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PostSubject: Re: Q Drops and Deltas Plus Pdf   Q Drops  and Deltas Plus Pdf - Page 13 I_icon_minitimeWed Feb 28, 2024 3:05 pm


Check out the Essene calendar. It's a solar calendar. Every year has 364 days. 52x7=364. They also break down history. According to Essene prophecy and their calendar, the last phase of Human history begins in 2025, when we enter the transition to the last 1,000 years.
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Thank you Ariel , also been 7 years since last one.
The location of the X cross point is Little Egypt (plagues anyone?). I believe the last seven years was the birth pains as the revelation 12 sign foretold. This happened sept 23, 2017. This next phase starts seven year tribulation imo.

Matthew 12
41 The men of Nineveh will rise up at the judgment with this generation and condemn it, for they repented at the preaching of Jonah, and behold, something greater than Jonah is here.

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            I want to know the thoughts of God. Everything else is just details.
            A Miracle is when God makes His Reality our Experience              
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PostSubject: Re: Q Drops and Deltas Plus Pdf   Q Drops  and Deltas Plus Pdf - Page 13 I_icon_minitimeThu Feb 29, 2024 8:23 am

This is very important, so please take a moment to read so you know what has been happening behind the scenes!!!!! Evidently monies to fund the child trafficking tunnels came from US Taxpayers through the Cabal-owned IRS/Federal Reserve System. An inside source said, “They spent trillions of dollars on these tunnels… that’s where the trillions of dollars that have been missing from the 9-11 building that they took down.” READ BELOW!!!!

Since April 2019 in secret military operations, thousands of tortured, mutilated babies, children and teens have been rescued or found deceased by the US Military. US Special Operations teams directed by President Trump and his Pentagon Pedophile Task Force have been clearing out the children, corpses, gold, cash and documents from a massive labyrinthine of DUMBS tunnels (Deep Underground Military Bases) that ran beneath the US, Canada and Mexico.

Evidently over centuries the tunnels had been built and used by members of the Illuminati, better known as the Cabal, or Deep State. Global, political and Hollywood elites into Satan worship were known to pay big bucks to drink the blood of a traumatized child (known as Adrenachrome) – reported to create a “high,” along with a supposed reverse of aging. Although, if their “supply” was cut off, the partaker suffered greatly and could even die.

The Pentagon was making sure that supply was never harvested as evidently it had been for centuries. Back in April 2019 the US Military, Interpol and different countries’ local military forces began a concentrated and coordinated effort to rescue children from a huge tunnel network that ran throughout the US from California to New York, to Canada, Mexico, Europe, Italy (the Vatican and Venice), the Hague, New Zealand, South America and the Middle East (Lebanon). Some of the tunnels lay beneath the Vatican, with many reported to be several stories deep – like the one beneath the Denver Airport.

By April 2020 a total of over 50,000 malnourished, caged and tortured children had been reported as rescued or found deceased in the tunnels beneath large US cities including one under New York Central Park. Another tunnel was said to run from the Clinton Foundation building to the New York Harbor.

The latest horror was uncovered around August 20, 2020 beneath Reno Nevada where thousands of mangled recently deceased corpses of children were discovered. The child captives were believed to have been kidnapped or bred for purposes of sexual abuse, human experimentation and human sacrifice in Satanic rites.

On Wed. Oct. 16 2019 an unbelievable 2,100 children being held in cages in underground tunnels at the California China Lake Military facility were rescued by Navy Seals and US Marines. The children and teens were said to have been sexually abused, tortured and killed to collect their blood. Marines carried out traumatized children, some of whom have never seen the light of day, pregnant preteens, deformed babies, piles of little corpses whose bodies were apparently used for organ harvesting, children locked in cages, electro-shocked and traumatized in order to harvest their blood – Adrenachrome for the elites to drink.

“In Nevada the child rescue operations moved in earnest… what was amazing is that everyone was thinking Las Vegas would be the horror show of horror shows… there was a horror show but it was Reno… underneath Reno they could not believe the tunnels underneath the ground... the DUMBs… the bulk of the children found in the tunnels under Reno were dead… not only dead folks, they were mangled… they’re trying to do DNA testing to get the pieces back in order… which piece belongs to which other torso… it’s horrific” commented Dr. Charles Ward, who has been in a couple of the tunnels.

A trooper involved in rescue operations said, “On 4 July 2019 at 2 am PDT we surprised personnel at the China Lake Naval Research Base in California. We took over the base and rescued approximately 3,000 children being tortured in ways beyond comprehension. 


            I want to know the thoughts of God. Everything else is just details.
            A Miracle is when God makes His Reality our Experience              
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PostSubject: Re: Q Drops and Deltas Plus Pdf   Q Drops  and Deltas Plus Pdf - Page 13 I_icon_minitimeThu Feb 29, 2024 8:23 am

.The count now of traumatized children (found dead or alive) was more like in the hundreds of thousands – generations who had never seen sunlight.”

Another trooper in rescue efforts reported, “Underground bases trafficking children were destroyed back in 2019. That included a base that was under the Getty Museum. The more recent Utah March 18 2020 earthquake was actually destruction of child trafficking tunnels (under the old Dugway Utah Germ Warfare base also referred to as another Area 51 UFO Base). There was a major battle under the Denver airport. The Illuminati had planned to make Denver the capital of the US after they took over and killed most of us.”

There was a tunnel system that circled Australia and centered in Melbourne. The military made a massive raid in tunnels beneath the Black Forest in Germany. In Barcelona Spain they rescued over 2,000 women and children, while arresting 13 of their pedophile leaders. There were 30,000 pedophiles arrested out of Germany, and “lots” were arrested in Spain and England.

Charlie Freak from Australia said that the troops went into Melbourne and found a second layer of tunnels beneath an enormous tunnel system in Australia. “It started in Sydney… they described it to us… think arachnid… it’s a web… and it was below… so this second tunnel system goes in a ring around Australia, with a big central line running towards Ayers Rock…One night - 9 p.m. to 6 or 7 a.m. - there were explosions every 2 or 3 seconds that entire time. That’s why there were police out there.”

