Google’s covert policy of supporting regime change and their clandestine military organization, operating in dozens of nations, have long been targeted by VT.
The truth is simple, Ukraine kept nuclear weapons, many of which are dangerous, having been poorly serviced, now unstable and as you can see, with disabled safety mechanisms.  We allege that these weapons have been used against Donesk and even offered for sale to Iran and Saudi Arabia as well.
Below we include the March 2017 story and our Feb 13, 2015 story busting Kiev for using the nukes they so often claim don’t exist. (See Addendum I)
We are currently following more stories involving Ukraine and Georgia using local assets, stories that will soon reveal the use of biological agents and a possible planned use of a genetically targetable biological weapon against Russia as well.
The following is from a Russia Today (banned in US as an agency of a foreign government) story outlining President Putin’s reaction to what he has deemed a biological warfare threat by the US against Russia tied to the collection of genetic material that could be used for weapons research:
“Images are one thing, but do you know that biological material is being collected all over the country, from different ethnic groups and people living in different geographical regions of the Russian Federation? The question is – why is it being done? It’s being done purposefully and professionally. We are a kind of object of great interest,” Putin told the Council.
He never specified who was behind the shady dealings in Russians’ biological samples.
While the Russian president’s claims may sound like the stuff from X-Files, it’s actually grounded in fact.
In July, the US Air Force Air Education and Training Command issued a tender on FedBizOpps, a US government website, seeking to acquire samples of ribonucleic acid (RNA) and synovial fluid from Russians. All samples – 12 of RNA and 27 of synovial fluid –“shall be collected from Russia and must be Caucasian,” the tender said. What exactly was meant by ‘Caucasian’ is open to interpretation. It also wants information on the donor’s sex, age, ethnicity, weight, height and medical history. Notably, the Air Force said, it would not consider tissue samples from Ukraine.
While such samples might be needed for purely medical research purposes, wanting only Russian tissue samples specifically, is what sent speculations into overdrive.
Is the Pentagon working on a biological weapon to target Russians? Perhaps unlikely speculated Franz Klintsevich, the first deputy chairman of the Federation Council’s Committee for Defense and Security, but adding that it’s a scenario that cannot be totally ignored. 
“I’m not saying that it is about preparing a biological war against Russia. But its scenarios, are, no doubt, being worked on. That is to say, in case the need arises,“  Klintsevich wrote on Facebook, referring to Putin’s revelations.
He went on to note that he believes the Russian President’s pronouncement of the practice was for good reason, claiming that although such practices has been well-known, it has taken on a “shameless” scale recently.
We begin, From Sputnik News, November 9, 2017:

Kazakhstan, Russia Refute Claims They’re Source of Nuclear Cloud in Europe

French nuclear safety institute IRSN has reported that a cloud of radioactive pollution over Europe in recent weeks was the result of a nuclear accident in Russia or Kazakhstan.
Kazakh authorities have denied the recent allegations that a nuclear pollution cloud detected in Europe could have resulted from an accident at a nuclear facility in the country.
“A radioactive cloud? We’ve registered nothing like that. We don’t know anything about it. Our monitoring systems have not spotted a nuclear pollution cloud. We’ve had no reports about the issue,” Timur Zhantinkin, deputy head of the radioactive monitoring committee at the Kazakhstan Energy Ministry, told Sputnik Kazakhstan.
The emergencies committee has also denied the information.
“We’ve contacted each of our reginal departments and they haven’t confirmed this information,” committee spokesperson Ruslan Imankulov said.
Sputnik International has reached out to Rosatom, the regulator of the Russian nuclear sector. The company responded, saying that there is nothing to comment on because “everything has already been said.”
Rosatom referred to its earlier statement when the first reports of a nuclear pollution cloud in Europe started to emerge. On October 11, the company denied the claims that the source of the nuclear pollution was likely to be located in the southern Urals, in Russia.
“All energy blocks in every Russian nuclear power plant were working and are currently working under normal conditions and carrying out their scheduled load. No technical problems or safety rules violations have been reported. The radiation environment at all facilities is normal,” the statement read.
Earlier in the day, Reuters reported citing the IRSN that a cloud of radioactive pollution over Europe in September and October could have resulted from an accident south of the Ural mountains and between the Urals and the Volga River, which could indicate Russia or Kazakhstan.
The IRSN has also ruled out an accident in a nuclear reactor, suggesting it was likely to be in a nuclear fuel treatment or center for radioactive medicine. Ruthenium-106 particles were detected in several countries in concentrations not harmful to human health and the environment, according to the report. The particles disappeared from France in mid-October.
[Editor’s note from March 2017: There is always the desire for fetzerian types to find something dramatic but fictional that will encourage readership and inspire conspiracies.  As a non-commercial news organization, VT would like to entertain but has chosen to resist.  Thus, when the opportunity came up, we kept silent on what we saw in Ukraine until Jeff Smith, the real professional, met with other nuclear physicists, and came up with a theory.  
Remember, this is a theory based on very real expertise in nuclear fission/fusion and weapons detection and, moreover, a history of working in nuclear non-proliferation with Russia/Ukraine/Iran and others during this period.
We assert that a nuclear weapon went off in Ukraine and more than one may have “fizzled.”  Our expertise indicates that this is possible and expert observation says at least one device went critical.
Our knowledge, based on CIA and IAEA access at highest security levels gives us the reasons listed below which we assert.  This is not proven but were we to fail to “assert,” it would be worse than not stating what we know.
Either way, we have nothing to gain.  Enjoy the ride… Gordon ]


