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 FORBIDDEN SECRETS - PART 9 Palladium & Power Of The Gods

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PostSubject: FORBIDDEN SECRETS - PART 9 Palladium & Power Of The Gods   FORBIDDEN SECRETS - PART 9 Palladium & Power Of The Gods I_icon_minitimeSun Jul 13, 2014 8:25 am


The Awakened Ones, The Hidden Destiny Of America, And The Day After Tomorrow
Posted: July 13, 2014
8:00 am Eastern

By Mark A. Flynn

PART 1 - Summary


There is a religious institution whose members are the most devout and serious of any faith on earth. Those who are a part of this institution unquestionably believe in a god that directs their activities, and they look to this deity with the ultimate hope of gaining his favor. They, unlike many of the people who ascribe to the popular religions of today, have no doubt that their god lives and interacts with them. They see the favor their god bestows upon them. The riches and power gained through their piety actively demonstrate the reality of their god’s existence.

This institution seeks the acquisition of wealth, the free pursuit of pleasure, and control over others. The precepts of this secretive religion are contra to that of the Judeo-Christian religion that values, above all, love for one’s fellow man. The followers of this belief consider the people outside of their group inferior creatures, unworthy of their god, but necessary for manipulation towards the completion of their final objective. Through devotion, submission to the will of their god, and dedication to his secretive plan, they believe that they will achieve immortality and live in a coming golden age when their god will appear on earth and rule them in a new paradise of his design.

The truth about their secret plan is hidden in plain sight all around us—as long as we know what we’re looking at. With the proper perspective, one reserved for those enlightened few who are worthy of the secrets, their god’s plan is revealed. This book offers that perspective. But unlocking this understanding requires a key. The key, in this case, is ancient mythology. In the same way the Rosetta stone unlocked Egyptian hieroglyphs, mythology unlocks the secrets of the ancient mystery religion that is practicing and planning for His arrival.

Classical mythology has simply been considered a collection of stories designed to illustrate the nature of man or explain the natural world in a fashion in which a less-technological society would, by attributing the power of nature to human-like gods. However, the gods of myth were not merely made-up characters; they did exist, although not in the sense one might expect.

Some believe they were beings from other worlds who visited the earth in the distant past. Others say they were angelic beings. Of course, this would mean that there is at least some truth in Christianity, since the God of the Christians is credited with creating angels. As it turns out, the secret religion may have the answer—an answer that has been kept hidden from the “unworthy” for thousands of years. Intriguingly, the answer begins to reveal itself in the place where the secret religion and Judeo-Christian beliefs have common ground: the place of beginning, the book of Genesis and the Garden of Eden.

Throughout this series—based on the upcoming book:


—an unparalleled clarity of meaning behind the secrets of the mystery religion is achieved. Meaning that has been purposefully obfuscated for millennia to keep the “unworthy” in ignorance is suddenly understood by those who are willing to read and see it for themselves. Vital concepts are illustrated in a clear fashion, each one building on the one before it, until a complete understanding of the whole is realized. Using this framework and through the unique lens provided in the proper sequence, the meaning of the stories of myth are finally understood.

FORBIDDEN SECRETS - PART 9 Palladium & Power Of The Gods Labyrinth1

This god who grants wealth and power in this life requires devotion, worship, and sacrifice from his devotees. To his followers, he promises a transformation of this world and a resurrection where they will be like him. To help his elect reach this goal, he has given them a symbol of his power and protection, an object that has been documented throughout history to wield enormous power.

Just as the Judeo Christian God gave his followers the Ark of the Covenant, which held great power, the god of the mystery religion has given his followers an object whose existence has been kept secret since the Middle Ages and whose power is beyond comprehension. To those who possess it, this object grants absolute hegemony as well as the ability to increase supremacy through war and conquest. Throughout history, when men failed in their discernment of its power, it was transferred to others more worthy. This object still exists and is in the possession of an elite group who will do anything to protect it. This book reveals its history, where it is hidden today, and the greatest secret of all—its ultimate purpose.

Some of the topics that will be encountered along the path of discovery include:

  •  The meaning behind Greek architectural form, the pillars, and pediments in light of seldom understood insights provided by Plato.


  • An explanation of the path from the goddess represented and worshipped by the illuminated ones at Washington, DC, to their mythological roots beginning with the Garden of Eden.


  • The essence and function of currency in light of the Garden of Eden and the plan that the Nachash in human form, aka the Antichrist, has to replace the system in the near future.


  • Why the battle of Troy holds occult meaning important and related to the arcane power of the Washington Monument.


  • The establishment of the symbolic “pillars” at the separation of heaven and earth that occurred in the Garden of Eden.


  • The concept of a circuit-based alphabet and its relationship to the symbol for the One God.


  • The symbolic beginning of the false reunification of heaven and earth demonstrated by the destruction of the Twin Towers.


  • How the story of Samson is believed by the initiates to incorporate esoteric meaning of the mystery religion and prophesies of coming destruction.


  • The identification of the true object of worship practiced by modern Freemasonry—Athena to Mithras, to Attis and Cybele, Semiramis and Ninus, Neith and Ra, Isis and Osiris, and Eve and the Nachash.

The identification of the ultimate goal that has been looked forward to for thousands of years by the elite members of the mystery religion might come as a surprise to many. The truth might seem too fantastic to accept. But the fact that the common man will be made aware of this truth also points to the lateness of the hour. The final objective of the great workthat was started by the ancient mystics will be accomplished. The true end however, won’t occur as they have been expecting.


Last edited by ColonelZ on Tue Aug 19, 2014 8:39 am; edited 7 times in total
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PostSubject: Re: FORBIDDEN SECRETS - PART 9 Palladium & Power Of The Gods   FORBIDDEN SECRETS - PART 9 Palladium & Power Of The Gods I_icon_minitimeSun Jul 13, 2014 10:46 am

This looks really interesting, thanks for posting it Col. Z Smile
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PostSubject: Re: FORBIDDEN SECRETS - PART 9 Palladium & Power Of The Gods   FORBIDDEN SECRETS - PART 9 Palladium & Power Of The Gods I_icon_minitimeSun Jul 13, 2014 12:01 pm

I'm willing to bet I'll find a connection to it all.
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PostSubject: PART 2 - The Lowly Initiate   FORBIDDEN SECRETS - PART 9 Palladium & Power Of The Gods I_icon_minitimeSun Jul 20, 2014 8:27 am


The Awakened Ones, The Hidden Destiny Of America, And The Day After Tomorrow

Posted: July 20, 2014
8:00 am Eastern

By Mark A. Flynn

PART 2 - The Lowly Initiate

All things are implicated with one another, and the bond is holy; and there is hardly anything unconnected with any other thing. For things have been coordinated, and they combine to form the same order. For there is one universe made up of all things, and one God who pervades all things, and one substance, and one law, one common reason in all intelligent animals, and one truth.
—Marcus Aurelius, Meditations, vol. VII[i]

FORBIDDEN SECRETS - PART 9 Palladium & Power Of The Gods Labyrinth2

At the end of thirty-two months of study at a college (Latin: collegium,“the connection of associates”) or university (Latin: universitas, “the whole, aggregate”),[ii] the degree candidate seldom thoughtfully considers the esoteric meaning of the graduation ceremony. All participants don academic-style caps and gowns. The cap, described as a “mortarboard,” has a peculiar flat, square-sectioned top over an eggshell-like head cover with a tasseled string hanging over one edge. During the ritual, the graduate must ascend an elevated stage from the left to meet an individual wearing a black, five-sided, Tudor-style cap. This dean or head artisan offers a scroll or diploma (Greek: δίπλωµα, “folded paper”) indicating the degree earned with his left hand, and he shakes the graduate’s hand with his right. Descending the stage from the right, participants move the tassel string from one side of the mortarboard in an arc from the right to the left, mimicking the arching path of the sun from horizon to horizon, and forming the lower portion of the Masonic square and compass symbol.

What the new graduate may not know is that he or she is merely partaking in an initiation ceremony, and to one with understanding, the meaning of the ritual confirms the participant’s vulgar (Latin vulgus, “the common people, the multitude, a crowd, the throng”) status. This initiation is not to some higher intellectual class; it simply allows an offering of humble symbolic mortar to the artisans as a lowly apprentice or hod carrier. The priesthood of those who are able to bestow degrees considers the graduates as base laborers involved merely in carrying supplies to the more skilled bricklayers or stonemasons of the mystic “work.”

Consider the individual symbolic components of the graduation. The hawk or hod that the graduation cap symbolizes is a tool used to temporarily hold mortar so that a bricklayer can apply it to a surface using a different tool. Like the cap, it consists of a board about nine inches square, but with a perpendicular handle fixed centrally on the opposite side. In a similar manner as the dean who hands the diploma to the graduate, the bricklayer artisan holds the hawk horizontally with the left hand and applies the material on the hawk with a tool (engages the “tool,” who is the graduate) held in the right.

Most people today are unaware of the fortunate time in which they live. Literature, mythology, and volumes of historical research have been made available to everyone on earth. There are etymology tools available for Latin, ancient Greek, and Hebrew. The works of Plato, Aristotle, Homer, Pythagoras, Strabo, and Josephus can be rapidly searched for specific words, and the words themselves can be deciphered from their original language down to the letter. In contrast, a person fluent in Latin, Greek, and Hebrew who might have had access to all the libraries of Europe during the Renaissance would have been unable to duplicate the amount of research in a lifetime that the average person could do today from his or her computer in the course of a few months.

Imagine how much Isaac Newton would value what most people take for granted if he had lived today. Such a wealth of freely obtainable information back in the seventeenth century would have been unfathomable. While the availability of information is miraculous in the sense of its mere existence, it is unfortunate that the activities of the average person living today are centered primarily on the base pursuit of pleasure and avoidance of pain.

Since the Middle Ages, mythology has been an important part of a classical education, along with the required language skills in Latin, Greek, and Hebrew. Pythagoras taught that thinking skills were necessary for the serious study of philosophy and theology (i.e., mythology). A student prepared by first studying grammar, logic, and rhetoric, and then moving on to the quadrivium, or the “four subjects”—arithmetic, astronomy, geometry, and music.[iii] The intellectual pursuit of knowledge of the highest rank or class (classical works) was the mythology of the ancient Mediterranean world. It was the highest class of knowledge and was sacred in the sense that students could approach it only after they had proven worthiness. After this stage, the student then required an equally worthy mentor.

Today, typical college graduates complete a course of study with the singular goal of becoming sufficiently enabled to do some job. They are lucky to have received anything more than just a cursory survey of ancient mythology. Today, the serious study of these subjects is left out intentionally. It must be this way because of the fact that current information available is levels of magnitude greater than it was during the last two thousand years, and learning about and understanding the meaning behind mythology, as it was once taught, is only for the chosen few.

FORBIDDEN SECRETS - PART 9 Palladium & Power Of The Gods Labyrinth3

The great secret concerning the whole human race has been, at its quintessential base, required to be kept secret to all but those worthy.Over the centuries, Freemasons have been instructed to hide their secrets from the vulgar. The “Obligation of First Degree,” or oath to secrecy, from Malcolm C. Duncan’s Ritual and Monitor of Freemasonry written in 1866, outlines this directive:

Quote :
I…do hereby and hereon most solemnly and sincerely promise and swear, that I will always hail, ever conceal, and never reveal, any of the arts, parts, or points of the hidden mysteries of Ancient Free Masonry, which may have been, or hereafter shall be, at this time, or any future period, communicated to me, as such, to any person or persons whomsoever, except it be to a true and lawful brother Mason, or in a regularly constituted Lodge of Masons.

All this I most solemnly, sincerely promise and swear, with a firm and steadfast resolution to perform the same, without any mental reservation or secret evasion of mind whatever, binding myself under no less penalty than that of having my throat cut across, my tongue torn out by its roots, and my body buried in the rough sands of the sea, at low-water mark, where the tide ebbs and flows twice in twenty-four hours, should I ever knowingly violate this my Entered Apprentice obligation.[iv]

The belief that the study of philosophy and mythology is the highest form of intellectual pursuit has never waned; the value of the quest for knowledge of the highest class has not been forgotten. A select group has had the answers to questions and concepts that the majority of people have never once considered.

 The keepers of the knowledge restrain it, because its nefarious source instructs them to do so.

Realizing the importance that the ancients attributed to the classics leads to the question: What can be gained through their understanding? A good way to prepare for the answer at this point is to pose the questions that this book will address:

  • Is there meaning behind the various classical architectural forms used throughout the world and specifically in Washington, DC?
  • Why is the Greek goddess Athena so often represented in art and architecture? When did she first appear in history?
  • What is the meaning behind the triangle reference to Athena that the Pythagoreans so often used?
  • Why are the characters and story of the Trojan War still remembered today even though the city of Troy had been thought fictional up to its discovery in 1868?[v]
  • Why have the sacred symbols of ancient mystery religions of the Egyptian, Babylonian, and Anatolian civilizations been so readily adopted by the Greeks and Romans, and why do they remain in Freemasonry?
  • What was the Roman cult of Mithras all about?
  • How do the answers to these questions give insight to the meaning of the enigmatic symbols on the dollar bill, the currency of the United States?

We have the advantage of the information-rich time in which we live to help answer these questions. In addition, this exploration will begin with the unique perspective that there was a common beginning for every mythological legend and that there was a fundamental entity involved. The realization of the who, and the nature of the source, is extremely vital to gaining understanding of the history and destiny of our world. This source has suppressed the understanding of the highest class of knowledge, since it would be counterproductive to one of its paramount goals: to have as many as possible forget or never believe that a creatorexists. 

Understanding the events of the past concerning man and the entity known as the “giver of knowledge” requires a belief in the God who created him. Conversely, learning that the giver of knowledge truly exists might well manifest into an unshakable faith in that creator God.

FORBIDDEN SECRETS - PART 9 Palladium & Power Of The Gods Labyrinth6

Like a maze, the stories in myth over the many millennia have been intentionally obfuscated in order to hide the secrets from the vulgar. Often, the paths that lead to the discovery behind the meaning of the stories, characters, and ideas in myth often come to abrupt ends where the student must retrace his steps back to alternate paths in order to gain understanding. The paths of a maze mimic the method of exploration and discovery used in this book, and are consistent with the nature of the subjects covered. In the account of Theseus and the Minotaur, Theseus was given a ball of thread known as the “clue” that led him through the Labyrinth. This book will be the thread orclue through the maze, where each subject explored will add to the unraveling of confusion and lay out a path so that anescape to understanding is possible.

