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 moon face change

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murray leslie

murray leslie

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PostSubject: moon face change   moon face change I_icon_minitimeMon Jan 09, 2012 9:27 pm

i looked at the moon w/ binoculars tonite, its face has seemed to change, its not supposed to, is it? anybody else notice a change, personal observation only please...
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PostSubject: Re: moon face change   moon face change I_icon_minitimeMon Jan 09, 2012 10:02 pm

murray leslie wrote:
i looked at the moon w/ binoculars tonite, its face has seemed to change, its not supposed to, is it? anybody else notice a change, personal observation only please...

OK peeps, lets get some real demonstrative science going on here.

You will need:
one drinking straw, or stick, or shish-ka-bob skewer or the like.
one coin with a head embossed on one side. Lincoln, Jefferson, for you Brits the Queen.
One table top

The table top is the earth
the coin is the moon

With one end the stick, straw, whatever you have laying on the table tape, glue, affix, or whatever the coin to the LEFT end of the stick. The left end will become east for our purposes. Glue with the head in an upright position (same as you would see a head if a person was standing).

The head is in the east and looking forward either right or left, correct?

Now raise the stick with the coin (moon) in the air 90° to the earth (table). Surprise, surprise, surprise . . . Lincoln, Queen, (or whomever) is now looking either down or up depending on the coin you used. Shudder, a whole 90° shift!!!

Now keep that moon going all the way to the west (opposite side of east) and shudder again, Lincoln, Queen, (or whomever) is now UPSIDE DOWN!!! 180° from the starting point.

There, you've proved it to yourselves. The moon really is made out of green cheese.
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murray leslie

murray leslie

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PostSubject: Re: moon face change   moon face change I_icon_minitimeTue Jan 10, 2012 8:02 am

i get your experiment, i'm trying to determine if the face has changed, there is detail i don't remember seeing before...
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PostSubject: Re: moon face change   moon face change I_icon_minitimeTue Feb 12, 2013 12:27 pm

are you getting this from a link? can you post it?

I think some of you misunderstand my point about the moon rotation...
if viewing at same time of day the next day...
you notice the moon has rotated either 45-60 degrees cw or ccw.
Not beginning from east to west viewing.

It does not do this before 2004 or 06 I think, use Stellarium to check!

There are certain times when the wobble is more apparent, it is subtle cause ur on a large object, the smaller ... well you get dizzy.

The Bible does mention the Earth and the Moon as drunkards!

Murry, get what you mean, I have noticed more detail too on some viewings with naked eye.
I've also noticed it seemed closer than some other nights over a short period of time.
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PostSubject: Re: moon face change   moon face change I_icon_minitimeTue Feb 12, 2013 12:35 pm

Haven't you all been watching the increase in earth quakes?

This is disturbance of the earths electromagnetic field and the suns and other planets by guess what, something that does not belong.

Just the other day I was still stepping some of the SOHO pictures and the sun releases some matter as object comes into view, as it passes the matter gets steered toward the object as it is passing.
Now remember that matter is charged particles .... anyone remember some science class stuff?

Time to brush up!

We all think just cause these balls are big and far away that this kind of stuff doesn't affect us... go look at what the scientists say about the earth and others being on a mesh or fabric that is affected.
All this interactive matter, dark or otherwise, charged particles from the sun is what keeps it all going around... NOT Money!
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PostSubject: Re: moon face change   moon face change I_icon_minitimeWed Feb 27, 2013 3:42 am

thought of you when I saw this little one~ earth's tilt is the problem.Sorry but I still cannot post vids~
I hit share on YT and copied and then came here and hit the film icon button and pasted the copied link from YT and it takes it and I hit "ok" and nothing happens.I click ok and the addy disappears in the black box and it won't post it.The box w/ not go off either.
This is what I have been doing since I leaned the easy way at the old forum and it used to work fine.I also dbl.checked what 2 others here put up to help me so is it a problem w/ my computer ?
Hope this helps ML!
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PostSubject: Re: moon face change   moon face change I_icon_minitimeWed Feb 27, 2013 10:54 am

Ok here is my observance of the Moon over the last 3 nights which is to night of Feb 26 last night.

2 nights prior the Moon was (going) rotating in a CCW direction @ 45 degrees per night, Feb 26 looks like it stopped but was much lower in the sky than the previous 2 nights. (will update again).