US Military, Marines, Navy Seals and Special Ops trained for over a year for the special missions under direction of President Trump and the Pentagon Pedophile Task Force. These US Special Forces were working with Interpol and various countries’ militaries to clear out the underground tunnels filled with trafficked children and women. They then blew the tunnels up so they can never be used again for any purpose. The small nuclear explosives used caused small earthquakes in the region.

Evidently monies to fund the tunnels came from US Taxpayers through the Cabal-owned IRS/Federal Reserve System. An inside source said, “They spent trillions of dollars on these tunnels… that’s where the trillions of dollars that have been missing from the 9-11 building that they took down.”

The operation was ongoing as they discovered even more tunnels deeply buried beneath the earth. Dr. Charles Ward said: “The rescue operations were taking longer than The Alliance thought because the massive labyrinthine illuminati tunnel systems were more vast than anyone had any idea of.

“They collapsed tunnels in Lebanon,” Ward said. “There was a considerable amount of tunnels under a building there that exploded. I’ve learned an awful lot about these tunnels and I have actually been inside some of these tunnels in my work because they store a huge amount of gold and cash in these tunnels. The ones I’ve been in were 200 Meters below ground level. .. the width of the tunnels would be 30/40 feet, the height would be 15/20 feet, there was electric golf buggies riding around down there like it was a main road; 40 km, 30 km of roads down there, shops down there, living quarters down there, storage facilities, safes, everything down there, and this was in just the two that I’ve visited. . . I think the process has been, from what I understand, once they’ve removed the women and children that were stored down there, they were removing the tunnels so nothing can be ever done there again.”

Ward has personally has been inside two DUMBs that were crammed with cash, gold and valuables. He was part of a team that was moving gold, cash and valuables around the world for the United States Government to back a revaluation of currencies in a Global Currency reset about to take place.

            I want to know the thoughts of God. Everything else is just details.
            A Miracle is when God makes His Reality our Experience              
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PostSubject: Re: Q Drops and Deltas Plus Pdf   Q Drops  and Deltas Plus Pdf - Page 13 I_icon_minitimeThu Feb 29, 2024 8:25 am

Dr. Ward related that in March 2020 during the child rescue mission at the Vatican they arrested the Pope. Some of Ward’s Security Team watched the arrest. He said that 650 plane loads of gold, cash and documents were flown out of the Vatican to Fort Knox. He regularly used specially trained teams to move money and his teams had been hired to clear out the Vatican of its stolen treasure.

“I don’t think normal people have any idea or any concept as to how many children disappear every single year…And I'm going to sicken you right now. People that we trusted, organizations that we trusted during times of tragedy were involved, such as Hurricane Katrina where lots of people went missing. They were basically stolen by organizations that we trust to look after us in a time of trouble. Those kids were trafficked.

“That’s pretty damn disgusting… In times of war… the wars in Afghanistan, Syria, Libya, the amount of children that were stolen from those countries is unbelievable. So that the families think that they’ve died and they haven’t. They’ve been stolen… and this is a world that, don’t take my word for it, go and do some homework, because it’s absolutely disgusting

“And you’ll start to wake-up to what Donald Trump is actually doing when he’s draining the swamp…I don’t think… a lot of people have any idea how dirty that swamp is…how contaminated it is…and when you wake up to what he’s actually doing…It doesn’t matter if he has funny hair, it doesn’t matter if he does funny tweets. If he gets rid of one pedophile gang, saves one woman and a child from being trafficked, he’s doing a good job. He’s saved thousands and thousands of children and families, yet there’s NOTHING, NOTHING in the mainstream media. They should be ashamed of themselves, totally ashamed. It’s disgusting.”

            I want to know the thoughts of God. Everything else is just details.
            A Miracle is when God makes His Reality our Experience              
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PostSubject: Re: Q Drops and Deltas Plus Pdf   Q Drops  and Deltas Plus Pdf - Page 13 I_icon_minitimeThu Feb 29, 2024 9:16 pm

You know we're basically 'there' because stuff is getting revealed in huge waves.
This is one I'm so happy I didn't screw up because I gave up on following it a year
or two ago. Much too complicated to do that plus anything else. 
Read tonights post in 'banks  global markets' for more.
Ariel - 

The Dark Market Of Crypto: Human & Drug Trafficking 

Bitcoin is not even ISO-20022 Compliant. Which means it's a blacklisted crypto. The Treasury's financial-crimes arm found that bitcoin was increasingly popular for use in trafficking of people and materials tied to child sexual abuse, though the data is from 2021. 

They go on to say in that same report that based on financial firms' government filings in 2020 and 2021, that period saw an upswing in the use of crypto – most commonly bitcoin – in crimes that included human trafficking and the sexual exploitation of children, according to the trend report released by the Treasury's Financial Crimes Enforcement Network (FinCEN). In those two years, the analysis found 2,311 reported uses of crypto in such crimes, amounting to more than $412 million.

Why do you think Bitcoin is tied to human trafficking? Because it started out on the Dark-Web. NSA/DARPA/CIA and the military industrial complex are behind Bitcoin. It was designed to be a 1 world coin. 


Bitcoin IS the one world digital currency. You all have a deterministic UUID that has been generated from our biometric data. This UUID will be related to all your datastores. 

This UUID is your mark. This UUID is what is used to buy and sell online and in the real world. This UUID is the primary key in your Greenlist identity.

Legitimization of bitcoin is all about hosted wallets. 
The centralization of bitcoin. Hosted wallet providers approve/disapprove transactions before they are actually issued on the network. Greenlist enabled wallets will be the fastest. (offline transactions). Greenlist enabled wallets will be hooked directly to your bank account, ease of buying and selling.

Do you all understand? This coin was never meant to liberate you. Why do you think banks are now stocking precious metals? People think about this. SHA-256 is the central use of Bitcoin. 