In education, the practice of exposing the student to information in a global fashion but leaving out the various, meaningful relationships between concepts until enough has been surveyed to come suddenly to a more complete understanding is known as the gestalt (German: “essence or shape of an entity’s complete form”) method, from the nineteenth-century philosopher, Christian von Ehrenfels (1859–1932).

[vi] Through exploration, the seeker of truth will find everything needed for a gestalt moment when understanding suddenly coalesces. This is the path through the maze where each subject explored brings new choices of direction.

The Minotaur of myth, the half-man, half-bull monster, is said to have waited in the center of the Labyrinth of Knossos. We shall see that we do not need to kill the Minotaur to find our way out of the maze as Theseus did. We can do much more:

 We can understand what the complex maze of mythology represents, as well as the mystical identities of the characters involved and how they relate to our existence.

The information in this book offers a path showing the way that offers freedom from ignorance, and is quite different from that desired by an initiate to the mystery schools. The clues provided are meant for the nonelite and nontapped, as the goal is contra to those of the elite.

The great secret concerning the human race that has been kept hidden to all but those who are worthy concerns the process of becoming “god-like.” Going farther and finding the origin of the genesis of this secret will bring us to the understanding of the true path, which leads to eternal life.

The door we must open to gain entrance to the Labyrinth is also the place of the genesis of humanity, the Garden of Eden.[vii]
Locus amoenus—Eden

FORBIDDEN SECRETS - PART 9 Palladium & Power Of The Gods Labyrinth5

The locus amoenus or “place of delight” was an idyllic place of romance, comfort, and safety. The Latin term endured into medieval romance literature and typically consisted of three elements—trees, grass, and water—usually depicted within a walled enclosure.

According to the Judeo-Christian theology, God created humanity in the Garden of Eden:

Quote :
And the Lord God formed man [of] the dust of the ground, and breathed into his nostrils the breath of life; and man became a living soul.

And the Lord God planted a garden eastward in Eden; and there he put the man whom he had formed. (Genesis 2:7–Cool

It was in the garden (Hebrew: gan, גַּן, “enclosed garden, enclosure,” from the root, ganan, גָּנַן, “to defend, cover, surround”) where God walked with His new creation in harmony. The perfection of this state where man and God coexisted was the absolute definition of paradise. “Eden” in Hebrew means “delight.”

Metamorphoses (Latin: Metamorphoseon Libri, “Books of Transformations”) was written by the Roman poet Publius Ovidius Naso (43 BC—AD 18), or Ovid, and is considered one of the most influential works of literature in Western culture. It is made up of 250 myths that chronicle the history of the world from Creation to the glorification of Julius Caesar. The first English translation of the original Latin hexameter was by William Caxton in 1480.

In Metamorphoses, Ovid described various situations occurring in “pleasant gardens” (locus amoenus) that would change to sites of violence or calamity (locus horridus),accentuating the pain and loss experienced by the characters involved. The book of Genesis describes the first garden that underwent a change from perfection to calamity:

Quote :
And the Lord God planted a garden eastward in Eden; and there he put the man whom he had formed.

And out of the ground made the Lord God to grow every tree that is pleasant to the sight, and good for food; the tree of life also in the midst of the garden, and the tree of knowledge of good and evil. (Genesis 2:8–9)

There was only one command from God to man concerning what he should not do, and that was to refrain from eating the fruit of the Tree of Knowledge of Good and Evil:

Quote :
And the Lord God commanded the man, saying, Of every tree of the garden thou mayest freely eat:

But of the tree of the knowledge of good and evil, thou shalt not eat of it: for in the day that thou eatest thereof thou shalt surely die. (Genesis 2:16–17)

Adam and Eve could not have understood death, since the Tree of Life was accessible and since they had never seen, heard of, or experienced death in any way. Eating the fruit of the Tree of Knowledge of Good and Evil caused the transformation from locus amoenus to locus horridus.

So he drove out the man; and he placed at the east of the Garden of Eden cherubim, and a flaming sword which turned every way, to keep the way of the tree of life. (Genesis 3:24)

God would not have made Adam and Eve incapable of appreciating His creation or His presence. He did not create paradise and somehow limit its inhabitants’ abilities to experience joy, peace, love, vitality, the appreciation of beauty, and harmony with Him. The tree did not simply offer the knowledge of evil, but evil along with good. In other words, the fruit did not cause the earth to become a place of absolute evil or outer darkness, but a place likened to one where the subtlety of evil would be allowed to infect it.

According to the account in Genesis, a creature that obviously had been created before man entered the realm of heaven on earth in order to convince Eve to try the fruit of the tree. In Hebrew, the name for the creature is Nachash. It is important to understand that Nachash was the creature’s name before it appeared to Eve in the garden.

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PostSubject: Re: FORBIDDEN SECRETS - PART 9 Palladium & Power Of The Gods   FORBIDDEN SECRETS - PART 9 Palladium & Power Of The Gods I_icon_minitimeSun Jul 20, 2014 9:50 am

just saw pt 2 and read it... oh how little we know and how much is kept from us!
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PostSubject: The Awakened Ones, The Hidden Destiny Of America, And The Day After Tomorrow   FORBIDDEN SECRETS - PART 9 Palladium & Power Of The Gods I_icon_minitimeThu Jul 24, 2014 8:42 am


The Awakened Ones, The Hidden Destiny Of America, And The Day After Tomorrow
Posted: July 24, 2014
8:00 am Eastern

By Mark A. Flynn

PART 3 - Nachash Hissing

The root of “Nachash” in Hebrew means to “practice divination,” “to observe signs and omens,” or “to learn by experience.” A Hebrew Lexicon of the Old Testament—originally written by the theologian and master of the Hebrew language, Heinrich Friedrich Wilhelm Gesenius (1786–1842)—known as Gesenius’ Lexicon adds that the meaning of Nachash is “hissing” or “whispering.”

FORBIDDEN SECRETS - PART 9 Palladium & Power Of The Gods TranshumanBeing

The creature possessed extraordinary abilities for planning and observation. It understood the intellectual and emotional nature of the dust creatures that God had created and knew exactly how to persuade and manipulate them.

The Nachash was unique in all of God’s creation, since it was the first to presume to act contrary to the will of its Creator—the Creator of the universe. Later, the term “Nachash” would come to equal a “serpent” after it took on the value of the curse that God gave it as punishment for its act the garden.

The term “subtle” is used to describe one of the creature’s essential attributes:

Quote :
Now the serpent was more subtle than any beast of the field which the Lord God had made. And he said unto the woman, Yea, hath God said, Ye shall not eat of every tree of the garden? (Genesis 3:1)

The term for “subtle” in Hebrew is aruwm (עָרוּם), from the root aram (עָרַם). In addition to meaning “subtle” or “crafty,” aram can mean “to uncover” or “to be spiteful.”[i]

Quote :
And the eyes of them both were opened, and they knew that they [were] naked; and they sewed fig leaves together, and made themselves aprons. (Genesis 3:7)

The consequence of obedience to the will of the Nachash was profound for Adam and Eve. It is important to recognize that in addition to the concept of the nakedness that they experienced for the first time, Adam and Eve took on an aspect of the Nachash: “subtleness.” The word in Hebrew for “naked,” eyrom, comes from the root aram, meaning “subtle.”

Eden can be considered the beginning of a circuit where the perfection of the coexistence with humankind’s Creator was interrupted and a void was created where everything was lost. A state of “lacking” replaced immortality, paradise, and communion with God. It was here in the garden that calamity occurred. 

Understanding what was lost, the nature of the interruption, and the creature that interjected itself into paradise are the keys to understanding the past, present, and future of mankind. The bright angel or cherub who presumed to interrupt the union of heaven on earth has left us many clues as to his intentions concerning the plans for his future and ours.

Arrows Are More than Just Arrows

FORBIDDEN SECRETS - PART 9 Palladium & Power Of The Gods Dragon-cadmus

In any important historical event, the sights, sounds, emotions, ramifications, aftermath, and heroes and villains involved can morph into words that describe objects over time. Such words bring to mind the quality of a character involved or the effects of the event. An example of a term that has undergone this type of morphing phenomenon is the word “arrow.” Over a vast period of time, the word has come to represent the human senses experienced during the visit of the Nachash in the garden.

Is there a connection between the Nachash, who is described as a “bright angel” (Hebrew: heylel, הֵילֵל, “shining one”)[ii] and the concept or image of an arrow or archer? Apart from the effect of wounding or killing its target, the arrow moves too fast to avoid once it has been set on a true course. It usually doesn’t kill its victim immediately, but inflicts prolonged agony until death occurs through loss of blood. A strike from a poisonous snake is similar to the effect of an arrow: sudden pain, with the victim being left to contemplate inevitable death.

Descriptions of arrows have obvious allusions to the effects of the advice the snake gave Eve. Consider the idea of separation, which occurred for the first time after the Nachash’s visit, and its effects: deception, being cut off from life (death), banishment, and fear. The descriptive words illustrating the appearance and demeanor of the Nachash and the results of its interaction with Eve have also become mixed in their meaning with a physical object that has similar injurious characteristics.

The majority of words in Hebrew that describe either the physical appearance of the Nachash or the result of Adam and Eve following its advice have multiple meanings. The list of appropriate words and phrases that describe separation from God and the expulsion from paradise that forced Adam and Eve to experience terrible new states of being would be vast. Rather than investigating the meaning of Hebrew words that might relate to the event in the garden or terms for the appearance or nature of the Nachash, consider that the connection between the idea of striking weapons (such as arrows) and these terms has already been made.

 If this is true, then words illustrating this connection could be found by searching for three words: “arrow,” “spear,” and “dart.”

Strong’s Concordance, written by Dr. James Strong (1822–1894), is an exhaustive cross reference of all the words in the King James Version of the Bible back to the original Hebrew or Greek. The results of a search in the concordance for the Hebrew words “arrow,” “dart,” and “spear” support the idea of the arrow-Nachash descriptive connection. To illustrate the phenomenon more fully, the complete list of Hebrew words returned for each search is included here despite its length. The italicized terms relate to the qualities of the Nachash, and are explored in later chapters:

From Strong’s Concordance:

Quote :
Ashpah, אַשְׁפָּה—The sense of covering or a quiver or arrow-case:—quiver, from Ashshaph,אַשָּׁף—From an unused root (probably meaningto lisp, i.e. practice enchantment); a conjurer:—astrologer.
Ben, בֵּן—a son (as a builder of the family name),afflicted, arrow, bullock, calf, mighty, rebel, robber, spark, stranger, tumultuous one.
Chets, חֵץ—A piercer, i.e. an arrow; by implication, a wound; figuratively, (of God) thunder-bolt; the shaft of a spear:—+archer, arrow, dart, shaft, staff, wound.
Chatsats, חָצַץ—To chop into, pierce or sever; hence, to curtail, to distribute (into ranks), to shoot an arrow:—archer, cut off in the midst.
Chatsats, חָצָץ—Something cutting; hence, gravel (as grit); also an arrow:—arrow, gravel (stone).
Da’ah, דָּאָה—a primitive root; to dart, i.e. fly rapidly:—fly.
Lehabah, לֶהָבָה—flame(-ming), head (of a spear).
Macca, מַסָּע—the sense of projecting; a missile (spear or arrow); also a quarry (whence stones are, as it were, ejected):—before it was brought, dart.
Qesheth, קֶשֶׁת—of bending: a bow, for shooting (hence, figuratively, strength) or the iris:—arch(-er), + arrow, bow (-man, -shot).
Qippowz, קִפּוֹז—from an unused root meaning to contract, i.e. spring forward; an arrow-snake (as darting on its prey):—great owl.
Resheph, רֶשֶׁף—a live coal; by analogy lightning; figuratively, an arrow, (as flashing through the air); specifically, fever:—arrow,(burning) coal, burning heat, + spark, hot thunderbolt.
Shebet, שֵׁבֶט—from an unused root probably meaning to branch off; a scion, i.e. (literally) a stick (for punishing, writing, fighting, ruling, walking, etc.) or (figuratively) a clan:—correction, dart, rod, scepter, staff, tribe.
Shelach, שֶׁלַח—a missile of attack, i.e. spear; also (figuratively) a shoot of growth; i.e. branch:—dart, plant, put off, sword, weapon.
Tslatsal, צְלָצַל—a clatter, i.e. (abstractly)whirring (of wings); (concretely) a cricket; also a harpoon (as rattling), a cymbal (as clanging):—cymbal, locust, shadowing, spear.
Taqa, תָּקַע—a primitive root; to clatter, i.e. slap (the hands together), clang (an instrument); by analogy, to drive (a nail or tent-pin, a dart, etc.); by implication, to become bondsman by handclasping):—blow ((a trumpet)), cast, clap, fasten, pitch (tent), smite, sound, strike, X suretiship, thrust.
Yadah, יָדָה—a primitive root, literally, to use (i.e., hold out) the hand; physically, to throw (a stone, an arrow) at or away; especially to revere or worship (with extended hands); intensively, to bemoan (by wringing the hands):—cast (out),(make) confess(-ion), praise, shoot, (give) thank(-ful, -s, -sgiving).
Yarah, יָרָה—a primitive root; properly, to flow as water (i.e. to rain); transitively, to lay or throw (especially an arrow, i.e. to shoot); figuratively, to point out (as if by aiming the finger), to teach:—(+) archer, cast, direct, inform, instruct, lay, shew, shoot, teach(-er,-ing), through.
Zanaq, זָנַק—a primitive root; properly, to draw together the feet (as an animal about to dart upon its prey), i.e. to spring forward:—leap.
Ziyqah, זִיקוֹת—what leaps forth, i.e. flash of fire, or a burning arrow; also (from the original sense of the root) a bond:—chain, fetter, firebrand, spark.

The clashing noises made by cymbals as shown in the words tslatsal and taqa are notable, since the same type of cymbal-clattering noise making often occurs in ancient rituals and in the dances of gods and goddesses associated with the serpent. (Explained in chapter 5 of the upcoming book "Forbidden Secrets of the Labyrinth".)

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The Hebrew prophet Ezekiel described the Nachash as being a member of the angelic class known as thecherubim (singular form, cherub):

Quote :
Thou hast been in Eden the garden of God;every precious stone [was] thy covering, the sardius, topaz, and the diamond, the beryl, the onyx, and the jasper, the sapphire, the emerald, and the carbuncle, and gold: the workmanship of thy tabrets and of thy pipes was prepared in thee in the day that thou wast created.