SPRING'S === 11-10-2017 MANDATORY VACCINES & Assange& VAULT 8 & Ozone Layer Collapse & Survive Dog Attack ScreenHunter-116-640x317
2.06 into video, nuclear flash and mushroom cloud
…by  Ian Greenhalgh and Jeff Smith
As Jim Dean reported earlier this week, there was a spectacular series of explosions at an ammunition dump in the Ukrainian city of Balakleya, in territory held by the Kiev government.

The cause of the holocaust has been attributed to sabotage and the finger of blame has been pointed at Russia, however as of yet, no evidence of sabotage or Russian involvement has been forthcoming.

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PostSubject: How To Survive A Dog Attack   SPRING'S === 11-10-2017 MANDATORY VACCINES & Assange& VAULT 8 & Ozone Layer Collapse & Survive Dog Attack I_icon_minitimeFri Nov 10, 2017 9:49 am

How To Survive A Dog Attack
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PostSubject: NEVER FORGET: THE US GOV’T CARRIED OUT THE LARGEST CHURCH MASSACRE—24 YEARS AGO, IN TEXAS   SPRING'S === 11-10-2017 MANDATORY VACCINES & Assange& VAULT 8 & Ozone Layer Collapse & Survive Dog Attack I_icon_minitimeFri Nov 10, 2017 9:52 am’t_Carried_Out_the_Largest_Church_Massacre—24_Years_Ago%2C_In_Texas/61590/0/38/38/Y/M.html


The mainstream media has completely forgotten about the deadliest church massacre in history, the one the US government carried out in Waco, Texas.
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PostSubject: REHASH:: NEW HERBICIDE ACCIDENTLY KILLS 3.6 MILLION ACRES OF CROPS   SPRING'S === 11-10-2017 MANDATORY VACCINES & Assange& VAULT 8 & Ozone Layer Collapse & Survive Dog Attack I_icon_minitimeFri Nov 10, 2017 9:54 am



Monsanto thought they had developed an amazing scheme to corner the Midwest farming market when they developed new genetically engineered seeds that were resistant to their new herbicide called dicamba.  The resistance of Monsanto's new magical seed crops to dicamba meant that the herbicide could be sprayed liberally by farmers to eradicate weeds and boost yields.
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PostSubject: Re: SPRING'S === 11-10-2017 MANDATORY VACCINES & Assange& VAULT 8 & Ozone Layer Collapse & Survive Dog Attack   SPRING'S === 11-10-2017 MANDATORY VACCINES & Assange& VAULT 8 & Ozone Layer Collapse & Survive Dog Attack I_icon_minitimeFri Nov 10, 2017 11:34 am

Anyone else notice the sudden uptick in false flags news, disaster news, earth changes news, just plain old bad news in general the past few weeks? It's been bad before but never anything like it's been lately.

What was that verse that said something about the wearing down of the saints? Yeshua - we need you badly! Please don't tarry too long. We can't fix this! You on the other hand can, and it's prophesied that You will, and our hope is completely in You.


Like a Star @ heaven Like a Star @ heaven Like a Star @ heaven Like a Star @ heaven Like a Star @ heaven Like a Star @ heaven Like a Star @ heaven Like a Star @ heaven Like a Star @ heaven Like a Star @ heaven Like a Star @ heaven Like a Star @ heaven Like a Star @ heaven Like a Star @ heaven Like a Star @ heaven Like a Star @ heaven Like a Star @ heaven Like a Star @ heaven Like a Star @ heaven Like a Star @ heaven Like a Star @ heaven Like a Star @ heaven Like a Star @ heaven Like a Star @ heaven Like a Star @ heaven Like a Star @ heaven Like a Star @ heaven Like a Star @ heaven Like a Star @ heaven Like a Star @ heaven Like a Star @ heaven

