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 ERUPTION BEGINS!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!! Spain's Canary Islands

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ERUPTION BEGINS!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!! Spain's Canary Islands Empty
PostSubject: ERUPTION BEGINS!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!! Spain's Canary Islands   ERUPTION BEGINS!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!! Spain's Canary Islands I_icon_minitimeSun Sep 19, 2021 1:01 pm

Seismic map Real Time

Volcano Erupts On Spain's Canary Islands Following Earthquake Swarm


SUNDAY, SEP 19, 2021 - 11:55 AM

The Spanish Canary island of La Palma has experienced a volcanic eruption after a swarm of earthquakes had been recorded in the last week. 
Ahead of the eruption, a 3.2-magnitude earthquake was recorded just 300 feet below the surface on Saturday. On Sunday morning, more tremors were felt ahead of the eruption that spewed a large cloud of dust and smoke into the air.

The swarm of earthquakes began around the Cumbre Vieja area on Sept. 11. Since then, more than 6,600 small earthquakes have been registered in the area. We first noted the possibility of eruption last Wednesday when the Volcanological Institute of the Canary Islands (Involcan) said there's reason to believe the seismic swarm is due to magma slowly rising to the surface. 
Last week, local officials reported a sensor at the volcano took a reading of the "highest Helium-3 levels in 30-years." The gas is considered a message from the mantel about future volcanic activity.  
Cumbre Vieja volcano has been the talk of some wild theories, such as, if the eruption is large enough, it could unleash a megatsunami. Steven Ward first explained this theory in research from the Institute of Geophysics and Planetary Physics, University of California, Santa Cruz, California, two decades ago. 
ERUPTION BEGINS!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!! Spain's Canary Islands Mega
The volcano last erupted in 1971, considered one of the most active volcanoe of the Canary Islands.
*This story is developing... 
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PostSubject: La Palma, Canary Islands: seismic crisis Sep 2021 - updates   ERUPTION BEGINS!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!! Spain's Canary Islands I_icon_minitimeSun Sep 19, 2021 1:11 pm
La Palma, Canary Islands: seismic crisis Sep 2021 - updates

On this page, updates on the new volcanic eruption, that followed a strong seismic crisis over 8 days on La Palma Island will be shown youngest first to oldest.
More on La Palma volcano
Quakes under La Palma
See also: IGN monitoring page

Radio Televisión Canaria

Eruption started at 3.15 p.m. local time

Update Sun 19 Sep 2021 15:09
The eruption started at 3.15 p.m. local time (14:15 GMT), 10 minutes after our previous update when we noticed the strong increase in seismic activity.
Just before the eruption, authorities had started to evacuat about 40 people with mobility problems and farm animals from the area where most seismic activity had been. More evacuations are under way.

First video of eruption

Update Sun 19 Sep 2021 14:48
ERUPTION BEGINS!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!! Spain's Canary Islands Lapalma-eruption19sep21
Image of the eruption immediately after it began (image: INVOLCAN / twitter)
The eruption so far seems to be small and there is not much information available yet. The following video was taken immediately after a small vent opened, producing small lava fountains and an ash plume:

La Palma, Canary Islands: new eruption - La Cumbre Vieja volcano erupts for first time since 1971!

Sun, 19 Sep 2021, 14:25
14:25 PM | BY: T

ERUPTION BEGINS!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!! Spain's Canary Islands Seismic-lapalma-19sep21
Increasing seismic activity on La Palma as the volcano erupted (image: IGN)
Following the increasing seismic activity and the previously suspected beginning of tremor, the volcano erupted short time ago - probably much earlier than most expected.
There are not many details yet, but from initial pictures it seems that a fissure opened on the western flank of La Cumbre Vieja, feeding lava fountains and flows, burning forests and farmland.
In the meantime, seismic activity continues to increase by the minute, dominated by volcanic tremor, reflecting the flow of magma to the surface.

More details will follow.

  • All news about: La Palma volcano

  • Information about: La Palma volcano

Intense seismic activity, uplift reaches 15 cm

Update Sun 19 Sep 2021 13:03
ERUPTION BEGINS!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!! Spain's Canary Islands PA_INS_dis_06_060_l
Latest map of uplifted area on La Palma (source: IGN)
IGN confirms that the seismic activity has accelerated in the last hours, with intense surface seismicity between 0 and 6 km and numerous earthquakes felt by the population.
Up to this moment and since the beginning of the series, 6,632 earthquakes have been detected, of which 1,317 have been located. During today, 327 earthquakes have been detected, of which 86 have been located with a maximum magnitude of 3.8 or the earthquake that occurred at 10:16 (UTC), widely felt on the island and with a depth of 2 km.
The maximum accumulated vertical deformation has increased to around 15 cm in the area close to the current seismicity and its distribution is still compatible with a center of pressure in this area.

Strong seismic activity, near continuous tremor

Update Sun 19 Sep 2021 12:59
ERUPTION BEGINS!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!! Spain's Canary Islands PA01_2021-09-19_F2_l
Current seismic signal PA01 station on La Palma (image: IGN)
ERUPTION BEGINS!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!! Spain's Canary Islands PA01_2021-09-19_sp_F2_l
Spectrum of the same signal (image: IGN)
During the past hours, activity has been increasing further. The seismic recordings show continuous ground vibration.
While we are not sure about its origin and the interpretation of these data, it could be volcanic tremor and sign of magma moving underground. If so, the chances of an eruption are now getting even bigger.

La Palma volcano (Canary Islands) activity update: earthquakes intensify

Sun, 19 Sep 2021, 12:53
12:53 PM | BY: T

ERUPTION BEGINS!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!! Spain's Canary Islands Quakes-lapalma19sep21
Earthquakes during the past 24 hours (map) and 7 days (depth vs time graph) under La Palma Island
The seismo-volcanic crisis is intensifying. During the past 24 hours, earthquakes have continued to pick up both in numbers and strength.
The largest so-far quake was a magnitude 3.8 quake at 11:16 local time at 10 km depth, initially reported even as magnitude 4, but later revised. SO far, 5 quakes during the past 24 hours were recorded with magnitudes of 3 or more. All of these were felt by locals.
The increase in seismic activity is likely a sign that magma continues to intrude and push its way into deeper rock layers, thus causing the quakes. Another worrying trend is the general tendency of quakes getting shallower. Altogether, the likelihood of a new volcanic eruption continues to increase.

Is there a threat of a mega-tsunami from La Palma?
Unfortunately, some media outlets are picking up on the potential threat of a "mega-tsunami" that could be caused by an eruption on La Palma and devastate the US east coast... While this certainly is a potential scenario, it should also be said that it is the very worst case, and thus least likely scenario: by all known geological evidence, the current chance of a giant landslide from La Palma is still extremely slim, even should La Palma erupt in the near future.

Nearly all volcanic ocean islands suffer massive collapse events from time to time, and La Palma is no exception. About 560,000 years ago, it had lost a large portion of its southwestern flank during an event referred to by geologists as the Cumbre Nueva landslide, one of the largest known of its kind. It is estimated that major landslide events at La Palma occur every 100,000 years or more, and there is no evidence that the island's edifice is gravitationally unstable at present. Globally, major island-slope failure events that can trigger catastrophic-size tsunamis probably occur only once every 10,000 years or more. During the known history of mankind, no such event is known to have been witnessed.

