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 Will we love the darkness more than the Light? ** Part 2

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Will we love the darkness more than the Light? ** Part 2   Empty
PostSubject: Will we love the darkness more than the Light? ** Part 2    Will we love the darkness more than the Light? ** Part 2   I_icon_minitimeThu Nov 21, 2019 7:35 am

"Think not that I am come to destroy the law, or the prophets: I am not come to destroy, but to fulfill. For verily I say unto you, till heaven and earth pass, one jot or one tittle shall in no wise pass from the law, till all be fulfilled." (Matt. 5:17-18)

As we can read in the verses of scripture above "Until" all is fulfilled and heaven and earth pass away then either some or all of the law will pass.

"Heaven and earth shall pass away, but my words shall not pass away." (Matt. 24:35)

In the verse above we see even with the passing of heaven and earth the words of Jesus Christ will not pass away. They appear to remain for eternity.

Last edited by ScaRZ on Mon Dec 02, 2019 12:42 pm; edited 7 times in total (Reason for editing : new color)
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PostSubject: Re: Will we love the darkness more than the Light? ** Part 2    Will we love the darkness more than the Light? ** Part 2   I_icon_minitimeThu Nov 21, 2019 12:15 pm

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Will we love the darkness more than the Light? ** Part 2   Empty
PostSubject: Re: Will we love the darkness more than the Light? ** Part 2    Will we love the darkness more than the Light? ** Part 2   I_icon_minitimeThu Nov 21, 2019 12:37 pm

There are so many mixed views on the Great Pyramid's age and it's length of years being built. Many seem to believe it was constructed after the flood. But I wonder if it might have been built before the flood and survived.

In the book of Josephus Verse 2, page 72 states the following.

They [Seth's Sons] also were the inventors of that peculiar sort of wisdom which is concerned with the heavenly bodies, and their order. And that their inventions might not be lost before they were sufficiently known. Upon Adam's prediction that the world was to be destroyed at one time by the force of fire, and at another time by the violence and quantity of water, they made two pillars; the one of brick, the other of stone: they inscribed their discoveries on them both, that in case the pillar of brick should be destroyed by the flood, the pillar of stone might remain, and exhibit those discoveries to mankind; and also inform them that there was another pillar of brick erected by them. Now this remains in the land of Siriad[Egypt] to this day." 

The Great Pyramid is set in the heart of all the earth's land mass.

Isaiah appears to be describing the location of the Great Pyramid in Egypt.

Isa 19:19-20

In that day shall there be an altar to the LORD in the midst of the land of Egypt, and a pillar at the border thereof to the LORD.

And it shall be for a sign and for a witness unto the LORD of hosts in the land of Egypt: for they shall cry unto the LORD because of the oppressors, and he shall send them a saviour, and a great one, and he shall deliver them.
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Will we love the darkness more than the Light? ** Part 2   Empty
PostSubject: Re: Will we love the darkness more than the Light? ** Part 2    Will we love the darkness more than the Light? ** Part 2   I_icon_minitimeThu Nov 21, 2019 5:21 pm

I had noticed that it was not working quite right for me,too....I guess its best to do a part 2....Can you make the thread title blue like the last one?...It was easy to skim down and find....I do love to read what you write....note: i just had to do an edit because the page just posted itself! WTH?

I hope things are better for you and your sister is back up to snuff to help you
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Will we love the darkness more than the Light? ** Part 2   Empty
PostSubject: Re: Will we love the darkness more than the Light? ** Part 2    Will we love the darkness more than the Light? ** Part 2   I_icon_minitimeThu Nov 21, 2019 5:34 pm

SCarz, the history of the pyramids, not just at giza, has took up a lot of my time through the years....i am kinda' tired right now, so i'll try to throw some stuff at you early in the morning
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Will we love the darkness more than the Light? ** Part 2   Empty
PostSubject: Re: Will we love the darkness more than the Light? ** Part 2    Will we love the darkness more than the Light? ** Part 2   I_icon_minitimeFri Nov 22, 2019 6:24 am

I do think that your assumption is the correct one concerning the pyramids and who built them, the puzzling part is the "HOW" did they build them....There is a huge mystery as to how they were built,the stones size, the precision of the joints, the inner layout, the moving of the stones and other questions that pop up....I am convinced that they were built before the flood, and there are two possibilities of how they were built: one is that they using labor provided by the giants or there was a technology provided by the angels that allowed it and I will further that by saying that they were advanced in there technical abilities....After the flood, there was nothing that was not destroyed or covered by mud and debris, the old world was gone, and along with it being gone was the technology and the "knowledge of the "secrets of heaven" spoken of in enoch....The building of the pyramids required special abilities or supernatural assistance IF the before flood man was the same as the after flood man....

I do think that the pillar of stone in Isaiah 19:19 was the Pyramid because it is right on the border of what was upper and lower, the pillar of brick? find it Scarz....The only brick structure mentioned in scripture that would warrant the type of magnificence of the pyramid of giza would be at Babel and you really would have to do a whole lot of scripture twisting to make that one work....And that is another reason that it would make sense that the pyramid was built in the pre-flood era....Stone would survive being under water, brick does not.....brick is made of mud

Notice the pyramids from other parts of the world....The knowledge of pyramids was obviously carried to those areas by someone, but notice that those are not near as structurally magnificent as those at giza....those pyramids could be built by man fairly easily with ordinary is said that even today, man can not duplicate the pyramids of giza...

Many researchers of the ancient world conclude that the pyramids were built by the nephillim and I do consider that a possibility, although I consider Josephus to be a very reliable source of ancient history...I would guess that the real historical accounts were destroyed at the library in alexandria....I don't know that I would want to know everything that was contained in the alexandrian library, but i sure would like to have been able to take a look....
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Will we love the darkness more than the Light? ** Part 2   Empty
PostSubject: Re: Will we love the darkness more than the Light? ** Part 2    Will we love the darkness more than the Light? ** Part 2   I_icon_minitimeFri Nov 22, 2019 6:29 am

Researcher??????My post is all screwed double posted and is not even in the order that i wrote it and i promise that i did nothing out of the ordinary!!!!!I am not going to delete it,rather i will let you look at post did not go on the board the same way i wrote it....i am not making this up
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Will we love the darkness more than the Light? ** Part 2   Empty
PostSubject: Re: Will we love the darkness more than the Light? ** Part 2    Will we love the darkness more than the Light? ** Part 2   I_icon_minitimeFri Nov 22, 2019 7:45 am

michael371 wrote:
I had noticed that it was not working quite right for me,too....I guess its best to do a part 2....Can you make the thread title blue like the last one?...It was easy to skim down and find....I do love to read what you write....note: i just had to do an edit because the page just posted itself! WTH?

I hope things are better for you and your sister is back up to snuff to help you

I never did have it blue......."It only turns blue for me after I click on the thread." 

I don't know how to change the title color. If you know how please let me know and I will change it? May need to be a Mod to do that now.

I'm getting a little help from my sister now but not much. She is still not feeling good.
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Will we love the darkness more than the Light? ** Part 2   Empty
PostSubject: Re: Will we love the darkness more than the Light? ** Part 2    Will we love the darkness more than the Light? ** Part 2   I_icon_minitimeFri Nov 22, 2019 8:04 am

michael371 wrote:

Scarz....The only brick structure mentioned in scripture that would warrant the type of magnificence of the pyramid of giza would be at Babel and you really would have to do a whole lot of scripture twisting to make that one work....And that is another reason that it would make sense that the pyramid was built in the pre-flood era....Stone would survive being under water, brick does not.....brick is made of mud

Yes the tower at Babel would be the one we would think of but scripture as you are referring to has it being built after the flood. There is a scripture that has gotten me thinking about the tower over the last few years. I will see if I can locate it and make a post later on today.
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Will we love the darkness more than the Light? ** Part 2   Empty
PostSubject: Re: Will we love the darkness more than the Light? ** Part 2    Will we love the darkness more than the Light? ** Part 2   I_icon_minitimeFri Nov 22, 2019 8:57 am

I just made a post and its gone??????????

I see where you're coming from, but it says that there will be an altar, doesn't say it will be built then...could just as easily be referring to an ancient structure already there that will function at a future date....just can't down the line of babel being the brick structure
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Will we love the darkness more than the Light? ** Part 2   Empty
PostSubject: Re: Will we love the darkness more than the Light? ** Part 2    Will we love the darkness more than the Light? ** Part 2   I_icon_minitimeFri Nov 22, 2019 9:06 am

michael371 wrote:
Researcher??????My post is all screwed double posted and is not even in the order that i wrote it and i promise that i did nothing out of the ordinary!!!!!I am not going to delete it,rather i will let you look at post did not go on the board the same way i wrote it....i am not making this up
Don't know what happened there, Mike. I checked 'em both and they were identical. Is a big ???? Since they are the same I'm deleting one of them for you.

You ARE writing larger posts like that one in a word processor and transferring the text into the forum from the word processor, right.

Like a Star @ heaven Like a Star @ heaven Like a Star @ heaven Like a Star @ heaven Like a Star @ heaven Like a Star @ heaven Like a Star @ heaven Like a Star @ heaven Like a Star @ heaven Like a Star @ heaven Like a Star @ heaven Like a Star @ heaven Like a Star @ heaven Like a Star @ heaven Like a Star @ heaven Like a Star @ heaven Like a Star @ heaven Like a Star @ heaven Like a Star @ heaven Like a Star @ heaven Like a Star @ heaven Like a Star @ heaven Like a Star @ heaven Like a Star @ heaven Like a Star @ heaven Like a Star @ heaven Like a Star @ heaven Like a Star @ heaven Like a Star @ heaven Like a Star @ heaven Like a Star @ heaven

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Will we love the darkness more than the Light? ** Part 2   Empty
PostSubject: Re: Will we love the darkness more than the Light? ** Part 2    Will we love the darkness more than the Light? ** Part 2   I_icon_minitimeFri Nov 22, 2019 10:34 am

researcher wrote:
michael371 wrote:
Researcher??????My post is all screwed double posted and is not even in the order that i wrote it and i promise that i did nothing out of the ordinary!!!!!I am not going to delete it,rather i will let you look at post did not go on the board the same way i wrote it....i am not making this up
Don't know what happened there, Mike. I checked 'em both and they were identical. Is a big ???? Since they are the same I'm deleting one of them for you.

You ARE writing larger posts like that one in a word processor and transferring the text into the forum from the word processor, right.
no, i am writing directly to the paragraphs were not posted in the order that they were written....i promise you, i wrote them in a different order!....let me re-post in the order that i wrote them:

I do think that your assumption is the correct one concerning the pyramids and who built them, the puzzling part is the "HOW" did they build them....There is a huge mystery as to how they were built,the stones size, the precision of the joints, the inner layout, the moving of the stones and other questions that pop up....I am convinced that they were built before the flood, and there are two possibilities of how they were built: one is that they using labor provided by the giants or there was a technology provided by the angels that allowed it and I will further that by saying that they were advanced in there technical abilities....After the flood, there was nothing that was not destroyed or covered by mud and debris, the old world was gone, and along with it being gone was the technology and the "knowledge of the "secrets of heaven" spoken of in enoch....The building of the pyramids required special abilities or supernatural assistance IF the before flood man was the same as the after flood man....