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PostSubject: **!!!BOMBSHELL science paper documents the depopulation chemical covertly spiked into vaccines!!!**   SPRING'S === 11-10-2017 MANDATORY VACCINES & Assange& VAULT 8 & Ozone Layer Collapse & Survive Dog Attack I_icon_minitimeFri Nov 10, 2017 5:14 pm
BOMBSHELL science paper documents the depopulation chemical covertly spiked into vaccines

(Natural News) Just days after the release of a jaw-dropping video lecture called the Science Agenda to Exterminate Blacks, a bombshell science paper has emerged that confirms the use of covert sterilization chemicals in World Health Organization vaccines deployed in Africa. Entitled, “HCG Found in WHO Tetanus Vaccine in Kenya Raises Concern in the Developing World,” the paper documents the covert deployment of an infertility chemical in vaccines that are administered to young black women in Kenya:
Oller, J.W., Shaw, C.A., Tomljenovic, L., Karanja, S.K., Ngare, W., Clement, F.M. and Pillette, J.R. (2017), HCG Found in WHO Tetanus Vaccine in Kenya Raises Concern in the Developing World. Open Access Library Journal, 4: e3937.

The paper confirms exactly what Natural News reported earlier in the week: That a covert depopulation program is being run by the World Health Organization, targeting Africans for extermination via infertility chemicals administered under the guise of “vaccines.” These vaccines, notably, contain chemicals that are administered without the informed consent of the women being injected. In fact, the women are deliberately lied to and told the injections are meant to “protect your health.” But the real reason for the shots is to exterminate blacks in the name of “science” and “medicine.”
I’ve detailed all this in this powerful one-hour lecture that’s already getting rave reviews across the ‘net. Watch the full lecture below, and visit for more coverage of race-targeted extermination efforts being waged today under the banners of “science” and “medicine.”

GreenMedInfo nails it in story by Jafferey Jaxen

A solid analysis of all this comes from Jafferey Jaxen writing for GreenMedInfo. That story, republished here with credit, is entitled, “CAUGHT: WHO’s Anti-fertility Vaccination Program Chronicled In New Paper.”
Has the World Health Organization (WHO) been purposely misleading women in developing countries into thinking they are protecting them and their future children from tetanus while in fact robbing women of their fertility and the very children they wanted to protect? 
A highly concerning new paper  in The Open Access Library Journal titled, “HCG Found in WHO Tetanus Vaccine in Kenya Raises Concern in the Developing World.” The implications of the information contained within this paper, if true, have the potential to shift paradigms and threaten the hegemony of global organizations who are ostensibly concerned about the health and welfare of the world’s populations. What findings can threaten to do such a thing?
To understand the full breadth of the findings, it is first important to know some key historical facts. The World Health Organization was established in 1945 and immediately embraced the tenet of family planning, which was later referred to as “planned parenthood as a necessity for world health.”
Around 1972, the commenced. The WHO birth-control vaccine involved linking the tetanus toxoid (TT) with the beta portion of the human pregnancy hormone chorionic gonadotropin (hCG). This combination directs the immune system to produce antibodies not only against TT but also against hCG, causing miscarriages in already pregnant recipients and infertility in those not yet pregnant. The results were announced and celebrated by WHO researchers as the first “anti-fertility” vaccine in 1976 during a meeting of the US National Academy of Sciences.
Around the same time, , also known as the Kissinger Report, became official US policy in 1975, calling for reducing the population grown in “less developed countries” to near zero by means of “reducing fertility.”
Fast forward to 2010 when Bill Gates, whose father headed up Planned Parenthood after WWII, and the Bill and Melinda Gates Foundation  they would be committing $10 billion to help accomplish the WHO population reduction goals in part with “new vaccines.” One month later, Gates appeared in his now infamous  where he made the statement:
Quote :
“The world today has 6.8 billion people. That’s headed up to about 9 billion. Now, if we do a really great job on new vaccines, healthcare, reproductive health services, we could lower that by, perhaps, 10 or 15 percent.”
Fast forward again to 2014 when the Kenya Conference of Bishops (KCCB) issued a press release that made mainstream news, alleging that the WHO was secretly using its birth-control vaccine during its anti-tetanus vaccination campaign in Kenya from 2013 to 2015. Was there proof, beyond the long history of questionable policies, statements, and actions by the WHO and its financier?
SPRING'S === 11-10-2017 MANDATORY VACCINES & Assange& VAULT 8 & Ozone Layer Collapse & Survive Dog Attack Chronology_events.jpg
The new paper in The Open Access Library Journal by authors from the US, Canada, and Kenya lays out multiple smoking guns to back up the KCCB’s accusations from 2014.
The first of many smoking guns implicating the WHO in a mass sterilization program was found by conscientious health professionals working in conjunction with independent labs. The paper’s authors write:
Quote :
“Three independent Nairobi accredited biochemistry laboratories tested samples from vials of the WHO tetanus vaccine being used in March 2014 and found hCG where not should be present. In October 2014, 6 additional vials were obtained by Catholic doctors and were tested in 6 accredited laboratories. Again, hCG was found in half the samples.”
Another smoking gun was that the Kenya Ministry of Health and officials speaking on behalf of the WHO were to “eliminate maternal and neonatal tetanus” only. No males were vaccinated within the WHO’s campaign, and the target was only females between the ages of 12 to 49 years. Yet there is no good reason to attempt to prevent tetanus only in females of childbearing age, because males and older females can also develop tetanus from contaminated puncture wounds.  Furthermore, maternal and neonatal tetanus following childbirth can be prevented by hygienic obstetric practices.
Then the paper’s authors chronicle the third smoking gun: “Interestingly, the dosing schedule for the “tetanus” campaign in Kenya 2013-2015 was exactly the one set for the WHO birth-control conjugate containing TT/βhCG.” A typical vaccination schedule for neonatal tetanus prevention would have been different.
SPRING'S === 11-10-2017 MANDATORY VACCINES & Assange& VAULT 8 & Ozone Layer Collapse & Survive Dog Attack Tetanus_vaccine_kenya_fertility(1)
Whistleblowers associated with the Catholic Church and pro-life groups have raised multiple suspicions since at least the early 1990s that the WHO was conducting anti-fertility campaigns under the guise of their worldwide projects to “eliminate maternal and neonatal tetanus.” If all these previous suspicions are also true, has the WHO been committing the same fraud many times over? Has the WHO been purposely misleading women in developing countries into thinking they are protecting them and their future children from tetanus while in fact robbing women of their fertility and the very children they wanted to protect? And what will stop them from doing so in the future?
Read the entire study here:
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PostSubject: declared a B.S. story   SPRING'S === 11-10-2017 MANDATORY VACCINES & Assange& VAULT 8 & Ozone Layer Collapse & Survive Dog Attack I_icon_minitimeFri Nov 10, 2017 5:20 pm