Thou [art] the anointed cherub that covereth; and I have set thee [so]: thou wast upon the holy mountain of God; thou hast walked up and down in the midst of the stones of fire. (Ezekiel 28:13–14, emphasis added)

The word “covereth” stands out as a unique quality of the cherub and deserves further study. The Hebrew for “cover” in Ezekiel 28:14 is cakak: “Cakak סָכַךְ saw-kak’ or sakak. A primitive root; properly, to entwine as a screen; by implication, to fence in, cover over, (figuratively) protect:—cover, defense, defend, hedge in, join together, set, shut up.”[iii]
Cakak is the root of the word chakam, which adds a further description to the nature of “cover,” as is used to describe the Nachash. “Chakam חָכַם khaw-kam’, a primitive root, to be wise (in mind, word or act): exceeding, teach wisdom, be (make self, shew self) wise, deal (never so) wisely, make wiser.”[iv]
Chakam is an appropriate description of the clever Nachash, who knew exactly how to persuade and manipulate the dust creatures in the garden.
Ezekiel described the appearance of the cherubim:
Quote :
And every one had four faces: the first face [was] the face of a cherub, and the second face [was] the face of a man, and the third the face of a lion, and the fourth the face of an eagle….

Every one had four faces apiece, and every one four wings; and the likeness of the hands of a man [was] under their wings. (Ezekiel 10:14, 21)
The cherubim’s four faces are linked to the arrangement of the constellations that encircle the earth. In Cydonia: The Secret Chronicles of Mars, David Flynn writes:
Quote :
The cardinal points of the Zodiac are the constellations Taurus, Leo Scorpio and Aquarius. They correspond to the bull, lion eagle which was an ancient form of Ophiuchus, the serpent holder that stands above Scorpio, and the man.[v]

The Fiery Nachash

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The majority of Greek words having something to do with fire, burning, flame, or the color red have three letters appearing in the beginning: The word for “fire” is pyr (πυρ[pi-upsilon-rho]) or pyros (πυρος [pi-upsion-rho-omicron-sigma]). Other words that happen to begin with pi-upsilon-rho in Greek are “pear,” “stone,” and “wheat.”

While it is not such a stretch to say that the color red would be a near equivalent to the word “fire,” the link between “fire” and “pear” can be understood in light of the story in the garden. The word for “fruit” in Hebrew is peri (פרי, pe, פ—“mouth,” resh, ר—“head,” yod, י,—“hand”). The letters reveal a very famous moment when Eve moved an object with her hand toward her head and mouth.
While wheat kernels or stones look like little pears, the “fire” prefix for stone and wheat would come after the “fire”-“pear” link, as it alludes to the creature that “walked up and down in the midst of the stones of fire” (Ezekiel 28:14, emphasis added).

Looking at the Phoenician root meaning of the individual Greek letters in the word “pyros” reveals more layers of significance:

  •  PI (Ππ), from the Phoenician pey or Hebrew pe (ף), meaning “mouth.” The upper-case Π is used as a symbol for a plaintiff. In the lower case, it represents the ratio of a circle’s circumference to its diameter in Euclidean geometry.
  • Upsion (Υυ), from waw or vav meaning “hook, peg or spear.” Pythagoras wrote about the path of virtue or vice and likened it to the letter upsilon.
  • Rho (Ρρ), from Phoenician rosh or Hebrew resh (ר), meaning “head,” is used as a symbol for the radius in cylindrical or spherical coordinate systems.
  • Omicron (Οο) is derived from the Phoenician lettereyn, meaning “eye.”
  • Sigma (Σσς), from the Phoenician shin, means “tooth or weapon.” It has been theorized that sigma was a Greek letter for “hissing,” based on the verb σίζω (“sízō”), meaning, “I hiss.”[vi] The lowercase in word-final position of the sigma (ς) is distinctly snakelike.

Based on this information, the interpretation of the esoteric letter meaning of the Greek word “pyros” (“fire”) is this: “A highly intelligent, far-seeing, hissing, snake-like creature with the appearance of a bright, burning red flame encouraged a choice that caused pain.”

Later, we will explore the ideas of a circuit (pi) and plaintiff as they relate to the pyros creature.

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PostSubject: PART 4 - Who Is The Phoenix?   FORBIDDEN SECRETS - PART 9 Palladium & Power Of The Gods I_icon_minitimeTue Jul 29, 2014 8:16 am

The Awakened Ones, The Hidden Destiny Of America, And The Day After Tomorrow

Posted: July 29, 2014
8:00 am Eastern

By Mark A. Flynn

PART 4 - Who Is The Phoenix?


The bright, four-winged cherub that filled the garden with its red, fiery light was an impressive sight while it rested in the Tree of Knowledge of Good and Evil. The image of the tree with the angel overwhelming its branches has a name: phoenix, a word related to the Greek phoinos (φοῖνιξ) orphonos, meaning “blood red or purple,” the color of royalty. “Phonos” also means “to murder” or “to strike.”[i]

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The description of the phoenix as a legendary bird of fire fits the image of the cherub in the tree. Ovid describes the mythical bird in his Metamorphoses:

Quote :
There is one, a bird, which renews itself, and reproduces from itself. The Assyrians call it the phoenix. It does not live on seeds and herbs, but on drops of incense, and the sap of the cardamom plant. When it has lived for five centuries, it then builds a nest for itself in the topmost branches of a swaying palm tree, using only its beak and talons. As soon as it has lined it with cassia bark, and smooth spikes of nard, cinnamon fragments and yellow myrrh, it settles on top, and ends its life among the perfumes.

They say that, from the father’s body, a young phoenix is reborn, destined to live the same number of years. When age has given it strength, and it can carry burdens, it lightens the branches of the tall palm of the heavy nest, and piously carries its own cradle, that was its father’s tomb, and, reaching the city of Hyperion, the sun-god, through the clear air, lays it down in front of the sacred doors of Hyperion’s temple.[iii]

Like the phoenix, the Nachash “dies” from the curse imposed on him by God:

Quote :
And the Lord God said unto the serpent, Because thou hast done this, thou [art] cursed above all cattle, and above every beast of the field; upon thy belly shalt thou go, and dust shalt thou eat all the days of thy life. (Genesis 3:14)

As we shall see, the Nachash plans to raise himself up from the ashes of his demise and throw off the image of the lowly snake, ultimately to rule the earth as the god of light. The Nachash caused paradise to become a desert and introduced death, which can be thought of as the first act of murder done to humanity. Indeed, in His response to the Pharisees who were questioning Him, Jesus referred to the cherub specifically as a murderer:

Quote :
Ye are of [your] father the devil, and the lusts of your father ye will do. He was a murderer from the beginning, and abode not in the truth, because there is no truth in him. When he speaketh a lie, he speaketh of his own: for he is a liar, and the father of it. (John 8:44)

The palm tree is often seen in Masonic art. The pinnate or “feather-like” leaves of the palm mimic the appearance of the cherub in the tree. In a typical reversal to the true nature of the Nachash, a person wandering in a desert might find an oasis. In the place surrounded by the “death lands” of the desert, the water of the oasis and the life-giving fruit of thePhoenix dactylifera (date palm) would provide restoration.

Jesus not only points out the fact that Satan was the original murderer, but indicates that he imitates the truth by taking the symbol of the cherub of light in the tree symbolized by the phoenix:

Quote :
Jesus said unto them, If God were your Father, ye would love me: for I proceeded forth and came from God; neither came I of myself, but he sent me. (John 8:42)

The Nachash has always tried to mimic Christ and replace Him as the “light” of the world. Just as Ovid describes the cycle of the phoenix, the Nachash comes from himself and for himself. Those who intentionally reject God to follow the cherub’s false light, the “way of desolation,” epitomize what it means to break the Second Commandment:

Quote :
Thou shalt not take the name of the Lord thy God in vain; for the Lord will not hold him guiltless that taketh his name in vain. (Exodus 20:7)

The Hebrew word for “vain” is shav (שָׁוְא), meaning “emptiness,” “nothingness,” “falsehood,” or “desolation.”

The Arch-Archery

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The arrow concept that mirrors the quality of the creature in the garden can be extended to the centaur, the mythological bowman whose skill makes the investigation of the etymology behind the word “archer” significant. In Greek, thearchi or arch means “the chief or principal leader, the first in rank.” The Nachash was known as the most beautiful of the cherubim.[v] The Latin arche from the Greek “archi” also means “to begin, to lead, rule or govern.” In architecture, the structure known as the “arch” used extensively in stonemasonry actually comes from the Proto-Indo-European word for the bow and arrow. “Archery,” from the Latin arcus,is “the art, practice, or skill of propelling arrows with the use of a bow.” 

Anyone known in mythology as a skilled archer was also an effective hunter or warrior.

The Greek “arche” has the primary meaning of a beginning or an origin of first cause. The meaning of arche or archaiduring the eighth century BC always meant the beginning foundation of an idea or principle, or something with a solid foundation.

The Greek philosopher Anaximander (610–546 BC) was the first to use the term “arche,” later termed the“substratum” by Greek philosopher Aristotle (384–322 BC) to ascribe something as having divine attributes. The substratum is the divine, eternal substance that encompasses all things and gives them value.[vi]

Aristotle used “substratum” to define an element or principle not easily understood but described in such a way as to make its existence possible. To him, the arche was the element or first principle of all that exists. He considered it as a permanent substance in nature physis, and asserted that all things first come to be from it until they are resolved into a final state.[vii]

The “illuminated” stonemasons who utilize the structure of the arch symbolically honor and represent their god continually in the form and names of the structures they skillfully produce. The classical Greek philosopher Plato’s (428–347 BC) “unmoved mover,” or “demiurge,” as described later by the Neoplatonists, had three ordering principles:

Quote :
1. Arche: “Beginning”—the source of all things
2. Logos: “Word”—the underlying order that is hidden beneath appearances
3. Harmonia: “Harmony”—numerical ratios in mathematics

The idea of the arche, logos, and importantly, special ratios, combine to make a distinctive building style known today as Palladian architecture, which has been used in all of the ancient temples. The Greek poet Hesiod (750—650 BC) wrote that the arche or origin of the world started with nothingness (chaos) and that the earth and heaven came forth out of chaos.


A wedge or obstruction was set in place at the time when the union of God and men, heaven and earth, was interrupted. An appropriate illustration of this new state would be the symbol of the pillars. The most rigid and graceful of architectural edifices were set in place after Eden and now symbolically separate heaven from earth. They were partly removed at the reconciliation between God and man that occurred through the death and resurrection of Jesus Christ. Pillars that represent the physical separation of heaven and earth still exist. In later chapters, we will see how these will be “removed” in the future, first in a counterfeit fashion by the Nachash and then by God Himself.

The Story of Atlas

Mythology has been interpreted as allegory to explain or personify natural phenomena or approached as an ancient evolution of science. Usually, comparative mythology interprets the narratives as simply “stories,” fashioned perhaps to teach, entertain, or explain the origin of man. It is not common to look at the characters in myth and make associations with them to ones found in story of the Garden of Eden. However, by using and extending this unique approach, the characters that might not directly display any similarities to the characters in Eden can be understood to represent antitypes or ones gaining symbolic forms or attributes through the point of view of the Nachash.

The personification of the pillars in Greek myth is the Titan Atlas. In his Theogony, Greek for “origin of the gods,” Hesiod wrote that the first of all the gods was Chaos. He reigned as the “personification of nothingness.”

Magnum Chaos represented at the Basilica
di Santa Maria Maggiore in Rome[viii]
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The next primordial god from Chaos was the Earth (Greek:Gaia), who brought forth Heaven (Greek: Ouranos; Latin:Uranus). The firstborn of Earth and Heaven was Chronos (Time). He was the first of the Titans (“Strainers”), as Heaven called them. Time was said to have hated his father, Heaven:

Quote :
But these sons whom be begot himself great Heaven used to call Titans (Strainers) in reproach, for he said that they strained and did presumptuously a fearful deed, and that vengeance for it would come afterwards.[ix]

Earth and Heaven made many children as well as terrible monsters. Some of these were the Cyclopes, Cottus, Briareos and the fifty-headed, one-hundred-armed Gyes. Heaven knew that he would eventually be dethroned by one of his children and decided to force all of his newly born back into Gaia to a place called Tartarus, the “horrid or terrible region”:

Quote :
And he used to hide them all away in a secret place of Earth so soon as each was born, and would not suffer them to come up into the light: and Heaven rejoiced in his evil doing.[x]

Gaia and her son, Chronos, were so angered by Heaven’s actions that they made plans to punish him. Hesiod writes:

And Heaven came, bringing on night and longing for love, and he lay about Earth spreading himself full upon her.

Quote :
Then the son from his ambush stretched forth his left hand and in his right took the great long sickle with jagged teeth, and swiftly lopped off his own father’s members and cast them away to fall behind him. And not vainly did they fall from his hand; for all the bloody drops that gushed forth Earth received, and as the seasons moved round she bare the strong Erinyes and the great Giants with gleaming armour, holding long spears in their hands and the Nymphs whom they call Meliae all over the boundless earth.[xi]

After Chronos took his father’s throne, he decided to reimprison his siblings, turning to the same unjust rule as his father. He began swallowing his own children from his sister-wife Rhea.

Rhea and the Goddess Cybele

Rhea is related to the important goddess Cybele (described in chapter 5) since she is identical in many ways. Both have been represented in ancient art as a woman seated on a throne flanked by lions.[xii]

Birth of Zeus

Rhea hid her youngest child, Zeus, from Chronos by substituting him with a stone wrapped in a blanket. She then brought Zeus to a cave, where he was raised by Amalthea or Adrasteia, meaning “the inescapable,” and the goat god, Pan. Amalthea has also been referred to as Ide or the Nymph of Mt. Ida, which is located in Anatolia (modern-day Turkey), and is said to be the origin of the Trojans and the mountain of the goddess Cybele. Adrasteia was also known as the remorseless Greek goddess of revenge, Nemesis.

In order to keep Cronus from hearing the infant, Amalthea had the dancing male youths known as the Kuretes or Korybantes yell and clash their spears against their shields to drown out his cries. This is an example of how the myth/garden comparative technique is applied. The stone substitute can be thought of as a trick that Satan orchestrated against the one God, the idea being that the will of God was subverted by the Nachash and that “God-Zeus” now needed to be nurtured by the actions of the Nachash and Eve. Using this unorthodox technique, the image of Zeus (God), Amalthea (Eve), and Pan (Nachash) together in the cave hiding away from Chronos is perversely similar to the situation in the Garden of Eden.