Many researchers of the ancient world conclude that the pyramids were built by the nephillim and I do consider that a possibility, although I consider Josephus to be a very reliable source of ancient history...I would guess that the real historical accounts were destroyed at the library in alexandria....I don't know that I would want to know everything that was contained in the alexandrian library, but i sure would like to have been able to take a look....

Notice the pyramids from other parts of the world....The knowledge of pyramids was obviously carried to those areas by someone, but notice that those are not near as structurally magnificent as those at giza....those pyramids could be built by man fairly easily with ordinary is said that even today, man can not duplicate the pyramids of giza...

I do think that the pillar of stone in Isaiah 19:19Open in Logos Bible Software (if available) was the Pyramid because it is right on the border of what was upper and lower, the pillar of brick? find it Scarz....The only brick structure mentioned in scripture that would warrant the type of magnificence of the pyramid of giza would be at Babel and you really would have to do a whole lot of scripture twisting to make that one work....And that is another reason that it would make sense that the pyramid was built in the pre-flood era....Stone would survive being under water, brick does not.....brick is made of mud

I am not the most computer savvy guy on the planet, but i am not totally off of the deep end....I am going to run a malware check....virus scan just concluded and it was fine

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Will we love the darkness more than the Light? ** Part 2   Empty
PostSubject: Re: Will we love the darkness more than the Light? ** Part 2    Will we love the darkness more than the Light? ** Part 2   I_icon_minitimeFri Nov 22, 2019 1:08 pm

ScaRZ wrote:
michael371 wrote:

Scarz....The only brick structure mentioned in scripture that would warrant the type of magnificence of the pyramid of giza would be at Babel and you really would have to do a whole lot of scripture twisting to make that one work....And that is another reason that it would make sense that the pyramid was built in the pre-flood era....Stone would survive being under water, brick does not.....brick is made of mud

Yes the tower at Babel would be the one we would think of but scripture as you are referring to has it being built after the flood. There is a scripture that has gotten me thinking about the tower over the last few years. I will see if I can locate it and make a post later on today.

"The Lord has sent death upon Jacob, and it has come upon Israel. And all the people of Ephraim, and they that dwelt in Samaria shall know, who say in their pride and lofty hearts, 'The bricks are fallen down, but come, let us hew stones, and cut down sycamores and cedars, and let us build for ourselves a tower.'" (Isaiah 9:8-10, Septuagint)

I believe the Septuagint translation is the best version,it lays it all out. Israel's apostasy has now come so far they are thinking of building The Tower of Babel again. 

I believe God's anger will not be turned away as he uses the Assyrians to come against Israel. I also believe one day a repeat of this prophecy will play out as (Asshur,The Assyrian,Nimrod,The Antichrist) will be the rod of God's anger. This anger that is first used by The Antichrist against Israel will finally turn against The Antichrist.
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Will we love the darkness more than the Light? ** Part 2   Empty
PostSubject: Re: Will we love the darkness more than the Light? ** Part 2    Will we love the darkness more than the Light? ** Part 2   I_icon_minitimeSun Nov 24, 2019 3:48 pm

What if?

The purpose of the pyramids was to 'make a mountain'?  Egypt is flat.  The fallen, intending to be like God, aimed to rule from 'on high'.  As in Mt. Hermon, they made their abode on mountain tops, to "ascend" to the heavenly places, to take the Throne.  It is a symbol of Authority; of ruling over.

If the man who erected the Coral Castle in Florida did it himself with just a rudimentary understanding of physics, electricity and magnetism, could not the fallen have passed this info to the Pharaoh or his architects?  And the passing of information does not require a face to face meeting with a fallen angel.
The Pharaoh's magicians had supernatural abilities, we're told.

            I want to know the thoughts of God. Everything else is just details.
            A Miracle is when God makes His Reality our Experience              
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Will we love the darkness more than the Light? ** Part 2   Empty
PostSubject: Re: Will we love the darkness more than the Light? ** Part 2    Will we love the darkness more than the Light? ** Part 2   I_icon_minitimeMon Nov 25, 2019 7:57 am

Yes Dove I have long wondered what you speak of.

Mount Hermon is where The Watchers were said to have descended. Some also believe the Transfiguration may have taken place here also.

Why Jesus chose this spot very well could have been to take a firm stand against the god that was the most worshiped through out the world in the days he walked this earth.

I believe all pyramids may have been built as a symbol of a mountain. A symbol of The Mountain of God,a symbol to reach the heavens,a symbol to be close to the gods, or maybe a symbol where the gods ascend and descend.

I believe the (Sons of God,Watchers) had great knowledge of the Throne of God and the Heavenly City. When they the gods,these Sons of God descended, they brought that knowledge with them and very well could have had these structures built to attempt a type of copy of the Heavenly City.......As above,so below.
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PostSubject: Re: Will we love the darkness more than the Light? ** Part 2    Will we love the darkness more than the Light? ** Part 2   I_icon_minitimeMon Nov 25, 2019 12:44 pm

I see so much of a New Age religion,mystics and the occult in Ufology. Don't you wonder who or what is pulling the strings to steer it? Are humans being fooled by someone into falling for Aliens to push a bigger purpose? One thing for sure is that many in Ufology are talking the same talk as the New Age religions are. 

So much of Ufology is all about ET coming to bring peace and enlighten us to the truth of who we are and where we came from. The Aliens are our gods,they are our seeders,they made us. They will then lead us into an awakening, leading us into a realm of peace and knowledge. The Aliens will claim to be responsible not only for our design, but will also take credit for guiding and giving us religious leaders like [Jesus, Buddha and Mohammad]. 

They will then tell humans that we are ready for the next step up the evolutionary ladder to become as they are....."gods". Every bit of this is what the New Age is trying to teach. Reminds me of some of the same things that happened in the descending of the Watchers and teaching their offspring and humans the secrets of the heavens. You can't help but see it when you've studied it for a long time.
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Will we love the darkness more than the Light? ** Part 2   Empty
PostSubject: Re: Will we love the darkness more than the Light? ** Part 2    Will we love the darkness more than the Light? ** Part 2   I_icon_minitimeMon Nov 25, 2019 12:49 pm

Agreed.  And it seems we'd have all the pieces IF the Bible didn't say the ac is a man.

            I want to know the thoughts of God. Everything else is just details.
            A Miracle is when God makes His Reality our Experience              
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PostSubject: Re: Will we love the darkness more than the Light? ** Part 2    Will we love the darkness more than the Light? ** Part 2   I_icon_minitimeMon Nov 25, 2019 1:26 pm

I have thought for many years that The Bottomless Pit (Abyss) and all of it's contents are being held back. But of coarse the restraining (Holding Back) I believe is a two fold event that will also involve the"Above" as well as the "Below". The Abyss is the "Below", and the defeat of The Great Red Dragon (The Adversary) and his Messengers (Angels,Stars) by Michael is the "Above" as they are cast to this earth.

As it was in the days of Noah will play out once again. Remember in the days of Noah that the flood waters came from "Below" as well as "Above". The fountains of the great deep (Below) broke up, and the windows of heaven (Above) were opened.

The flood in the last days of this age will not be a flood of literal water but will be a flood of deception coming to this earth from "Above" as well as "Below".

I believe it could very well take Michael The Archangel and his army 40 days and 40 nights to defeat and cast to earth The Adversary and his armies in the heavens,as well as the contents of the Abyss to be emptied onto this earth.

Remember in the days of Noah that it continued 40 days and 40 nights to rain from heaven as well as the breaking up of the fountains of water from the deep.

In the last days of this age when the days of Noah will play out once again the raining of the fallen messengers from the heavens (Above) as well as the breaking open the chains of those held in the prison of the Abyss (Below) will "Flood" this earth.
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Will we love the darkness more than the Light? ** Part 2   Empty
PostSubject: Re: Will we love the darkness more than the Light? ** Part 2    Will we love the darkness more than the Light? ** Part 2   I_icon_minitimeSat Nov 30, 2019 6:58 am

I believe there are two desires that war within all of us. The desire to follow our flesh and the desire to follow the spirit. How many forget that Jesus was also a flesh man? Do we not understand that he also had the desire of flesh as well as the desire of the spirit?

We hear of the deity of Jesus all the time,but mostly silence comes of the human flesh side of Jesus.

Jesus wasn't only tempted once and that was it.

Jesus wasn't born into this world with all knowledge and understanding either. He grew in his wisdom and knowledge.

Have you ever noticed that many Preachers and Teachers seldom quote 'Jesus" words when making a point. Rather they quote other scripture instead......."I wonder why?"
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Will we love the darkness more than the Light? ** Part 2   Empty
PostSubject: Re: Will we love the darkness more than the Light? ** Part 2    Will we love the darkness more than the Light? ** Part 2   I_icon_minitimeMon Dec 02, 2019 4:57 am

We need an identifying mark on this thread....I am not used to part 2 and overlooked it twice before i found it
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PostSubject: Re: Will we love the darkness more than the Light? ** Part 2    Will we love the darkness more than the Light? ** Part 2   I_icon_minitimeMon Dec 02, 2019 7:33 am

michael371 wrote:
We need an identifying mark on this thread....I am not used to part 2 and overlooked it twice before i found it
I have no power over a special mark for the thread Michael. I guess that would be in Researchers hands.

What kind of mark are you referring to?
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PostSubject: Re: Will we love the darkness more than the Light? ** Part 2    Will we love the darkness more than the Light? ** Part 2   I_icon_minitimeMon Dec 02, 2019 8:13 am

I know of nothing other than pinning it, and if we do that it goes up top like where the prayer thread is.
And it will definitely be missed up there.   I ran 2 searches.  One for 'part 2', and one for 'Darkness'
and the thread came up first from each search.  

The other thing is once one has posted in a thread, OR also if you click 'watch this thread' at the bottom of a post, you'll get an email alert every time there's a new post made.
So if that feature's working for you, then you'll know.   From the email, always click on the first link
to get to the post directly.  The 2nd link in the email is to 'stop notifications'.

Also, once you've posted (and it only takes one time) you'll have a notification up top here on the page.  
I think that is every option we have.

            I want to know the thoughts of God. Everything else is just details.
            A Miracle is when God makes His Reality our Experience              
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PostSubject: Re: Will we love the darkness more than the Light? ** Part 2    Will we love the darkness more than the Light? ** Part 2   I_icon_minitimeMon Dec 02, 2019 12:34 pm

I found I could change the color through "Researcher". I decided to try green and hope it will be easier to find.

Thank you "Dove" for the information.


Will we love the darkness more than the Light? ** Part 2   Runes110
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Will we love the darkness more than the Light? ** Part 2   Empty
PostSubject: Re: Will we love the darkness more than the Light? ** Part 2    Will we love the darkness more than the Light? ** Part 2   I_icon_minitimeTue Dec 03, 2019 7:48 am

Isaiah 30:21........"And thine ears shall hear a word behind thee, saying, This is the way, walk ye in it, when ye turn to the right hand, and when ye turn to the left."