declared a B.S. story

Muslim Sikh NJ Mayor Just Abolished Christmas ‘to Respect Other Religions’ (Video)
Friday, November 10, 2017 4:19

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PostSubject: 'Fear Is Everywhere' In Hollywood As The MSM Covers Up The Sex Scandals Within Their Own News Outlets   SPRING'S === 11-10-2017 MANDATORY VACCINES & Assange& VAULT 8 & Ozone Layer Collapse & Survive Dog Attack I_icon_minitimeFri Nov 10, 2017 5:22 pm

November 10, 2017

'Fear Is Everywhere' In Hollywood As The MSM Covers Up The Sex Scandals Within Their Own News Outlets

- The 'Morally Superior' Elite Get Their Self-Created Pedestals Ripped Right Out From Under Them 

By Susan Duclos - All News PipeLine

Paranoia is running rampant throughout Hollywood and the Media industry with everyone wondering who is next to be named and shamed in the court of public opinion, rather than through due process in a court of law, and now we learn publicists are limiting access to celebrities, because Hollywood’s newest art form is "laying low and saying little" for fear of having the spotlight shine on them. 

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We will start with Hollyood because every day we are seeing new accusations come out against yet another Hollywood star, with Breitbart's total now hitting 73, claims ranging from actual rape and sexual assault to the ambiguous "sexual misconduct," where it appears even an off color joke can potentially end a career, and celebrities that tend to think and act like they are morally superior to the rest of us peons, are finally being exposed as their self-created pedestals are ripped right out from under them.

The Guardian describes the atmosphere in Hollywood as "fear is everywhere."

Quote :
“It’s fear – fear is everywhere.” It was fear of damaging your career – “if you want to survive in Hollywood you don’t want to be known as a troublemaker” – and fear of offending the internet outrage machine, said Asi. “Famous people have to measure every word. You can’t predict how the public or social media may react. Silence is the best protection, your best shield.”

There is fear even of acknowledging the fear. Several industry figures compared the climate to a witch-hunt, another called it Robespierre-style terror, but they declined to be named lest they be seen as insufficiently sympathetic to victims.

It will make for a fraught awards season, said Stone, the blogger. “Publicists are keeping their people quieter than usual, there’s not as much access.”

Immediately following the reports that Harvey Weinstein hired spies to silence his accusers and journalists, a group of women decided to publish a Google document which compiled over 100 allegations against Weinstein going all the way back to the 1980s, detailing cases of rape, assault and harassment and what struck me about the list is how few listed "police report" in the category of "action."