Unfortunately, the official website of the National Geographic Institute (IGN) is difficult to access to review latest data, most likely from traffic overload.

  • All news about: La Palma volcano

  • Information about: La Palma volcano

Last edited by spring2 on Sun Sep 19, 2021 3:49 pm; edited 1 time in total
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ERUPTION BEGINS!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!! Spain's Canary Islands Empty
PostSubject: Re: ERUPTION BEGINS!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!! Spain's Canary Islands   ERUPTION BEGINS!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!! Spain's Canary Islands I_icon_minitimeSun Sep 19, 2021 1:12 pm
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ERUPTION BEGINS!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!! Spain's Canary Islands Empty
PostSubject: Updated: Sep 19, 2021 17:55 GMT - 36 minutes ago   ERUPTION BEGINS!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!! Spain's Canary Islands I_icon_minitimeSun Sep 19, 2021 1:33 pm

Updated: Sep 19, 2021 17:55 GMT - 36 minutes agoRefresh

La Palma Volcano Volcanic Ash Advisory: ERUPTION AT 20210919/1410Z LAVA FOUNTAINS ONGOING. to 5000 ft (1500 m)
Sun, 19 Sep 2021, 15:30
La Palma volcano update: Live TV from La Palma
Sun, 19 Sep 2021, 14:53
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ERUPTION BEGINS!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!! Spain's Canary Islands Empty
PostSubject: Lava flowing   ERUPTION BEGINS!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!! Spain's Canary Islands I_icon_minitimeSun Sep 19, 2021 3:07 pm

Lava flowing
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ERUPTION BEGINS!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!! Spain's Canary Islands Empty
PostSubject: La Palma volcano eruption update: lava flows cut road, threaten inhabited areas, evacuations ordered   ERUPTION BEGINS!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!! Spain's Canary Islands I_icon_minitimeSun Sep 19, 2021 3:51 pm


La Palma volcano, Canary Islands: news & activity updates
Updated: Sep 19, 2021 20:28 GMT - 18 minutes agoRefresh

La Palma volcano eruption update: lava flows cut road, threaten inhabited areas, evacuations ordered
Sun, 19 Sep 2021, 19:50
ERUPTION BEGINS!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!! Spain's Canary Islands Lapalma-19sep21-2
The eruption on La Palma this evening (image: Canaria TV)

More and more details are emerging from multiple media covering the eruption in great detail. At 4:33 p.m., a second fissure opened, about 100 meters above the first one that opened at 3.15 p.m. Read all
La Palma volcano, Canary Islands erupts: spectacular lava fountains from several vents and lava flows
Sun, 19 Sep 2021, 19:09
ERUPTION BEGINS!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!! Spain's Canary Islands Lapalma19sep21
The eruption site on La Palma's Teneguía volcano this afternoon (image: EFE/ Miguel Calero)

The Teneguía volcano finally erupted after 8 days of intense seismic crisis this afternoon at 3.15pm. At least two eruptive fissures opened in the area of the Montaña Rajada mountains, located in the municipality of El Paso, and started to erupt spectacular lava fountains from at least 7 individual vents. Read all
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ERUPTION BEGINS!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!! Spain's Canary Islands Empty
PostSubject: Re: ERUPTION BEGINS!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!! Spain's Canary Islands   ERUPTION BEGINS!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!! Spain's Canary Islands I_icon_minitimeSun Sep 19, 2021 4:56 pm


BREAKING – ERUPTION BEGINS!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!! Spain's Canary Islands 1f1fa-1f1f8ERUPTION BEGINS!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!! Spain's Canary Islands 26a1ERUPTION BEGINS!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!! Spain's Canary Islands 1f1ea-1f1e6 Three of the five Tsunami Warning Buoys protecting the US east coast are OFFLINE and a fourth is malfunctioning, leaving only ONE buoy in the Atlantic Ocean to warn Americans

            I want to know the thoughts of God. Everything else is just details.
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ERUPTION BEGINS!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!! Spain's Canary Islands Empty
PostSubject: Re: ERUPTION BEGINS!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!! Spain's Canary Islands   ERUPTION BEGINS!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!! Spain's Canary Islands I_icon_minitimeSun Sep 19, 2021 5:03 pm


ERUPTION BEGINS!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!! Spain's Canary Islands E_rggO4VUAIvKGj?format=jpg&name=medium

            I want to know the thoughts of God. Everything else is just details.
            A Miracle is when God makes His Reality our Experience              
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PostSubject: Re: ERUPTION BEGINS!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!! Spain's Canary Islands   ERUPTION BEGINS!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!! Spain's Canary Islands I_icon_minitimeSun Sep 19, 2021 8:43 pm


Terrifying videos: The Cumbre Vieja volcano finally erupts on La Palma after more than 6,600 earthquakes in 8 days

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PostSubject: Re: ERUPTION BEGINS!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!! Spain's Canary Islands   ERUPTION BEGINS!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!! Spain's Canary Islands I_icon_minitimeSun Sep 19, 2021 10:19 pm

Some know things ahead of time:

ERUPTION BEGINS!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!! Spain's Canary Islands E_spE_9VUAEDoz5?format=jpg&name=large

            I want to know the thoughts of God. Everything else is just details.
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PostSubject: Re: ERUPTION BEGINS!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!! Spain's Canary Islands   ERUPTION BEGINS!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!! Spain's Canary Islands I_icon_minitimeMon Sep 20, 2021 9:20 am

ERUPTION BEGINS!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!! Spain's Canary Islands E_vBWiKXIAYBP2R?format=jpg&name=900x900

            I want to know the thoughts of God. Everything else is just details.
            A Miracle is when God makes His Reality our Experience              
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PostSubject: Re: ERUPTION BEGINS!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!! Spain's Canary Islands   ERUPTION BEGINS!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!! Spain's Canary Islands I_icon_minitimeMon Sep 20, 2021 11:00 am

ERUPTION BEGINS!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!! Spain's Canary Islands E_sbQgEWUAMrG8I?format=jpg&name=medium

            I want to know the thoughts of God. Everything else is just details.
            A Miracle is when God makes His Reality our Experience              
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PostSubject: Re: ERUPTION BEGINS!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!! Spain's Canary Islands   ERUPTION BEGINS!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!! Spain's Canary Islands I_icon_minitimeMon Sep 20, 2021 11:10 am

ERUPTION BEGINS!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!! Spain's Canary Islands E_vOKXtXEAYkayy?format=jpg&name=medium

            I want to know the thoughts of God. Everything else is just details.
            A Miracle is when God makes His Reality our Experience              
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ERUPTION BEGINS!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!! Spain's Canary Islands Empty
PostSubject: La Palma volcano eruption update: 5,000 evacuated, hundreds of homes destroyed by flowing lava, surface inflation continues (19cms)   ERUPTION BEGINS!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!! Spain's Canary Islands I_icon_minitimeMon Sep 20, 2021 11:52 am

La Palma volcano eruption update: 5,000 evacuated, hundreds of homes destroyed by flowing lava, surface inflation continues (19cms)

ERUPTION BEGINS!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!! Spain's Canary Islands La-palma-volcano-eruption-full-moon-september-20-2021-696x376
The Spanish Civil Guard evacuated around 5,000 people from their homes last night after a volcanic eruption took place on the Canary Island of La Palma at 3.12pm local time on Montaña Rajada, in the forest area of Cabeza de Vaca in El Paso.
The emergency level was raised to red at 5pm local time, affecting the municipalities of Tazacorte, El Paso, Fuencaliente, Mazo and Los Llanos de Aridane, which are home to a total of around 40,000 people.

