been meaning to look this up....he said that the proper way to pronounce israel was yahsharel, and since i am illiterate in hebrew and aramaic and only speak our native language of redneckese, i was going to check him out on it.....names have meanings, so here is what strongs has on the subject:
yashar :conscientious* (1), fittest (1), Jashar (2), just (1), proposal of peace (1), right (35), safe (1), straight (5), upright (51), Upright One (1), uprightly (1), uprightness (1), what (2), what is right (7), what was right (6), which was right (1), who are upright (1), who is upright (1).
and of course,we all know that "el" means God...interesting?...lets see what we have here:
"fittest of God"......"upright of God"....."who are upright of God"......"which was right of God"....."safe of/in God"..."Gods conscientious"
Is Ra El
just something else that keeps bugging me