I cannot count the amount of times I have seen or heard a celebrity say "everybody knew," or "it was an open secret," or something along those lines, yet Weinstein continued raping and assaulting women in Hollywood for almost 40 years.

Anyone that dares criticize the women that didn't report it, didn't press charges, and didn't scream bloody murder about it to expose him, that allowed him to continue that behavior for so long, is instantly attacked for "victim shaming."

So be it, they should be ashamed because each person, whether she was a victim or not, or if they "knew" and just never did anything about the rampant abuses, willingly allowed the same thing to happen to the next victim, by not filing a report with the police, which in my mind makes them complicit.

RelatedPublic Figures Who’ve Been Accused of Sexual Misconduct After Harvey Weinstein


Perhaps even more astoundingly is that the media "knew" as well and killed the story as far back as 2004 (Yes, we are talking about you New York Times!), yet now they are the first to report breathlessly on each and every allegation regarding celebrities, most likely because they prefer to shine the spotlight on Hollywood right now to cover up the fact that newsrooms across the nation are in the midst of their own sexual harassment scandal as reports indicate they are receiving "an unprecedented number of tips."

They are seeing a "wave of tips," in fact, so many that they are having a problem deciding what to prioritize which claims to investigate first.

Via CJR:

Quote :
Media reporters are fielding an unprecedented number of tips, making it more tricky than ever to determine which cases to pursue. “For instance, I’ve had people point out a man who allegedly sends drunk text messages to younger women,” says Michael Calderone, senior media reporter at Politico. “It’s something that may be worth pursuing, but at the same time, it seems like there are more egregious allegations out there. It’s important to prioritize the ones you think would be the strongest story.”

Washington Post blogger Erik Wemple says the so-called “Shitty Media Men” list that emerged after the Weinstein reporting opened the floodgates for tipsters sharing names of alleged offenders. “It’s almost I think at the stage where it’s hard to figure out who to pursue next,” he says. “There’s just so many calls about so many men being made.”

Media members listed on the "Sh*tty Media Men" list have already been exposed, and a number of liberal writers, so called "male  feminists"  have already been forced to resign and/or been fired from their publications, yet some of the biggest outlets named in the Media Men list, such as New York Times, Buzzfeed, Wall Street Journal, the New Yorker, etc.... not a peep about those on the list from their outlets, yet they merrily report each new Hollywood allegation.

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As a side note, I do have to mention one of the most astounding quotes from the CJR piece came from Washington Post's Margaret Sullivan, who asserts the MSM should use the same standards to report on their own scandal as when reporting on others, stating "I don’t see this topic as one that requires us to reinvent the rules of ethical journalism. We have to apply the same rules we always do."

I actually laughed out loud when I read a quote from someone at that outlet talking about "ethical journalism" since Wapo doesn't appear to have any standards. Remember they reported a viral story about how Russia hacked the U.S. power grid, then had to correct it before two days later reporting that Russia didn't hack the grid. Wapo also reported on "Russian propaganda" websites, then had to offer corrections that one group they called "experts," "experts" couldn't be vouched for, just to name a couple examples to show that Washington Post has no "standards," nor do they have any "ethics."

The MSM has had no problem since the Weinstein scandal broke, publishing any and all allegations against different celebrities, even those that in no way indicate actual harassment, abuse or rape, yet they are holding themselves to a different standard by refusing to report in the same manner about the wave of allegations within their own industry.

They are protecting MSM sexual abusers, some of which are being accused of outright rape and sexual abuse, just the way Hollywood protected Harvey Weinstein for nearly 40 years.

That makes them just as complicit as those in Hollywood claiming "everybody knew," yet no one did anything about it.


While Hollywood crumbles and the MSM attacks Hollywood to cover up their own sex scandals, we are seeing a slew of reports that establishment politicians are having their own sex scandals revealed in Texas, California, Massachusetts, Kentucky, Florida, Illinois, Oregon, and Kansas.

The issue is so prevalent that it is being reported by NPR that "The House Administration Committee, which oversees operations in the U.S. House, is holding a hearing to review existing training and policies to deal with sexual harassment on Capitol Hill"


Narcissistic celebrities had the audacity to promote video after video to preach morality to the masses, stating clearly that they should use their "fame" to tell people who to vote for, while the MSM used their mighty keyboards to attempt to do the same thing, specifically working to influence the public into doing what the media wanted, trying to control the masses with fake news, outright lies, as they actively and blatantly became the propaganda arm for the Democratic party. Establishment politicians think that once they are elected by the people, they then have the right to be pompously arrogant while insisting they know more about the world than we, who put them in office to supposedly represent us, do.