Earth and Chronos

The Nachash was present when God made the earth. The oldest book of the Old Testament, Job, mentions the establishment of the earth:

Quote :
Where wast thou when I laid the foundations of the earth? declare, if thou hast understanding.

Who hath laid the measures thereof, if thou knowest? or who hath stretched the line upon it?

Whereupon are the foundations thereof fastened? or who laid the corner stone thereof;

When the morning stars sang together, and all the sons of God shouted for joy? (Job 38:4–7, emphasis added)

A passage earlier in the book of Job identifies Satan as having the moniker “son of God”:

Quote :
Now there was a day when the sons of God came to present themselves before the Lord, and Satan came also among them. (Job 1:6)

The account of how Earth and Heaven became separated in Ovid’s Theogony, the “castration of paradise” as mirrored in the garden story, was, according to the view of Satan, a twisted representation of the act he orchestrated against God—his Creator, the God of the Universe. It was the ultimate disrespectful and undignified “emasculation” of God Himself.

The “Zeus-God” helped by Rhea-Cybele and later Amalthea (Eve) in the Theogony can be viewed as another outrageous insult, as if the act of Satan in the garden was for God’s sake or that God didn’t realize the greatness of what Satan had done for Him. “God” was “nurtured,”allowed, to participate in this “plan of the subtle.”

Chronos takes on a new identity at this point in theTheogony and represents the “unjust” God. The act of bringing Eve to the knowledge of good and evil is symbolically reversed with Rhea protecting Zeus as a saving, helpful act to God Himself, who now is represented by Zeus.

The Titanomachy

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Upon reaching adulthood, Zeus became the cupbearer of Cronus and tricked him into drinking a mixture of mustard and wine, causing him to vomit up his swallowed children. After freeing his siblings, Zeus led them in rebellion against the Titans, known as the “Titanomachy,” or “War of the Titans.”

Atlas entered the story along with his brother, Menoetius, as enemies of Zeus fighting on the side of the Titans. When they were eventually defeated, all of them except Atlas were confined to Tartarus. Zeus condemned Atlas to stand at the western edge of Gaia (Earth) to hold up Ouranos (Heaven) on his shoulders, and prevent the two from ever resuming their primordial embrace.

Hesiod writes about the birth of Atlas:

Quote :
Now Iapetus took to wife the neat-ankled maid Clymene, daughter of Ocean, and went up with her into one bed. And she bare him a stout-hearted son, Atlas: also she bare very glorious Menoetius and clever Prometheus, full of various wiles, and scatter-brained Epimetheus.[xv]

The name “Atlas” comes from the Proto-Indo-European roottel, “to uphold or support.”[xvi] Two Atlases are mentioned in ancient myth. The Atlas involved in the Titanomachy was the son of the Titan Iapetus and the Oceanid Asia or Klyménē (Κλυμένη). The other is known as the son of Poseidon and Cleito, the daughter of Evenor, king of Atlantis.[xvii] The term “Atlantic Ocean” refers to the “sea of Atlas,” and “Atlantis” refers to the “island of Atlas.”

The Hidden Meaning of Myth

The ancients believed that the gods of myth had power over nature and the lives of men, and it is reasonable to start the exploration of the highest class of knowledge with their origin. The study of mythology in this regard would not seem to present such a difficult task. While some of the stories passed down over the centuries might have been lost, we can still gain a good understanding of the quality, personality, and power of each mythological deity. We still have the works of many ancient writers who describe them at great length. To understand who the myths actually represent and their importance to the goals of the living descendants of the gods (as they consider themselves) and their end-game, we consider that there is more to mythology than simply understanding the attributes and origins of the ancient gods. An underlying secret woven into the stories of myth can only be discerned by the wise. Approaching this learning from the point of reference of the Garden of Eden is an essential part of our unique path of exploration. Continuing in this fashion but stepping back for a moment to the study of a portion of the quadrivium (i.e., geometry) will add the wisdom necessary to continue.

The Greek philosopher Plato understood the importance of geometry, writing:

Quote :
The knowledge at which geometry aims is knowledge of the eternal, and not of aught perishing and transient.… geometry will draw the soul towards truth, and create the spirit of philosophy, and raise up that which is now unhappily allowed to fall down.[xviii]
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PostSubject: PART 5 - Occult Geometry   FORBIDDEN SECRETS - PART 9 Palladium & Power Of The Gods I_icon_minitimeThu Jul 31, 2014 8:27 am

The Awakened Ones, The Hidden Destiny Of America, And The Day After Tomorrow

Posted: July 31, 2014
8:00 am Eastern

By Mark A. Flynn

PART 5 - Occult Geometry


Geometry, the first and noblest of sciences, is the basis on which the superstructure of Masonry is erected. By geometry, we may curiously trace nature, through her various windings, to her most concealed recesses. By it, we discover the power, the wisdom, and the goodness of the Grand Artificer of the Universe, and view with delight the proportions which connect this vast machine.

—Thomas Smith Webb. Freemason’s Monitor,1863[i]

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In The Republic, Plato uses the sun, the cave, and the segmented line as a metaphor for the source of intellectual illumination. He writes:

Quote :
The eye is unique in that it requires the medium of light to operate. The best source of this light is the sun and with it all objects can be clearly discerned. The same can be said for the understanding of intelligible objects or philosophical concepts.… When [the soul] is firmly fixed on the domain where truth and reality shine resplendent it apprehends and knows them and appears to possess reason, but when it inclines to that region which is mingled with darkness, the world of becoming and passing away, it opines only and its edge is blunted, and it shifts its opinions hither and thither, and again seems as if it lacked reason.[ii]

Plato also says the sun and the good (“the object of knowledge”) are both sources of “generation”:

Quote :
The sun…not only furnishes to those that see the power of visibility but it also provides for their generation and growth and nurture though it is not itself generation.… In like manner, then…the objects of knowledge not only receive from the presence of the good their being known, but their very existence and essence is derived to them from it, though the good itself is not essence but still transcends essence in dignity and surpassing power.[iii]

The Cave

The dialogue between Socrates and Glaucon, whose name means the same as Glaucus (his story is related in chapter 9 of the upcoming book Forbidden Secrets of the Labyrinth), “wide-shining,” continues to the idea of the cave. Socrates asks Glaucon to imagine a cave inhabited by prisoners who have had their legs chained since birth and their heads fixed in one direction so that they could only see a single wall in front of them. Behind them is light from a fire that is partly blocked by a raised ramp where free people walk while carrying various objects. The prisoners never see the ramp or the people walking behind them, but can only watch the shadows, unaware of the fact that they are shadows. They can hear echoes off the wall from the noise produced behind them.

Socrates suggests that the prisoners would believe that theshadows were the most real. The philosophers among them would be ones who could explain the forms on the wall and predict their movements.

Plato’s Allegory of the Cave by Jan Saenredam, according to Cornelis van Haarlem, 1604, Albertina, Vienna[iv]
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The Escape

Socrates then asks what would happen if one of the cave dwellers was released and shown all the things that had cast shadows. He would not recognize or be able to name anything, and would insist that the shadows on the wall were “real.”
Socrates asks:

Quote :
What if the man was compelled to look at the fire: wouldn’t he be struck blind and try to turn his gaze back toward the shadows, as toward what he can see clearly and hold to be real? What if someone forcibly dragged such a man upward, out of the cave: would not the man be angry with the one doing this to him? And if dragged all the way out into the sunlight, wouldn’t he be distressed and unable to see “even one of the things now said to be true” because he was “blinded by the light?”

The freed prisoner’s senses would change after some time on the surface. Soon he would see more of things around him, until he could finally look towards the sun.
He would learn that sun was the “source of the seasons and the years, and is the steward of all things in the visible place, and is in a certain way the cause of all those things he and his companions had been seeing.”[v]

The Masonic fraternities venerate Apollo, who slayed the dragon Python, as well as St. George, who saved the Selenite king’s daughter. To the illuminated, the idea of “slaying the dragon” would represent that moment when the initiate “left the cave.”

Return to the Cave

Socrates next asks Glaucon to consider the condition of this same man returning to the cave:

Quote :
Wouldn’t he remember his first home, what passed for wisdom there, and his fellow prisoners, and consider himself happy and them pitiable? And wouldn’t he disdain whatever honors, praises, and prizes were awarded there to the ones who guessed best which shadows followed which? Moreover, were he to return there, wouldn’t he be rather bad at their game, no longer being accustomed to the darkness? Wouldn’t it be said of him that he went up and came back with his eyes corrupted, and that it’s not even worth trying to go up? And if they were somehow able to get their hands on and kill the man who attempts to release and lead them up, wouldn’t they kill him?[vi]

The prisoners, still ignorant of the world behind them, would be afraid of anything outside of what they already knew and would consider the intellectually free man corrupted or stupid.

The Line Segment

Plato used the allegory of the Divided Line to further illustrate the path to knowledge:

Quote :
Now take a line which has been cut into two unequal parts, and divide each of them again in the same proportion, and suppose the two main divisions to answer, one to the visible and the other to the intelligible, and then compare the subdivisions in respect of their clearness and want of clearness, and you will find that the first section in the sphere of the visible consists of images. And by images I mean, in the first place, shadows, and in the second place, reflections in water and in solid, smooth and polished bodies and the like:
Quote :
Do you understand?
Yes, I understand. Imagine, now, the other section, of which this is only the resemblance, to include the animals which we see, and everything that grows or is made.[vii] (emphasis added)

The Divided Line illustrates levels of man’s understanding from illusion to belief, to reason, and finally then to philosophical understanding or illumination. So to Plato, the sun represented the highest form of philosophical understanding or noesis and was ultimately expressed in his “Ideas” or “Forms of the Good.”

The second-highest form of understanding consisted of mathematical reasoning, or dianoia, which includes theoretical science and abstract mathematical objects such as numbers and lines. Beliefs about physical things were a step up from the lowest level of understanding, or pistis, which included empirical science and physical objects. The lowest form was opinion and illusion, eikasia, the shadows and reflections of physical objects.

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The highest level of understanding that Plato called noesis describes a true perception of all that is hidden. This has sometimes been referred to the understanding gained though the mind’s eye in contemporary philosophy.

The symbolism of the bright sun representing the highest attainable, yet hidden, knowledge is also referred to as “gnosis,” a word whose origin was from the same area as the Minoan cult of the Minotaur: the island of Knossos.

Plato did not describe just a random bisection of the line into “two unequal parts.” He was referring to the “golden section” described by Greek philosopher and mathematician Pythagoras (570–495 BC). The “golden section” or “golden mean” is a divine ratio based on the irrational number expressed as phi Φφ (1.6180339887…), which comes from the Phoenician letter qof (needle head) or the Hebrew letter qoph ק. Phi can be understood and easily calculated by first taking the numbers 0 and 1 and making a list of the sum of the previous two numbers:

Quote :
0,1 (0+1 = 1) 1, (1+ 1 = 2) 2, (1+ 2 = 3) 3, (2 + 3 = 5) 5, (3 + 5 = Cool 8, …

This is known as the Fibonacci Series, after the Italian mathematician Leonardo Fibonacci (1170–1250), who introduced it. Phi then can be estimated by dividing any two numbers in the series. By using numbers that have been calculated farther down the series, a more accurate value can be attained.

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Quote :
8/5 = 1.6
233/144 = 1.61805

Alternatively, the formula (1+ √5)/2 can be used to find the true value for phi Φ (1.6180339887…).

The golden section, then, is any line or area divided into sections that have the phi ratio. To do this, first draw a horizontal line of any length (A) and then draw a line exactly half the first length and connect it on one end at 90 degrees (B). 

Draw an arc from the center point (C) starting at the 90-degree corner to the hypotenuse and call that point (D). Continue with one more arc from the center point E starting at D back down to the horizontal line. This point (X) is where the line must be divided to be “golden.”

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A triangle constructed in this manner has the vertical (B) and horizontal (A) line lengths of 1 and 2. Using the Pythagorean theorem, the hypotenuse (D) then equals √5. ( FORBIDDEN SECRETS - PART 9 Palladium & Power Of The Gods Labyri1)

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Φ = (1 + √5) / 2 = 1.6180339887…

Triangles with the longest and shortest side lengths equaling Fibonacci numbers (Pythagorean triples) are known as Fibonacci triangles. The triangle described above is not considered golden, per se, but Fibonacci.

A regular pentagram has five golden triangles at each corner. The ratio of the longest and shortest sides (a:b) equal phi.

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These triangles are used frequently in Palladian architecture and are commonly seen above entranceways always supported below by two or more pillars. Although the Palladian style was used far back in the construction of ancient temples, the term “Palladian” architecture came from the work of Venetian architect Andrea Palladio, also known as Andrea Di Pietro della Gondola (1508–1580).

Palladio was influenced by the work of the Roman architect Vitruvius (80–15 BC) and employed by the Italian scholar Gian Giorgio Trissino from 1538 to 1539. Trissino took an interest in Palladio’s work and helped him study ancient architecture in Rome. Later he gave Gondola the name “Palladio” based on the goddess of wisdom, Pallas Athena.

Having this understanding is key to what comes next.

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PostSubject: Re: FORBIDDEN SECRETS - PART 9 Palladium & Power Of The Gods   FORBIDDEN SECRETS - PART 9 Palladium & Power Of The Gods I_icon_minitimeFri Aug 01, 2014 12:17 pm

I can't wait to get this book. The thing I would like to point out is when God spoke to me he also had shown me what Ezekiel saw, the difference is that I can show you what he had shown me on this.

Ezekiel 10:14 (KJV 1900)

14 And every one had four faces: the first face was the face of a cherub, and the second face was the face of a man, and the third the face of a lion, and the fourth the face of an eagle.

FORBIDDEN SECRETS - PART 9 Palladium & Power Of The Gods Lionmaneagle
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PostSubject: FORBIDDEN SECRETS OF THELABYRINTH The Awakened Ones, The Hidden Destiny Of America, And The Day After Tomorrow   FORBIDDEN SECRETS - PART 9 Palladium & Power Of The Gods I_icon_minitimeThu Aug 07, 2014 8:21 am

The Awakened Ones, The Hidden Destiny Of America, And The Day After Tomorrow

Posted: August 07, 2014
8:00 am Eastern

By Mark A. Flynn

PART 6 - From The Pediment
To Oedipus Rex: The Occult
Gospel Written In Stone


The Palladian structure that uses the golden triangle is known in classical architecture as the pediment and is supported by columns or pillars. Pediments most commonly either have the two halves of a golden triangle set side by side or consist of two Fibonacci triangles. The area inside the structure is known as the tympanum. The pediment was used in ancient Greek temples and earlier by the Phrygians in Anatolia.