Secure Hash Algorithm 256-bit (SHA-256) is a widely used cryptographic hash function that produces a fixed-size output of 256 bits when given different inputs. It belongs to the SHA-2 family of hash functions, which was preceded by the earliest SHA-1 hash functions. Higher numbers indicate the length of the hashing outputs. 

The origins of SHA-256 can be traced back to intelligence services in the US, namely the National Security Agency, or the NSA for short. Engineers employed at the agency invested heavily in developing the algorithm, and first published it in 2001. Are you starting to get it now? SHA-256 is widely applied to cybersecurity, including digital signatures, password storage, and message authentication codes. 

SHA-256 is central to the functioning of Bitcoin. People actually think this was a freedom coin. From one user a question was asked "who is the single largest holder of BTC right now? "Satoshi"
Who is he?  NSA/DARPA created bitcoin under the guidance of the IMF. The lMF has been openly calling for a digital, one-world, deflationary currency for 2 decades. OPENLY. It has been discussed and promoted OPENLY at G8 and G20 summits. End quote. 

So this is the only reason it was making sense why bankers were adopting this coin. Basically to coincide with other events like Covid-19 that was being used to justify getting rid of paper currency in turn for a digital one world currency they were already stockpiling.

~T edit: Kinda surprised to even see this here. Those that have been here a while already know all this.

            I want to know the thoughts of God. Everything else is just details.
            A Miracle is when God makes His Reality our Experience              
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PostSubject: Re: Q Drops and Deltas Plus Pdf   Q Drops  and Deltas Plus Pdf - Page 13 I_icon_minitimeFri Mar 01, 2024 2:30 pm

I removed the last 2 posts, as not fitting where we're at.

From ~E
I want you to understand something rather important.

Regardless of who you put into the office of President ahead, the U.S.A will not recover as an empire.

The value of its purchasing currency is plummeting as global nations abandon it for domestic and international currencies of trade.
Its debt sold off as securities are no longer being purchased.

These are not the result of economic policies alone. There is an ebb and flow of empires throughout history that follow specific patterns.

The time of the U.S. superpower is simply over. The war mongering and fearful behavior of your ruling class underscores this.

Any student of history will look at the trajectory and tell you plainly, the writing is on the wall.

So set your rhetoric down on all sides, and contemplate what sort of nation you intend to be when your day in the sun is over.

Babylon falls, it is unavoidable; but what rises from its ashes is yet to be determined. 


            I want to know the thoughts of God. Everything else is just details.
            A Miracle is when God makes His Reality our Experience              
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PostSubject: Re: Q Drops and Deltas Plus Pdf   Q Drops  and Deltas Plus Pdf - Page 13 I_icon_minitimeFri Mar 01, 2024 8:02 pm

Respected Patriots,

I call upon you in this pivotal time, as our unity and dedication are paramount!

I express sincere gratitude for your steadfast support. As we navigate these critical times, I humbly seek your collaboration in spreading the message of this channel. Let's unite, disseminate it widely, and welcome more individuals to stand beside us. Together, our collective efforts ensure that knowledge and preparedness illuminate our path forward.

With appreciation,

            I want to know the thoughts of God. Everything else is just details.
            A Miracle is when God makes His Reality our Experience              
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PostSubject: Re: Q Drops and Deltas Plus Pdf   Q Drops  and Deltas Plus Pdf - Page 13 I_icon_minitimeFri Mar 01, 2024 8:32 pm

BREAKING: Firefighters are currently fighting a huge fire at an automobile salvage yard in Grand Prairie, Texas.

BREAKING: A remarkable meteorite landed in the Russian city of Chelyabinsk.

            I want to know the thoughts of God. Everything else is just details.
            A Miracle is when God makes His Reality our Experience              
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PostSubject: Re: Q Drops and Deltas Plus Pdf   Q Drops  and Deltas Plus Pdf - Page 13 I_icon_minitimeSat Mar 02, 2024 1:45 pm

The game within a game.
Imagine for a moment that the political tug of war exists in a bubble of control on all sides, and that events are playing out to push you in one direction or the other at all times.
Imagine that, the right and the left, for all the differences you are pushed to "see" are controlled by the same central entity. 
Imagine that you are treated like livestock, that your loyalties on all sides are weaponized against you like a play in motion that is scripted to motivate you in any direction chosen.

Think of it, like an onion; or a cave, where you can only see the innermost layer. 
And beyond that layer, the one where you are taught to galvanize distinct positions and divide yourselves; you are not allowed to see anything.

Imagine then, that this world, this bubble within a bubble extends to what you perceive as the heights of power. 
But because of your limited perception; even those heights; those people, are still only contained within the first layer, the world as you perceive it. 

Imagine then, that beyond that layer; there is more to it.
Imagine your leaders are less free than you assume. Imagine they are less autonomous. For a moment, imagine your world is run by blackmail from hands you cannot perceive. Threats you may not understand. Puppet masters that exist outside of your perception.

Think carefully here about what this scenario might say.

What if, just hypothetically speaking, the world were far more planned and contrived than you realized? Your evolutionary pattern over time guided in a specific direction.

I'm not speaking about shadow agencies like the CIA and others.
What I'm asking you to consider, is that you are taught to perceive the enemies you can see, and to focus on them. You are given a construct in which to operate; and because it is all you see and full of manufactured distraction; you're not questioning its authenticity. You're not questioning the puppet master as long as you're playing the game within a game.
Think on this, and consider the wide ramifications of such a problem.
This is an exercise in critical thought, to help you before I take you deep into the reality of it all this week. 

(me: my mind went straight to 
Ephesians 6:12  "For we wrestle not against flesh and blood, but against principalities, against powers, against the rulers of the darkness of this world, against spiritual wickedness in high places." )

Prayerfully we are more ready than most, that we can and will 'stand'
and be ready to help however we can.