This is a great verse of scripture. The voice of the conscience helps to lead us in the right direction......"If we will only listen and then follow." Our conscience can become a weak conscience if we keep turning a deaf ear to it. I believe a human can get to a certain point that we lose our conscience......."The voice after so long of the person never following the voice of reason becomes silent to them. I see it much like pressing the mute button on the remote.
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Will we love the darkness more than the Light? ** Part 2   Empty
PostSubject: Re: Will we love the darkness more than the Light? ** Part 2    Will we love the darkness more than the Light? ** Part 2   I_icon_minitimeWed Dec 04, 2019 5:49 am

ScaRZ wrote:
Isaiah 30:21........"And thine ears shall hear a word behind thee, saying, This is the way, walk ye in it, when ye turn to the right hand, and when ye turn to the left."

This is a great verse of scripture. The voice of the conscience helps to lead us in the right direction......"If we will only listen and then follow." Our conscience can become a weak conscience if we keep turning a deaf ear to it. I believe a human can get to a certain point that we lose our conscience......."The voice after so long of the person never following the voice of reason becomes silent to them. I see it much like pressing the mute button on the remote.
we are watching those who have no conscience operate in Washington right now. These people are not like us, not at all
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PostSubject: Re: Will we love the darkness more than the Light? ** Part 2    Will we love the darkness more than the Light? ** Part 2   I_icon_minitimeThu Dec 05, 2019 7:13 am

“The conscious and intelligent
manipulation of the organized
habits and opinions of the masses
is an important element in
democratic society.

Those who manipulate this
unseen mechanism of society
constitute an invisible government
which is the true ruling power of
our country.”  (Edward Bernays 1891 – 1995)
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Will we love the darkness more than the Light? ** Part 2   Empty
PostSubject: Re: Will we love the darkness more than the Light? ** Part 2    Will we love the darkness more than the Light? ** Part 2   I_icon_minitimeThu Dec 05, 2019 8:07 am

I first learned of Edward Bernays watching an Adam Curtis documentary titled "The Century of the Self". It's four parts. Part 01 has much MUCH to say on Edward Bernays. It's frightening what he did, how he mind manipulated us all, created a template for others to follow, and it's still being followed today. I'll put up part 01 and just the links to the other parts below. Each part about 1 hour.

The Century of the Self - Part 1: "Happiness Machines"

Show Notes wrote:

The story of the relationship between Sigmund Freud and his American nephew, Edward Bernays. Bernays invented the public relations profession in the 1920s and was the first person to take Freud's ideas to manipulate the masses. He showed American corporations how they could make people want things they didn't need by systematically linking mass-produced goods to their unconscious desires.

Bernays was one of the main architects of the modern techniques of mass-consumer persuasion, using every trick in the book, from celebrity endorsement and outrageous PR stunts, to eroticising the motorcar.

His most notorious coup was breaking the taboo on women smoking by persuading them that cigarettes were a symbol of independence and freedom. But Bernays was convinced that this was more than just a way of selling consumer goods. It was a new political idea of how to control the masses. By satisfying the inner irrational desires that his uncle had identified, people could be made happy and thus docile.

It was the start of the all-consuming self which has come to dominate today's world.

Originally broadcast on 29th April 2002.

Century of the Self (Trailer) - Adam Curtis (2002) 1½ minutes long.

Like a Star @ heaven Like a Star @ heaven Like a Star @ heaven Like a Star @ heaven Like a Star @ heaven Like a Star @ heaven Like a Star @ heaven Like a Star @ heaven Like a Star @ heaven Like a Star @ heaven Like a Star @ heaven Like a Star @ heaven Like a Star @ heaven Like a Star @ heaven Like a Star @ heaven Like a Star @ heaven Like a Star @ heaven Like a Star @ heaven Like a Star @ heaven Like a Star @ heaven Like a Star @ heaven Like a Star @ heaven Like a Star @ heaven Like a Star @ heaven Like a Star @ heaven Like a Star @ heaven Like a Star @ heaven Like a Star @ heaven Like a Star @ heaven Like a Star @ heaven Like a Star @ heaven

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Will we love the darkness more than the Light? ** Part 2   Empty
PostSubject: Re: Will we love the darkness more than the Light? ** Part 2    Will we love the darkness more than the Light? ** Part 2   I_icon_minitimeThu Dec 05, 2019 12:54 pm

Thank you Researcher......"Great information."

I know it's very hard to look at who we are......."And yes I put myself in the center,not just talking about everyone else."

If we really look deep enough it does indeed go all the way back to Eve doesn't it? It's all about "The Three" (Lust of the flesh,Lust of the eyes,Pride of life). 

"And Adam was not deceived, but the woman being deceived was in the transgression." (1 Timothy 2:14)

Ernest Dichter wrote a book "The Strategy of Desire". The book is divided it two parts and part one is entitled.............."Persuasion Started With Eve".
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Will we love the darkness more than the Light? ** Part 2   Empty
PostSubject: Re: Will we love the darkness more than the Light? ** Part 2    Will we love the darkness more than the Light? ** Part 2   I_icon_minitimeSun Dec 08, 2019 6:07 am

Public Interest in UFOs Persists 50 Years After Project Blue Book Termination

According to the Air Force, Project Blue Book ultimately concluded that:

  • no UFO reported, investigated, and evaluated by the Air Force was ever an indication of threat to our national security;

  • no evidence submitted to or discovered by the Air Force indicated that “unidentified” sightings represented technological developments or principles beyond the range of modern scientific knowledge; and

  • no evidence indicated that sightings categorized as "unidentified" were extraterrestrial vehicles.

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Will we love the darkness more than the Light? ** Part 2   Empty
PostSubject: Re: Will we love the darkness more than the Light? ** Part 2    Will we love the darkness more than the Light? ** Part 2   I_icon_minitimeTue Dec 10, 2019 7:38 am

Doug was a man of many talents,one being a great artist. He spoke to me one day about his deep intersest in UFO's. Through his many years of life he had done a lot of research and I ask him if he would do a lay out of all his work on UFO's and Aliens. Doug died before his full lay out was completed. Doug told me many times he believed there was some truth in the UFO phenomenon. I'm going to post the material he gave me one or two at a time. Every thing is his work, not mine. 

Alien Entity Activity

Getting into the alien entity activity thoughts, I would like to show where I come from in regards to the Ufological question.

Long ago and not too far away, I remember the period of the big one. Not war in Iraq or in Vietnam, but the Second World War.

I remember D-Day, Okinawa, Iwo, V1s, V2s, the bomb, and the post war phase of the Cold War. Growing up in this era, I was given a great interest in weapons and things technical.

During this time, I came across a sunday adventure strip in the newspapers of the time. Didn't get the chance to read much of it, but it was sci fi. First part was about Hitler on the moon, so it was near the end of the war when it was carried in the Sunday newspapers.

The hero and some friends as well as some other people were kidnapped by alien beings in armored suits and taken to the planet Venus. These turned out to be a type of Reptoid humanoids.

Needless to say, I was hooked on science fiction and interplanetary aliens from then on. I read and got involved vociferously in the world of science fiction.

After searching for 60 years, I was able to come across that story through ebay featured in a 1947 comic book. 

During this time, there were the stories of the Foo Fighters in '44 and '45, the Swedish Ghost Rockets of 1946, and of course Ken Arnold's Flying Saucers in the summer of 1947.

As I had mentioned before, many, many stories of sightings were carried in the newspapers and on radio immediately after this.

I definitely wanted to believe this and if you think you are a small minority now on the internet, you can imagine what it was like back then.

There was the Roswell crash story carried in the papers. My dad thought it couldn't be true, but I wanted to believe the story while it lasted.

Then there was the True magazine article by Donald Keyhoe. I had that magazine for a while, but lost it at high school. I picked up some technical info and some theories as to what was going on in our skies from this Marine Major relentless struggle with the Air Force.

There was the Maury Island (hoax) George Adamski's Venusians, the scoutmaster's story in Fla.of alien attack and the gatherings at Giant Rock by contactees. I was all over this. Read both of Adamski's books and anything else I could find.

The 1950s
More later.

Moving on to part 2 of Part II The fabulous 50s:

Ahh, the 1950s.......

Cold War, hot cars and flying saucers!

A period of great science fiction movies like "The Day the Earth Stood Still"

There were lights seen in many places, disks of course, globes, Green Fireballs, Rocket tubes with flames, and inverted bathtubs as well as boomerang craft similar to the 1997 Phoenix sighting. In 1951, according to the Bluebook Report an immense flying wing, something like the Northrup B-49 was seen by a military security guard.

There were explanations: Temperature inversions, skyhook balloons, Venus, Arcturus, hallucinations and mass hysteria. And , hoaxes as well.

The Marine Major Donald Keyhoe after writing his expose' in True magazine, struggled to get at the mystery with the stonewalling US Air Force. He appeared on national television when there were only a couple three networks and argued the case with an air force officer around the time of the US capitol sightings. He got nowhere and eventually left the active military to form a civilian investigatory organization.

Everyone wondered what the craft were. It was theorized they came from Mars, due to a correlation with planetary oppositions. Others thought from Venus or even Russia.

Many reports from civilians came in as well as those from airline and military pilots.

The Air Force's Project Grudge and Bluebook reports lists many of these. A fighter aircraft came within 600 feet of a disk craft. A B-29 bomber near Korea in 1952 was paced and threatened with collision by a cylinder with flames pouring out the back of it according to the crew report.

Mantell's P-51 crashed while supposedly chasing a huge disk.

The Air Force considered many of these sightings to be rawindsonde balloons.

It was theorized that they may have come from the South Pole from inside the Earth and this was their home as well as ours. Maybe the Nazis had built them and flew them to South America and Antarctica.

Or that they came from Etheria, a borderland in another dimension. Probably the first reference to UTs I came across, unless you count Adamski's angels.

In Europe, especially in France there were many sightings. A landing on a railroad track that damaged the rails and some humanoid sightings were reported. It was thought that the saucers followed magnetic lines of force in their travels over the Earth.

There were the crashes. Besides the now famous Roswell event, there were other crashes reported Spitzbergen Island crash, Disks recovered in the Mohave Desert and Mexico. One in Texas in 1955 according to a witness who was involved in the operation to study it. One in Tulley, NY that caused traffic to be rerouted off the highway according to another witness.

There were landings as well and one happened in Texas in '57, the first night of the Sputnik mission.

Many of the contactees stories were so bizarre and childish in this period, like most Americans, I considered them a joke. I found out about Adamski's cultic leanings pre Ken Arnold and learned that he just tapped into the age of the Saucers and updated his wild ideas to the more contemporary space vehicles and aliens.

Although there was a vast amount of things going on during this time and if I dig into my memory, I could come up with much more.

I don't want to make it overlong, so I will close out the 50s with this.

1957 brought the year of the car stoppings out in New Mexico. One night as some green craft flew over the highway many cars motors stopped according to reports from the local sheriff. this brought on a major wave of sighting reports.

I thought the lid was going to blow around that time. It didn't and it passed into obscurity.