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The word “pediment” comes from the Latin pedis, meaning “foot.” The Latin suffix ment relates to “a means of a place, state, instrument, or agent of action.” The related form,menti, from the Latin mens or mentalis, is the intellectual faculty of the mind or memory.[ii] Combined, “pedi” and “ment” would make the meaning of “pediment” literally “the action at the foot.” The words for doing something quickly (expeditious) or being restrained (impediment) use the idea of either freeing or restraining the feet.

The meaning and identity of who does the “action at the foot” is described in the Genesis account of God cursing the Nachash:

Quote :
And I will put enmity between thee and the woman, and between thy seed and her seed; it shall bruise thy head, and thou shalt bruise his heel.” (Genesis 3:15, emphasis added)

In ancient Greek temples, the area inside the triangle of the pediment, the tympanum (from the Greek: typtein, “to beat or strike” ), which can be related to the idea of the noisy Korybantes mentioned in the Theogony present at the cave of Amalthea, often contained elaborate depictions of the god or gods to whom the temple was dedicated. In modern Palladian architecture, various symbols or scenes are used. Masonic temples commonly use the compass and square, or simply the letter G, which is said to stand for “geometry under the Great Architect of the Universe,”[iii] or the third letter in the Hebrew alphabet, gimel (ג).

The symbolism behind this architecture is obvious when one examines the meaning of the form of the structure and the words used to describe it. The nature of the knowledge or institution represented by the building or the temple is related to the curse that God gave the Nachash in the garden. It is a rejection of the curse and a reversal of the idea that the serpent would strike at the foot of Man-God. He would now strike at His head. This reversal is contained in the institution or the religious system the structure represents. It is from where the “strike” referred to in Genesis 3:15 will manifest itself. It is the literal representation of rebellion to God’s will and symbolizes both the separation brought about by the interjection of evil via the “light bringer” in the garden and the illuminated concept of where to look for the reconciliation of that separation, the symbol that commonly resides above or in the middle of the triangular pediment or through its entrance. Buildings with Palladian architecture represent the institution and power of the kingdom of the Nachash.

The quintessential example of Palladian architecture, the Parthenon of Athena, is the expression of the parthenogenesis of Eve (explained in chapter 3 of the upcoming book Forbidden Secrets of the Labyrinth).Eve became the first to know good and evil though her own act of willful disobedience. The golden-ratio geometry of the pediment expresses the genealogical, numeric progression of parthenogenesis. The descriptive terms used in the structure depict the esoteric symbols representing the plans of the Nachash after his interruption of paradise as well as his hatred for God.

Notice that the entry in Genesis in which God curses the subtle, bright angel happens to be in chapter 3, verse 14:

Quote :
And the Lord God said unto the serpent, Because thou hast done this, thou [art] cursed above all cattle, and above every beast of the field; upon thy belly shalt thou go, and dust shalt thou eat all the days of thy life. (Genesis 3:14)
FORBIDDEN SECRETS - PART 9 Palladium & Power Of The Gods SerpentGarden

It is not a coincidence that 3:14 stands out as related to ratio of the radius and circumference of a circle, pi(π), for here is where everything changed. Earth and heaven were united; God walked with man. After the parthenogenesis of Eve, the pillars separating heaven and earth were set in place. God left the presence of humanity, and the kingdom of the Nachash was established. The columns separating the pediment from the ground represent the separation of heaven and earth. In Palladian architecture, a path is shown to the location of the knowledge that will eventually eliminate the separating columns, as one entering the structure must first pass between the pillars to the inner sanctum, where the knowledge is kept.

 God will join heaven and earth once more, completing the circuit or circle that began in Eden. Before this occurs however, the Nachash plans a counterfeit joining.

The Bibliotheca

The Bibliotheca, which means in ancient Greek “library” or “collection,” was a summary collection from 279 volumes of classic works said to have been written by Apollodorus of Athens, who lived around 180 BC. Many of the references in this book are taken from it. Scholars have argued that Apollodorus could not have been its author, since it cites individuals who were born many years after his death, and so the term “pseudo” was added to the name as the writer of the Library. Today, no complete versions exist.

The patriarch Photius I of Constantinople (AD 810–893)[iv]was known to have been in possession of the complete work and used it in his writings. He understood its value concerning the tales in ancient myth:

Quote :
Draw your knowledge of the past from me and read the ancient tales of learned lore. Look neither at the page of Homer, nor of elegy, nor tragic muse, nor epic strain. Seek not the vaunted verse of the cycle; but look in me and you will find in me all that the world contains.[v]


The word “library” is an appropriate term for such a collection since it is related to the idea of giving one “freedom from ignorance.” The 1913 edition of Webster’s Revised Unabridged Dictionary defines libellus as “a little book, from liber, a book, from the sense of bark, and this from stripping separating. Hence liber, a book, and liber, free, are the same word.”[vi]

Connected with the Latin suffix ary, meaning “a person a place or a thing which, or pertaining to; connected with; having the character of; apparatus,” the word “library” is “that which gives freedom.” The Latin libra, liber, and libri can also mean “balance, to be balanced, level, to make even or a Roman pound.”[vii] The Library mentions the story of Oedipus Rex, an important character in light of the “pediment” concept.

Oedipus Rex

Oedipus Rex (Latin: “king”) was left to die as an infant by his father Laius, king of Thebes. Laius (Greek: λαιός, “left”) had received a prophecy from the Oracle at Delphi that he must never father a child with his wife Jocasta (Greek “shining moon”), because a son would be born who would kill him and marry her. The child born to them despite the advice of the oracle was Oedipus, which means in Greek, “swollen foot.”

Apollodorus writes about the birth of Oedipus:

Quote :
And when the babe was born he pierced the child’s ankles with brooches and gave it to a herdsman to expose. But the herdsman exposed it on Cithaeron; and the neatherds [cow herders] of Polybus, king of Corinth, found the infant and brought it to his wife Periboea [Greek: peri, περί, “round about,” and boea, βόειος, “of an ox”[viii]]. She adopted him and passed him off as her own, and after she had healed his ankles she called him Oedipus, giving him that name on account of his swollen feet.[ix]
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Oedipus wished to discover who his true parents were and did as his father before him, went the Oracle at Delphi for an answer. He was given the same warning: He would kill his father and marry his mother, and he should never go to his “native land.” Believing the Oracle meant that his adopted parents were his true parents, he left Corinth. While driving his chariot on a narrow road, he killed his real father in a dispute on who should “make way.”

After the death of King Laius, the goddess Hera sent the Sphinx (Greek: “to bind”) to the kingdom of Thebes, which means “city of light.” Apollodorus continues:

Quote :
For Hera sent the Sphinx, whose mother was Echidna and her father Typhon; and she had the face of a woman, the breast and feet and tail of a lion, and the wings of a bird. And having learned a riddle from the Muses, she sat on Mount Phicium, and propounded it to the Thebans. And the riddle was this:—What is that which has one voice and yet becomes four-footed and two-footed and three-footed?

Now the Thebans were in possession of an oracle which declared that they should be rid of the Sphinx whenever they had read her riddle; so they often met and discussed the answer, and when they could not find it the Sphinx used to snatch away one of them and gobble him up. When many had perished, and last of all Creon’s son Haemon, Creon made proclamation that to him who should read the riddle he would give both the kingdom and the wife of Laius. On hearing that, Oedipus found the solution, declaring that the riddle of the Sphinx referred to man; for as a babe he is four-footed, going on four limbs, as an adult he is two-footed, and as an old man he gets besides a third support in a staff. So the Sphinx threw herself from the citadel, and Oedipus both succeeded to the kingdom and unwittingly married his mother, and begat sons by her.[x]

The mountain where the Sphinx sat, the Phicium, is related to the word phoenicium, which is the possessive plural of the word “phoenix.”[xi]
The story of Oedipus is one of truth within corruption. The plan of God is well understood by Satan. The truth can be sifted from the obfuscation in ancient myth that is sometimes mixed with mockery that manifests the essence of the fruit of the Tree of the Knowledge of Good and Evil known by its scientific name, pyrus cydonia.
David Flynn relates the truth of the story:

Quote :
The real question couched ingeniously in the riddle was this, who will redeem man?
The earliest prophecy in the Bible concerning the Messiah who will defeat the serpent, or the rebel cherub is in Genesis 3:15. Oedipus the Wounded Foot is symbolic of the coming Messiah, who would be born of the lineage of Adam and Eve. The defeater of the Greek Sphinx—the defeater of death—would speak the answer and the cherub would be destroyed. That is, The Word is Wounded Foot’s weapon, and the means by which the bride, and all of the land, would be redeemed.[xii]

Like Zeus, Oedipus was saved from an early death, raised by adopted parents, and protected until he grew strong enough to avenge the wrongs done to him. Zeus started the Titanomachy, in which he and his siblings fought against his father, Chronos. Oedipus killed the father who blocked his way to his native land, his “rightful” kingdom, just as the Oracle of Apollo at Delphi had prophesied. He went on to marry his “shining moon,” an example of the amalgamation of the cherub Nachash and the woman who has been recapitulated in the many versions of the ancient goddess worship (which will be explained in depth in later chapters of the upcoming book Forbidden Secrets of the Labyrinth).

Through the lens of the subverting intent of the Nachash, the story is prophetic of his future plans. The God-Man personified in Jesus and symbolized in the story of Oedipus is replaced with an Oedipus who represents the serpent joining with Eve in victory over his unrighteous father and the establishment of his kingdom of “illumination.” This is a much different answer to the question of who will redeem man.

Oedipus killed the Sphinx, the monster whose name means “to bind,” while it sat on the Phicium, the “mountain of the phoenixes.” The Sphinx represents the completion of the circuit that started when God cursed the snake; he rises again as the victorious Oedipus to enter his city of light.

Assigning still another twisted layer to the tale by first establishing that Oedipus is an allegory for the Redeemer by assigning the identity of Christ to Oedipus, Eve to his mother, Jocasta, and God to his father, Laius, the story is corrupted in a way that would make Oedipus a very unsuccessful savior of man since it mixes in murder, incest, and divination—all of which are expressly forbidden by God. Adding insult, Oedipus leaves Thebes after blinding himself:

Quote :
When the secret afterwards came to light, Jocasta hanged herself in a noose, and Oedipus was driven from Thebes, after he had put out his eyes and cursed his sons, who saw him cast out of the city without lifting a hand to help him. And having come with Antigone to Colonus in Attica, where is the precinct of the Eumenides, he sat down there as a suppliant, was kindly received by Theseus, and died not long afterwards.[xiii]

The God-man, blinded along with his daughter Antigone (Greek: “anti-man”), would leave the place of light and go to the place of Attica named for the god “Attis” (described in chapter 6) at Colonus (Latin: “tiller of the ground, husbandman, farmer”). Like Cain, the first “tiller of the ground” who was banished by God after killing his brother, Abel, he was exiled to wander in darkness. Later, Oedipus died a peaceful death and was taken by the gods.[xiv]

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The number-2 card of the Rider-Waite tarot card deck co created by Pamela Colman Smith (1878–1951), a British-American artist, and A. E. Waite (1857–1942), the British-American author and Freemason, both members of the Hermetic Order of the Golden Dawn, shows a “woman” between the pillars of the Temple of Solomon.

FORBIDDEN SECRETS - PART 9 Palladium & Power Of The Gods Labyrinth21

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PostSubject: Re: FORBIDDEN SECRETS - PART 9 Palladium & Power Of The Gods   FORBIDDEN SECRETS - PART 9 Palladium & Power Of The Gods I_icon_minitimeTue Aug 12, 2014 8:22 am

The Awakened Ones, The Hidden Destiny Of America, And The Day After Tomorrow

Posted: August 12, 2014
8:00 am Eastern

By Mark A. Flynn

PART 7 - Gobekli Tepe... the Vatican... and Arcane Knowledge


The southeastern Turkey archeological site known as Gobekli Tepe (Turkish: “Potbelly Hill”) was discovered in the 1960s by University of Chicago and Istanbul University anthropologists, but was dismissed as nothing more than an abandoned, medieval cemetery.[i] The German archeologist Klaus Schmidt reexamined the site in 1994 and realized that it was a temple complex. It has since been estimated to be more than 11,500 years old, making it the oldest temple structure ever found.

FORBIDDEN SECRETS - PART 9 Palladium & Power Of The Gods Gobekli

The areas that have been excavated so far have concentric-ring-shaped areas ranging from thirty-two to one hundred feet in diameter with T-shaped or ax-like limestone pillars that weigh ten to sixty metric tons and are evenly set within thick, interior walls of unworked stone. There are two taller pillars at the center of each circle, and many feature pictograms of animals and other unknown symbols. Some of the pillars have human arms, along with loincloths, carved on their lower halves.[ii]The pillars were transported from bedrock quarries located 330 feet from the hilltop that still has a remaining unfinished pillar estimated to weigh fifty tons. So far, only a tiny portion of the complex—around 5 percent—has been excavated.[iii] As of 2013, four of the circular structures have been excavated, and geophysical surveys show sixteen more, with each containing up to eight pillars—amounting to nearly two hundred pillars in all.[iv]

According to modern-day archeologists, humans living even twelve thousand years ago lacked metal tools and pottery, and they had not yet domesticated animals or invented the wheel. Consistent with this belief, researchers have wondered how the complex was constructed, since the rock would have had to been quarried and shaped using stone tools.

One of the most amazing discoveries made at the site was that it had been deliberately buried after its completion approximately one thousand years later. After more than twelve thousand years of erosion, the area wouldn’t have been distinguishable today if this hadn’t occurred. Archeologists have no clear ideas about why it might have been backfilled, but they conjecture that it might have been because of some religious dictate.

The people who built Gobekli Tepe might have sought to preserve the complex from destruction. The area today has extensively eroded, as if a great amount of water inundated the area. Although it is now a desert wasteland, the types of animals and plant life depicted on the pillars show that the area was much different when it was built. Foreknowledge of a coming, great flood would have been a possible reason to bury the complex in order to preserve it.

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The plateau where the site is located lies 337 miles southwest of Mt. Ararat, where legend says that Noah’s Ark rested, and which mimics the shape of a bull lying on its side, facing west. The temple area, viewed from above, is situated in a space with raised areas appearing to be ancient walls outlining the shape of a bull’s head and horns. The circular, maze-like structures are laid out in a pattern corresponding to where the Hyades star cluster resides in the head of the constellation Taurus.