The commonality here is we are watching people that think and act like they are morally superior to the rest of us become engulfed in scandal upon scandal, most sexual in nature, with accusations ranging from criminal to those that shouldn't even be addressed because they are so silly (such as "flirting") and it is ending careers and bringing down entire industries.

I still maintain that there is someone, perhaps a group, behind these takedowns happening one right on top of another, to members of the "morally superior" elite crowd.

Make no mistake, there is more coming.

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PostSubject: Huge fire at US nuclear plant — “Flames shooting into air… Massive plume of smoke”    SPRING'S === 11-10-2017 MANDATORY VACCINES & Assange& VAULT 8 & Ozone Layer Collapse & Survive Dog Attack I_icon_minitimeFri Nov 10, 2017 5:26 pm

Published: November 9th, 2017 at 4:09 am

TV: Huge fire at US nuclear plant — “Flames shooting into air… Massive plume of smoke” — “Neighbors on high alert… Scary… Very concerning… Don’t panic” — “It just stops you in your tracks when you see it” (VIDEO)

Published: November 9th, 2017 at 4:09 am ET 
By ENENews 



WSOC, Nov 8, 2017 (emphasis added): #BREAKING: Huge transformer fire at McGuire Nuclear Station… sports anchor @philorbanWSOC9 took video of the huge plume of black smoke
WSOC, Nov 8, 2017: #BREAKING @wsoctv a massive plume of smoke from fire at the McGuire Nuclear Stati
on…d: November 9th, 2017 at 4:09 am
SPRING'S === 11-10-2017 MANDATORY VACCINES & Assange& VAULT 8 & Ozone Layer Collapse & Survive Dog Attack McGuireFire

TV: Huge fire at US nuclear plant — “Flames shooting into air… Massive plume of smoke” — “Neighbors on high alert… Scary… Very concerning… Don’t panic” — “It just stops you in your tracks when you see it” (VIDEO)

Published: November 9th, 2017 at 4:09 am ET 

By ENENews 

WSOC, Nov 8, 2017 (emphasis added): #BREAKING: Huge transformer fire at McGuire Nuclear Station… sports anchor @philorbanWSOC9 took video of the huge plume of black smoke…

TV: Huge fire at US nuclear plant — “Flames shooting into air… Massive plume of smoke” — “Neighbors on high alert… Scary… Very concerning… Don’t panic” — “It just stops you in your tracks when you see it” (VIDEO)

Published: November 9th, 2017 at 4:09 am ET 

By ENENews 

WSOC, Nov 8, 2017 (emphasis added): #BREAKING: Huge transformer fire at McGuire Nuclear Station… sports anchor @philorbanWSOC9 took video of the huge plume of black smoke…

WSOC, Nov 8, 2017: #BREAKING @wsoctv a massive plume of smoke from fire at the McGuire Nuclear Station…

WSOC, Nov 8, 2017: MUST WATCH: McGuire Nuclear Station fire

WSOC transcript, Nov 8, 2017: Check out this video if you haven’t seen it yet – this towering black smoke and the flames shooting in the air, this from the nuclear power station in Huntersville… Eyewitness: “It was a little scary to see that much smoke and flames coming from one little area.”… They still don’t know what started it… You couldn’t miss the cloud of charcoal black smoke spiraling into the air… Fire crews raced to the switchyard… Nuclear power plant spokesperson: “We don’t know exactly what caused the fire…. there was some type of equipment failure”… We’re told it took about 4 hours to put that fire out… This fire happened right across the street from the main facility… it’s very concerning…

WSOC transcript, Nov 8, 2017: Neighbors on high alert after fire at McGuire Nuclear Station — Many neighbors who live near the nuclear station were just starting their day when this thick black smoke filled the air near that plant… Many of them say they weren’t worried about living so close to this facility – that is, until now… This was a real wake up call for many people who live close to that McGuire nuclear plant… They weren’t ready for what they saw today… Look at this video — it just stops you in your tracks when you see it…

WCNC, Nov 8, 2017: Don’t worry about the heavy black smoke rising from nuclear power plant, authorities say — Authorities warned the public not to panic over heavy columns of black smoke… Multiple fire crews were on scene…

Charlotte Observer, Nov 8, 2017: The black smoke billowing from the McGuire Nuclear Station early Wednesday was the result of a transformer fire, according to the Huntersville Fire Department…  “We expect to remain on scene for an extended period of time,” officials said. A tanker was also called in from the East Lincoln Fire Department, officials said.