The authorities had estimated that as many as 10,000 people might have to be evacuated from their homes, and recommended to residents that they close all windows and exterior doors, close window blinds and turn off their supplies of water, gas and electricity before making their way to the established meeting points.
On Monday morning, the Civil Guard confirmed via a tweet that there were seven roads cut off in both directions due to the eruption. These are the LP301 and LP212 in El Paso, the LP214, LP211 and LP213 in Los llanos de Aridane, the LP105 in San Andrés and the LP2 in Tajuya.
There have been no reported victims or injuries so far, but by Monday morning the local authorities were estimating that lava flows had destroyed around a hundred homes in El Paso.

An exclusion zone of two kilometers was established around the area in order to minimize the impact of airborne particles and gases. The eruption created two fissures that are 200 meters apart, with lava reportedly flowing from eight different points
It is not likely that anyone else will need to be evacuated,” announced the regional premier of the Canary Islands, Ángel Víctor Torres, speaking at a news conference at around 10.30pm local time (one hour behind mainland Spain) last night. “The lava is moving toward the coast and the damage will be material.
Torres explained that some “17 to 20 million cubic meters of lava” was being released in the eruption. “Everything points to there not being new eruption points,” he continued. “There may be some other fissures but the safety of citizens is guaranteed.

Tsunami ruled out… But…

At the moment, a tsunami is RULED OUT. The area that is feared to be causing the tsunami is at the southwestern side of the island (green circled area). We are far from it right now!
ERUPTION BEGINS!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!! Spain's Canary Islands Eruption-vs-potential-megatsunami-La-Palma-1024x1024Location of current eruption (red) vs location of land that could trigger megatsunami on La Palma. Picture via Facebook
As of this moment, with the type of eruption that is ongoing, the megatsunami is RULED OUT.

However, please still be vigilant. If there will be a bigger forceful eruption, that flank may give way. The surface continues to deform, with a current uplift of around 19 cm. Therefore, the scenario of new eruptive fissures opening might be not that unlikely at all.

Surface inflation means that more magma is being stored underground that (can erupt) erupts at the surface – the existing paths are not large enough. The volcano might choose to either enlarge them or create new ones… Maybe in the south?

Eruption could last several weeks to a few months

A small earthquake in the Las Manchas neighborhood in El Paso preceded a huge explosion yesterday afternoon, which was followed by an enormous plume of smoke and the expulsion of airborne fragments known as pyroclasts. The volcano erupted in an uninhabited area of the mountain, and caused a number of small forest fires. The authorities requested that no one approach the area.

The eruption in La Palma could last “several weeks or a few months,” according to the director of the Canaries’ Volcanology Institute, Nemesio Pérez. Speaking this morning on the Cadena SER radio network, he explained that the duration would depend on the amount of magma that had accumulated in the volcano’s “reservoir.”

He added that the emissions of sulfur dioxide from the volcano will need to be studied in order to help determine how long the episode will continue. “The first day we calculated between 6,000 and 9,000 tons, and a falling trend will be indicative of a diminishing eruption,” he explained. “Once 48 hours have passed with no emissions, we can conclude that it has ended.

Spanish Prime Minister Pedro Sánchez, who yesterday canceled a trip to New York for the United Nations General Assembly so that he could travel to La Palma and oversee operations there, will today visit one of the shelters for people who were evacuated from their homes due to the eruption. The center is located in El Fuerte and is being run by the Red Cross. He will be accompanied by the interior minister, Fernando Grande-Marlaska. Sánchez yesterday gave a guarantee that the inhabitants of the affected areas would be safe, and stated that assistance would be expedited for those who have suffered material losses and damage.

The air navigation manager in Spain, Enaire, recommended that no flights land on the island. Airlines have the final say as to whether they fly to La Palma, given that air traffic was not officially closed.

The Canary Islands’ regional premier, Ángel Víctor Torres, said on Monday morning that the volcano had already emitted more than 20,000 tons of sulfur dioxide. The wind conditions, however, meant that this was not forcing the closure of the airport on the island for now.

The mayor of El Paso, Rodríguez Fernández, told EL PAÍS last night that the lava had damaged some houses, but that in principle it “will not be problematic.” He also said that around 350 people were headed last night to the local soccer pitch where they would be staying until the situation was under control. “The area is totally evacuated, it is safe for people but not for infrastructure,” he told the Cadena SER radio network on Monday morning. “The ash is an added danger, but it is difficult to control.” The local education board decided to cancel classes for Monday in El Paso, Los Llanos de Aridane and Tazacorte, according to Canarias Radio.

The eruption followed a series of constant small tremors, known as an earthquake swarm, which began on September 11 in Cumbre Vieja national park in the south of the island. The fast process, which has been releasing large amounts of energy, sparked the eruption in an area that had not been active since 1971.

Facts about the La Palma eruption of September 19, 2021

1. Some numbers

Sulfur dioxide emissions

First estimated amount of sulfur dioxide (SO2) emissions occurring in the plume reached to a 6000-9000 tonnes/day provided by the AEMET.

Lava flow discharge rate

New measurements were also made to provide new parameters of the lava flow discharge rate. The average lava flow discharge rate at the current eruption site is about 0,7 kilometers per hour.

Thermal anomaly

According to MIROVA Detection System a very high thermal anomaly (2828 MW) was detected in satellite images yesterday, but it decreased to 1509 MW today.

2. Why was an eruption expected?

A series of small tremors began to take place on September 11 in southwestern La Palma, under a mountain range known as Cumbre Vieja, leading scientists to believe there could be magma pushing under the surface of the earth.

This seismic activity gradually migrated to the surface: at first the earthquakes were recorded at a depth of 20 kilometers, but in the last two days they were felt only 100 meters underground.

In another sign that magma was forcing its way up, the area had experienced surface displacement, with an accumulated vertical uplift of 15 centimeters on Sunday.

3. Why did it happen now?

The last eruption in La Palma took place almost exactly 50 years ago, in October 1971, when Teneguía volcano spewed lava for around three weeks. That was the last recorded volcanic eruption on land in Spain.

The next time there was any significant seismic activity was in 2017, which marked the beginning of a series of tremors (known as earthquake swarms) over the next years.

But this past week’s activity has been much more intense, and together with the sudden uplift of the ground, it heralded an upcoming eruption.

4. How many earthquakes took place before the eruption?

According to the National Geographic Institute (IGN), the latest earthquake swarm may have contained nearly 7,000 low-intensity tremors.