If the Mayan Calendar says 60-70 hrs of darkness on Mar 31

then this is 3 days of Darkness for the Northern Hemisphere and 6 Days Sunrise in the West as the Earth is getting ready to tip and do the Pole Shift!

Here is my post from 2011 about the Moon Out of Place:

by spring » November 16th, 2011, 7:38 pm

Harvard Edu.

SAO/NASA ADS Astronomy Abstract Service

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On the anomalous secular increase of the eccentricity of the orbit of the Moon
Iorio, L.
AA(Ministero dell’Istruzione, dell’Università e della Ricerca (MIUR), Viale Unità di Italia 68, 70125 Bari (BA), Italy)
Monthly Notices of the Royal Astronomical Society, Volume 415, Issue 2, pp. 1266-1275. (MNRAS Homepage)
Publication Date:
Astronomy Keywords:
gravitation, celestial mechanics, ephemerides, Moon, planets and satellites: general
Abstract Copyright:
© 2011 The Authors Monthly Notices of the Royal Astronomical Society © 2011 RAS
Bibliographic Code:
A recent analysis of a Lunar Laser Ranging (LLR) data record spanning 38.7 yr revealed an anomalous increase of the eccentricity e of the lunar orbit amounting to ? yr-1. The present-day models of the dissipative phenomena occurring in the interiors of both the Earth and the Moon are not able to explain it. In this paper, we examine several dynamical effects, not modelled in the data analysis, in the framework of long-range modified models of gravity and of the standard Newtonian/Einsteinian paradigm. It turns out that none of them can accommodate ?. Many of them do not even induce long-term changes in e; other models do, instead, yield such an effect, but the resulting magnitudes are in disagreement with ?. In particular, the general relativistic gravitomagnetic acceleration of the Moon due to the Earth’s angular momentum has the right order of magnitude, but the resulting Lense-Thirring secular effect for the eccentricity vanishes. A potentially viable Newtonian candidate would be a trans-Plutonian massive object (Planet X/Nemesis/Tyche) since it, actually, would affect e with a non-vanishing long-term variation. On the other hand, the values for the physical and orbital parameters of such a hypothetical body required to obtain at least the right order of magnitude for ? are completely unrealistic: suffices it to say that an Earth-sized planet would be at 30 au, while a jovian mass would be at 200 au. Thus, the issue of finding a satisfactorily explanation for the anomalous behaviour of the Moon’s eccentricity remains open.


Cornell University

General Relativity and Quantum Cosmology
Title: On the anomalous secular increase of the eccentricity of the orbit of the Moon
Authors: Lorenzo Iorio
(Submitted on 1 Feb 2011 (v1), last revised 22 Apr 2011 (this version, v6))

Abstract: A recent analysis of a Lunar Laser Ranging (LLR) data record spanning 38.7 yr revealed an anomalous increase of the eccentricity of the lunar orbit amounting to de/dt_meas = (9 /- 3) 10^-12 yr^-1. The present-day models of the dissipative phenomena occurring in the interiors of both the Earth and the Moon are not able to explain it. We examine several dynamical effects, not modeled in the data analysis, in the framework of long-range modified models of gravity and of the standard Newtonian/Einsteinian paradigm. It turns out that none of them can accommodate de/dt_meas. Many of them do not even induce long-term changes in e; other models do, instead, yield such an effect, but the resulting magnitudes are in disagreement with de/dt_meas. In particular, the general relativistic gravitomagnetic acceleration of the Moon due to the Earth's angular momentum has the right order of magnitude, but the resulting Lense-Thirring secular effect for the eccentricity vanishes. A potentially viable Newtonian candidate would be a trans-Plutonian massive object (Planet X/Nemesis/Tyche) since it, actually, would affect e with a non-vanishing long-term variation. On the other hand, the values for the physical and orbital parameters of such a hypothetical body required to obtain the right order of magnitude for de/dt are completely unrealistic. Moreover, they are in neat disagreement with both the most recent theoretical scenarios envisaging the existence of a distant, planetary-sized body and with the model-independent constraints on them dynamically inferred from planetary motions. Thus, the issue of finding a satisfactorily explanation for the anomalous behavior of the Moon's eccentricity remains open.