Worry over Russian ICBMs and Sputnik had caught the interest of the country and saucers were relegated to the lunatic fringe. I still believed that there were aliens, perhaps Martians, but nothing was coming of it to prove it.

Next, The 1960s
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Will we love the darkness more than the Light? ** Part 2   Empty
PostSubject: Re: Will we love the darkness more than the Light? ** Part 2    Will we love the darkness more than the Light? ** Part 2   I_icon_minitimeWed Dec 11, 2019 6:54 am

Part 3 of PARTII Alien Entity Activity.

Here come the sixties......

The 1960s brought in some differences in my life and my involvement with the UFO subject.

I got married and I went to work for a large company involved in the space program. I worked on it from the Gemini spacecraft through the Apollo moon mission and the early Shuttle and Space Station development.

I chuckle when I hear comments that we never went to the moon; that it was a hoax. Because I know we did. I and many of my friends were heavily involved and we were there. If we didn't go to the moon those times, then that computer you have in your car and office are made from cardboard and your cellphone is just a tin can attached to a wire. All I will say on that.

Brushing back to the 1950s, I had my first anomalous sighting of three that I know of. In 1957 or 58, A large gray globe floated over a ball field that my church team was playing at. Most of us saw it, but no one reported it. Probably because we thought it might have been a balloon. It was dull gray, no ID markings and no undercarraige or noise. It came directly overtop the ball field which laid in a small farm field in a country valley. I guessed it was 300 feet above us and around 50 feet in diameter.

It headed in the direction of a large town, but there was no reports of it whatsoever.

There were landings and occupant reports in the 1950s, but outside of France little was made of them due to the bizarre nature of them.

Death Valley occupant account 1949, Frank Scully's Little Men in '50 were a couple of early ones.

There was the famous "Flatwoods Monster" case in "52 and one of the earliest known abduction cases in S America in '56, The Villas Boas story.

Little is known of the Casa Blanca account seen by children, of a craft and disembodied body parts, including an arm that beckoned to the frightened children, or the Coldwater case of a being with large ears, long nose and the ability to fly.

But the Hopkinsville, Ky case in 1955 was recounted with some publicity,due to it's strangness when a family was attacked by robotlike creatures. The people shot at and hit some of them sending them rolling, but had a difficult time driving them off. When interviewed by police a pulse count of 140 beats per minute indicated much fear in the whole family.

Also in '55, the Loveland Tx case of the being with the froglike face and another one where the occupants told a stunned man" We are peaceful....we only want your dog."

A well documented case closing out the 50s pertained to Father Gill, an Anglican priest in New Guinea, who with several of the men of his mission waved to beings on a high up craft as these occupants busied themselves on a deck of the UFO while occasionally waving back to the group.

But things were changing in the 1960s. The "Men from Mars" belief continued until we actually sent vehicles to the Red planet.

Landings and occupant accounts continued like the one in 1963 in Kent, England, where a shambling humanlike figure with no head and batwings, frightened four people before reentering a disk shaped craft.

In 1964, I joined NICAP (National Investigations Committee on Aerial Phenomena) and APRO (Aerial Phenomena Research Organization). These civilian bodies sought to break the government's resistance to "Disclosure"and included writers, scientists of several disciplines and military and intelligence personnel as well.

I stayed with these groups until they disbanded nearly 20 years later.

April 24, 1964 a NM policeman had an encounter with a flying egg shaped UFO and a couple of occupants seen at a distance.

On the same day, a local farmer in my area had an encounter with a landed craft and two entities who carried on a conversation with him.

I interviewed him, made some notes and sketches and reported it.

We had others in the area that summer. A Volkswagon sized oval hanging in the trees near a streetlight and on July 16th,1964, five young boys saw a spaceman and his craft just 2 miles from their homes.

When questioned closely and threatened for fibbing, the boys tearfully would not retract their story.

Three of the boys ran home to get a jar of water for the spaceman. They said they couldn't understand him, but it sounded like he was calling for water.

He made a piping sound like a Kazoo, was small , human looking and wearing a black suit. He stepped up on the craft that was shiny like a car bumper and proceeded to fall backward from the top of the vehicle.

The boys then ran home and when they returned with adults, three depressions were found in the field and the shrubbery damaged.

This was carried in the local papers as well.(to be cont'd)
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PostSubject: Re: Will we love the darkness more than the Light? ** Part 2    Will we love the darkness more than the Light? ** Part 2   I_icon_minitimeWed Dec 11, 2019 7:05 am

Continuing with Alien Entity Activity.

From the middle sixties, things were changing. There was the great NorthEast US blackout in 1965 that was blamed on UFOs in some circles.

Although Dr. Frank Salisbury continued with the preposition that Mars would be the ideal location for the home of the UFO, events were appearing to alter this idea.

The mission of 1976 to Mars and subsequent ones gave a case to the idea, that Mars was devoid of life beyond the remote possibility of microbes.

An event that actually took place in 1961, but was written up in Look magazine by John Fuller "Aboard a Flying Saucer" and another account of some wild sightings in Exeter in New England brought the subject of abduction and examination to the front and to the world.

From the actual magazine story of 1966, an artist's depiction of Barney Hill fleeing from the UFO after he had observed the occupants on board.

This event brought out a plethora of abductions accounts with hypnotic regression accompanied by live reports on occasion. Some of these were hallucinogenic, and others overactive imaginations but many were deemed valid due to corroborating witnesses and the apparent high strangeness.

Depictions of the entities and some vague information rocked the UFO world and many reports and renderings depicted a variety of humanoid and some not so, in many publications around the world.

The NICAP UFO Evidence reached 20 million people worldwide with many details from a conservative viewpoint of craft of multitudinous types and propulsions. Inverted tops, inverted cones, disks, eggs,boomerangs, wings, globes, derby hats, saturns and on and on.

Stories of the smell of sulphur and camphorated oil were part of the lore.

In March of 1966, at Hillsdale college lights and possible craft were spotted by 80 coeds. Dr. Hynek with his infamous "swamp gas" explanation was the main result of this sighting.

There was the account of the meeting with humanoids that walked with a limp who met a human man in a field seeming to mentally communicate with him. The witness who was observing them was caught and burnt by their touch.

Woodrow Derrenberger met with Mr Kuld of the planet Lanuous and Carroll Wayne Watts of Texas an upstanding citizen, concocted a story that was later admitted to as a hoax.

There was the "Snippy the Horse", mutilation on Sept 9, 1967. This was the first of many, many animal mutilations of several types and varieties that continue in obscure places in the US and the world to this day.

The Betty Andreason abduction took place in 1967. One of several and I want to go into this account later.

During this period a split in UFOlogical considerations occured.

The Hills account, in time seemed to indicate an interstellar point of departure, Zeta Reticulum, for the entities and began a series of stories by many, of beings from other star systems.

This changed from earlier reports of destination Venus, Saturn, Clarion, and other ports of call.

This was the new phase of the lore and when it caught hold it continued to this day with messages and messengers from many star systems and even galaxies far away.

The other side of the lore came from a metaphysical viewpoint with beings strange and almost elemental from the beginning of time, accompanied by Poltergeist activity and behaviour way outside of the norm, even for alien planetary explorers.

The battle for worldwide recognition of the subject of UFOs being a reality, continued through this period. All the while without hard evidence made public and largely based on many anecdotes.

In 1967,U Thant, the President of the United Nations, stated, "he considers UFOs the most important problem facing the United Nations next to the war in Vietnam".

In 1968, the following happened,

The United States Congress moved to discuss the UFO problem in hearings by several members of congress. 

In 1969, The Condon Report was used to debunk much of UFOs and the Air Force publicly got out of the business of investigation reports.

I continued to follow all of it and had another "sighting" for want of a better answer, around the end of the decade.

Aime Michel, the famous French investigator who delivered many informative reports of the French wave of '54 and after, stated in 1966, " UFOlogy the rule is to think of everything and to believe nothing."

The UFO investigator can be very "open minded" to new hypotheses as well as very "close minded" to any conclusion which is not based upon the available evidence.

It has been stated that both a tenderminded "Yeasay" attitude and a toughminded "Naysay" attitude are important in the field of UFO investigatory work.

Good advice, as far as I am concerned.

Next, a bit of the 1970s
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Will we love the darkness more than the Light? ** Part 2   Empty
PostSubject: Re: Will we love the darkness more than the Light? ** Part 2    Will we love the darkness more than the Light? ** Part 2   I_icon_minitimeWed Dec 11, 2019 7:15 am

The gray oval object seen when they were playing softball?...I just so happened to see one similar to that myself. Grayish/silverish oval object that I witnessed while sitting out on open water fishing. Nobody else around to see it but me. Then, 'poof" just gone....I am a leathery old bastard that grew up in the woods and swamps and I know what I saw. Now, Scarz your friend sounds like me from a young age until now. I have concluded that any ET's are extra- dimensional and not planetary entities. You can stretch scripture, i suppose, to create a possibility of ET's from within the universe, but IMHO, extra-dimensional just seems to follow the bible better. Either way, lots of strangeness going on
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Will we love the darkness more than the Light? ** Part 2   Empty
PostSubject: Re: Will we love the darkness more than the Light? ** Part 2    Will we love the darkness more than the Light? ** Part 2   I_icon_minitimeWed Dec 11, 2019 7:26 am

betty andreasson....this one always kinda' puzzled me.....maybe she was not as "Christian" as the claims say she was, but thats a guess....why would she "voluntarily allow" contact, if I remember the story correctly?....
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Will we love the darkness more than the Light? ** Part 2   Empty
PostSubject: Re: Will we love the darkness more than the Light? ** Part 2    Will we love the darkness more than the Light? ** Part 2   I_icon_minitimeWed Dec 11, 2019 7:32 am

michael371 wrote:
betty andreasson....this one always kinda' puzzled me.....maybe she was not as "Christian" as the claims say she was, but thats a guess....why would she "voluntarily allow" contact, if I remember the story correctly?....
Good to see you Michael.......I will post the Betty one now. Well I see he only mentions her in the next one.

Last edited by ScaRZ on Wed Dec 11, 2019 7:50 am; edited 1 time in total
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Will we love the darkness more than the Light? ** Part 2   Empty
PostSubject: Re: Will we love the darkness more than the Light? ** Part 2    Will we love the darkness more than the Light? ** Part 2   I_icon_minitimeWed Dec 11, 2019 7:49 am

Part 4 of PART II of Alien Entity Activity.

This has been long and in spite of attempting to keep it short , there are so many facets to it, that it would take pages and pages to cover all the aspects of it and then there would be much left out.

For one, the 1966 Exeter account is not only frightening but well documented by police officers.

I continue to condense as best I can....

The Condon Report of 1969 nearly blew the UFOs out of the sky as far as the general public were concerned, but the enigma came back with a gusto in the early 1970s in new and different ways.

I mentioned that my wife and I had a nightime intrusion with a pinkish red light shining on the bedroom walls in the late hours. The shadows of leaves on the trees more than 50 feet from the house were so strong I could see every edge of each leaf as if I were holding it in my hand.