The belief that the builders of the temple lacked the technology to use wheels and relied on stone tools is not consistent with its sophisticated design, its construction, or the enormity of the site. It is amusing to see representations of the how the area might have looked eleven thousand years ago in illustrations in which artists stubbornly depict the builders as cave dwellers dressed in the height of animal-skin fashion.

Gobekli Tepe is approximately twenty-five miles north of the area known as Haran (Hebrew: charan, from charar, “to be scorched or burned, angry”). Abraham lived in the area for several years during his family’s migration from Ur of the Chaldeans to the land of Canaan (Genesis 11:31), and it is the land from which Isaac and Jacob both obtained their wives.

The rounded temple structures of Gobleki Tepe are similar to the very stylized, classical Labyrinth drawings found in caves of the Minoan cults. To find a path to the center of the circular structures at the Gobekli Tepe complex, a person entering from the outside to the first “hallway” would have a choice of other possible doors or dead ends to get to the next circular path.

Gobekli Tepe is in the historical region of Cappadocia, where at least thirty-six underground cities have been found. The Cappadocian civilization is thought to have occupied the area from Mt. Taurus to the Black Sea.[vi]

Derinkuyu, the deepest known city, at approximately two hundred feet, was large enough to shelter around twenty thousand people together with their livestock and food stores. It is the largest excavated, underground city in Turkey, and is thought to have been built by the Phrygians in around 800 BC.

The Greek historian Herodotus (484–425 BC) said that the name “Cappadocian” was applied by the Persians, while the people were termed “Syrians” (Leucosyri, “white Syrians”) by the Greeks.[vii] The Romano-Jewish historian Flavius Josephus (AD 37–100) relates the Cappadocians to the biblical figure Meshech, son of Japheth who was the progenitor of peoples to the north of Israel.[viii]

Quote :
[EDITORS NOTE: Due to time-limits for the online series based on Mark Flynn's upcoming book, we leap forward at this point]

Progenitors Of The People Of The Knowledge: The Pineal, “Pinecone-Shaped” Third Eye

FORBIDDEN SECRETS - PART 9 Palladium & Power Of The Gods Labyrinth26

The life-giving seed cone of the undying pine has become associated with the goddess whose eyes were opened. The goddess of the Knossos’ sacred symbol, the pinecone as a fountain with a column of water spreading out like the firmament of heaven as it falls back to the earth, accentuates the idea of where the Knossos was centered. Not only did the water from the Pigna fountain create a pillar and a firmament, but, like Artemis, it leaked from her many “scales” or breasts.

The Pope Symmachus, whose papacy endured from AD 498–514, had a “cantharus” built at his “place of paradise” at St Peter’s. A cantharus is a large, wide-bellied, drinking vessel with handles used by the follower of the god Bacchus.

 It is also a name for the black spot under the tongue of the Egyptian Apis bull.[ix]

Symmachus’ cantharus was a large version of the vessel converted to a fountain. A portion from Le Miracole De Roma (Rome’s Wonders), written sometime in the thirteenth century by an unknown author, describes Symmachus’ Place of Paradise:

Quote :
In St. Peter’s paradise is the Cantharus, built by pope Symmachus. And it was adorned with columns of porphyry (Greek “purple”). And it was faced with marble all around. And above were four golden griffons. And the ceiling was made of copper, and adorned with golden flowers and four copper dolphins above spouted water from their mouths. And in the middle of the Cantharus was a golden pine-cone, which once covered Santa Maria Rotonda’s church. Above the pine-cone was the statue of goddess Cybele, mother of all gods. The pine-cone, through a lead pipe, poured water for all who wanted it. And by means of a duct that water reached the spire, by the baths of emperor Nero.[x]

The symbolism further identifying the Cybele at the court of the Pinecone at the Vatican are the two Egyptian lions from the fourth century BC at the base of the terrace supporting the pinecone. Cybele is especially associated with lions, and is usually depicted with two reclining at her feet. The Babylonian goddess Ishtar also was depicted in the same fashion.

Queen of the Night Ishtar relief from the British museum. She holds two Egyptian ankh-like symbols that signify her control over eternal life. This image combines all the Nachash-endowed symbolism of angelic wings and feet along with the owls associated with Athena and the lions at her feet like that of Anatolian goddess, Cybele.[xi]
FORBIDDEN SECRETS - PART 9 Palladium & Power Of The Gods Labyrinth23

The common practice of throwing coins into fountains for good luck is not a just a quaint tradition. Since the coin is the symbol of human life (explained in chapter 10), it is the gesture sacrifice of a piece of that life to the goddess whose fountain forms a sacred pillar reaching out to heaven from earth, spreading out above as the firmament of heaven.

As the exploration into the specific qualities and traits of the ancient goddesses continues in the upcoming bookForbidden Secrets of the Labyrinth, we shall see thatevery goddess can be linked to the others worshipped throughout history, from Egyptian to Babylonian to Anatolian to Greek and Roman.


A male aspect of the Cybele was known as Elagabalus, who was worshipped in Syria during the time of the Roman Empire. Like Cybele, he was said to have been born from rock. The name comes from the Syrian Ilāh hag-Gabal,which means “god” (Ilāh) and “of the mountain” (hag-Gabal).[xiii]

Emperor Marcus Aurelius Antoninus (AD 203–222) brought the cult of Elagabalus to Rome from Emesa, Syria. Antonius served as hereditary high priest to the god Elagabalus during his youth in Emesa, where his mother and family lived. After his death, Antoninus himself was referred to as Elagabalus or Heliogabalus (helios, “sun”), since the god was associated with the Invincible Sun, Sol Invictus—the same that was worshipped in the cult of Mithras.

The emperor built a new temple on the eastern side of Palatine Hill known as the Elagabalium and put in it the image of his god—a black, conical, meteorite “heaven stone” that he had removed from the temple in Syria at the start of his reign in AD 218.

The Roman historian Herodian (AD 170–240) wrote concerning the stone of Elagabalus:

Quote :
This stone is worshipped as though it were sent from heaven; on it there are some small projecting pieces and markings that are pointed out, which the people would like to believe are a rough picture of the sun, because this is how they see them.[xiv]

Antoninus forced the Roman senate to watch as he danced around the altar of his god to loud clashes of cymbals and drums. During the summer solstice, the holy stone was removed from the temple, set on an ornate chariot, and paraded throughout Rome.

Herodian continues:

Quote :
A six horse chariot carried the divinity, the horses huge and flawlessly white, with expensive gold fittings and rich ornaments. No one held the reins, and no one rode in the chariot; the vehicle was escorted as if the god himself were the charioteer. Elagabalus ran backward in front of the chariot, facing the god and holding the horses [sic] reins. He made the whole journey in this reverse fashion, looking up into the face of his god.

Antoninus removed the most sacred objects from all the various temples on Palatine Hill and placed them in the Elagabalium. Among these was the emblem of the great Cybele, the Palladium, and the shields of the Salii. He required that Jews and Christians worship only in the new temple.[xv] After his death in AD 222, the stone was returned to Emesa and his cult disbanded.[xvi]
Roman aureus depicting Elagabalus. The reverse reads “Sanct Deo Soli Elagabal” (“To the Holy Sun God Elagabal”), and depicts a four-horse, gold chariot carrying the holy stone of the Emesa temple.[xvii]>
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Biblical scholars have identified Emesa (now called Homs) with the kingdom of Zobah mentioned in 1 Chronicles.[xviii]Zobah is significant because it was the place of origin of the brass that was used to cast the two great pillars placed at the Temple of Solomon. King David had defeated the entire army of Hadarezer, king of Zobah:

Quote :
And David smote Hadarezer king of Zobah unto Hamath, as he went to stablish his dominion by the river Euphrates.

And David took from him a thousand chariots, and seven thousand horsemen, and twenty thousand footmen: David also houghed all the chariot [horses], but reserved of them an hundred chariots.

And when the Syrians of Damascus came to help Hadarezer king of Zobah, David slew of the Syrians two and twenty thousand men.

Then David put [garrisons] in Syriadamascus; and the Syrians became David’s servants, [and] brought gifts. Thus the Lord preserved David whithersoever he went.

And David took the shields of gold that were on the servants of Hadarezer, and brought them to Jerusalem.

Likewise from Tibhath, and from Chun, cities of Hadarezer, brought David very much brass, wherewith Solomon made the brasen sea, and the pillars, and the vessels of brass. (1 Chronicles 18:3–Cool

The towns of the defeated king had their brass implements taken and made into the two pillars in the Temple and the bronze sea. Both of these symbolize the state of the earth after the Fall in the garden. Bronze specifically symbolizes judgment. The root word in Hebrew for brass, nĕchosheth,is “Nachash.”

David Flynn, in his book, Cydonia: The Secret Chronicles of Mars, describes the shattering of the planet Rahab that occupied the region known today as the asteroid belt and the escape of its leaping “war god”:

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Biblical sources confirm that Rahab was a planet, a kingdom on a planet, which was shattered; the planet Rahab exploded and the glittering remains exist as comets, asteroids and the detritus between the orbits of Jupiter and Mars.[xix]

Concerning the Hindu mythology referencing the event that also mentions the identity of the “leaper,” he continues:

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Appropriately, the war god of Mars is also called Skanda, which means “leaper.” Another Hindu legend, found in the Bhagavad Gita and the Skanda Puranas, linked the God of Mars, the war god Karttikeya, to “shards” or “sparks” which fell from the heavenly eye of Shiva.[xx]

At the time of the cataclysmic destruction of Mars and the escape of the bright “leapers,” portions of the planet that were blasted out into space fell to earth in fiery streaks. At the same time the glorious civilization was destroyed, its habitants were sent fleeing, where they, too, fell to earth. Like the phoenix, the angel of light was taken down from his high place. He leapt to earth, where he waits until the time when he can rise to his former position. What role will the [Gobekli Tepe?] 'People of the Knowledge born of the Stone' play at his arrival?
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PostSubject: PART 8 - Nimrod and the Legend of the Craft   FORBIDDEN SECRETS - PART 9 Palladium & Power Of The Gods I_icon_minitimeThu Aug 14, 2014 8:11 am

The Awakened Ones, The Hidden Destiny Of America, And The Day After Tomorrow
Posted: August 14, 2014
8:00 am Eastern

By Mark A. Flynn

PART 8 - Nimrod and the
Legend of the Craft


After Adam and Eve’s expulsion from the locus amoenus, the Nachash maintained an active role in his intervention. In the new world outside of the garden, ultimately the curse given to him by God would manifest itself via the Redeemer from the line of Eve. To circumvent this and render the word of God undependable, the ben ’elohiym, or “sons of God” also known as the “Watchers” or “fallen ones”came to earth. They would manipulate the dust creature’s God-formed characteristics so that they would cease to be from the line of the woman and not fully human.

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The Bible mentions this in Genesis, chapter 6:

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There were giants in the earth in those days; and also after that, when the sons of God came in unto the daughters of men, and they bare children to them, the same became mighty men which were of old, men of renown. (Genesis 6:4)

The extrabiblical text known as the Book of Enoch written by Enoch, the great grandfather of Noah, gives an account of this incursion:

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And it came to pass when the children of men had multiplied that in those days were born unto them beautiful and comely daughters.

And the angels, the children of the heaven, saw and lusted after them, and said to one another: “Come, let us choose us wives from among the children of men and beget us children.”

And Semjâzâ, who was their leader, said unto them: “I fear ye will not indeed agree to do this deed, and I alone shall have to pay the penalty of a great sin.”

And they all answered him and said: “Let us all swear an oath, and all bind ourselves by mutual imprecations not to abandon this plan but to do this thing.”  Then sware they all together and bound themselves by mutual imprecations upon it.

And they were in all two hundred; who descended in the days of Jared on the summit of Mount Hermon, and they called it Mount Hermon, because they had sworn and bound themselves by mutual imprecations upon it.

And these are the names of their leaders: Samîazâz, their leader, Arâkîba, Râmêêl, Kôkabîêl, Tâmîêl, Râmîêl, Dânêl, Êzêqêêl, Barâqîjâl, Asâêl, Armârôs, Batârêl, Anânêl, Zaqîêl, Samsâpêêl, Satarêl, Tûrêl, Jômjâêl, Sariêl.

These are their chiefs of tens.[i]

The Hebrew meanings for the name “Hermon,” like many others involved with the early actions of the Nachash, are revealing. “Hermon” (Chermown, חֶרְמוֹן) means “a sanctuary” from the root, charam (חָרַם), “to ban, devote, destroy utterly, completely destroy, dedicate for destruction, exterminate, to prohibit, to consecrate, devote, dedicate for destruction, to be devoted, be forfeited, to split, slit, mutilate,  to mutilate, to divide.”

Enoch continues:

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And all the others together with them took unto themselves wives, and each chose for himself one, and they began to go in unto them and to defile themselves with them, and they taught them charms and enchantments, and the cutting of roots, and made them acquainted with plants. And they became pregnant, and they bare great giants, whose height was three thousand ells: Who consumed all the acquisitions of men. And when men could no longer sustain them, the giants turned against them and devoured mankind. And they began to sin against birds, and beasts, and reptiles, and fish, and to devour one another’s flesh, and drink the blood. Then the earth laid accusation against the lawless ones.[ii]

Apart from the terrible results of the interbreeding between the fallen ones and humans, the Watchers bought menknowledge. Enoch continues, relating the individual names and skills attributed to each:

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And Azâzêl taught men to make swords, and knives, and shields, and breastplates, and made known to them the metals of the earth and the art of working them, and bracelets, and ornaments, and the use of antimony, and the beautifying of the eyelids, and all kinds of costly stones, and all colouring tinctures. And there arose much godlessness, and they committed fornication, and they were led astray, and became corrupt in all their ways.

Semjâzâ taught enchantments, and root-cuttings,
Armârôs the resolving of enchantments,
Barâqîjâl [taught] astrology,
Kôkabêl the constellations,
Êzêqêêl the knowledge of the clouds,
Araqiêl the signs of the earth,
Shamsiêl the signs of the sun, and
Sariêl the course of the moon.