The current activity is high-intensity and has already released more energy in a few days than what the 2011 underwater eruption of El Hierro released in two months, said IGN director for the Canaries María José Blanco.

5. Why did it happen in that area?

The island of La Palma is very young in geological terms, just around two million years old, although it began forming underwater four million years ago. But there are two clearly differentiated areas on the island: the north is older and more solid, while the south is younger and still forming.

The magma continues to expand the island’s land surface on its southern side. All the volcanic eruptions of recent centuries have taken place in the south: San Juan in 1949 and Teneguía in 1971.

6. Why isn’t there just one volcano?

Eruptions in the Canary Islands tend to take the form of fissures: the earth cracks open and lava, gases and other matter start to come out from several points along it.

David Calvo, from the Canary Islands Volcanology Institute (Involcan), explained that these fissure eruptions are known as “racimadas” in Spanish. “We’ve counted eight for now, but there could be more in the coming hours while others may die down,” he said.

It would be normal to see more points, generally running along a line; as the eruption enters a mature phase, some of these fissures should lose energy and get blocked, and at that point all the lava would come out of a single opening. That is what happened with Teneguía in 1971, and more recently during the underwater eruption of El Hierro.

7. How did scientists know the eruption would take place at that spot?

The scientific community has had measuring stations in the area for years, run by IGN, the Geology and Mining Institute (IGME), local universities and Involcan. That is why it was perfectly possible to measure the earthquake swarms and the ground uplift that preceded the eruption.

In recent days a team of scientists had been brought in with additional equipment to analyze the event.

The European Union’s earth observation satellite program Copernicus also helped determine the surface deformation, and the central government of Spain sent support aircraft to the Canaries to monitor the volcanic activity.

8. How long will the eruption last?

It is hard to say for certain. Historical precedent and volcanic activity in the area suggest it could last several weeks, perhaps even months.

The submarine eruption of Tagoro, off the island of El Hierro, lasted five months, and the 1971 eruption of Teneguía was active for over three weeks.

But it is still too early to know how this latest eruption will develop, how much energy will be released through its various vents, or how many cubic meters of lava are pushing to get out. [El Pais1, VolcanoDiscovery, El Pais 2]

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PostSubject: Re: ERUPTION BEGINS!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!! Spain's Canary Islands   ERUPTION BEGINS!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!! Spain's Canary Islands I_icon_minitimeMon Sep 20, 2021 9:19 pm

13 DECEMBER 2013

Killing off the Canary Islands landslide megatsunami scare

            I want to know the thoughts of God. Everything else is just details.
            A Miracle is when God makes His Reality our Experience              
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PostSubject: COULD THE VOLCANIC ERUPTION IN THE CANARY ISLANDS CREATE A GIANT TSUNAMI THAT HITS THE EAST COAST? -- VIDEO   ERUPTION BEGINS!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!! Spain's Canary Islands I_icon_minitimeTue Sep 21, 2021 12:17 pm


This article was originally published by Michael Snyder at The End of the American Dream. 
ERUPTION BEGINS!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!! Spain's Canary Islands Lapalma-e1631712843458
For 20 years we have been warned that the eruption of a specific volcano in the Canary Islands could cause an absolutely massive tsunami in the Atlantic Ocean, and now that specific volcano in the Canary Islands is violently erupting.  But just because the Cumbre Vieja volcano is erupting, that does not necessarily mean that we will see a tsunami.
In fact, a tsunami will only be generated if the western portion of the volcano collapses and an absolutely gigantic landslide is caused as a result.  In a worst-case scenario, a chunk of real estate the size of Manhattan would detach from the island and slide into the Atlantic Ocean with extreme violence, and the ensuing tsunami would cause death and destruction on a scale that is difficult to fathom.
Needless to say, I will be watching these developments very carefully.  If you have read my last two books, then you already know that I have a particular interest in the potential for mega-tsunamis.
Let us hope that the seismic activity in the Canary Islands fizzles out without any landslide happening.  Because for the last two decades scientists have been warning us about what could potentially happen, and it is really, really bad.  The following comes from Wikipedia…
Quote :
The island of La Palma in the Canary Islands is at risk of undergoing a large landslide, which could cause a tsunami in the Atlantic Ocean. Volcanic islands and volcanoes on land frequently undergo large landslides/collapses, which have been documented in Hawaii for example. A recent example is Anak Krakatau, which collapsed to cause the 2018 Sunda Strait tsunami, claiming hundreds of lives.
Steven N. Ward and Simon Day in a 2001 research article proposed that a Holocene change in the eruptive activity of Cumbre Vieja volcano and a fracture on the volcano that formed during an eruption in 1949 may be the prelude to a giant collapse. They estimated that such a collapse could cause tsunamis across the entire North Atlantic and severely impact countries as far away as North America.
Of course, not all tsunamis are created equal.  After all, there is a world of difference between a tsunami that is only a couple of feet tall and one that is hundreds of feet tall.
So what would a worst-case scenario mean for the countries that border the Atlantic?
Well, according to Ward and Day the coast of Africa could be hit by waves as high as 330 feet tall, and the coast of Florida could be hit by waves as high as 82 feet tall…

  • 2 Minutes: A 900 meters (3,000 ft) thick dome of water rises above the landslide.[38]

  • 5 Minutes: The dome collapses to a height of 500 meters (1,600 ft) as it advances by 50 kilometers (31 mi); additionally, wave valleys form.[38]

  • 10 Minutes: The landslide is now over. Waves reaching heights of 400–600 meters (1,300–2,000 ft) hit the three western Canary Islands.[39]

  • 15 Minutes-60 Minutes: 50–100 meters (160–330 ft) high waves hit Africa. A 500 kilometers (310 mi) wide train of waves advances across the Atlantic.[39]

  • 3–6 Hours: The waves hit South America and Newfoundland, reaching heights of 15–20 meters (49–66 ft) and 10 meters (33 ft), respectively. Spain and England are partially protected by La Palma, thus tsunami waves there only reach 5–7 meters (16–23 ft).[39]

  • 9 Hours: Waves 20–25 meters (66–82 ft) approach Florida; they are not expected to grow farther as they hit the coast.[39]

Since most of Florida is barely above sea level, there would be very little to keep the tsunami wave from sweeping across the entire state.
Needless to say, such a tsunami would also do enormous damage to major cities along the east coast such as Washington, New York, and Boston.

So let us certainly hope that such a scenario does not materialize.
Leading up to the eruption on Sunday, the island of La Palma had been hit by about 1,000 earthquakes in a five-day period.
Scientists knew that an eruption was possible, but the violence with which the Cumbre Vieja volcano has exploded has stunned a lot of people…
Quote :
A volcano on Spain’s Atlantic Ocean island of La Palma erupted Sunday after a weeklong buildup of seismic activity, prompting authorities to evacuate thousands as lava flows destroyed isolated houses and threatened to reach the coast. New eruptions continued into the night.
The Canary Islands Volcanology Institute reported the initial eruption near the southern end of the island, which saw its last eruption in 1971. Huge red plumes topped with black-and-white smoke shot out along the Cumbre Vieja volcanic ridge, which scientists had been closely watching following the accumulation of molten lava below the surface and days of small earthquakes.
Video footage of lava being violently spewed from the volcano has gone viral all over the globe.
We were warned that this could happen someday, and that day has finally arrived.  