We lived in the country not far from a small town and there wasn't any aerial traffic. I did run out on the upstairs balconey and saw an orange pink light drifting along in the sky without sound.

Like a dope, I ran out jumped in the car and headed down a lonely road to see where it might have come down. Luckily, I never found it and to this day I have no idea what caused it. Nothing like that ever happened again while we lived there.

The 1970s: Intrusions and Intruders.

In 1973. two men were abducted while fishing near a submarine base in Mississippi. They were floated aboard a craft by a being covered head to foot in a metallic suit. Four spikelike appendages were sticking from his head.

This case was given national attention due to the men appearing on the Cavett show. This show was ABCs answer to Carson so there were a lot of viewers tuned in that night.

The two men were overheard in the sheriff's office talking about the abduction and their terror from the event.

Along with Hixon and Parker, the abductees appearing on the show, was a crew of an Air National Guard helicopter who were flying en route to Columbus, OH, some nights earlier.

A red light was seen coming at the helicopter on a collision course by the crew.

The pilot, Capt Laurence Coyne, flying at 2500 feet, took evasive action. The helicopter dropped to 1500 feet to avoid collision as the crew observed a cigar shaped tube with a red light on it's leading edge flying above them.

A green light from the rear of the craft, bathed the helicopter in it's glow. the helicopter jumped from 1500 to 3800 feet instantly and after a bump, stabilized. The strange craft moved off and disappeared.

In 1975, there was the famous Travis Walton case which was well publicized and made into a movie.

Abductions and examinations with various probe devices, aboard alien craft were continuing unabated.

Terrorizing people, who were in the unlucky situation of being taken by single and multiple entities and who were powerless to resist the abductors.

Early on, people were abducted by the bug eyed emotionless beings in isolated spots, out side. But as it went on, more began to be abducted from their homes.

Betty Andreason was taken from her kitchen by these entities, as her children standing nearby were "shut off" by others.

A woman and her two sisters were abducted from their car and had a loss of memory and time during a trip. Hypnotic regression alerted a buried half memory allowing the women to recall the abduction experience.

Under hynosis, the following was their response and this has been repeated over and over in many instances with minor variations.

"What can you see" "I see a transparent head shaped thing with funny- looking eyes. I don't want to see it!"

"why don't you?" " It scares......"

"What's happening now?"

Amid sobs "coming It scares me!"

"Where are you, Judy?"

"I don't know!...I don't know! I'm scared. I don't want to see it anymore!"

Three types of beings were aboard the craft that the women saw. One type, was a human woman!

A man driving down a hill has his car pulled over to the side of the road. He then observes beings digging a hole beside the road....

Under hypnosis, he identifies some of them as humanoids with putty like chalky skin. They touch him with white plastic tubes as fingers, which hurt him.

He notices that they are digging the hole right beside his car and that they appear to be small and skinny in appearance.

"His head is not round, it's like an inverted teardrop with a big round bar on top. He looks like he's not alive....." "His eyes are black and really shiny and I don't see any pupils."

"They were digging a foot deep hole in gritty black dirt by the road".

There was no UFO present in this case and by chance a disturbing memory jogged the man and he was ultimately hypnotically regressed.

Underneath these feelings there turned out to be, indeed, a UFO abduction.

How many other abductions unknown by the percipiants lie buried in the subconcious?

The numbers could be in the tens of thousands and many would not necessarily know anything had happened to them.

1975 brought another aspect, this time regarding the military, to the sighting enigma.

Loring, Minot, Wurtsmith, and Malstrom Air force bases had aerial reconnaisance from unknown lights and objects.

Malstrom in November had sensors triggered and a Sabotage Alert Team activated to examine the intrusion.

A tremendous sized orange glowing object was seen and reported by the team.

Interceptors were launched, but were unable to get a visual with the object.

However, it was noted that strangely, targeting data was changed in a missile's warhead computer!

A local sheriff received reports following the night at the time of the missile silos overflights at Malstrom.

"A mutilated cow is found in a plowed field, but no tracks in the soft earth"

" The cut area of the mutilated cow bears a neatly serrated edge, as though cut by a giant cookie cutter".

"A farmer and his son watch four small UFOs darting about a larger one as big as a building".

"Strange, unidentified helicpters, some of them black, are seen but not heard- or heard but not seen."

"An ordinarily aggressive watchdog becomes strangely quiet and refuses to bark as a strange light flooded his owner's home."

During the month of October, virtually every day or night, unmarked helicopters fly over farmer's property and various other local's properties in Colorado.

Some of them are seen in the location of cattle mutilations, others seen shining lights around on the ground and in one case, illuminating what looked like two men were reported.

This continued all month with sometimes several helicopters seen in groups and without identifying markings.

Into November and December, it continued with over 130 reports in a local region of the area.

Although, it had been quiet before, now there was a rash of many helicopter reports in the
west and sometimes these were accompanied with cattle mutilation reports.

By 1979, according to some estimates, 10,000 head of cattle had been found mysteriously mutilated.

Many reports of strange, unmarked helicopters and UFOs in the vicinity of the mutilations occurred.

One steer was found five feet up in a tree above the ground!

Vietnam had a spate of the mystery helicopters in a blitz at the DMZ.

According to General George Brown of the the U.S. Air Force, it was stated, "I don't know whether this story has ever been told, they weren't called UFOs. They were called enemy helicopters only seen at night and in certain places."

Strangely, all these helicopters were able to elude allied jets with just one claim of one of them shot down. Only a burned spot was found and no aircraft parts were ever identified.

December, 1980 closed out this decade of intrusions with the Betty Cash and Vicky and Colby Landrum incident.

These two women with the small boy were driving on a road in Texas and travelling home at night. 

After a time, they spotted a brilliant light above the trees that lined the road.

After it disappeared from view and driving along further, they were stunned to see a large, diamond shaped object hovering straight over the road a short distance away. The light from the object lit up the road and hurt their eyes due to it's brilliance.

Every so often it would shoot a burst of flame from underneath it, like a rocket would.

Knowing that if they drove under the object they'd be roasted, they got out and observed from beside the car.

Betty, who was outside the car the longest, found that she couldn't touch the handle of the vehicle, due to it's heat without wrapping her coat about her hand.

As they watched, the object bobbed up and down and then moved off and left. Five minutes later, after driving on, the three spotted the object again, this time in the presence of a large number of helicopters!

The blacktop was melted, although soon resurfaced and
the family suffered from radiation burns and sickness.

Betty Cash died of cancer, some years later.

The other intrusion in December, 1980 was the world famous Bent waters Rendlesham air base encounter with lights, a craft and some vivid recordings by the base personnel.

The 80s brought in the Hudson River sightings and huge boomerangs seen by hundreds, as well as Belgian NATO aircraft radar sightings of large rapidly maneuvering triangular shaped craft.

Next. Part 5. Metaphysical Nuts and Bolts......
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PostSubject: Re: Will we love the darkness more than the Light? ** Part 2    Will we love the darkness more than the Light? ** Part 2   I_icon_minitimeWed Dec 11, 2019 8:04 am

Alien Entity Activity. Metaphysical Nuts and Bolts, Part 1.

The idea of interplanetary visitors coming here to Earth would not have resonated much when I was growing up.

Unless you were familiar with the writings of men like Wells, Verne, Kepler,De Bergerac.

Or if you were part of the limited fringe group that devoured science fiction alien invasion and contact stories which were being turned out by the hundreds, you were the sole believers.

Most of the general population considered this idea looney and for comic books.

Lo, a real science fiction story showed up in the 1940s to catch the fancy of millions.

Today, it is much different, thanks to movies and television series such as S.W and S.T., Alien and Independence Day, it has made it possible for many to say they are into the possibility of extraterrestrial life and it's arriving and being here on Earth.

But is it only an interstellar invasion and/or contact?

At first brush, it definitely looks that way.

I believed this for quite some time and anything to the contrary was immediately rejected as I didn't want anything to get in the way of my Nuts and Bolts Martians!

But perhaps it would be good to take a long look at a more complete picture of the UFO enigma based on the broad range of UFO lore.

Anecdotes of many kinds is how we got here, so some credence has to be given to most of these reports as long as we give it to a few, unless it can be demonstrated otherwise.

It has been stated by some that something like 56 or so races are here visiting Earth and all have a keen interest in us for some reason.

I would prefer to make it 5600 races or thousands more than that, based on all the multitudinous accounts of these aliens and their activity.

Multiplied craft of numerous types are sighted everywhere, all over the planet.

Following the anecdotes and stories of contact over the last 60 years and longer if one prefers, we come across descriptions of many many individual creatures of many sizes, with different features and attributes, who conduct contact in repetitive actions over and over. I would like to cover some of these.

The excuse for this variety, is that people's perceptions are not accurate and this effects agreement on singular races. I would contest that, as we are exacting detailed descriptions from multiple witnesses as well as from hypnotic regressive information.

600 years ago, they came here in sailing ships with anchors! This was seen by many.

How dumb is that? It demonstrates an ignorance of us that is surprising... This ignorance has appeared to continue to this day, as I hope to illustrate.

Later, there were appearances of airships, biplanes, globes of light beginning the modern era and flying disks....sorta.

Is that the whole story? or is that a cover story, or part of the story?

It may be more than ignorance... It may really be arrogance, based on more contemporary reports.

I have found some writers of this material who started out as hardware believers and utimately changed to belief in a more spiritual or metaphysical explanation for it all.

Some of this forced me to reluctantly rethink my original concept of it over many years of following it.
I have not found a solid reason yet to consider it friendly contact from benign beings from another Earth.

Perhaps it is a visit from a "funny farm". There are some indications that this is not a scientific expedition from an advanced culture from another star system or Federation, but a whole realm of the bizarre.

Perhaps this is a clever disguise purporting to mask the real purposes of contact?

Strangers on one's borders that show no sign of cooperation or communication surely invite suspicion.

Under such circumstances, it is quite prudent to consider such a force of strangers a potential adversary with unknown motivations.

There is no place for a Polyanna faith that the strangers are friendly, judging by their actions, even if they were to say they were.

Remembering the Native Americans and their lack of an immigration policy to limit the onslaught of the Europeans, continues to haunt us.

From our intelligence agencies and military's point of view, this phenomenon had to be awesome, a science fiction nightmare.

Besides the prospect of public panic, what negative and unearthly developments were to come?

An initial fear that the intensity of their appearances could mark the prospect of a general planetary invasion.

As time went by, there was no overt invasion or no cliched landing on the White House lawns. The lid came down and disclosure was put off, so as not to "create a panic, if it was not necessary".

Over the years, there seemed to occur a more subtle activity by the alien entities.
Increasing occurances of abductions in a clandestine manner, was doubly worrisome.

First, it demonstrated an unfriendly sort of contact and second, the motivation for such was not known.

Gone were the science fiction fantasies, if there ever were any, of friendly aliens sharing their science and technology with humanity in a typical "first contact".

One question is,why so many exams, by so many occupants? If there is a federation, how come this cannot be done quickly and the information passed out in a cooperative effort?

If there is a Galactic Federation, there must be thousands of Earths, or millions.

