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 IdeaHO just got an idea, lets combine National Guard w/Police, one happy family!! Sheriffs Worried!!!

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IdeaHO just got an idea, lets combine National Guard w/Police, one happy family!! Sheriffs Worried!!! Empty
PostSubject: IdeaHO just got an idea, lets combine National Guard w/Police, one happy family!! Sheriffs Worried!!!   IdeaHO just got an idea, lets combine National Guard w/Police, one happy family!! Sheriffs Worried!!! I_icon_minitimeWed Jan 29, 2014 1:55 pm

CHECK YOUR STATE FOR UP-COMING BILLS TO DO SAME!!!!!!! Continues: Idaho National Guard Deemed "Law Enforcement".....

Posted By: Watchman
Date: Wednesday, 29-Jan-2014 12:35:42

Below are emails I received that are addressing an Idaho State House Bill that is going to integrate the National Guard into Local Law Enforcement. The emails are from Sheriffs & local County Managers that came to me marked “Priority”.

I have had several conversations with others this evening and we have not heard of any other State contemplating such legislation.

I know it is a Bill that is just the beginning of in your face hostile militarization of all Law Enforcement in the United States and the removal of local LEO as being the top authority in local governments.

I know that this Idaho Bill is being kept out of public eye as much as possible. Maybe other’s States are contemplating or have already enacted such legislation.

You can read the bill here: H0367


Sent: Monday, January 27, 2014 11:00 PM
Subject: Fw: House Bill 367
Importance: High

Following is Sheriff XXXXX outline of the concerns he has with House Bill 367. Anyone who agrees should contact our District #X state legislators or the legislators for whatever district you live in.

—– Original Message —–


Sent: Monday, January 27, 2014 10:18

Subject: Re: House Bill 367

First I believe that law enforcement in this Country should not be done by the military. In my opinion the purpose of the military is to defend the Country not enforce the laws. The current law allows for the military to be used by law enforcement in a support role. At least in a support role the proper civilian law enforcement agency is in charge and can be held responsible if things are not done correctly. To me this bill falls under the category of the militaries continued encroachment into law enforcement. I bet that not many people know that the Bureau of Home Land Security for Idaho is under the military division and the commander is Brigadier General Brad Richy. Below is the mission of the Idaho National Guard:

The mission of the Idaho National Guard is to protect, preserve and defend the lives, property and individual liberties of the citizens of Idaho and the United States, and to support and defend the constitutions of the State of Idaho and United States of America and the democratic traditions and institutions they embody.

Another concern that I have with the bill is why is it needed? I looked up 32 U.S.C. 112 and it defines how the Secretary of Defense full funds the National Guard for its supporting role in drug cases. Part of what this bill talks about is the ability of the National Guard to share in forfeitures from Idaho Code 37-2744. That code section covers everything from the drugs themselves to property and firearms.

To me this is just another step towards total State or Federal control instead of local control.


—– Original Message —–

To: <
Sent: Sunday, January 26, 2014 18:41
Subject: House Bill 367

XXXX please share this info:

Please check out House bill 367 that is currently being considered in the
Idaho Legislature. It will make the Idaho National Guard a State Law
Enforcement Agency. It is claimed that they need to do this so that when
they help with drug cases they can collect forfeited money and assets to
help cover their costs in the case.
I have voiced my concerns with this bill to our local Representatives and
Senator. I do not think that this is a good idea for so many reasons.


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IdeaHO just got an idea, lets combine National Guard w/Police, one happy family!! Sheriffs Worried!!!
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