Now that the volcano has finally started erupting, the seismic activity could continue for quite some time to come.
In fact, we are being told that previous eruptions have lasted for “weeks or even months”….
Quote :
Itahiza Dominguez, head of seismology of Spain’s National Geology Institute, told Canary Islands Television that although it was too early to tell how long this eruption would last, prior “eruptions on the Canary Islands lasted weeks or even months.”
The good news is that there has not been any sort of a major landslide yet.
But that could change at any time.
So we will want to closely watch this volcano for as long as it is still erupting.
At this hour, lava flows continue to destroy homes as they head for the coast.  About 1,000 island residents have already been evacuated, and it is being reported that 10,000 more may soon need to be evacuated.
If nothing more comes of this disaster, we should be very thankful.
But if a worst-case scenario does materialize, those of you that are living on the east coast will only have about 9 hours to evacuate before a giant tsunami hits.
And if you are sleeping when the tsunami is generated, the amount of warning that you receive may be a whole lot less than that.
Needless to say, highways would be completely jammed up if everyone was trying to escape all at once, and a lot of people simply would not make it.
So let us hope for the best because a giant tsunami hitting the east coast would mean death and destruction on a scale that none of us wants to imagine.
***It is finally here! Michael’s new book entitled “7 Year Apocalypse” is now available in paperback and for the Kindle on Amazon.***
About the Author: My name is Michael Snyder and my brand new book entitled “7 Year Apocalypse” is now available on  In addition to my new book, I have written five others that are available on including  “Lost Prophecies Of The Future Of America”, “The Beginning Of The End”, “Get Prepared Now”, and “Living A Life That Really Matters”. (#CommissionsEarned)  By purchasing the books you help to support the work that my wife and I are doing, and by giving it to others you help to multiply the impact that we are having on people all over the globe.  I have published thousands of articles on The Economic Collapse Blog, End Of The American Dream, and The Most Important News, and the articles that I publish on those sites are republished on dozens of other prominent websites all over the globe.  I always freely and happily allow others to republish my articles on their own websites, but I also ask that they include this “About the Author” section with each article.  The material contained in this article is for general information purposes only, and readers should consult licensed professionals before making any legal, business, financial, or health decisions.  I encourage you to follow me on social media on Facebook and Twitter, and anyway that you can share these articles with others is a great help.  During these very challenging times, people will need hope more than ever before, and it is our goal to share the gospel of Jesus Christ with as many people as we possibly can.

Last edited by spring2 on Tue Sep 21, 2021 2:25 pm; edited 1 time in total
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PostSubject: Re: ERUPTION BEGINS!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!! Spain's Canary Islands   ERUPTION BEGINS!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!! Spain's Canary Islands I_icon_minitimeTue Sep 21, 2021 2:18 pm

            I want to know the thoughts of God. Everything else is just details.
            A Miracle is when God makes His Reality our Experience              
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PostSubject: Re: ERUPTION BEGINS!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!! Spain's Canary Islands   ERUPTION BEGINS!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!! Spain's Canary Islands I_icon_minitimeWed Sep 22, 2021 10:25 am

Canary Islands: Video recorded by the civil guard on La Palma. You can see and hear perfectly how the lava advances

            I want to know the thoughts of God. Everything else is just details.
            A Miracle is when God makes His Reality our Experience              
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PostSubject: UPDATED 3:15 PM EDT -- GETTING WORSE: LaPalma Volcano Update   ERUPTION BEGINS!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!! Spain's Canary Islands I_icon_minitimeWed Sep 22, 2021 12:23 pm

UPDATED 3:15 PM EDT -- GETTING WORSE: LaPalma Volcano Update

there is more @ link
ERUPTION BEGINS!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!! Spain's Canary Islands Lapalm11

It is all the way on the far EASTERN side of the island.   The fact that the ground is now sinking along the eastern coastline is indicative that a tear is forming at that part of the island.   If the island tears apart, the ramifications for an Atlantic Tsunami grow exponentially.
The University of Southern California did a study showing that a new eruption of the Cumbre Viejo volcano on LaPalma __could__ cause a massive landslide, with a section of the island the size of Manhattan, New York City, literally sliding-off into the Atlantic ocean.    Here is the peer-reviewed report about such a possibility:
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PostSubject: Most Tsunami Warning Buoys OFFLINE or Malfunctioning in Atlantic Ocean   ERUPTION BEGINS!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!! Spain's Canary Islands I_icon_minitimeWed Sep 22, 2021 12:39 pm

Most Tsunami Warning Buoys OFFLINE or Malfunctioning in Atlantic Ocean


  • [url= Tsunami Warning Buoys OFFLINE or Malfunctioning in Atlantic Ocean][/url]


ERUPTION BEGINS!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!! Spain's Canary Islands AtlanticTsunamiBuoys_large
Three of the five Tsunami Warning Buoys protecting the US east coast are OFFLINE and a fourth is malfunctioning, leaving only ONE buoy in the Atlantic Ocean to warn Americans if a tsunami wave is coming at them from the island of La Palma in the Canary Islands.  It is that very island which is currently seeing swarms of earthquakes, leading scientists to believe the volcano there will erupt. If it erupts, and the southwestern flank falls into the ocean causing a tsunami as many expect it will, the US east coast will be BLIND-SIDED because 80% of our tsunami warning buoys are not working.
We begin with Warning Buoy 41421, which is  Owned and maintained by the U.S. National Data Buoy Center.  It is described as a 2.6-meter discus buoy carrying the "DART II payload" which is the set of scientific instruments the device uses to report water and weather conditions.  It is located at:
23.373 N 63.902 W (23°22'23" N 63°54'7" W) known as "NORTH ST THOMAS" - 300 Nautical Miles North of St Thomas, Virgin Islands where the ocean water depth is 5844 meters.
This buoy has failed to report any data at all since September 13.  Here's what you see when trying to read its data:

ERUPTION BEGINS!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!! Spain's Canary Islands Buoy41421

Next is Warning Buoy 41420 known as Station 41420 - NORTH SANTO DOMINGO located 328 Nautical Miles NNE of Santo Domingo, DO which is also Owned and maintained by U.S. National Data Buoy Center.   It is also described as a 2.6-meter discus buoy with the DART II payload
located at coordinates 23.370 N 67.517 W (23°22'12" N 67°31'0" W) where the water depth is: 5769 m

Trouble is, the Buoy isn't there anymore; it "went adrift on September 5" and is not reporting any data.  Here is what you get when trying to read its reports:
ERUPTION BEGINS!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!! Spain's Canary Islands Buoy41420
Satellite info shows it has drifted somewhere very far away from where it is supposed to be. In fact, it now seems to be somewhere near Brazil.   Location reports for it show the following:
2021 09 17 01 25.4231 -65.8562
2021 09 16 01 25.1692 -65.8260
2021 09 15 01 24.7813 -65.8229
2021 09 14 01 24.4984 -65.8259
2021 09 13 01 24.2382 -65.8578
2021 09 12 01 24.0483 -65.9683
2021 09 11 01 23.9664 -66.1001
2021 09 10 01 23.8801 -66.3728
2021 09 09 01 23.7731 -66.7341
2021 09 08 01 23.7088 -66.9528
2021 09 07 01 23.6633 -67.1653

