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 Digital 'Resurrection' and 'Magick' Programming

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Internet Pilgrim

Internet Pilgrim

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Digital 'Resurrection' and 'Magick' Programming Empty
PostSubject: Digital 'Resurrection' and 'Magick' Programming   Digital 'Resurrection' and 'Magick' Programming I_icon_minitimeMon Nov 09, 2015 9:29 am

I have a new post on The Image of the Beast blog:

Digital 'Resurrection' and 'Magick' Programming


There’s a merger going on between science and magick, (or ritual magic as it’s otherwise known) as we’ve discussed in posts for the 666 Surveillance System, specifically those on Cern, In the Year of Light, a Door to Darkness (Part 1) and in Mind Programming and the Commercial Trance State. But it’s becoming more public and blatant, as technology moves into areas that are questionable even from the view of some scientists. As one of the articles below notes, “no one knows what the rules are – or who will be the first to break them.”

That’s because there are no rules, only limits which are dictated by how far they can push something at the present moment, in terms of technical knowledge. Ethics are left to each person involved and that means a wide variation in what’s considered acceptable. It’s not what’s ethical or safe that matters to most, it’s only what’s possible. The result is predictable, with chaos and depravity taking over at an astounding rate. The Bible speaks specifically about what happens when this occurs.

    Judges 17:5,6  And the man Micah had an house of gods, and made an ephod, and teraphim, and consecrated one of his sons, who became his priest. In those days there was no king in Israel, but every man did that which was right in his own eyes.

But those at the top responsible for guiding policy and providing funding have an agenda, and they have specific rules they follow. The problem is that those rules aren’t God’s rules as set forth in the Bible. They’re the rules of another god, one which the masses are being led to worship and follow through a scientific and media-driven agenda. That’s where the overlap between the 666 Surveillance System and the Image of the Beast is occurring.

Below you’ll find articles which discuss the transformation not only of our beliefs, but of the the definitions applied to certain words for centuries – words like resurrection. It’s all part of the redefinition and transformation of society into one which will openly accept and worship the Image of the Beast, because of the belief that they’ll live forever (or almost forever) through the power he’ll impart to humanity.

It’s supreme deception but it’s rapidly gaining ground in ways most don’t see or can’t imagine. Be sure to read to the end of this post; the final video is one that you shouldn’t miss. It deals with a video that came out in the last two weeks – it’s cutting edge and very troubling, and it deals with how this deception is leading the masses (especially the young) astray.
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Internet Pilgrim

Internet Pilgrim

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Digital 'Resurrection' and 'Magick' Programming Empty
PostSubject: Re: Digital 'Resurrection' and 'Magick' Programming   Digital 'Resurrection' and 'Magick' Programming I_icon_minitimeMon Nov 09, 2015 9:38 am

I decided to post the video below, for those who don't click on the blog.  In the intro to it I noted:
Prophecy/’Magick’ Programming

EXPOSED: Panic! at the Disco “Emperors New Clothes” Satanic Ritual (R$E)  This next video by R$E has some overlap with the 666 Surveillance System posts, in that we regularly cover what’s occurring in the media. But this relates not just to how propaganda is infiltrating the population in order to lead to acceptance of the Beast system, but how the Beast and his Image are being born in popular media through the use of ‘magick’. The music video “Emperor’s New Clothes” done by the band Panic! at the Disco relates to the new changed humanity the elite are striving to bring forth, along with the world they’re hoping to create (as in the days of Noah) for this new humanity, led by the Image of the Beast. This is a good overview of where we’re heading, in popular imagination – of where humanity without Christ is being willingly led. This isn’t entertainment; it’s prophecy.

Two million people clicked on the “Emperor’s New Clothes” video in the first 2 days, for those who think this is merely a side issue. WARNING: There are some fairly disconcerting images in this video, but it’s important because it demonstrates how the young are being deceived and lured into this system in record numbers. Every parent should watch this video to see how music and entertainment are influencing our youth, and what they’re being drawn into.

For those who want to go deeper into understanding this from a Christian perspective, the follow-up video is available here: [url=]Exposed: P!ATD "This is Gospel" illuminati symbolism (R$E)[/url]  It is both more explicit and yet more specific as concerns what this means as magick ritual, so we’re not embedding it.  But for those who really want to know how science, entertainment and magick are being mixed (in prophetic fulfillment) we’d urge you to watch. I'd note that the original video is now over 8 million hits in 2 weeks.

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