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 If they didn't think it existed... X .... look at this link from my archived links + moon ship + moon bombing video's

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If they didn't think it existed... X .... look at this link from my archived links + moon ship + moon bombing video's Empty
PostSubject: If they didn't think it existed... X .... look at this link from my archived links + moon ship + moon bombing video's   If they didn't think it existed... X .... look at this link from my archived links + moon ship + moon bombing video's I_icon_minitimeMon Dec 02, 2013 11:17 pm

don't forget to click next page link on right.

why would the look for it?
oh you know.. some jovian mass object perturbs the outer planets... so... lets look for what does this.

Last edited by spring2 on Tue Dec 03, 2013 12:02 am; edited 1 time in total
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If they didn't think it existed... X .... look at this link from my archived links + moon ship + moon bombing video's Empty
PostSubject: Re: If they didn't think it existed... X .... look at this link from my archived links + moon ship + moon bombing video's   If they didn't think it existed... X .... look at this link from my archived links + moon ship + moon bombing video's I_icon_minitimeMon Dec 02, 2013 11:24 pm

and this guy brings up really good one concerning the ship on moon and impact site.

don't know if this is picture #1925 or other one from the archive. but he has a few good points and good eye looking in these craters!
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If they didn't think it existed... X .... look at this link from my archived links + moon ship + moon bombing video's Empty
PostSubject: Re: If they didn't think it existed... X .... look at this link from my archived links + moon ship + moon bombing video's   If they didn't think it existed... X .... look at this link from my archived links + moon ship + moon bombing video's I_icon_minitimeTue Dec 03, 2013 12:01 am

hmmm.... here is something else interesting about the moon bombing!

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If they didn't think it existed... X .... look at this link from my archived links + moon ship + moon bombing video's Empty
PostSubject: Re: If they didn't think it existed... X .... look at this link from my archived links + moon ship + moon bombing video's   If they didn't think it existed... X .... look at this link from my archived links + moon ship + moon bombing video's I_icon_minitimeTue Dec 03, 2013 12:15 am

still from old links:

The Sun's Magnetic Field

The orbital period of 3750 years finds a remarkable corollary in research conducted by the author Maurice Cotterell. This was first drawn to my attention by Gary Gilligan, who noted that Cotterell calculated a reversal of the Sun’s entire magnetic field every 3750 years.
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If they didn't think it existed... X .... look at this link from my archived links + moon ship + moon bombing video's Empty
PostSubject: Re: If they didn't think it existed... X .... look at this link from my archived links + moon ship + moon bombing video's   If they didn't think it existed... X .... look at this link from my archived links + moon ship + moon bombing video's I_icon_minitime

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If they didn't think it existed... X .... look at this link from my archived links + moon ship + moon bombing video's
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