Who Has Crossed the Red Line?
September 6, 2013
Dave Hodges
September 6, 2013
Obama has called chemical weapons attack last month in Damascus a case of crossing the “Red Line,” which means that Obama assumes the moral right to attack Syria. In actuality, it is Obama who has crossed the “Red Line.”
Which Side of the Red Line Are You On, Mr. President?
There is an old saying which reminds us that when we are pointing our finger at somebody, we have three fingers pointing back at us. In the case of Barak Hussein Obama and the Syrian crisis, this appears to be the case.
Obama has failed to convince the UN Security Council on the chain of custody for the chemical weapons attack in Damascus last month and yet, he is still attempting to attack Syria. No international consensus by this President but he still desires to kill tens of thousands of innocent Syrians. Who is crossing the “Red Line” now?
Your tax dollars at work.
Obama and the CIA backed al-Qaeda, the terrorists who, if we are to believe the official government stories, killed 3,000 Americans in the 9/11 attacks. Yet, Obama supported al-Qaeda in the role in the overthrow and murder of Gaddafi for failing to capitulate in bowing down to the Bank of International Settlements and becoming a debt ridden nation like most of the rest of the world. Who crossed the “Red line” in Libya, Mr. President?