            I want to know the thoughts of God. Everything else is just details.
            A Miracle is when God makes His Reality our Experience              
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PostSubject: Re: Q Drops and Deltas Plus Pdf   Q Drops  and Deltas Plus Pdf - Page 13 I_icon_minitimeSat Mar 02, 2024 2:11 pm



3+1+5+2+2+4 = 17

Famine Warning 

Join Ezra A. Cohen (

            I want to know the thoughts of God. Everything else is just details.
            A Miracle is when God makes His Reality our Experience              
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PostSubject: Re: Q Drops and Deltas Plus Pdf   Q Drops  and Deltas Plus Pdf - Page 13 I_icon_minitimeSat Mar 02, 2024 4:04 pm

Everything is optics.
The People MUST SEE IT to believe it.
It must be done in a 'court of law'.
We will 'win', rest assured.
Looking forward to go back.
Future proves past.
Nothing stops this.
Enjoy the show!

            I want to know the thoughts of God. Everything else is just details.
            A Miracle is when God makes His Reality our Experience              
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PostSubject: Re: Q Drops and Deltas Plus Pdf   Q Drops  and Deltas Plus Pdf - Page 13 I_icon_minitimeSat Mar 02, 2024 4:11 pm

Today is March 1, 2024, and because you are about to be hit by an unprecedented amount of propaganda and a deluge of disinformation from the left, I would like to state the facts again.

1- Vladimir Putin invaded Ukraine in 2014 when Democrat Barack Obama was in power.

2. Vladimir Putin invaded Ukraine in 2022 when Democrat Joe Biden was in power.

3. Vladimir Putin invaded no territory when Republican Donald Trump was in power between 2017 and 2021. 

4. Special Robert Mueller concluded that Donald Trump did not connive or conspire with the Russians to win the 2016 presidential election and defeat Hillary Clinton.

5. I hate repetitions but let me repeat that the Robert Mueller investigation did not establish that Donald Trump or his campaign conspired or coordinated with the Russian government in its election interference activities.

6. While in power between 2017 and 2021, Donald Trump did not start a new war, he did not enrich the military-industrial complex.

7. Claims by the mainstream media that Vladimir Putin is blackmailing Donald Trump are false.

8. Claims by the mainstream media that the Hunter Biden laptop was Russia's disinformation are false.

9. The laptop belongs to Hunter Biden and seems to show what appears to be criminal activities. He's like everyone else innocent until proven guilty. 

10. Claims that the Russians are AGAIN trying to interfere in the 2024 election to elect Trump are false and seem to be disinformation by the left. 

11. Claims that everyone who questions sending billions of dollars to Ukraine for a war they may likely not win makes them a Russian agent or stooge are false and disinformation by the left. 

12. Donald Trump is facing four criminal indictments and 91 counts. But indictments are accusations that have to be proven in court. He's innocent until proven guilty. 

13. Claims that Trump if re-elected will be deadlier than Hitler and end the presidency and democracy as we know them are unproven since he was president for four years and did not do those things.

14. Yes, Trump often says some outrageous things but he actually acted differently once in power between 2017 and 2021. 

15. Claims that Tucker Carlson is a Russian agent because he interviewed Putin are false, he's a journalist who has more influence than many media houses combined.

16. Claims that everything the White House says is true and everything the Kremlin says is a lie is false. They both lie all the time, more often than they tell the truth. 

17. I can go on and on, but because you will hear about Russia, Russia, Russia, disinformation, disinformation and disinformation, and election interference by the Russians every day until after the presidential election in 2024, I want you to be prepared and see everything for what it is. 

18. Never forget to subscribe to my X because that's what allows me to keep doing this, to go to war every day against propaganda and disinformation, and to hit close to half a billion views here every month.

- Simon Ateba (

            I want to know the thoughts of God. Everything else is just details.
            A Miracle is when God makes His Reality our Experience              
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PostSubject: Re: Q Drops and Deltas Plus Pdf   Q Drops  and Deltas Plus Pdf - Page 13 I_icon_minitimeSat Mar 02, 2024 4:34 pm

Are we about to go dark?

Misspellings matter…

Did Trump ‘misspelled’ scot-free on purpose?
Scott Free productions company made the movie WHITE SQUALL.

Note: A white squall is a sudden and violent windstorm at sea, that manifests suddenly.
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            I want to know the thoughts of God. Everything else is just details.
            A Miracle is when God makes His Reality our Experience              
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PostSubject: Re: Q Drops and Deltas Plus Pdf   Q Drops  and Deltas Plus Pdf - Page 13 I_icon_minitimeSat Mar 02, 2024 4:52 pm

I don't exactly know this poster.  So I add it to my calendar and wait to see if it comes up again.
It's 'green' and it's in the sky.


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            I want to know the thoughts of God. Everything else is just details.
            A Miracle is when God makes His Reality our Experience              
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PostSubject: Re: Q Drops and Deltas Plus Pdf   Q Drops  and Deltas Plus Pdf - Page 13 I_icon_minitimeSat Mar 02, 2024 5:31 pm

The simulation we are participating in has rules. We are collectively experiencing the archetypal “ Heroes Journey”. At this point we would appear to be at the “All is lost” point in the script. Much like a movie the character dies or is in great peril.  Up next is the 
“ Resurrection”. Like any great movie our reality is going to have a happy ending.
I love you all!

            I want to know the thoughts of God. Everything else is just details.
            A Miracle is when God makes His Reality our Experience              
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PostSubject: Re: Q Drops and Deltas Plus Pdf   Q Drops  and Deltas Plus Pdf - Page 13 I_icon_minitimeSun Mar 03, 2024 7:26 am

We know everything
We have it all
Every phone call, text, email photo sent every video
Everything encrypted. 
We know what’s behind the walls inside the walls.
Where the bodies are buried.
We have the codes to QUINTRiLLiONS bank accounts and Crypto.
We robbed the Vatican. The Queen. World Banks. We have the gold that Canada sold. Hillary Rodham Clinton hid. Rothschilds hidden gold in China triangle.
We have it all
Don’t fear the next events coming
It had to be this way.