Comments: LaTex2e, 8 pages, 1 table, 1 figure. Matching the version at press in Monthly Notices of the Royal Astronomical Society (MNRAS)
Subjects: General Relativity and Quantum Cosmology (gr-qc); Earth and Planetary Astrophysics (astro-ph.EP); Space Physics (
Journal reference: Mon.Not.Roy.Astron.Soc.415:1266-1275,2011
DOI: 10.1111/j.1365-2966.2011.18777.x
Cite as: arXiv:1102.0212v6 [gr-qc]

(I've been saying Nibiru/Destroyer, time to wake up)

Last edited by spring2 on Wed Feb 27, 2013 12:03 pm; edited 1 time in total
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PostSubject: Re: moon face change   moon face change I_icon_minitimeWed Feb 27, 2013 11:03 am

Some of you may remember all the Jovian Planetary object stuff I presented from both Harvard and Cornell back on the old forum....
I do not have the links anymore but if you recall them you might remember the indication of the large object exists putting magnetic interaction on our system.
Well... get ready because this Earth and Moon as a Drunkard issue is getting very pronounced and I don't think you can argue with the experts provided the info is presented unbiased and fits with Scripture.

Why does the sky roll up as a scroll?
Why does the flood come?
Why does even the second Sun appear in the Quran?

On February 25, Earth's magnetosphere underwent grueling contortions for over 15 hours with multiple severe compressions, high-density particle blasts and severe turbulence.
Ask why, when the Sun has been silent?
Absolutely no case can be made that attributes such a relentless onslaught to be the result of solar activity.
moon face change SevmagFeb25B

Note: it is not good if the Bz goes - (negative)

moon face change SsJan25comp

moon face change Warnings_timeline_23499

moon face change Kp

Last edited by spring2 on Wed Feb 27, 2013 11:58 am; edited 1 time in total
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PostSubject: Re: moon face change   moon face change I_icon_minitimeWed Feb 27, 2013 11:24 am

Actually I was going to post stuff to another thread but now that this much has been done I might as well continue here.
Watch March, April and May!!!
April 12 or there abouts should be the out going close pass of X and the Destroyer.

Don Alejandro Mayan Elder - 60-70 Hours of Darkness - March 31.
This is the 3 Days of Darkness for the North and...

moon face change 188day11

2012 March = Sun Activity During Large Quakes

moon face change Warnin11

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PostSubject: Re: moon face change   moon face change I_icon_minitimeWed Feb 27, 2013 12:22 pm

And then this time period for the tip?

Notice the 3 Days of Darkness

moon face change Lw11
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PostSubject: Re: moon face change   moon face change I_icon_minitimeWed Feb 27, 2013 12:35 pm

I'm going to have to study this information in order to understand it, but I know from observation that the earth's axis has shifted. We have large plantings (microfarm) and an orchard, and the sun does not track the way it used to. We have had to move some of our plantings and adjust our schedule for maintenance of the property because of it. We've also had to adjust some of our animal containment areas because they get direct sun when they used to be partially shaded (that's very important in the middle of a Kentucky summer), and we haven't cut down or trimmed any of the trees in the vicinity.

chasin chicken planetx hide
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PostSubject: Re: moon face change   moon face change I_icon_minitimeWed Feb 27, 2013 9:40 pm

I've noticed this with some of my flowerbeds, I mentioned it on glp and they gave me quite a mocking. Smile I noticed the change about 5 yrs ago, before that a certain bed never got any sun for years. I planted shade plants in it, then about 5 yrs. ago it suddenly changed and they were getting burned. The shade plants all burned up and now there's nothing left there except Iris. It's stayed the same as far as I can tell. To me it seemed the sun was setting farther North. water
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PostSubject: Re: moon face change   moon face change I_icon_minitimeThu Feb 28, 2013 11:43 am

28-FEB-2013 14:05:51 50.93 157.34 6.9 52 0 KURIL ISLANDS

Follow up on the moon: was very low last night and the rotation around center was in CW direction now @ 90 degrees @ 10:00pm pacific time.
I usually view at 9:30 when I take the dog out.

This morning the Moon was present in the west and appeared exactly the same rotation angle but seemed much larger.
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PostSubject: Re: moon face change   moon face change I_icon_minitime

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