And as men perished, they cried, and their cry went up to heaven.[iii]

God sent a flood to end the evil havoc caused by the Watchers, but He allowed for the continued existence of a specific uncorrupted line of humanity, Noah and his family:

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And God said unto Noah, The end of all flesh is come before me; for the earth is filled with violence through them; and, behold, I will destroy them with the earth….
And, behold, I, even I, do bring a flood of waters upon the earth, to destroy all flesh, wherein is the breath of life, from under heaven; and every thing that is in the earth shall die. (Genesis 6:13, 17)


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According to the book of Genesis, after the Great Flood, Nimrod (“rebellion”) was the king of the “land of two rivers” known as Shinar. He was the son of Cush, who was the son of Ham, who was the son of Noah.

He was a mighty hunter before the Lord: wherefore it is said, Even as Nimrod the mighty hunter before the Lord. (Genesis 10:9)

The word used for “mighty” in the Hebrew is gibbowr(“strong,” “mighty”). Its intensive form is gabar, which, in addition to “mighty,” means “to act proudly.” Gesenius’ Lexicon adds, “to prevail, to bind up anything broken.”

Additionally the word for “hunter” in the Hebrew adds to the identification of Nimrod’s characteristics. The word used for hunter is tsayid (צוּד), meaning simply “to hunt.” Gesenius adds an interesting contrast: “צוּד…used as a metaphor for snares laid for men.”[iv]

In the same way that the illuminated fraternities of today believe that they will eventually be able to achieve immortality though the knowledge given by the angel of light, Nimrod hoped to regain the power of knowledge bestowed by the Watchers. With the technological knowledge retained from before the Flood, he conspired to build a tower that would make the communication between men and the Watchers not only possible once more, but continuous. The tower was not necessarily a device that would cause men to become gods immediately, but an intradimensional conduit that would once more bring the assistance of the Watchers who would make men gods like themselves through theknowledge they provided.

Flavius Josephus described the building of the tower of Babel:

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Now it was Nimrod who excited them to such an affront and contempt of God. He was the grandson of Ham, the son of Noah, a bold man, and of great strength of hand. He persuaded them not to ascribe it to God, as if it were through his means they were happy, but to believe that it was their own courage which procured that happiness. He also gradually changed the government into tyranny, seeing no other way of turning men from the fear of God, but to bring them into a constant dependence on his power. He also said he would be revenged on God, if he should have a mind to drown the world again; for that he would build a tower too high for the waters to reach. And that he would avenge himself on God for destroying their forefathers.

Now the multitude were very ready to follow the determination of Nimrod, and to esteem it a piece of cowardice to submit to God; and they built a tower, neither sparing any pains, nor being in any degree negligent about the work: and, by reason of the multitude of hands employed in it, it grew very high, sooner than any one could expect; but the thickness of it was so great, and it was so strongly built, that thereby its great height seemed, upon the view, to be less than it really was. It was built of burnt brick, cemented together with mortar, made of bitumen, that it might not be liable to admit water. When God saw that they acted so madly, he did not resolve to destroy them utterly, since they were not grown wiser by the destruction of the former sinners; but he caused a tumult among them, by producing in them diverse languages, and causing that, through the multitude of those languages, they should not be able to understand one another.

The place wherein they built the tower is now called Babylon, because of the confusion of that language which they readily understood before; for the Hebrews mean by the word Babel, confusion.[v]

The loss of the unifying power of common language was an exacting form of punishment toward the efforts of Nimrod. His attempt at reconnecting with the light givers failed. Reading, writing, and storytelling ceased. As the tower fell and its builders wandered away in confusion, the chance for communion between men and the fallen angels ended and erased humanity’s possession of Watcher-given knowledge from before the Flood.


Ninus was the legendary son of Belus or Bel (Ba’al or “lord”), whose reign lasted fifty-two years, from the year 2189 BC. He was said to have been the first to use dogs in hunting and the first to tame horses. He controlled a vast army of more than two million soldiers and used them to conquer much of the territory that surrounded modern-day Iraq from the shores of the Mediterranean to the east as far as India. He has been depicted in Greek mythology as a centaur. Alexander Hislop has also recognized Ninus as Nimrod, son of Cush, in his book, The Two Babylons.[vi]

The Legend of the Craft

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In one of the oldest manuscripts concerning the origins of Freemasonry, The Legend of the Craft, Ninus or Nimrod is mentioned as possessing knowledge gained from before the Flood of Noah. It also mentions the tower of Babel and Naamah the weaver who closely resembles the Egyptian goddess Neith:

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We shall now tell you how this science was begun. According to the fourth chapter of Genesis, before Noah’s flood, there was a man called Lamech who had two wives, one called Ada and the other Zillah. The first wife Ada bore him two sons, Jabal and Jubal, and the second wife Zillah bore him a son and a daughter, tubal-Cain and Naamah. These four children found the beginning of all the crafts in the world. Jabel, the eldest son, found the craft of Geometry, and he was the first person to divide lands and flocks of sheep and lambs, and he was also the first to build a house of wood and stone. Jubal found the craft of Music, Tubal-Cain the craft of the Smith and Naamah the craft of Weaving. Now these children knew that God would take vengeance upon the earth, either by fire or water, and in order that their discoveries might be preserved to future generations they wrote them upon two pillars of stone; one of marble, which would not burn in fire, and the other of lattress, which would not drown in water.

After the destruction of the world by flood, Hermes, who has been called the Father of Wise Men, found one of the pillars and taught the sciences written thereon to other men. At the building of the Tower of Babel, masonry was in great repute, and Nimrod, the King of Babylon, was himself a Mason and a lover of the craft, so that when Nineveh and other cities of the East were about to be built, he sent thither three score masons at the request of his cousin, the King of Nineveh, and when they went forth he gave them a Charge in this manner:—That they should love each other truly, in order that no discredit should fall on him for sending them, and he also gave them a charge concerning their science. These were the first Masons who ever received any charge.[vii]


According to the Greek historian Diodorus Siculus (c. 90–30 BC) the founder of the city of Nineveh was Ninus.Genesis chapter 10 mentions that Nineveh was built after Nimrod had established the cities in the land of Shinar.Nineveh was a great center of commerce. Archeological digs have uncovered massive walls eight miles in perimeter, aqueducts, palaces and a library that features twenty thousand clay tablets, including accounts of the flood in the Epic of Gilgamesh.[viii]

The Jewish Encyclopedia mentions that the form of the name Nineveh is “derived from the Masoretic text and is close to the native Assyrian for Ninua.” The origin of the name is obscure, but possibly means “the seat of Ishtar,” since Nina was one of the Babylonian names of that goddess. The Assyrian ideogram means “house or place of fish.”[x]

Nineveh, famous for being the residence of the successive kings of Assyria, remained the capital of the kingdom throughout the centuries and was regarded by Greek writers as its permanent capital, virtually equivalent to the country itself. The people of Nineveh worshipped the fish god Derceto, the mother of Semiramis, the wife or daughter (or both) of Ninus, who has also been thought to be Nimrod.[xi]

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Semiramis was the daughter of Derceto of Ascalon (Ashkelon) and a mortal father. Derceto abandoned Semiramis at birth and threw herself into a nearby lake. She is the Assyrian version of the Anatolian Cybele, the Babylonian Ishtar and the Egyptian Isis.

The Greek historian Diodorus Siculus wrote about the birth of Semiramis and how she came to be associated with doves:

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Now there is in Syria a city known as Ascalon, and not far from it a large and deep lake, full of fish. On its shore is a precinct of a famous goddess whom the Syrians call Derceto; and this goddess has the head of a woman but all the rest of her body is that of a fish, the reason being something like this. The story as given by the most learned of the inhabitants of the region is as follows: Aphrodite, being offended with this goddess, inspired in her a violent passion for a certain handsome youth among her votaries; and Derceto gave herself to the Syrian and bore a daughter, but then, filled with shame of her sinful deed, she killed the youth and exposed the child in a rocky desert region, while as for herself, from shame and grief she threw herself into the lake and was changed as to the form of her body into a fish; and it is for this reason that the Syrians to this day abstain from this animal and honour their fish as gods. But about the region where the babe was exposed a great multitude of doves had their nests, and by them the child was nurtured in an astounding and miraculous manner; for some of the doves kept the body of the babe warm on all sides by covering it with their wings, while others, when they observed that the cowherds and other keepers were absent from the nearby steadings, brought milk therefrom in their beaks and fed the babe by putting it drop by drop between its lips. And when the child was a year old and in need of more solid nourishment, the doves, pecking off bits from the cheeses, supplied it with sufficient nourishment. Now when the keepers returned and saw that the cheeses had been nibbled about the edges, they were astonished at the strange happening; they accordingly kept a look-out, and on discovering the cause found the infant, which was of surpassing beauty. At once, then, bringing it to their steadings they turned it over to the keeper of the royal herds, whose name was Simmas; and Simmas, being childless, gave every care to the rearing of the girl, as his own daughter, and called her Semiramis, a name slightly altered from the word which, in the language of the Syrians, means “doves,” birds which since that time all the inhabitants of Syria have continued to honour as goddesses.[xii]

Doves were also considered sacred to the fish-goddess Derceto, also known as Ataratheh. She was known to the Greeks as Aphrodite Derceto,[xiii] and as Deasura, the goddess of Syria, to the Romans.[xiv]

The port city of Ashkelon, where the birth of Semiramis was said to have occurred, is the same mentioned in Judges 14:19, where Samson went to slay thirty men after they had “plowed with his heifer”:

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And the Spirit of the Lord came upon him, and he went down to Ashkelon, and slew thirty men of them, and took their spoil, and gave change of garments unto them which expounded the riddle. And his anger was kindled, and he went up to his father’s house.

The Greek historian Ctesias of Cnidus (c. 400 BC) through his access to the royal historical records as the court physician of Artaxerxes II (435–358 BC) claimed that a King Ninus and Queen Semiramis had lived in Nineveh. Diodorus added to Ctesias’ accounts in his Bibliotheca Historica.

During the siege of Bactra, Ninus met Semiramis and married her because he was impressed by her bravery. At that time, she was already the wife of one of his officers named Onnes. Onnes later committed suicide over his loss. According to Diodorus, Semiramis and Ninus then had a son named Ninyas.

During one of Ninus’ later campaigns, he was struck by an arrow and fatally wounded. Semiramis disguised herself as her husband (in some account as her son Ninyas) and continued to command his army, ultimately conquering all of Ethiopia. She also restored ancient Babylon and had high brick walls built as fortifications surrounding the city.

Later, in honor of her husband, Semiramis erected a temple tomb in Babylon that was said to be ten stadia (according to the Greek historian Herodotus, one stadia is equal to approximately six hundred feet) broad and nine stadia high.[xv]

Although mankind’s ability to communicate in a common language was lost at the fall of the tower of Babel, the remembrance of the event remained. Nimrod-Ninus and Semiramis have later been ascribed to the gods Marduk and Astarte (also known as Ishtar). They and the followers of their cult were responsible for the construction of various towers or ziggurats throughout the Mesopotamian region commemorating the attempt by Nimrod to reestablish the link to the Watchers.

Additionally, the gods and goddesses worshipped throughout the region of Anatolia and Mesopotamia were often depicted wearing a peculiar, “tower-like” headdress known to the Greeks as the polos (introduced in chapter 5),a high, cylindrical crown that was depicted on goddesses of ancient Anatolia and also used by the ancient Greeks and Romans. Cybele, Hera, and Artemis are often shown wearing the castle- or turret-like polos. The polos reflected not specifically their association with Nimrod, but the connection to the heavens that mimics the tower of Babel.

The word asherah (אֲשֵׁרָה) is Hebrew for “pole” or a “grove for idol worship,” or the Canaanite mother goddess, Asherah. The Hebrew word for the practice of worshipping a goddess in the form of a wooden pole, as well as a word for “pole” came from the name of the goddess herself.

God expressly hated the use and worship of Asherah poles:

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You must never set up a wooden Asherah pole beside the altar you build for the Lord your God.
And never set up sacred pillars for worship, for the Lord your God hates them. (Deuteronomy 16:21–22)[xvi]
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The Asherah goddess who had contact with the light bringer was worshipped in the form of a pillar, pole, tree, or fountain (discussed in chapter 6 of the upcoming book Forbidden Secrets of the Labyrinth) reaching to heaven, and was associated with the meleketh shamayim, meaning “queen of heaven.” God was especially angered by the people of Jerusalem who worshiped her:

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The children gather wood, and the fathers kindle the fire, and the women knead [their] dough, to make cakes to the queen of heaven, and to pour out drink offerings unto other gods, that they may provoke me to anger. (Jeremiah 7:18)

The Roman historian Ammianus Marcellinus (AD 320–390) credits Semiramis, like her counterpart Cybele, as the first to use eunuchs as slaves.[xvii] Her traditional reputation as a harlot is similar to the Babylonian goddess Ishtar and Greek Hecate.

 At her temple in Hierapolis Bambyce, located in northern Syria, her statue was displayed with a golden dove above her head.[xviii]

Doves were the symbol of the Babylonian Ishtar and Assyrian Astarte, who was associated with the Greek Aphrodite and the Anatolian Artemis. The Latin wordcolumba means “dove” or “pigeon.” The subterranean chamber tombs used in the ancient world had the same appearance as the places built to house doves. The word for both “a dove keeper” and for the “chamber in which urns containing the ashes of the dead are stored” iscolumbarium (columba, “dove,” and arium, “a place for”).[xix]

The familiarity the ancients had with chamber-like crypts and their similarity to the chambers that housed doves led to the double meaning of the word. The idea of resurrection mirrors the image of the energetic doves flying out of the same chambers that housed the dead. The ancient people who put energy towards the worship of their respective goddesses believed that they would gain favor or blessings from them. They also looked to these deities for life after death.

The word columbia literally means “the country of the doves” or, more sinisterly, “the country of sepulchral chambers”—but a more complete meaning of the term would be “the country of the resurrection.” This meaning alludes to the ancient deity that Washington, DC—the District ofColumbia—is dedicated to, the Anatolian Cybele-Attis goddess who is the same as the Greek Pallas Athena.

Illustrations of School Classics written 1903 by Sir George Francis Hill features an image of an interesting coin from the Temple of the Aphrodite in Paphos, Cyprus, issued during the reign of Garacalla showing a conical stone as well as a star, crescent, and sacred doves.