            I want to know the thoughts of God. Everything else is just details.
            A Miracle is when God makes His Reality our Experience              
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PostSubject: Re: Q Drops and Deltas Plus Pdf   Q Drops  and Deltas Plus Pdf - Page 13 I_icon_minitimeMon Mar 04, 2024 3:34 pm

Q time.
Everything is connected.

Mickey clock showing 10:10
1082 is 10-10
Apr 08, 2018 2:15:14 PM EDT
Q !xowAT4Z3VQ ID: a0205a No. 952914 
Plane crash 1999.
HRC Senate 2000.
The “Start.”
Enjoy the show.

            I want to know the thoughts of God. Everything else is just details.
            A Miracle is when God makes His Reality our Experience              
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PostSubject: Re: Q Drops and Deltas Plus Pdf   Q Drops  and Deltas Plus Pdf - Page 13 I_icon_minitimeMon Mar 04, 2024 3:55 pm


The Supreme Court Rules: Donald Trump Back On The Ballot

Option 1- Assassinate Donald Trump.

Option 2- Bring Down Power Grid.

Option 3- Create Fake Alien Invasion.

Option 4- Create False Flag

Option 5- Cancel Presidential Election

The Deep State is now firmly up against the wall at this point. They are going to be forced to make a final move. D. Trump being put back on the ballot 24 hours before Super Tuesday was basically the last straw. People have to understand how dire the situation is for many who have committed treason.

Media Pundits

Political Figures

Hollywood Celebrities

Wallstreet Bankers

Law Enforcement

3 Letter Agencies

The list goes on for all those who conspired to bring down the CIC. D. Trump is basically the grim reaper. And to watch him slowly regain political power while knowing you are on the chopping block has got to be the most gut-wrenching feeling anyone can have.

We have watched them throw everything at him. We have also watched everything fail. And we have seen D. Trump keeps his composure throughout all of it. Being unphased by it all. Why? Is it because he knew all along that he was holding "The Trump Card"?

Everyone that we have seen comes into the spotlight as the one person that will take D. Trump down has been met with their own legal challenges and sometime ended up in prison themselves. Do you all remember Michael Avenatti? He was the star player for a hot minute.


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PostSubject: Re: Q Drops and Deltas Plus Pdf   Q Drops  and Deltas Plus Pdf - Page 13 I_icon_minitimeMon Mar 04, 2024 3:56 pm

He promised the raging liberal on "The View" that he and him alone will bring down this tax evading MAGA tyrant that has wrecked havoc on American freedoms. And that he will not rest until this great foe of our time has tasted the defeat by his legal prowess and prosecution.

Now, where does M. Avenatti sit currently?

In a Metropolitan Correctional Center. Basically, to defraud Nike and stealing about 300k from Stormy Daniels. And you know what's the kicker in all of this. M. Avenatti was only allowed to read one book in prison. Do you all want to know what that book is? "The Art Of The Deal" by Donald Trump.

But no, the Cabal had someone else up their sleeve who was also supposed to bring about the destruction of the orange man. Fani Willis. Someone who is also facing legal issues because of some of her rendezvous with Nathan Wade.

Records show special prosecutor Nathan Wade paid for flights with Fulton County District Attorney Fani Willis to Miami in 2022 and San Francisco in 2023, according to court documents. I mean we all know the charges by Fani. Willis was DOA. Everyone with commonsense knows Joe Biden didn't legally win 2020 election. Even Ivan Raiklin knows this sense he helped J. Biden win a couple of states. Especially Pennsylvania.

This was nothing more than the liberal establishment being the pot while calling the kettle black. They knew this entire charade was going to be something with diminishing returns. Just as everything before it that fell flat.


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PostSubject: Re: Q Drops and Deltas Plus Pdf   Q Drops  and Deltas Plus Pdf - Page 13 I_icon_minitimeMon Mar 04, 2024 3:58 pm

• Russian Collusion

• Tax Evasion Fraud

• Stormy Daniels Case

• The Insurrection

• Covid-19

But no they were still going to attempt this Hail Mary on the 4th & 50 with 4 seconds on the clock down by 8 with all the star players injured and contracts expiring. What do they throw? E. Jean Carroll into end zone. The most delusional play they could muster up as if it was going to be this game winning touchdown to bring them back into the game that was already over before they even threw the ball.

What in the world were they trying to accomplish with that attempt? Everyone knows this woman is looney and a bafooney. Her entire sexual assault plot was grabbed right from Law & Order: Special Victims Unit. She tried to pretend she was clueless about this entire similar case in the 2012 episode.

Plot: "A brief moment of the episode — titled “Theatre and Tricks” — involves a character talking about role-playing a rape fantasy in Bergdorf Goodman.

“Role-play took place in the dressing room of Bergdorf’s. While she was trying on lingerie I would burst in,” the character says.

So what does E. Jean Carroll do in order to convince the nation that this actually happened? She uses the exact plot by claiming that the former commander-in-chief raped her in a fitting room in the lingerie section of the Fifth Avenue department store most likely in 1996.

People do you see how low on ammo the Deep State is? Do you see how everything they have tried has not worked out to delay the inevitable? Do you see that at this point there is no way out for them? They are going to be forced to initiate their own demise. And D. Trump knows this move is coming up soon.

Which is why the military has things in place for this last straw. This is something we all need to prepare for. These psychopaths will not go down quietly. They didn't spend decades in those secret underground bases building and creating every monstrosity they could think of and to let them go to waste.

"The time to prepare is before you need it; waiting until the storm hits only ensures you'll weather it poorly."

Think Wisely-

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PostSubject: Re: Q Drops and Deltas Plus Pdf   Q Drops  and Deltas Plus Pdf - Page 13 I_icon_minitimeMon Mar 04, 2024 8:43 pm

Excellent historical thread by Dr EIT. Have written about this before here, but he adds some important clarity on some areas.  Please take a moment or two to review.

