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 Scientists Create Automated 'Time Machine' to Reconstruct Ancient Languages

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Scientists Create Automated 'Time Machine' to Reconstruct Ancient Languages Empty
PostSubject: Scientists Create Automated 'Time Machine' to Reconstruct Ancient Languages   Scientists Create Automated 'Time Machine' to Reconstruct Ancient Languages I_icon_minitimeThu Feb 14, 2013 2:06 pm

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Scientists Create Automated 'Time Machine' to Reconstruct Ancient Languages

Feb. 11, 2013 — Ancient languages hold a treasure trove of information about the culture, politics and commerce of millennia past. Yet, reconstructing them to reveal clues into human history can require decades of painstaking work. Now, scientists at the University of California, Berkeley, have created an automated "time machine," of sorts, that will greatly accelerate and improve the process of reconstructing hundreds of ancestral languages.
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Scientists Create Automated 'Time Machine' to Reconstruct Ancient Languages Empty
PostSubject: Re: Scientists Create Automated 'Time Machine' to Reconstruct Ancient Languages   Scientists Create Automated 'Time Machine' to Reconstruct Ancient Languages I_icon_minitimeThu Feb 14, 2013 2:59 pm

Science Daily wrote:
Humans' earliest written records date back less than 6,000 years

6000 years! Geee, where have I seen that number pop up before? Oh yeah, something about the creation week, Adam and Eve, and all that. Wink
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Scientists Create Automated 'Time Machine' to Reconstruct Ancient Languages Empty
PostSubject: Re: Scientists Create Automated 'Time Machine' to Reconstruct Ancient Languages   Scientists Create Automated 'Time Machine' to Reconstruct Ancient Languages I_icon_minitimeThu Feb 14, 2013 6:16 pm

No kidding! Our Father's handiwork and proof are all around and yet some people just don't see it. I was watching a Wretched episode and Todd was trying to make a fella see that Not believing a pair of Sunglasses can spontaneously exist itself should be proof enough that creation did not spontaneously exist itself . Both are ludicrous ideas but people still believe it.
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Scientists Create Automated 'Time Machine' to Reconstruct Ancient Languages Empty
PostSubject: Re: Scientists Create Automated 'Time Machine' to Reconstruct Ancient Languages   Scientists Create Automated 'Time Machine' to Reconstruct Ancient Languages I_icon_minitime

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Scientists Create Automated 'Time Machine' to Reconstruct Ancient Languages
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