Are we so complex and interesting? Is this planet so unusual? Can they not get it right?

It seems like a trainload of vets trying to examine one dog or a horse.

What is this purpose? It has to be deemed sinister, in absense of evidence of anything else.

Is a core of cooperating human specimens being recruited for a purpose we have no knowledge of? 

Some abductees of major scientific and military import have confessed to have been abducted.

Have our atomic and other scientific secrets been compromised? The abduction of a high ranking employee of the Atomic Energy Commission might indicate such.

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Will we love the darkness more than the Light? ** Part 2   Empty
PostSubject: Re: Will we love the darkness more than the Light? ** Part 2    Will we love the darkness more than the Light? ** Part 2   I_icon_minitimeWed Dec 11, 2019 1:48 pm

I am familiar with just about everything that you mentioned and remember when they happened...Look, your friend is not the only one that followed the UFO saga since the "swamp gas" days...I know they are real, I just disagree with the origins....But, when I form a fact-based conclusion, I always reserve the right to change my mind,lol.....
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PostSubject: Re: Will we love the darkness more than the Light? ** Part 2    Will we love the darkness more than the Light? ** Part 2   I_icon_minitimeWed Dec 11, 2019 1:54 pm

michael371 wrote:
I am familiar with just about everything that you mentioned and remember when they happened...Look, your friend is not the only one that followed the UFO saga since the "swamp gas" days...I know they are real, I just disagree with the origins....But, when I form a fact-based conclusion, I always reserve the right to change my mind,lol.....

I've read every bit of the story Scarz posted and I can't agree more with Mike. I've been following the UFO stories since I was just a sprout, and that, my friends, was a long time ago starting around 1959 - 1960-ish.

Like a Star @ heaven Like a Star @ heaven Like a Star @ heaven Like a Star @ heaven Like a Star @ heaven Like a Star @ heaven Like a Star @ heaven Like a Star @ heaven Like a Star @ heaven Like a Star @ heaven Like a Star @ heaven Like a Star @ heaven Like a Star @ heaven Like a Star @ heaven Like a Star @ heaven Like a Star @ heaven Like a Star @ heaven Like a Star @ heaven Like a Star @ heaven Like a Star @ heaven Like a Star @ heaven Like a Star @ heaven Like a Star @ heaven Like a Star @ heaven Like a Star @ heaven Like a Star @ heaven Like a Star @ heaven Like a Star @ heaven Like a Star @ heaven Like a Star @ heaven Like a Star @ heaven

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PostSubject: Re: Will we love the darkness more than the Light? ** Part 2    Will we love the darkness more than the Light? ** Part 2   I_icon_minitimeThu Dec 12, 2019 7:56 am

Alien Entity Activity Metaphysical Nuts and Bolts Part 2.

Who are these many strangers and what are they all doing here at once?

In October, 1973, a woman arriving home sees a ghostlike entity hovering 50 feet in the air near her home. After it darts around it heads off toward a field and disappears near a lighted UFO, A Halloween prank?

Shortly after she and another person come across a small creature a little over 2 feet tall, with stumpy arms, spikes appearing from his head and giving off an aqua blue glow like an electric man.

In March, 1966,A man on the way to Sheppard Air Force base to work is stopped in the road by a fish shaped craft parked across the road. He sees a man as ordinary as one he would see anywhere walk up into the craft.

In 1974 a European man is accosted by two beings with deathhead faces and bodies that resemble the "Michelin man". After frightening him, they mechanically turn and in unison head off toward a craft that resembles a WWI helmet worn by the British.

Parker and Hixon, were abducted by a strange robot like creature with claw hands who floated them across the river near a sub base in Pascagoula, MS. into a disk shaped craft.

Other robot-like entities attacked the home of the Suttons in Ky., jumping on the roof, trying to get into doors and windows until driven off with shotguns by the beleagured family.

Another man was treed by a robot creature who attempted to gas him to bring him down.

Other strange beings were seen mechanically parading around an unknown object that was shaped like an Italian coffee pot. They were carrying fishing rods! Later, they were seen collecting stones, soil and manure, and picking shoots off plants. (reminiscent of my 1964 account with the farmer from my home area, Gary Wilcox)

A belgiun case described a being in a transparent helmet, with a vacuum cleaner like devise sweeping the area near the house of an observer. He had pointed ears, large yellow oval eyes and later was seen leaving over a wall in a most unusual way.

They seem to play tricks. A bunch of occupants were seen parading mechanically around a landed craft that looked like an Italian coffee pot! they were holding fishing rods.

In other cases, they have been seen collecting stones, soil, and manure, and they have been caught picking shoots off plants.

One man was forced to eat a "chocolate tasting brownie" as he was watched by robotlike beings who later marched mechanically in unison to their landed spacecraft.

Two boys in Michigan in 1981, were playing in a snow fort on a winter night. A small being floated over a four foot fence. The boy closest to it was stunned until finally they were able to run. The being continued to pursue and opened a diamond shaped ruby colored part of his face and emitted a moaning sound.

The boys said he had a head the size of a grapfruit and they couldn't conclude whether he had arms, but had green wrinkled skin.

Other entities were seen and a description of a craft was given.

One of the boys had recurrent nightmares for a month. The other, slept in a sleeping bag on the floor with his B-B gun by his side and the light left on. Some blurring of peripheral vision was reported in this case.

Two humanoids were seen carrying a dog. They were recalled as having red glowing boots.

One being was seen by the road with a clown face and another, reported as a "human fly"
In the Goffstown case, two beings, were reported digging in a back garden with spades. They had one piece suits, long heads, pointed ears and ovular shoe button eyes.

The observer had seen a light they had which had shown under the kitchen door and down a hall.
Startled and shocked at seeing the beings, he sent his German Shepherd out in the yard after them.
They stopped what they were doing and stared at the dog.

As this happened, the dog stopped in his tracks and turned around walking back to the house where it laid and whined.

The beings turned and walked into the woods. The woods glowed brilliantly for a time and it gradually got dark.

The man was shaking like a leaf and had a white pallor, when the police arrived. His wife was terrorized as well.

In 1971, a beam of light was shone at a dog and it was beamed up into an object with a farmer nearby watching, stunned.

In 1977, a craft landed and figures were observed emerging from it, playing games with lightning balls and as the observer watched, they materialized and dematerialized.

There were women dressed in summer clothes(?) and men dressed in grey business like suits. Both sexes appeared human, although their skin was a blue-grey color.

The objects they arrived in, were thin cylinders 160 feet tall. They claimed that Begua was their home planet.

Another case, in March, 1967, a man and his daughter were traveling to the outskirts of Butler, PA.
They stopped the car on a back road to observe two globes of light nearby. Appearing as aircraft lights , it looked as if they would land on the road and then it appeared as if they did.

The lights suddenly came rushing up the road toward the viewers who were acutely aware that there would be a collision with their car and the aircraft lights.

It didn't happen.

The lights appeared to transmogrify into a semicircle of five figures who stood just a few yards away.
They looked like human beings but faces without expression. The eyes were just horizontal slits as were the mouths. They were all blonde, wearing caps and stood around 5 feet tall.

Dressed in sloppy gray green shirts and trousers and having skin that looked rough like scar tissue.
The young woman observer, recalled hearing a voice in her head that seemed to repeat..."don't move....dont' move."

A man was approached by a being that was projecting a message to him to not be alarmed and appeared to have semihuman facial features, long ears and yellow eyes. It's body resembled a stalk of a plant in shape and color, appeared skinny and with hands that had three 7 inch long fingers with needle like tips and suction cups.

The creature gripped the man and drew blood, seeming to need a transfusion.

A woman approached a figure in a field that she thought was a small child. Going over a hill, she saw a ten foot in diameter saucer craft and the little figure, a humanoid appeared dark green in color.

She thought it more animal than human. It appeared naked with pointed ears and a tail...all of which gave it a satanic look. She was unable to make out the face of the creature.

She ran back to her house to see the craft lightly rise like a feather and take off.

A man was awakened in the morning by a flash of red light. Pulling a revolver, he went to investigate to find a small canister bouncing around the living room floor.

Suddenly, a hand grabbed him and he felt a needle prick his arm.

Three men dressed in ski masks and black clothes said, "The dogs have been darted and everyone gassed!" " This one...he's going out soon....he's half asleep."

They put something over his face and asked him questions about UFOs, what they were and what he thought of the future.

One case described a report by two women from Hooks, TX , describing an airborne object with red and white flashing lights and the letters UFO on one side!

In checking this ludicrous report, it was found that several other reports of UFOs came in that night from towns around where they had the sighting in a fifty mile radius.

Concluding this part, this is only a small smattering of this anomolous phenomena. I did not include any of the common reports of entities, Greys, Reptoids, etc. and only a handful of semi human types. The range of beings appears to be far broader than what I have posted. It would take a book of some size to cover them all.

There are no easy answers to all of this. The complexity of the phenomenon seems to mock the known laws of the universe.

As has been discussed on here often, there is certainly little hard evidence to support these anecdotes.

If this isn't hallucinatory, then there may be an invasion of some type underway by aliens or something else that is a mystery that we cannot grasp in our normal human comprehension.

Dr. Hynek at a symposium was discussing the sheer number of these kinds of reports all over the world.

He stated, " A few good sightings a year, over the world would bolster the extraterrestrial hypothesis, but.......many thousands every year? From remote regions of space? and to what purpose?

To scare stopping cars and disturbing animals, and puzzling us with their seemingly pointless antics?

It really becomes embarassing when trying to present this aspect of our material to the public, to science, and if we are really honest, to ourselves also."

John Keel believes that they are not extraterrestrial, but para physical or "ultraterrestrial"

That they may exist in another dimension at a different "frequency" and are not limited by our time coordinates.

They would be more akin to poltergeists and other psychic phenomena, long familiar to students of the occult and demonology.

As Dr. Hynek states, it is hard for us as humans to pull out of being human and get a perspective on this subject.

Next Part: Harassment
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Will we love the darkness more than the Light? ** Part 2   Empty
PostSubject: Re: Will we love the darkness more than the Light? ** Part 2    Will we love the darkness more than the Light? ** Part 2   I_icon_minitimeThu Dec 12, 2019 8:56 am

John Keel believes that they are not extraterrestrial, but para physical or "ultraterrestrial"

That they may exist in another dimension at a different "frequency" and are not limited by our time coordinates.