Who are the Edomites? 

A factual and historically accurate cited thread :eyes:

Why does God say: For Jacob I loved, but Esau I hated.   Romans 9:13 Malachi 1:2-3

After losing his birthright to Jacob (Israel), why did Esau marry Canaanite women?  Why did his parents strictly forbid NOT to marry Canaanite women?   Who are the Canaanites, and why would descendants of Abraham not want anything to do with Canaanites?

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PostSubject: Re: Q Drops and Deltas Plus Pdf   Q Drops  and Deltas Plus Pdf - Page 13 I_icon_minitimeTue Mar 05, 2024 5:44 pm

The Magic of Q

Time Stamp Drop 4996
8:06:20 PM 

Converting time to a date = 8/6/2020

From 8/6/20 to 11/27/22 = 
843 days
 Q Drops  and Deltas Plus Pdf - Page 13 1f447 
Drop 843

The delta between the two drops = 
4 years, 8 months, 24 days 
The Great American Eclipse 

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PostSubject: Re: Q Drops and Deltas Plus Pdf   Q Drops  and Deltas Plus Pdf - Page 13 I_icon_minitimeTue Mar 05, 2024 5:46 pm

Drop 4966 to Eclipse =
133  Q Drops  and Deltas Plus Pdf - Page 13 1f449  Two World’s Collide

Two World’s Collide
One Remains 
The Alpha & The Omega 

[Roasted]  Q Drops  and Deltas Plus Pdf - Page 13 1f449  Judgement

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PostSubject: Re: Q Drops and Deltas Plus Pdf   Q Drops  and Deltas Plus Pdf - Page 13 I_icon_minitimeWed Mar 06, 2024 2:57 pm

Famine Warning 


Ryan Garcia

"June 6  Earthquake bad"

HAARP will be used to create famines.

Me.  who is Ryan?:
Ryan Garcia raises concerns again as the boxing star alleges he was raped by a family member as a child and has witnessed 'human trafficking' in another worrying rant... just days after disturbing video claimed he was DEAD

In the same vein as John Solomon and Sarah Carter, he may well have agreed
to disseminate certain information.  He reaches a certain audience that might
otherwise be missed. 

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PostSubject: Re: Q Drops and Deltas Plus Pdf   Q Drops  and Deltas Plus Pdf - Page 13 I_icon_minitimeWed Mar 06, 2024 3:39 pm

Mike Johnson Exposes Radical Left Agenda To Turn Illegal Immigrants Into Voters To Rig Elections.

Jerry (The Penguin) Nadler slips up & explains the Radical Left's plan turning illegal immigrants into voters.

Years ago, illegal migrant caravans were full of very clean looking people wearing massive amounts of fresh brand new DISNEY clothes, traveled 1300 miles "on foot" without food, water, & no way to charge their somehow operating cell phones. Makes it make sense.

The Radical Left lost all remaining support from citizens going from the 2016 - 2020 Election & it's getting even WORSE since 2020 with the the high octane exposure of the Radical Left's totalitarian vaccine agenda, the cover-up of the vaccine deaths / injuries & their Big Tech communist censorship to cover up every dissenting voice that tries to expose the biggest crimes committed by the United States Govnt.

Liberal voters are jumping ship & the RINOS have been placed to embrace them, but the American ppl see through it & it won't be enough to push a new elite Oil-igarch into office.

These criminals in our government have to pad the voting tabulator numbers evenly. Real votes (illegals) to manufactured Ghost votes.

There's an attack on our Republic and it's coming from inside our government.


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PostSubject: Re: Q Drops and Deltas Plus Pdf   Q Drops  and Deltas Plus Pdf - Page 13 I_icon_minitimeThu Mar 07, 2024 10:12 am

Open Letter to the Courageous Military Forces, (2)

We, the Patriots of this great nation, fervently call upon your strength and commitment to help us reclaim our cherished land and sovereignty from the clutches of corporate greed, manipulative bankers, and corrupt politicians. Today, we stand united, dismissing every unworthy representative who has forgotten their duty to us—the American people. They are relieved of their responsibilities because they no longer stand as our true representatives.

Enough is enough. We refuse to be shackled as mere subjects, burdened by taxes that fund a government squandering our hard-earned money, devoid of any gold-backed value. The fiat currency issued by an illicit and corrupt Federal Reserve holds no power over us.

The integrity of our electoral process demands restoration, and we trust you, the defenders of justice, to acknowledge the truth about the 2020 election. We adamantly declare that those who orchestrated deceit must face consequences. Having exhausted all peaceful avenues, from protests to attending rallies, we implore you, our valiant Military, to act swiftly on our behalf.

We mourn the loss of loved ones to various tragedies, including the revelation of hidden truths spanning decades—be it the Kennedy assassination or 9/11. We reject being pawns in wars we never asked for, and we demand the restoration of a government that truly serves the people.

Our birthright is not a contract to be traded like commodities. We stand against the shadowy forces that have manipulated us, insisting on the implementation of NESARA to pave the way for a renewed government—one that values the freedoms and liberties of every American.

We call upon you to take this urgent message from We the People to your commanding officers, responding through the Emergency Alert System (EAS). Patriots, let our collective voice resonate across every platform, ensuring our plea reaches every corner of our great nation.

(If you are one of us, spread the message)

The United American Patriots

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PostSubject: Re: Q Drops and Deltas Plus Pdf   Q Drops  and Deltas Plus Pdf - Page 13 I_icon_minitimeThu Mar 07, 2024 2:59 pm

What is #MAGA?

It is not a cult.
It is not a political party.
It is not a group of extremists.

MAGA = America and Americans first
MAGA = restoring a great nation
MAGA = unity
MAGA = prosperity
MAGA = personal freedom
MAGA = peace through strength
MAGA = helping others
MAGA = medical freedom

I'm sure I left some ideas out, but you get the point.