Watch broadcasts here: WSOC | WSOC

Published: November 9th, 2017 at 4:09 am ET 

By ENENews 

WSOC, Nov 8, 2017: MUST WATCH: McGuire Nuclear Station fire
WSOC transcript, Nov 8, 2017: Check out this video if you haven’t seen it yet – this towering black smoke and the flames shooting in the air, this from the nuclear power station in Huntersville… Eyewitness: “It was a little scary to see that much smoke and flames coming from one little area.”… They still don’t know what started it… You couldn’t miss the cloud of charcoal black smoke spiraling into the air… Fire crews raced to the switchyard… Nuclear power plant spokesperson: “We don’t know exactly what caused the fire…. there was some type of equipment failure”… We’re told it took about 4 hours to put that fire out… This fire happened right across the street from the main facility… it’s very concerning…
WSOC transcript, Nov 8, 2017: Neighbors on high alert after fire at McGuire Nuclear Station — Many neighbors who live near the nuclear station were just starting their day when this thick black smoke filled the air near that plant… Many of them say they weren’t worried about living so close to this facility – that is, until now… This was a real wake up call for many people who live close to that McGuire nuclear plant… They weren’t ready for what they saw today… Look at this video — it just stops you in your tracks when you see it…
WCNC, Nov 8, 2017: Don’t worry about the heavy black smoke rising from nuclear power plant, authorities say — Authorities warned the public not to panic over heavy columns of black smoke… Multiple fire crews were on scene…
Charlotte Observer, Nov 8, 2017: The black smoke billowing from the McGuire Nuclear Station early Wednesday was the result of a transformer fire, according to the Huntersville Fire Department…  “We expect to remain on scene for an extended period of time,” officials said. A tanker was also called in from the East Lincoln Fire Department, officials said.

WSOC, Nov 8, 2017: #BREAKING @wsoctv a massive plume of smoke from fire at the McGuire Nuclear Station…

WSOC, Nov 8, 2017: MUST WATCH: McGuire Nuclear Station fire

WSOC transcript, Nov 8, 2017: Check out this video if you haven’t seen it yet – this towering black smoke and the flames shooting in the air, this from the nuclear power station in Huntersville… Eyewitness: “It was a little scary to see that much smoke and flames coming from one little area.”… They still don’t know what started it… You couldn’t miss the cloud of charcoal black smoke spiraling into the air… Fire crews raced to the switchyard… Nuclear power plant spokesperson: “We don’t know exactly what caused the fire…. there was some type of equipment failure”… We’re told it took about 4 hours to put that fire out… This fire happened right across the street from the main facility… it’s very concerning…

WSOC transcript, Nov 8, 2017: Neighbors on high alert after fire at McGuire Nuclear Station — Many neighbors who live near the nuclear station were just starting their day when this thick black smoke filled the air near that plant… Many of them say they weren’t worried about living so close to this facility – that is, until now… This was a real wake up call for many people who live close to that McGuire nuclear plant… They weren’t ready for what they saw today… Look at this video — it just stops you in your tracks when you see it…

WCNC, Nov 8, 2017: Don’t worry about the heavy black smoke rising from nuclear power plant, authorities say — Authorities warned the public not to panic over heavy columns of black smoke… Multiple fire crews were on scene…

Charlotte Observer, Nov 8, 2017: The black smoke billowing from the McGuire Nuclear Station early Wednesday was the result of a transformer fire, according to the Huntersville Fire Department…  “We expect to remain on scene for an extended period of time,” officials said. A tanker was also called in from the East Lincoln Fire Department, officials said.

Published: November 9th, 2017 at 4:09 am ET 
By ENENews 

WSOC, Nov 8, 2017: MUST WATCH: McGuire Nuclear Station fire
WSOC transcript, Nov 8, 2017: Check out this video if you haven’t seen it yet – this towering black smoke and the flames shooting in the air, this from the nuclear power station in Huntersville… Eyewitness: “It was a little scary to see that much smoke and flames coming from one little area.”… They still don’t know what started it… You couldn’t miss the cloud of charcoal black smoke spiraling into the air… Fire crews raced to the switchyard… Nuclear power plant spokesperson: “We don’t know exactly what caused the fire…. there was some type of equipment failure”… We’re told it took about 4 hours to put that fire out… This fire happened right across the street from the main facility… it’s very concerning…
WSOC transcript, Nov 8, 2017: Neighbors on high alert after fire at McGuire Nuclear Station — Many neighbors who live near the nuclear station were just starting their day when this thick black smoke filled the air near that plant… Many of them say they weren’t worried about living so close to this facility – that is, until now… This was a real wake up call for many people who live close to that McGuire nuclear plant… They weren’t ready for what they saw today… Look at this video — it just stops you in your tracks when you see it…
WCNC, Nov 8, 2017: Don’t worry about the heavy black smoke rising from nuclear power plant, authorities say — Authorities warned the public not to panic over heavy columns of black smoke… Multiple fire crews were on scene…
Charlotte Observer, Nov 8, 2017: The black smoke billowing from the McGuire Nuclear Station early Wednesday was the result of a transformer fire, according to the Huntersville Fire Department…  “We expect to remain on scene for an extended period of time,” officials said. A tanker was also called in from the East Lincoln Fire Department, officials said.