We now move onto Buoy 41425 known as Station 41425 - SOUTHWEST BERMUDA - 200 Nautical Miles SSW of Hamilton, Bermuda.  Like the others, is shows as being Owned and maintained by the U.S. National Data Buoy Center and is described as a 2.6 meter DART buoy with the DART II payload at coordinates 28.633 N 65.650 W (28°38'0" N 65°39'0" W) where the Water depth is: 5279 m
Just one problem; it, too, has gone adrift.  No readings since . . .  ready for this . . . .  August 24.  Oh, and unlike the Buoy above, this one isn't reporting its current location.   It's simply . . .  gone.
For what it's worth, DART BUOYS cost about $250,000 initially, and about $50,000 a year in maintenance.  What are we getting for our money right now?  Nothing.

Then, there's the big one.  The VERY important buoy; known as Station 44402 (LLNR 5) - SOUTHEAST BLOCK CANYON - 130 NM SE of Fire Island, NY also showing as Owned and maintained by the U.S. National Data Buoy Center, described as a 2.6-meter discus buoy with the DART II payload at coordinates 39.289 N 70.639 W (39°17'19" N 70°38'21" W) where the water depth is:  2656 m
This is the warning buoy that protects New York City.   8.5 Million people.   Oh, and this one . . . seems to be malfunctioning . . .  sometimes . . . . but often.
For weeks it has been triggering Tsunami Warnings off the coast of New York City.  There haven't actually been any Tsunamis, but the buoy is going into EVENT MODE and alerting almost every day.
Like the boy who cried wolf, when the real thing comes, people may just ignore it.
As most readers of this web site already know, there is an earthquake swarm hitting the island of LaPalma in the Canary Islands.  The Cumbre Viejo volcano appears to be building up for an eruption and things are going bad there, fast.  But this particular volcano has an unstable southwest flank, the size of Manhattan, NYC. 
Scientists report that during another eruption, that flank is likely to dislodge and come crashing down into the Atlantic Ocean, causing a mega-tsunami; one which would reach the US east coast, about seven hours later, wiping out major cities.
All that while four out of five of our Atlantic Tsunami Warning Buoys are offline or malfunctioning.
So we get no alert.
8.5 million people, going about their daily lives and then . . . . Surprise!
[size=24]Hal Turner Opinion: This is how much the federal government takes care of its responsibilities.  Warning Buoys designed to protect the lives of millions, offline for over a month in some cases, and the feds do nothing.

For what it's worth, all these Buoys WORKED during the Trump Presidency.  But now that Democrats stole the Presidency in the November, 2020, election, THEY run the show.  And since Democrats only seem interested in lining their own pockets, I guess the rest of us can just go to hell.   Or maybe get washed out to sea . . . 
UPDATE 9:03 AM EDT SATURDAY 9-18-2021 --
A full day _after_ this web site published the story above, McClatchy News Service has done their own story about how the US Tsunami Warning System is "Faltering."
[size=33]U.S. coast at risk as tsunami warning system falters  HERE (Link Repaired)[/size][/size]
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PostSubject: Re: ERUPTION BEGINS!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!! Spain's Canary Islands   ERUPTION BEGINS!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!! Spain's Canary Islands I_icon_minitimeWed Sep 22, 2021 12:42 pm

U.S. coast at risk as tsunami warning system falters
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PostSubject: Re: ERUPTION BEGINS!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!! Spain's Canary Islands   ERUPTION BEGINS!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!! Spain's Canary Islands I_icon_minitimeWed Sep 22, 2021 4:20 pm

Drone footage from today.  A private swimming pool made the ultimate sacrifice.

Police frequency, [21.09.21 14:28]

#Spain, Canary Islands: Two incredible minutes of drone footage as lava pours out of the Cumbre Vieja volcano on La Palma.

Lava poured from an erupting volcano on the Spanish island of La Palma for a fourth day, blanketing houses and fields, a day after people with homes on the path of the molten rock were allowed back briefly to recover belongings

            I want to know the thoughts of God. Everything else is just details.
            A Miracle is when God makes His Reality our Experience              
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PostSubject: SCIENTIFIC RESEARCH PAPER: Super Energy Weapons Triggering Earthquakes, Volcanoes and Other Earth Movements   ERUPTION BEGINS!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!! Spain's Canary Islands I_icon_minitimeThu Sep 23, 2021 3:33 pm

ERUPTION BEGINS!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!! Spain's Canary Islands Maxresdefault-2
SCIENTIFIC RESEARCH PAPER: Super Energy Weapons Triggering Earthquakes, Volcanoes and Other Earth Movements

Super Weapons (Energy Weapons) for
Inducing Earthquakes, Landslides,
Sinkholes, Snow Avalanche, and
Erupting Volcanoes

Sheshpari Paper Direct Energy Weapons Inducing Earthquakes.

Morteza Sheshpari
Faculty of Engineering, Dept. of Geotechnical Engineering , University of
Ottawa, ON, Canada

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PostSubject: VOLCANO HURLING "LAVA BOMBS" THE SIZE OF CARS, OVER A MILE! EXPLOSIONS SO LOUD, WINDOWS BREAKING ON LA PALMA ISLAND   ERUPTION BEGINS!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!! Spain's Canary Islands I_icon_minitimeFri Sep 24, 2021 10:53 am


UPDATED 10:53 AM -- The ongoing eruption of the Cumbre Viejo volcano on the island of LaPalma, in the Canary Islands, is getting downright ferocious. 

Lava Bombs the size of cars are being hurled upwards of a MILE from the mouth of the volcano, accompanied by explosion sounds so fierce, they're shattering windows of buildings up to two MILES away!
Pyroclastic flows are being ejected up to 2km from the eruption zone!
Today the local fire department was ordered to withdraw farther from it's week-long location because the lava bombs are coming out at random and landing everywhere.  The shockwaves from the explosions can harm human beings.
[size=24]RSAM Going off the chart![/size]
Real-time Seismic-Amplitude Measurement (RSAM) was developed by the USGS to summarize seismic activity during heightened volcanic activity.  Here is the LaPalma RSAM as of 10:40 AM EDT:  SEE @LINK ABOVE

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PostSubject: Re: ERUPTION BEGINS!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!! Spain's Canary Islands   ERUPTION BEGINS!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!! Spain's Canary Islands I_icon_minitimeSat Sep 25, 2021 8:49 am

La Palma's Volcanic Eruption Sees Three More Towns Forced to Evacuate - Watch this incredible time lapse footage!

400 buildings have already been destroyed, as the lava and smoke intensifies across the Spanish island.