Hill writes:

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The coin is inscribed KOI NO N KVTTPinN, as being issued by the associated cities of Cyprus. The temple consists of a high central portion with two lower wings or porticoes and a fore-court. In the central portion is a large conical stone, which was supposed to be the goddess herself. Above (not well-pre-served) are a star and crescent, the symbol of the goddess. The wings contained sacred columns—or tall incense-altars—and on the roof of each is one of the sacred doves.[xxi]

In a story similar story to the birth of Attis, the son of Cybele, Tammuz, was later born to Semiramis.[xxii] His birth was considered a miracle, since it was late after the death of Nimrod. Semiramis herself declared it a “fatherless” birth, the god Marduk reborn. Tammuz and Ishtar are like Attis and Cybele in a variety of ways. He and his mother Ishtar were said to have loved each other and married. In Mesopotamia, his cult also worshipped during March[xxiii] in a dramatic processional ceremony that lamented his unfortunate demise wherein he had been killed and taken to the underworld by jealous demons.

In the story of Isis and Osiris, Cybele and Attis, and Semiramis and Tammuz, the son/husband of each goddess “dies,” but continues to endure in some eternal fashion, waiting to be reborn. Each is described as being desired and loved by their goddess-mothers and are greatly mourned. Looking at the story of the garden through the eyes of the Nachash, the woman had desired his assistance. After he had given it, his appearance changed from what it was before their interaction, and he was “lost,” changed by the curse of God.

And the Lord God said unto the serpent, Because thou hast done this, thou art cursed above all cattle, and above every beast of the field; upon thy belly shalt thou go, and dust shalt thou eat all the days of thy life. (Genesis 3:14)

The curse given to the Nachash is the meaning of the death of each goddess’ son. He is thought of as Eve’s son since she had a part in his change (birth) to the lowly serpent, and her husband since they were “wed” in the formation of the Nachash-Eve religious amalgamation. The hoped-for resurrection of the son/husband is the plan of the enduring cherub to rise as the phoenix in human form, throwing off the serpent curse to become the false savior of man who would lead all to the knowledge of resurrection and immortality.

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PostSubject: PART 9 - The Secret of theLabyrinth   FORBIDDEN SECRETS - PART 9 Palladium & Power Of The Gods I_icon_minitimeTue Aug 19, 2014 8:42 am

The Awakened Ones, The Hidden Destiny Of America, And The Day After Tomorrow

Posted: August 19, 2014
8:00 am Eastern

By Mark A. Flynn

PART 9 - The Secret of theLabyrinth

Quote :

EDITORS NOTE: We now leap forward in this study by Mark Flynn for one last tantalizing entry, based on the upcoming book "Forbidden Secrets of the Labyrinth"

The man whose name was the same as the one who caused the downfall of Troy, Alexander the Great, in a symbolic act of Athenian retribution, went to Troy and sacrificed to the legendary hero, Achilles. He owed his power to the success of his warrior ancestors and their taking of thePalladium, which now resided in the Erechtheum at the Greek Acropolis.

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Like his ancestors who had fought at Troy, Alexander would fight on the side of his patron goddess, the goddess who bestowed knowledge and protection to their whole civilization. Alexander the Great, under the aegis of Athena, went on to become the most powerful warrior-ruler the ancient world had ever known. After him, Mithridates, also known as Antioch Epiphanes under the same power, brought the gods of Greece to the very center of the city of God, profaning His Temple.

Both Alexander the Great and Antioch Epiphanes are images of a future type who will ultimately manifest under thePalladium of Athena in our time, from the world power whose base lies at Washington, DC.

The Palladium and the Powers of the Earth

The nature of the Palladium was that throughout ancient history it remained with each powerful nation, but was transferred when another, more dominant nation, took its place. The works of the ancient historians who mention it confirm this.

After the destruction of Troy, the Palladium was transferred to Greece and remained in the Erechtheum at the Acropolis for approximately eight hundred years. 

Somewhere within a period of fifty years after the death of Alexander the Great in 323 BC and the formation of the Roman republic, it was moved to the Temple of Vesta in the Roman Forum. Pliny the Elder mentioned it while describing the Roman dictator Lucius Caecilius Metellus (290–221 BC), who had been blinded when he rescued the Palladium from the temple sometime in 241 BC.

Metellus passed his old age, deprived of his sight, which he had lost in a fire, while rescuing the Palladium from the temple of Vesta; a glorious action, no doubt, although the result was unhappy: on which account it is, that although he ought not to be called unfortunate, still he cannot be called fortunate. The Roman people, however, granted him a privilege which no one else had ever obtained since the foundation of the city, that of being conveyed to the senate- house in a chariot whenever he went to the senate: a great distinction, no doubt, but bought at the price of his sight.[ii]

The Romans regarded the Palladium as one of their pignora imperii, meaning “pledges of rule,” which guaranteed the republic’s continued imperium, the power and command of the empire. Later, the emperor Elagabalus transferred the most sacred Roman relics, including the Palladium, from their respective shrines to his new temple, the Elagabalium:

Quote :
As soon as he entered the city, however, neglecting all the affairs of the provinces, he established Elagabalus as a god on the Palatine Hill close to the imperial palace; and he built him a temple, to which he desired to transfer the emblem of the Great Mother, the fire of Vesta, the Palladium, the shields of the Salii, and all that the Romans held sacred, purposing that no god might be worshipped at Rome save only Elagabalus.[iii]

There is evidence the Palladium was transferred from Rome to Constantinople in AD 330 by Constantine the Great and buried under the Column of Apollo-Constantine at his Forum.[iv]

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At this point in history, the Palladium location references stop. Yet the Palladium exists today as it has always been located at the heart of each respective world power and discerning its location... 

After the fall of the Western Roman empire from the Middle Ages to the Renaissance, the Catholic Church was the central power of all Europe. After the decline of Constantinople, the power of the Church moved back to Italy and was located at the Holy See (Latin: sancta, “holy,”sedes, “seat”) in Rome, known today as the Vatican. It is most likely that the Palladium was taken to Rome some time before AD 1150, when part of the Forum complex was destroyed by a powerful storm.

The word “Vatican” comes from the Roman god Vaticanus, the god of wailing or weeping. It is not well known that the name is a combination of the Latin vātī, meaning a “foreteller, seer, soothsayer, prophet,” and cānus, which means “to shine or be white, hoary.”[vi]

The next great world power was the British, whose empire began its rise to a world colonial supremacy at the time of King Henry VIII of the House of Tudor after breaking ties with the Roman Catholic Church in 1534. The Palladium would have been transferred either to England and kept at the Palace of Placentia or to Westminster Abbey after Henry assumed direct royal control there in 1539. 

Herodotus writes that the Persian King Xerxes (519–465 BC) was the first to use the phrase that described the British Empire: “the empire on which the sun never sets”: “We shall extend the Persian territory as far as God's heaven reaches. The sun will then shine on no land beyond our borders; for I will pass through Europe from one end to the other” (emphasis added).[vii]

It is possible that the Palladium never left the control of the Catholic Church from the time of its removal from Constantinople until the later part of the nineteenth century. There is evidence during that time [it was under] the protection of the Templar Knights after the First Crusade until King Philip IV ended their order in 1307.

The United States

FORBIDDEN SECRETS - PART 9 Palladium & Power Of The Gods Wash-dome-obelisk

While much has been written concerning the causes of the Civil War, it cannot be disputed that a major component of the conflict was over who controlled the commerce of the nation. The Civil War was fought over the rights of individual states to maintain their sovereignty over the power of the federal government. In 1860, there was no income tax, and the federal government received most of its revenue through various import tariffs paid by the South, which it used to support commercial and manufacturing industries in the North. The North had a greater representation in Congress and left the South without any control of where the money was spent.

The agricultural South had to import almost all manufactured goods from Europe or be forced buy products from the North. As the North continued to raise taxes on imports, it also gained the power to increase prices on the goods it manufactured. Eventually, the southern state governments decided there would be no resolution to the problem other than secession from the Union. If the South were successful, it would have controlled all of the warm-water ports, which would have severely restricted the ability of the remaining nation to grow economically or militarily.

The resulting war left nearly 750,000 people dead by the time it ended in 1865.

 Contrary to the laws outlined in the Constitution, at the start of the war, President Abraham Lincoln had unilaterally ordered the blockade of all southern ports, raised a seventy-five-thousand-man- strong militia, and placed a suspension on habeus corpus, the right of a person under arrest to be brought before a judge or into court. As a result, many who merely voiced their objections to the war were branded as disloyal and imprisoned without trial.

The North’s victory was an important necessity in that it consolidated the power of the federal government. As described by Manly Palmer Hall, the Masons established the country in order to complete its destiny “for A PECULIAR AND PARTICULAR PURPOSE known only to the initiated few.”[viii] A southern victory would have destroyed the path to this destiny.

The Palladian Movement

In 1836, on the one hundredth anniversary of George Washington’s birth, the Washington National Monument Society was formed. The Society commissioned Freemason Robert Mills (1781–1855) to come up with a design proposal. Mills also designed the Department of Treasury building and the US Patent Office Building in the likeness of the Parthenon. He proposed to create a massive obelisk. Part of his original plan not included in the final construction was a doorway crowned by a winged sun in the style of an Egyptian Behedeti.[ix]

The project started in 1848 with a stone-laying ceremony overseen by the DC-area Freemasons. Construction continued until 1854, when private donations ran out, and the structure remained unfinished until after the Civil War, when congress provided funding in 1879 and appointed the military and civil engineer, Thomas Lincoln Casey (1831–1896), to supervise the task. In 1884, President Chester Arthur dedicated the completed monument in an elaborate ceremony.

The monument is the largest stone structure in the world and remains the tallest in Washington, DC because of the height restriction imposed in the city by the Heights of Buildings Act of 1910.

When The Palladium Came to Washington?

British scholar and mystic Arthur Edward Waite (1857–1942) wrote about the enigmatic Masonic order known as the Sovereign Council of Wisdom and its involvement with the Palladium:

Quote :
On the 20th of May, 1737, there was constituted in France the Order of the Palladium, or Sovereign Council of Wisdom, which, after the manner of the androgyne lodges then springing into existence, initiated women under the title of Companions of Penelope. The ritual of this order was published by the Masonic archæologist Ragon, so that there can be no doubt of its existence.… In some way which remains wholly untraceable this order is inferred to have been connected by more than its name with the legendary Palladium of the Knights Templars, well known under the title of Baphomet.… For a period exceeding sixty years we hear little of the legendary Palladium; but in 1801 the Israelite Isaac Long is said to have carried the original Baphomet and the skull of the Templar Grand Master Jacques de Molay from Paris to Charleston in the United States.[x]

The Palladium described by Waite, also under the name “Baphomet”, was thought to have been worshipped by the Templar knights and may have been a Latinized version of the name for Muhammad.[xi] The reference to the Baphomet also appeared in the transcripts from the tortured confessions of the Knights during their purge by King Philip IV in 1307.[xii]

If the object the Templar knights were referring to was in fact the Palladium, they would have been the ones who were responsible for its protection and transfer from Constantinople to the Vatican sometime after the First Crusade, and they would have done their best to obfuscate the fact by describing it in symbolic terms.

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The Baphomet can be thought of as a representation of the Palladium described by the Templar knights. They understood the mystery behind the effigy. The image of Athena is replaced by the “horns” with the torch between—in the style of the symbol for Hecate. The crescent moons and Pythagorean pentagram, with its five golden triangles, accentuate this relationship. The gynandromorphic body of the creature is the same as the Attis-Cybele known to the Mithraian cults. The intertwined snakes of the caduceus in the lap of the image mirror the serpent that encircled the pillar of the Palladium.

The Baphomet is a conglomeration of the Mithra cult’s Leontocephaline symbol and the goddess Cybele, but with the lion’s head replaced by a similar reference to the Nachash, the goat god. Its significance is the same, in fact, as the Palladium.
The 33rd-degree Scottish Rite Freemason Albert Pike was rumored to have belonged to the secretive order that was thought to have been founded in Paris in 1737.

 Although Masons have since declared the existence of the group as fiction, the Western chapter was said to have been located in Charleston, South Carolina, and headed by Pike.[xiv]

The Italian revolutionary and the worldwide director of Illuminized Freemasonry, Giuseppe Mazzini (1805–1872) worked with Pike to form the new society and gave Pike the title “Sovereign Pontiff of Universal Freemasonry.” Pike named the new society the “Order of the New and Reformed Palladian Rite.” He and Mazzini sought to create a supreme Universal Rite of Masonry that would control world Freemasonry and centralize Masons under one supreme master. The penultimate ceremony of the unified society known as the Palladists was the Palladium Rite.

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In a letter to Albert Pike in January 1870 concerning the formation of the new society, Mazzini wrote:

Quote :
We must allow all the federations to continue just as they are, with their systems, their central authorities and their divers modes of correspondence between high grades of the same rite, organized as they are at present, but we must create a supreme rite, which will remain unknown, to which we will call those Masons of high degree whom we shall select. With regard to their brothers in Masonry, these men must be pledged to the strictest secrecy. Through this supreme rite, we will govern all Freemasonry which will become the one international centre, the more powerful because its direction will be unknown.[xv]

This idea of maintaining a select group more secret and yet more powerful than the outer façade was also espoused by Manly P. Hall when he wrote:

Quote :
Freemasonry is a fraternity within a fraternity—an outer organization concealing an inner brotherhood of the elect…. it is necessary to establish the existence of these two separate and yet interdependent orders, the one visible and the other invisible. The visible society is a splendid camaraderie of “free and accepted” men enjoined to devote themselves to ethical, educational, fraternal, patriotic, and humanitarian concerns. The invisible society is a secret and most august fraternity whose members are dedicated to the service of a mysterious arcannum arcandrum.[xvi]

The website of the Ancient and Primitive Rite of Memphis Misraim, Sovereign Sanctuary for Bulgaria, describes importance of the Palladium Rite:

Quote :
This rite was to be kept secret at all costs and only a chosen few were selected. The Palladium would be an international alliance of key Masons.… This rite combined the Grand Lodges, Grand Orient, all 99 degrees of Memphiz-Mitzraim, and 33 degrees of the Scottish Rite. Therefore, high-level Freemasonry contains the entire practice of Memphis-Mizraim, and totally controls the separate modern-day Masonic Lodges.[xvii]

Pike fought on the side of the South during the war and was later found guilty of treason and jailed. After Lincoln’s assassination, his fellow Freemason, President Andrew Johnson, pardoned him and met with him at the White House in 1866.

The interruption of the construction of the Washington Monument was timed in accordance to the work that had to be completed concerning the centralization of power in the United States. Albert Pike must have been in possession of the Palladium at the time of its dedication. Consistent with the Palladium’s locations throughout history corresponding with the dominant world power, and in the same manner as it was [clip]... we are set to reveal the location of the Palladium today and the intentions for its use by the Guardians of the [clip]...
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