Make America Great Again

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PostSubject: Re: Q Drops and Deltas Plus Pdf   Q Drops  and Deltas Plus Pdf - Page 13 I_icon_minitimeThu Mar 07, 2024 5:46 pm


According to Stellar Developer's discord, testnet has been updated to phase 2!

Bidan should say 347 days, 347 failures now that would be the ducks nuts.
Play The Video In Times square, just activated National Guard.

See March 11, but wonder if not 2 days ahead. The Guardian 11.3

Update - Protocol Phase 2 that was supposed to be March 17ish has started. All guns ablazing now

Go stock up folks. Military events will follow.  This phase 2 is 0 to 3 weeks. Phase 1 was done in half of the required 3 weeks..

Daniel 10:23 [21 days] right in line with Ramadan [21 days] 
🩸🩸🩸 🩸🩸:a: 🩸🩸🩸🩸🩸🩸

Crescent Moon on Guardian Map must be Ramadan. International Shipping, Ethereum Infrastructure, J P Morgan? crashing into Rock Of Gibraltar, Navy Ship Crashes Bigger Than You Know. Sudzha, Druzhba, Trans Saharan Pipelines to be cut off to Europe. 
Kennedy Bridge Niger, USS Scorpion 589,

IBOR 24 hr warning > Cut The Cables in Red Sea it stops everything including Ships, Banks etc  > Think Starlink deals with Ships etc

US Embassy Website just crashed
The US Embassy website ( crashed after the media drew attention to a warning about terrorist attacks in Moscow in the next 2 days.
🩸🩸🩸 🩸🩸🩸🩸:b:🩸🩸
11.3 also China Taiwan [2 days ahead]?
Pope Death #GodFather3 #SilverHammer
1st 2 indictments Charles & Andrew

Dont forget Sequence Israel to bomb Mecca?  SA > NK > Armenia > Iran > Israel>Switzerland. #ZionIsLast
the  E post he referenced:

We will remove Genocide Joe and the Butcher of Gaza both shortly.


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PostSubject: Re: Q Drops and Deltas Plus Pdf   Q Drops  and Deltas Plus Pdf - Page 13 I_icon_minitimeThu Mar 07, 2024 5:50 pm

:warning: :rotating_light:BREAKING NEWS:rotating_light:: 

BANKS :chart_with_downwards_trend:

The financial world is on edge as Federal Reserve Chair Jerome Powell's alarming statement 


* (when BTFP ends on Monday)

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PostSubject: Re: Q Drops and Deltas Plus Pdf   Q Drops  and Deltas Plus Pdf - Page 13 I_icon_minitimeThu Mar 07, 2024 10:38 pm

Why are we here?
Why are we providing crumbs?
Think MEMO.
Not convinced this is spreading?
You, the PEOPLE, have THE POWER.
You, the PEOPLE, just forgot how to PLAY.
APART you are weak.
This is more important than you can imagine.
Important to understand.
MSDNC [+social media] projection we are the minority is FALSE.
MSDNC [+social media] projection we are divided is FALSE. 
People are awake and see what is happening.
Patriots have no skin color.
Humanity is good.

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PostSubject: Re: Q Drops and Deltas Plus Pdf   Q Drops  and Deltas Plus Pdf - Page 13 I_icon_minitimeMon Mar 11, 2024 10:08 am

Old post of mine from long ago, that I thought apropos today, tying in with the Iran, Russia, China Naval Exercises intel as posted earlier this morning. 

Seems to me, things are ramping up dangerously and about to go (non)-nuclear out there...

Just some important insight into why Iran hates the United States, UK. And Europe, and why this is about to get ugly.

HOW THE CIA PULLED A COUP OVER IRAN WITH MI6 and brought Iran into civil unrest and decades of killings.

The history of the company we now call BP has, over the last 100 years, traced the arc of transnational capitalism. Its roots lie in the early years of the twentieth century when a wealthy bon vivant named William Knox D'Arcy decided, with encouragement from the British government, to begin looking for oil in Iran. He struck a concession agreement with the absolute Iranian monarchy, using the proven expedient of bribing the three Iranians negotiating with him.

Under this contract, which he designed, D'Arcy was to own whatever oil he found in Iran and pay the government just 16% of any profits he made -- never allowing any Iranian to review his accounting. After his first strike in 1908, he became sole owner of the entire ocean of oil that lies beneath Iran's soil. No one else was allowed to drill for, refine, extract, or sell "Iranian" oil.

"Fortune brought us a prize from fairyland beyond our wildest dreams," Winston Churchill, who became First Lord of the Admiralty in 1911, wrote later. "Mastery itself was the prize of the venture."

Soon afterward, the British government bought the D'Arcy concession, which it named the Anglo-Persian Oil Company. It then built the world's biggest refinery at the port of Abadan on the Persian Gulf. From the 1920s into the 1940s, Britain's standard of living was supported by oil from Iran. British cars, trucks, and buses ran on cheap Iranian oil. Factories throughout Britain were fueled by oil from Iran. The Royal Navy, which projected British power all over the world, powered its ships with Iranian oil.

After World War II, the winds of nationalism and anti-colonialism blew through the developing world.

In Iran, nationalism meant one thing: we've got to take back our oil. Driven by this passion, Parliament voted on April 28, 1951, to choose its most passionate champion of oil nationalization, Mohammad Mossadegh, as prime minister. Days later, it unanimously approved his bill nationalizing the oil company. Mossadegh promised that, henceforth, oil profits would be used to develop Iran, not enrich Britain.

The Mega Giants in the oil industry in the United States were unhappy with the financial losses that was expected to produce a Trillion dollars with the British Petroleum ( BP) oil industry and European distribution.

So, in the grief of losing a trillion dollar industry in Iranian oil control, the UK MAJESTY / British Elite's with MI6 make plans with the CIA to over thrown the New Leader of Iran

CIA front man Kermit Roosevelt Middle East bureau Chief is sent into Iran with 1,000,000 $$ dollars  ( 12 million $ in today's money) in U S tax paper money and meets CIA officers and several Iranian politicians who have given been corrupted by MI6 and CIA operations.