            I want to know the thoughts of God. Everything else is just details.
            A Miracle is when God makes His Reality our Experience              
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PostSubject: Picture of island tells all   ERUPTION BEGINS!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!! Spain's Canary Islands I_icon_minitimeSat Sep 25, 2021 11:47 am

ERUPTION BEGINS!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!! Spain's Canary Islands Lapalm12
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PostSubject: Re: ERUPTION BEGINS!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!! Spain's Canary Islands   ERUPTION BEGINS!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!! Spain's Canary Islands I_icon_minitimeSun Sep 26, 2021 11:51 am

A video from 3 years ago

            I want to know the thoughts of God. Everything else is just details.
            A Miracle is when God makes His Reality our Experience              
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PostSubject: Re: ERUPTION BEGINS!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!! Spain's Canary Islands   ERUPTION BEGINS!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!! Spain's Canary Islands I_icon_minitimeMon Sep 27, 2021 9:25 am

This doesn't change anything.  Just confirms that 'they' aren't going to do anything-possibly not even alert. 

ERUPTION BEGINS!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!! Spain's Canary Islands FAQKtZMXIAA5vJk?format=png&name=large

            I want to know the thoughts of God. Everything else is just details.
            A Miracle is when God makes His Reality our Experience              
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PostSubject: THE VOLCANO IN LA PALMA SUDDENLY STOPS EMITTING LAVA AND ASH   ERUPTION BEGINS!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!! Spain's Canary Islands I_icon_minitimeMon Sep 27, 2021 11:11 am


 2021/09/27 10:42:28  Written by Canarian Weekly  National
The emission of ash and smoke from the volcano that has been erupting for eight days on the island in La Palma has suddenly stopped this morning after a night of constant explosions, although it is not the first time since the beginning of the eruption that these periods of inactivity have occurred.
The column of smoke that has dispersed ash throughout the island has disappeared and there is hardly any activity in the volcano, although it is not the first time since the beginning of the eruption that these periods of inactivity have occurred.
It is suggested that there are four main scenarios for the cease of activity:
1.) The main cone is blocked meaning that there will be a build-up behind it causing a bigger explosion to clear it.

2.) That the magma and seismic activity below is ‘resting’ and that it could restart at any time.
3.) That the magma below the surface has moved and is looking for another way out of the surface meaning an eruption in a different part of the island.
4.) It’s nearing the end of its activity.
Increased seismic activity has been detected by the IGN to the south of the original eruption in the area of Fuencaliente. Sixteen earthquakes have been registered this morning with one measuring 3.2 on the Richter scale at 7.05am at a depth of 10km felt by the public. All sixteen were between 2.6 and 3.2 magnitude and were at the same depth. The concern is that a new eruption could start here, so monitoring in that area has increased.
In the meantime, the lava flow is now only 800 metres from the coast of La Palma and Pevolca says the arrival is imminent and that extreme precaution must be taken following all orders and protocols.
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PostSubject: Re: ERUPTION BEGINS!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!! Spain's Canary Islands   ERUPTION BEGINS!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!! Spain's Canary Islands I_icon_minitimeMon Sep 27, 2021 2:20 pm

Monday observation:

            I want to know the thoughts of God. Everything else is just details.
            A Miracle is when God makes His Reality our Experience              
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PostSubject: Re: ERUPTION BEGINS!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!! Spain's Canary Islands   ERUPTION BEGINS!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!! Spain's Canary Islands I_icon_minitimeMon Sep 27, 2021 2:31 pm

  • UPDATE: THE VOLCANO IN LA PALMA REACTIVATES AS SMOKE AND LAVA RETURNS,as the Geological Mining Institute of Spain (IGME) warned that the volcano 'did not stop', but entered 'a phase of rest; which is normal. 

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PostSubject: Re: ERUPTION BEGINS!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!! Spain's Canary Islands   ERUPTION BEGINS!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!! Spain's Canary Islands I_icon_minitimeMon Sep 27, 2021 2:35 pm

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PostSubject: Re: ERUPTION BEGINS!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!! Spain's Canary Islands   ERUPTION BEGINS!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!! Spain's Canary Islands I_icon_minitimeTue Sep 28, 2021 5:00 pm

ALERT ERUPTION BEGINS!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!! Spain's Canary Islands 1f6a8 The lava of the active volcano, on the Spanish island of La Palma, has reached the coastal line and is about to flow into the ocean (sea).

@CBKNEWS17ERUPTION BEGINS!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!! Spain's Canary Islands FAZ3ZeDVQAckEqq?format=jpg&name=small

ERUPTION BEGINS!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!! Spain's Canary Islands FAZ3c1uUcAYlJw8?format=jpg&name=small

            I want to know the thoughts of God. Everything else is just details.
            A Miracle is when God makes His Reality our Experience              
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PostSubject: Re: ERUPTION BEGINS!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!! Spain's Canary Islands   ERUPTION BEGINS!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!! Spain's Canary Islands I_icon_minitimeWed Sep 29, 2021 12:13 pm

Lots of pics at link

            I want to know the thoughts of God. Everything else is just details.
            A Miracle is when God makes His Reality our Experience              
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PostSubject: Lava Reaches the Sea at La Palma; Thick Black "LAZE" of Toxic Gas in the air   ERUPTION BEGINS!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!! Spain's Canary Islands I_icon_minitimeWed Sep 29, 2021 7:43 pm
twitter video's, posts & other video's @ link above ^^

Lava Reaches the Sea at La Palma; Thick Black "LAZE" of Toxic Gas in the air

he eruption of the Cumbre Viejo volcano on the island of La Palma in the Canary Islands has finally caused lava to reach the ocean.  As the 2,000 degree F. molten rock entered the salt water, a thick "LAZE" (Lava-Haze) and "Vog" (volcanic gas) rose into the air, filled with shards of glass and toxic gases like hydrochloric acid - all fatal to anyone who breathes it.
The lava reached the Atlantic Ocean at around 6:00 PM eastern US time on Tuesday, which converts to 11:00 PM local time in the Canary Islands as shown above in a thermographic image.
Laze and Vog
Laze — or lava haze — is the dense cloud of glass shards and hydrochloric acid created when basaltic lava enters into the ocean. ... Vog is volcanic fog, a choking vapor filled with hazardous gases — like sulfur dioxide — which are released from burping vents.
Here's a normal camera view from a boat on the ocean:
ERUPTION BEGINS!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!! Spain's Canary Islands 5XuTmKD
Here is video from a live TV broadcast, showing the moment the lava reached the sea:

And more video from another angle:

These images are from the northern end of a place called Playa Los Guirres. Sort of a small beach area. Cliffs seem to be at least 200 feet tall or so.
More video:

Bill McGuire is one of the scientists who investigated La Palma back in the late 1990's and issued the cautionary warning that a future earthquake could cause the ridge of Cumbre Viejo to collapse in a massive landlside, into the Atlantic Ocean.   At the time, he theorized that there would be a massive, Atlantic-wide Tsunami that would reach the US east coast within 7 to 8 hours, wiping out the major cities in the eastern USA.
He has now chimed-in on the ongoing LaPalma eruption, and what he has to say, is VERY not good:

According to the Seismographs, the volcano has increased intensity today; almost ALL of the readings are "pegged" off the scales!
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PostSubject: Incredible satellite images show how river of lava has weaved across La Palma and formed 550 yard-wide 'pyramid' in the sea   ERUPTION BEGINS!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!! Spain's Canary Islands I_icon_minitimeFri Oct 01, 2021 5:25 pm