They would be more akin to poltergeists and other psychic phenomena, long familiar to students of the occult and demonology.

this ,in a broad sense, is my take,also

Scarz, I found an old guy this morning,on YT, that I want to listen to some more before I put the link up.....he approaches this very subject on one video that I have not listened to yet....I have enjoyed the videos that I have heard so far on the end times, so I have no reason to fear his take on this, BUT, I learned my lesson the dude that calls himself the "global witness!"....the dude started out fine but showed his true colors later on, but I had already put up his link before I found out he was a fraud

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PostSubject: Re: Will we love the darkness more than the Light? ** Part 2    Will we love the darkness more than the Light? ** Part 2   I_icon_minitimeThu Dec 12, 2019 9:17 am

I agree Mike, I learned my lesson on GW too and also others so now I try keep my "mouth closed" but i still mess up... at least we see   at some point usually sooner but not always...  Deceivers are everywhere...everywhere.
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Will we love the darkness more than the Light? ** Part 2   Empty
PostSubject: Re: Will we love the darkness more than the Light? ** Part 2    Will we love the darkness more than the Light? ** Part 2   I_icon_minitimeThu Dec 12, 2019 12:28 pm

feeling better, miss j?....nancy is spitting out quilts like illegal mexican mama spits out anchor babies....i am about half done with the back bathroom re-do.....I did get finished with the adjoining bedroom, so when you decide to visit us, it'll be ready....hays and i redid some of mama's old, cheap bedroom furniture that i was going to throw away, just to see what would looks like antique heirloom stuff....i was shocked at how good it looks....oh, i forgot why i was posting...

well shit scarz, my old guy went off the rails on UFO' me, he has some great teachings on revelation, but Ezekiel didn't see a spaceship...i know a bunch of pretty good bible folks that believe that he did, just like this old guy....right now, at this time in mans existence, folks should grasp what ole Zeke saw, it should be obvious
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Will we love the darkness more than the Light? ** Part 2   Empty
PostSubject: Re: Will we love the darkness more than the Light? ** Part 2    Will we love the darkness more than the Light? ** Part 2   I_icon_minitimeThu Dec 12, 2019 12:31 pm

bordercollie wrote:
I agree Mike, I learned my lesson on GW too and also others so now I try keep my "mouth closed" but i still mess up... at least we see   at some point usually sooner but not always...  Deceivers are everywhere...everywhere.
I agree with both you and Michael......."Deceivers are everywhere." 

We must always be looking out for those that appear to be a light of truth. We are all human and times can fall for sugar coated lies. If we dig deep enough we can find a blanket of darkness hidden. 


Just to let everyone know....."Doug and I where very good friends." He was much older than myself but that was a good thing in my eyes. Doug and I shared in not only our faith but also as people who loved art. He was much more into the UFO and Alien side than I have ever been. I really enjoyed his whole life story of how he got involved in it all. 

Doug and I discussed how much the reports of craft and ET had changed as the years passed. It appeared as people grew in knowledge and a huge growth in technology exploded so did the reports change big time in what people saw and how they perceived it.


Will we love the darkness more than the Light? ** Part 2   Runes110
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PostSubject: Re: Will we love the darkness more than the Light? ** Part 2    Will we love the darkness more than the Light? ** Part 2   I_icon_minitimeThu Dec 12, 2019 12:56 pm

Alien Entity Activity Metaphysical Nuts and Bolts Part 3


I touched on odd alien behavior in Part 2. Some of it strange and even some comical. However, I would like to go into more of the dark side as I believe it demonstrates more realistically what we are up against.

Approaches to aircraft, forcing unusual action by pilots to prevent a catastrophe, hovering on top of cars and forcing engine stalls are some of the harassing things that have happened.

Abduction and the difficulties relating to it will be covered later. Stories of animal mutilation abound, primarily among herds of cattle.

There are those of other animals cruelly sectioned, many of which are family pets.

Children being tricked and used, is another aspect of this enigma.

Much of this is known by most, so at present I won't make this primarily about these types of things.

I would prefer to go over the happenings at a ranch in the western U.S., as this exemplifies the bizarre and insiduous behavior of these entities.

There were several people who shared some of these experiences besides the owners of the property and their family.

Resources were pooled to buy this Rocky Mountain ranch and it was to be renovated and made into a working ranch for cattle raising and grazing.

The ranch had been abandoned for several years which was puzzling even though it had much to make the property workable. There was a mystery about a building that "disappeared" 10 years earlier.

One of the first things they noticed after moving into the house was a humming sound which was often experienced, but could not be traced to any electrical system or devices.

Noises like someone walking outside and car doors slamming, as well as pounding on the outside walls of the house were heard.

Electrical power was cut on the ranch when no one else reported any disturbance. During one of those occasions, the radio emitted sounds of a voice saying, " you have been allowed to remain. Do not cause us to take action which you will regret".

Creatures that looked like "Bigfoot" were seen.

UFO sightings occured, including nine on one occasion.

During that incident ,a light flash was seen by two of the men and at the same moment, the rancher's wife who was looking out the window, experienced a blow to the head and fell unconscious to the floor.
She was revived shortly after.

One of the men spotted a landed disk in the woods and two humanoids nearby.

This man and the ranchers son saw a 3 foot long box which emitted strange hums and other sounds while flashing on and off with multicolored lights like an electronic device.

One morning, this same man awoke, unable to move, and saw a tall skinny creature wearing a helmet, standing by the door, looking at him.

Cattle mutilations occurred during the time of the UFO activities. A young bull was found by the son and his friend, with it's head twisted back and various organs and body parts removed as if by surgery.

The boys were frightened as they had seen a bear or a bigfoot creature not long before.

The man who came upon the humanoids in the woods, felt that they had expected him to show up then and in English, they told him they were sorry for the inconvenience and disturbances which had occurred to the people living on the ranch.

They said they were expecting some changes to occur in the events which were happening there.
However, after the encounter and the occasion of the "skinny creature", the number of strange events and the resulting tension associated with the experiences, seemed to increase for the people living on the ranch.

The hum. Although happening during wind storms and for a few hours after, it also occurred duing the UFO sightings

It was so loud the first year at Christmas, that they could barely hear each other talking. That was the only time it came on that loudly. Shutting off the breakers didn't stop it or by turning it off, even at the pole.

The light. On a night in October, the cattle were braying very heavily. The rancher went out to see with his dog with him, what was disturbing the animals. The dog acted afraid as well, causing him to get a gun.

The cattle, who are usually quite standoffish, were packing in so tight to the man, he could barely get through the herd. He saw above a dam, a large lighted object. It had an orange trapazoidal light that looked much like the top of a lighthouse.

After traveling in the direction of the light, the rancher got spooked by the actions of the cattle and his dog. He decided to return to the house and leave it be. It was during the cattle mutilation days and he felt it wasn't worth risking himself with something this strange.

Shortly after this, the paralysis happened. On a cold night, the rancher had decided to go out with a 12 gauge shotgun to see if he could catch the cattle mutilators at it.

While laying on the couch, at 8:30 as he attempted to get up, he could not move due to a temporary paralysis. His wife suffered a severe anxiety attack unlike she had ever had. Stuttering and racing pulse affecting both of them.

The son and a friend found a mutilated cow 200 yards from the house and ran back in a panic.
It was snowing as the two ran through the field and although both were 16, they panicked, thinking something was following them to get them.

The rancher men, thinking this was normal paranoia, went out to examine the site and to check the tracks in the snow.

Going back along the route, they found large footprints following in the track of the boys for some distance. They were guesstimated at 18 inches long!

The cow had body parts removed; udder, an eye, rectum, and one ear all with surgical precision. No blood. And no tracks at the site.

Two weeks later, a bull was mutilated and it didn't belong to the ranch. The rancher met the sheriff to complain. The sheriff responded that they have known about them for some time.

He said they only report one in four and that in that county alone, there had been 400 reports.

The sheriff said it was extraterrestrials, which angered the rancher and a falling out occurred.

A photographer and two other men were standing outside the ranchhouse at night.

They heard a strange noise and all of a sudden, a huge dark object pushed it's way through a barb wire fence and came at them, down a hill.

The men ran in panic into the house.

Footprints were found and hair strands indicating a push through the fence.

Sending the hairs to Denver only got a report back of no known species. Other ranchers had had similar results with the lab examinations of similar hair clumps found on their property.

Emotional disturbances followed this. Feelings of fear and depression. Everyone, including the children for some reason were all fighting. A lot of little paranoid incidents one after another were going on, affecting them.

The rancher was sleeping by the door with a gun and staying awake most of the night to try and catch what he still thought were human mutilators.

He rose up and looking out the window at 2 am, he heard a humming noise. 

 He saw a disk slowly come down the valley right past the front of the house and went up the gully past the whole front of the ranchhouse property. His wife didn't see it, but did see a glow in it's wake. 

This event caused her to scream because it shocked her in the light of all the paranoia.

The rancher later discussing the incidents with two local friends found that they had heard of some unusual occurrences as well.

Some neighbors who had recently moved there, were driving by the ranch shortly before the rancher family had moved into the property. They spotted a disk coming off the land and that it followed the car. They drove to their house, ran inside and watched the disk hovering over their car for some time.
This brought the rancher to a reconciliation with the sheriff and he was supportive in showing up when called after that.

Neighbors had seen lights there for years.

During this time, the rancher realizing something was trying to scare them enough to leave and abandon the property had heard a noise outside near the car. The trunk light on the dash was lit even though the trunk of the Cadillac was locked.

Opening it, showed a bent pin switch meaning someone had opened the trunk without a key!

Pounding on the house and running occurred. A large hairy creature was observed during one of these incidents. Shots were fired at it, but no blood, no traces, no signs.

A pounding incident scared the kids so much that the rancher angry, ran out and shouted he'd blow the place up before he'd leave it.

Later, outside, a voice came out of the air that said only four words. "dr. Jim, we accept". This was extremely upsetting to the man.

One night, "it" destroyed transmissions on both their cars. Having to have both repaired at the same time. The gears were shot on both transmissions.

That same night, the rancher's wife wasn't well and lying in bed saw a dark shape cover the lighted snow outside the window. Scrambling down the bed, she spied something carrying a black box by the window. This kind of thing caused them all to run outside and then be unable to spot anything.

Paranoia reigned. Even friends who came to visit, were affected by acute paranoia. A car door opened and closed even though it was locked. the sheriff was again contacted.

to be continued.
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PostSubject: Re: Will we love the darkness more than the Light? ** Part 2    Will we love the darkness more than the Light? ** Part 2   I_icon_minitimeThu Dec 12, 2019 1:07 pm

Continuing with the harassment portion of the Alien Entity Activity.

During this period of difficulty, some pilots and their son wanted to use the land for a landing strip. 

Three weeks later a plane crash killed one of the pilots and some passengers. This happened in clear weather.

Following this, a few weeks later, two Air National Guard aircraft went down in pursuit of a UFO in the area.

Some who inquired deeply into the mutilations, disappeared including an editor of a magazine investigating the ranch.

They felt they suffered as heavy with the mutilations as anyone in the area. He lost six cattle in two years, in spite of a determination to catch who was doing it. The reward was high in the county.

Paranoia was high. It was difficult to stop by the road as one could get shot by a neighbor.

The night that the box was seen, the rancher looked down into some trees which had a light nearby.

Walking down into the woods with a feeling of fear, two individuals were waiting for him. They spoke to him. "How nice of you to come" as if he was expected. there was a disk about 60 feet away lit lightly.

The entities apologized for the inconveniences they had caused and said that a more equitable arrangement would be worked out, whatever that meant. He wanted to ask questions, but was unable to. There were several incidental things they asked him that were ridiculous, but he thought it a test of his ability to keep his mouth shut.

He told them it was very foolish to mutilate the cattle as that would call attention to themselves. There was the damage to the cars as well. They never admitted to any of it.

