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 Chernobyl roof collapses under snow

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Chernobyl roof collapses under snow Empty
PostSubject: Chernobyl roof collapses under snow   Chernobyl roof collapses under snow I_icon_minitimeWed Feb 13, 2013 5:31 pm
No big deal they say.?!?!?? You don't build a concrete sarcophogus to entomb something for recreational purposes. Hence when the roof collapses its a big damn deal. (pardon)
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Chernobyl roof collapses under snow Empty
PostSubject: Re: Chernobyl roof collapses under snow   Chernobyl roof collapses under snow I_icon_minitimeWed Feb 13, 2013 6:30 pm

Quote :
The roof was constructed after the 1986 disaster but is not part of the sarcophagus structure covering the exploded reactor, it said.

Thank heavens for that.

Quote :
"If there are sections in the turbine hall that are falling down there is no guarantee that the sarcophagus built in 1986 will not be the next to fall."

This isn't real comforting however.
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Chernobyl roof collapses under snow Empty
PostSubject: Re: Chernobyl roof collapses under snow   Chernobyl roof collapses under snow I_icon_minitimeWed Feb 13, 2013 9:43 pm

I need to double check but the "sarcophogus" is in the middle of a replacement right now, or one is planned, in process, etc. I stumbled on this article and almost fainted while looking for a fukishima link to respond to one of spring's posts; i.e. the woods around chernobylruskie is/was the "wormwood forest" and was westernized to the "red forest" post-meltdown.Chernobyl roof collapses under snow 1247865406
I'm no expert relative structural concrete but the "roof" is in place because the "sarcophogus" is not load bearing and will go the way of everything russian when it gets a little old. Chernobyl roof collapses under snow 2228092797
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PostSubject: Re: Chernobyl roof collapses under snow   Chernobyl roof collapses under snow I_icon_minitime

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