Incredible satellite images show how river of lava has weaved across La Palma and formed 550 yard-wide 'pyramid' in the sea as NEW volcano vent begins to spew molten rock

  • Satellite images show how Spanish island of La Palma is expanding as lava from a volcano flows into the sea

  • Lava, cooling rapidly as it hit the water, has created a 550-yard wide outcrop less than a mile from Tazacorte

  • The volcano has been erupting since September 19 with lava finally reaching the Atlantic coast on Tuesday

  • A new fissure opened Thursday, raising fears new lava flow will cause more destruction to the Canary Island
  • ERUPTION BEGINS!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!! Spain's Canary Islands 48641533-10049577-The_Spanish_Canary_Island_island_to_the_north_west_of_Africa_is_-a-2_1633108891274

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PostSubject: new    ERUPTION BEGINS!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!! Spain's Canary Islands I_icon_minitimeSat Oct 02, 2021 10:24 am

'Aggressive' volcano on La Palma in Spain blows open TWO new fissures spewing more lava into the ocean- as eruption destroys 1,000 buildings

  • The Cumbre Vieja volcano blew open two more fissures on its cone on Friday sending more lava down slopes
  • Authorities fear there will be more destruction as the lava flows towards sea, as with the first laval stream
  • Lava reached the ocean on Tuesday, forming a new rocky outcrop on La Palma increasing size of the island
  • Volcano 'much more aggressive' two weeks after initial eruption on September 19, officials said on Friday
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ERUPTION BEGINS!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!! Spain's Canary Islands Empty
PostSubject: Pentagon Scientist Very Concerned Over the Canary Islands and the latest volcanic explosion on La Palma is what they anticipate to continue to happen and split the southern section of the island that    ERUPTION BEGINS!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!! Spain's Canary Islands I_icon_minitimeSun Oct 03, 2021 1:03 pm

  • Pentagon Scientist Very Concerned Over the Canary Islands and the latest volcanic explosion on La Palma is what they anticipate to continue to happen and split the southern section of the island that would cause a major landslide and produce huge Tsunami 

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PostSubject: Re: ERUPTION BEGINS!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!! Spain's Canary Islands   ERUPTION BEGINS!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!! Spain's Canary Islands I_icon_minitimeSun Oct 03, 2021 8:35 pm

WARNING REAL and PRESENT DANGER: Scientists claimed that as of yesterday there was a 50/50 chance and merely a matter of time before every major city 20 miles inland of the US East and South Coasts would be wiped out, with millions killed both in the US and Europe by a tsunamis caused by volcanic eruptions on the island of La Palma in the Canary Islands.
Last night new data indicated that damage would also occur roughly 32 kilometers into the broadside of Europe’s connection to the Atlantic Ocean.

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PostSubject: Re: ERUPTION BEGINS!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!! Spain's Canary Islands   ERUPTION BEGINS!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!! Spain's Canary Islands I_icon_minitimeFri Oct 08, 2021 7:12 pm


JUST IN - Large lava delta from La Palma volcano could collapse and generate hydromagmatic explosions, gases, and waves (Elmundo)

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PostSubject: Re: ERUPTION BEGINS!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!! Spain's Canary Islands   ERUPTION BEGINS!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!! Spain's Canary Islands I_icon_minitimeSat Oct 09, 2021 12:01 pm

It's kicking up

Life vids from this morning.

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PostSubject: Re: ERUPTION BEGINS!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!! Spain's Canary Islands   ERUPTION BEGINS!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!! Spain's Canary Islands I_icon_minitimeSun Oct 10, 2021 5:16 pm

From yesterday


            I want to know the thoughts of God. Everything else is just details.
            A Miracle is when God makes His Reality our Experience              
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PostSubject: Re: ERUPTION BEGINS!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!! Spain's Canary Islands   ERUPTION BEGINS!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!! Spain's Canary Islands I_icon_minitimeMon Oct 11, 2021 2:54 pm

thanks for the posts Dove!!!
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PostSubject: Re: ERUPTION BEGINS!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!! Spain's Canary Islands   ERUPTION BEGINS!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!! Spain's Canary Islands I_icon_minitimeMon Oct 11, 2021 3:17 pm

Seeing how me and my entire family is in the line of tsunami-I kind of have to, not that I want to.

            I want to know the thoughts of God. Everything else is just details.
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PostSubject: Re: ERUPTION BEGINS!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!! Spain's Canary Islands   ERUPTION BEGINS!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!! Spain's Canary Islands I_icon_minitimeThu Oct 14, 2021 4:55 pm

La Palma volcano fears over magma 'recharging' as 50 earthquakes rock Canary Island

It is estimated the volcano is presently releasing some 17,000 tonnes of sulphur dioxide.
Before scientists consider the eruption to be waning, they would expect to only see about 1,000 tonnes of the toxic gas escaping the volcano.

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PostSubject: Re: ERUPTION BEGINS!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!! Spain's Canary Islands   ERUPTION BEGINS!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!! Spain's Canary Islands I_icon_minitimeWed Oct 20, 2021 10:55 pm


vid of how bad

            I want to know the thoughts of God. Everything else is just details.
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PostSubject: Re: ERUPTION BEGINS!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!! Spain's Canary Islands   ERUPTION BEGINS!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!! Spain's Canary Islands I_icon_minitimeSat Oct 23, 2021 5:20 pm

Earthquake Monitor

· 1h

#Earthquake M3.8 CANARY ISLANDS, SPAIN REGION 2mins ago 23 Oct 22:09 UTC - report/info:

ERUPTION BEGINS!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!! Spain's Canary Islands FCk2PWjWEA8Zd4n?format=jpg&name=small

            I want to know the thoughts of God. Everything else is just details.
            A Miracle is when God makes His Reality our Experience              
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PostSubject: Re: ERUPTION BEGINS!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!! Spain's Canary Islands   ERUPTION BEGINS!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!! Spain's Canary Islands I_icon_minitimeMon Oct 25, 2021 4:46 pm

The suggestion is it's natural

ERUPTION BEGINS!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!! Spain's Canary Islands FCk2PdNWYAo4aPt?format=jpg&name=small

            I want to know the thoughts of God. Everything else is just details.
            A Miracle is when God makes His Reality our Experience              
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PostSubject: Re: ERUPTION BEGINS!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!! Spain's Canary Islands   ERUPTION BEGINS!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!! Spain's Canary Islands I_icon_minitimeMon Oct 25, 2021 6:58 pm

If you zoom in to the hot zone it looks like the quakes are in perfect rows....lined up like little Chicoms
The USGS has no quake there at all.... odd. I'm not sure how to add a snap shot for you. I could be missing something.

OR this:

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PostSubject: Re: ERUPTION BEGINS!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!! Spain's Canary Islands   ERUPTION BEGINS!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!! Spain's Canary Islands I_icon_minitimeTue Oct 26, 2021 1:03 pm

Plenty of people believe the eq's are by man

vid display of the eq's-

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            A Miracle is when God makes His Reality our Experience              
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