They did mention the box and that he was wise to back away from it....implying a threat.

The being the rancher labeled "Bigfoot" was standing nearby. It walked toward the box and as a tone changed from the sound that came from it, the Bigfoot dropped to the ground.

They said that they would come back later and just left.

They were men about five and a half feet tall, wore tight fitting suits that changed from silver to brown and back again. They had blonde hair and large eyes striking and somewhat delicately effeminate.

Later, the ranchers wife saw a tall creature with a helmet near the porch. She thought she was losing her mind or hallucinating. The rancher awoke and saw this creature who was around seven feet tall and extremely skinny.

Later he just disappeared.

They seemed to be headed for a more amiable relationship after these meetings. The disasters had stopped, the pounding on the walls stopped, the terrorism had stopped.

Later, it all started up again which was extremely disorienting. The tension came back. The appearance of a non humanoid creature instilled such feelings of torment in the family and when the accidents like the fire started up, the rancher decided he should leave. It was just too difficult to maintain a life on the ranch.

( I did leave some out, as it's almost too bizarre as well as trying to keep it more concise due to it being longer than I wanted)

Next: Fallible or infallible?
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PostSubject: Re: Will we love the darkness more than the Light? ** Part 2    Will we love the darkness more than the Light? ** Part 2   I_icon_minitimeThu Dec 12, 2019 1:28 pm

Alien Entity Activity Part Four Infallibles or Fallible Fiends? Cont'd...

Much has been said over the years, regarding the ability of the Entities to manipulate us and limit their revelation to us against pretty strong odds. I have cited some examples of many where this has been done to us.

It would be easy to say that they are in complete control and there wouldn't be much argument for that point.

But...... there are glaring incongruities.

First the control. A woman flying into O'Hare and her plane landing at 2:10, she heads for and enters the ladies room.

She finds the faucets don't work for her while they seem to be working for others. A woman walks past her as if she isn't there even when she speaks to her.

Eventually she is able to wash in a baby changing area.

Leaving the restroom she immediately goes to call her husband and relate that she arrived safely. He realizes that it is 3:20 there and not 2:15 as she thought. She has an episode of missing time in a busy airport terminal.

Upon returning to the terminal, she can't find the restroom she was in as the colors are all different. But the faucets work for her.

She had earlier encounters in her life and figured that this was one more abduction experience.
The problem was how did the aliens get her out of that terminal to another location for her examination and return her more than an hour later with no one seeing her?

Her friends who were waiting for her at the baggage claim were surprised when she showed up behind them from a location impossible for her to have reached normally.

Apparently screen control can be extended over a wide area or invisibility be handled in such a way as to prohibit discovery.

In another case in Australia in the 1970s, a man was photographing his family in a Brisbane park. 

Later, in reviewing the photographs which came out reddish colored, the trees and lake were in the frames, but his family was missing.

Under hypnosis, the family recalled being taken up into a UFO while looking down and seeing the father with his camera frozen in time.

The man recalls being able to work the camera, see his family and the scene at hand at the same time frozen in the view of his family floating above him.

Then there's the problem with the film; background but no family.

How is this magic done? and to what purpose? How much easier to take the family in a more remote location than a public park. How were all other park participents "shut off" for this operation?

Is this merely a demonstration of control... again and again?

Memories manipulated from afar, other people switched off and yet others teleported up light beams into craft. Craft as large as football fields that are switched in and out of visibility with apparent ease.

All of the above indicates magical control to a degree that is beyond our ken. All, relegates to a degree of infallibility that is incomprehensible and aweing.

Now we come to the fun part, F-A-L-L-I-B-I-L-I-T-Y !

We are dealing with beings who know so much about us as to handle us as puppets on a string.

Yet, when abducting two Air Force firemen and stripping them and examining them to what purpose, the entities forget which shirt goes on which man.

When the firemen find themselves back in their truck, after missing time, they find that they are wearing the wrong name tag belonging to the other airman.

Another account that I remember reading, told of an abductee who was taken from Plymouth, Massachussets and returned after examination to Plymouth, England.

Although they have been circling this world for over 60 years, they still don't know the difference between England and New England.

They have marvelous ships with exotic controls and ages of experience in craft engineering, designing and piloting.

but........ They CRASH them!

They have crashed them for years. Much has been written and discussed about Roswell, NM, but there have been others less known as well.

On or about the same day as Roswell's famous crash another craft came down in White Sands-Tularosa area.

The military man reporting this, recalled the Jesse Marcel picture of holding some wreckage, therefore, he considers this crash occured shortly before Roswell.

The airman recalls seeing glossy photos of the craft resting near a hill and slightly tilted.

Bigger than a B-29 and roundish domeshaped with a flat rim around the base of a flat bottomed craft.
He estimated it as a 100 feet in diameter, based on surroundings.

Military men and men wearing civilian suits were climbing all over the craft, examining it.

There were earlier crashes, according to the lore.

Two that occurred in the US prior to the World War.

One was recovered in the Sonoran desert of Mexico in the fall of 1941. A man showed his family prints of his friend, holding up one of several occupants dead bodies that had been recovered by the wrists.
In another case in 1941, at Cape Giradreau, Mo. a woman recalled her grandfather arriving at a plane crash site.

He was a Reverend and had been summoned by the police to go to the site. He was picked up in an unmarked car and driven to the location of the crash which was in a burning fire.

Upon returning, he described the incident to his wife and other family members and then swore them to never repeat it.

He described it as something he had never seen before and not an airplane.

Many pieces were scattered around and one larger one was seemless and round.

Inside was a metal chair and a control panel that was totally unfamiliar to him.

There were three bodies on the ground and the man was instructed to say prayers for them.

They were in silver wrinkled suits, were diminuitive, hairless and had no ears. They had almond shaped eyes, holes only for a nose and a slit for a mouth.

One was picked up by the plainclothesmen and held for a photograph.

According to a retired Colonel who reported that there were others found in the Mojave Desert and New Mexico in 1946 and 47. These were more of the "lifting bodies" design and it was rumored that Oppenheimer, Von Braun and Teller were called in to study them.

A retired nurse that was stationed at the Los Alamos Medical Lab recalled that "bodies" were being flown from late 1945 through 1947.

They had small forms with deformed head and limbs.

She thought that they were biological and nuclear medicine research projects. She also thought that they came from Japan at the end of the war, but wasn't sure of that.

Observing one in the morgue and at an autopsy, she recalled the eyes were abnormally big and the skin of a grayish yellow color and hairless.

The Aztec crash of 1948 generated interest, but was generally thought of as a hoax at the time. Later investigation has allowed for more credibility regarding this event.

There was the account of a possible crash in upstate New York near Cortland and of course the more famous Kecksburg crash near Pittsburgh, PA in 1965.

A personal note: My mother in law observed that one light up the whole area of northern Pa and southern tier of New York as it flew over horizontally.

A similar "Acorn" shaped craft, landed or crash-landed near Edwards AFB in 1971.

Another controversial crash is said to have occurred in the Kalahari desert in S Africa. as well as another crash near Los Alamos in 1973.

These reports are verified by competent witnesses, many formerly in the military and contain much more detail as to the craft, the occupants and the mysterious group that reaches these sites to thoroughly examine and acquire data regarding the salvage operations.

Each of these cases involve a major operation of moving and storage of these strange alien craft. 

Many times a formidible undertaking, yet revealing nothing to the general public.

This was the final part I received from Doug before he died.
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Will we love the darkness more than the Light? ** Part 2   Empty
PostSubject: Re: Will we love the darkness more than the Light? ** Part 2    Will we love the darkness more than the Light? ** Part 2   I_icon_minitimeFri Dec 13, 2019 4:06 pm

bump, so it doesn't get pushed off the page by stuff that i don't read
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Will we love the darkness more than the Light? ** Part 2   Empty
PostSubject: Re: Will we love the darkness more than the Light? ** Part 2    Will we love the darkness more than the Light? ** Part 2   I_icon_minitimeSat Dec 14, 2019 7:29 am

michael371 wrote:
bump, so it doesn't get pushed off the page by stuff that i don't read

Michael.....Anytime you have something you wish to share,please do so. Why not give your thoughts on what you mentioned above........"but Ezekiel didn't see a spaceship...i know a bunch of pretty good bible folks that believe that he did, just like this old guy....right now, at this time in mans existence, folks should grasp what ole Zeke saw, it should be obvious"?

Are your thoughts in line with Michael Heiser or David Flynn?
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Will we love the darkness more than the Light? ** Part 2   Empty
PostSubject: Re: Will we love the darkness more than the Light? ** Part 2    Will we love the darkness more than the Light? ** Part 2   I_icon_minitimeSat Dec 14, 2019 6:32 pm

I'll just find items rather than type....its so much easier, although it doesn't mean that I agree 100% with everything:
Is it the case that Ezekiel saw an alien-operated flying machine from outer space? No, Ezekiel did not see an alien spaceship. How, then, are his visions to be explained? When one looks into Ezekiel’s prophetic book, it becomes clear that Ezekiel did see some strange things. From a quick reading of chapter one, it becomes apparent that Ezekiel saw a “great cloud with raging fire engulfing itself ” (vs. 4), four living creatures from within the cloud (vs. 5), a wheel beside each living creature (vs. 15), and the rims of the wheels full of eyes (vs. 18), among many other things. Indeed, the things seen by Ezekiel were amazing and unusual to say the least.

But with a little research into the biblical message, it becomes clear that Ezekiel’s writing and visions were apocalyptic in nature—very similar to the writings found in both Daniel and Revelation. The visions Ezekiel described are of heavenly, spiritual beings, not “alien life forms.” By comparing the description of the living creatures in Ezekiel to that of the living creatures that surround the throne of God in Revelation 4, one quickly realizes that the scenes witnessed by Ezekiel, John, Daniel, and other inspired writers were visions of God and His spiritual host of heaven.

As further evidence of this fact, at the end of Ezekiel 1, after describing “a likeness with the appearance of a man” on a throne, Ezekiel wrote: “This was the appearance of the likeness of the glory of the Lord” (1:28). Then, a few verses later in chapter 2, this same person said to Ezekiel, “Son of man, I am sending you to the children of Israel, to a rebellious nation that has rebelled against Me” (2:3). Ezekiel fully understood this to be the Lord talking to Him, that the vision was of spiritual beings, and that he had not had an encounter with an alien from outer space. It is ironic that Ezekiel recognized his vision to be a calling and message from God, yet over 2,500 years after this vision, modern-day UFO hunters want to “reinterpret” Ezekiel’s original understanding of what he saw. A simple question should be asked: who would be in a better position to know what he saw—Ezekiel, or a modern-day “alien hunter” who believes in UFOs in spite of the overwhelming paucity of evidence? To ask is to answer, is it not?

Ezekiel did not see a UFO! He was allowed the special privilege of being called by God through an amazing vision of the heavenly host. His description of the vision ties in perfectly with other apocalyptic writings such as Daniel and Revelation. Those who are looking for the long-absent evidence proving the existence of aliens and UFOs, will have to look some place other than Ezekiel for it.
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