Published: November 9th, 2017 at 4:09 am ET 
By ENENews 

Last edited by spring2 on Fri Nov 10, 2017 9:47 pm; edited 1 time in total
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PostSubject: ‘Dinosaur’ shark caught, called a ‘living fossil’ by researchers   SPRING'S === 11-10-2017 MANDATORY VACCINES & Assange& VAULT 8 & Ozone Layer Collapse & Survive Dog Attack I_icon_minitimeFri Nov 10, 2017 5:46 pm

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[size=31]Mysterious ‘dinosaur’ shark caught, called a ‘living fossil’ by researchers[/size]

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Mike Wehner SPRING'S === 11-10-2017 MANDATORY VACCINES & Assange& VAULT 8 & Ozone Layer Collapse & Survive Dog Attack Twitter-blue@MikeWehner
November 10th, 2017 at 2:29 PM
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When the dinosaur-killing asteroid struck the Earth many millions of years ago it spelled doom for countless species, while allowing many others (like mammals) the chance to come out of hiding and gain dominance. However, some creatures were able to carry on largely unaffected by the trauma the space rock wrought, and some even still exist today. The frilled shark is one of those rare animals, and a fishing trawler accidentally snagged one of the very few specimens ever seen by human eyes.
The animal, which was snagged off the coast of Portugal, is considered a “living fossil” by scientists because the species is thought to have remained largely unchanged for the past 80 million years. After it was caught, the commercial fishermen reported their strange catch and the creature was transferred to a research vessel where scientists examined it.
According to the fishermen, the beast measured an impressive five feet in length and had been hauled in from a depth of around 2,300 feet. The odd sharks are thought to live at extreme depths, and have been caught as far as 5,150 feet, which is the primary reason humans very rarely encounter them. Old tales of sailors encountering “sea serpents” may have been inspired by the occasional spotting of the animals, but there’s really no way of knowing
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before its news wrote:
Muslim Sikh NJ Mayor Just Abolished Christmas ‘to Respect Other Religions’ (Video)


Before it's news is a trash web site!!! It's the poster boy for fake and made-up news. Yellow journalism in the highest!

Lets me clear this for those not in the know; Sikh and Muslim are completely different.

Sikh are very peaceful and respect other religions. Muslims on the other hand . . . .

The only thing in common with the two are beards and turbans. That and the fact that they hate each other with a passion!

Hey, during the emergency Oroville evacuation last spring the Sikh's opened up their temple and welcomed and fed, housed, and took care of many of the displaced residents of Oroville. I would be happy to have Sikh families on my block.

Like a Star @ heaven Like a Star @ heaven Like a Star @ heaven Like a Star @ heaven Like a Star @ heaven Like a Star @ heaven Like a Star @ heaven Like a Star @ heaven Like a Star @ heaven Like a Star @ heaven Like a Star @ heaven Like a Star @ heaven Like a Star @ heaven Like a Star @ heaven Like a Star @ heaven Like a Star @ heaven Like a Star @ heaven Like a Star @ heaven Like a Star @ heaven Like a Star @ heaven Like a Star @ heaven Like a Star @ heaven Like a Star @ heaven Like a Star @ heaven Like a Star @ heaven Like a Star @ heaven Like a Star @ heaven Like a Star @ heaven Like a Star @ heaven Like a Star @ heaven Like a Star @ heaven

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PostSubject: Re: SPRING'S === 11-10-2017 MANDATORY VACCINES & Assange& VAULT 8 & Ozone Layer Collapse & Survive Dog Attack   SPRING'S === 11-10-2017 MANDATORY VACCINES & Assange& VAULT 8 & Ozone Layer Collapse & Survive Dog Attack I_icon_minitimeFri Nov 10, 2017 7:09 pm

researcher wrote:
before its news wrote:
Muslim Sikh NJ Mayor Just Abolished Christmas ‘to Respect Other Religions’ (Video)


Before it's news is a trash web site!!! It's the poster boy for fake and made-up news. Yellow journalism in the highest!

They discredited themselves in the first few lines of the story anyway. They stated that he had already decided there wouldn't be Christmas celebration, and then pointed out the new mayor would not even take office until the 29th.
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