Together with Roosevelt they go through the country and bribe politicians, clerics and powerful leaders to start rumors about Mossadegh and at the same time Iranians are paid to stage attacks ( false flags events ) against the local religious leaders and groups and the attacks are pointed at Mossadegh as his regimen and blamed for the orders, attacks and killings.

With time the CIA creates a huge massive civil unrest and distrust through the Iranian country and at the same time the CIA brings weapons into Iran enough to create a  10,000 guerilla army which causes chaos through Iran and buildings, shops burn down , a colour revolution (CIA MI6 COUP) begins and paid demonstration using students begin.

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PostSubject: Re: Q Drops and Deltas Plus Pdf   Q Drops  and Deltas Plus Pdf - Page 13 I_icon_minitimeMon Mar 11, 2024 10:09 am

A bloody COUP happens and the IRAN leader Mossadegh is arrested and charged with treason. And the previous leader of IRAN Mohammed Reza Pahlavi is re-installed by the U S. CIA and MI6. Reza reopens the oil fields to the United States and Britain.

Iran under the control of Pahlavi kills military generals and leaders and begins purging the government and brings in censorship of the media and education system. The corruption of Pahlavi last over a decade till the country goes into revolt against the Pahlavi and his obvious treacherous agenda operations being forced by Western governments and military intelligence agencies.

Soon after the revolution, the Iranians Install Ayatollah Khomeini as their leader and he turned Iran into a Islamic Republic and since then Iran had long known the United States stole their oil, with CIA operations with mi6 and British powers that caused civil wars through their country and huge massive civil unrest for decades with millions being arrested persecuted and killed, all because of Western powers wanting Iranian oil.

This is an important reminder why Iran hates the U.S. And Western countries.

Trump knows very well all the atrocities the United States and CIA created through the world and pain and suffering the deep state has created through oil wars and color revolutions (cia coups).

This is the reason why Trump didn't Start any wars and wants to end all WARS. He knows a great TRUTH of what happened globally with globalist agendas.

This why Trump says he is the only one who can stop WW3?

Behind the scenes>]; there are important. Back CHANNELS  between U S. Military white HATS and Iran Mil.

You must understand Iran is also cleaning their SWAP and over 75 years of CIA/MI6/Mossad/ globalist INFESTATION into their country that is causing chaos.....

All countries are seeking peace. But the [cabal] deep state wants war to hide their crimes against humanity and want the wealth of the countries......

There are powerful plans for WORLD peace coming with Trump back in office after the 2024 SCARE NECESSARY EVENT TO HAPPEN

We send condolences to all the family's who lost their loved ones in the middle east WARS 

We are pained by the loss of U.S. military soldiers lives lost recently in the middle east and on failing Mil air traffic...

Keep faith world Patriots as we ride the 2024 Storm into the Presidency of Donald J. Trump and Military Alliance operations to bring down the [ DS] CIA regime, historically  controlled by the globalists.

The STORM Is Upon Us.

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PostSubject: Re: Q Drops and Deltas Plus Pdf   Q Drops  and Deltas Plus Pdf - Page 13 I_icon_minitimeMon Mar 11, 2024 10:15 am

NOW - Trump on cryptocurrencies: "There has been a lot of use of that and I'm not sure that I would want to take it away at this point."


me: that was for the public.  We know crypto is integral to the Plan.

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PostSubject: Re: Q Drops and Deltas Plus Pdf   Q Drops  and Deltas Plus Pdf - Page 13 I_icon_minitimeMon Mar 11, 2024 5:19 pm



Feb 21, 2018 8:34:05 PM EST

Q !UW.yye1fxo ID: 000000 No. 453 
[ ]

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PostSubject: Re: Q Drops and Deltas Plus Pdf   Q Drops  and Deltas Plus Pdf - Page 13 I_icon_minitimeTue Mar 12, 2024 9:48 am

12 Deltas for March 12… 

Click for Deltas


The unsealing of the first several indictments will bring about 'unity' and 'change' - 'change' that 'we' can believe in.
Returning 'POWER' to the PEOPLE.
Returning 'THE RULE OF LAW' to OUR LAND.

Promises made?
Promises (soon-to-be) kept?
Has POTUS made a statement/assertion that didn't end up being proven correct?
Change We Can Believe In.
When They Go Low, We Go High. 
Let Freedom Ring!

 Click for Deltas

I’ve always wanted him to be first for the public! 

It causes a mass pop awakening! 

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PostSubject: Re: Q Drops and Deltas Plus Pdf   Q Drops  and Deltas Plus Pdf - Page 13 I_icon_minitimeTue Mar 12, 2024 10:01 am


13th of March , 2013 


:boom: Q drops always say, THE POPE HAS A TERRIBLE MAY 

It would be better if he died 

= 11yrs

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PostSubject: Re: Q Drops and Deltas Plus Pdf   Q Drops  and Deltas Plus Pdf - Page 13 I_icon_minitimeTue Mar 12, 2024 10:02 am


The collapse of Bitcoin will come when the sovereign bond market collapses.

The Fed ending BTFP all coincides with Basel III

In that the Bank of Japan must be Basel III compliant by March 31st, 2024 (this month)

Janet Yellen will need to issue $5 trillion in new bonds this month (March).

That’s NEVER going to happen for her.

At a time when foreign dollar holders are repatriating their ($150 trillion) dollar reserves to buy back their own currency from the U.S. Treasury.

EXAMPLE: Iraq is using their U.S. dollar reserves to buy back their Dinar from U.S. Treasury which is pushing the exchange rate of the Dinar up considerably.

Then those countries are using *that currency exchange swap to acquire the renminbi in the 4X for the oil trade.

(Foreign dollar holders are just using those dollars to swap out for renminbi)

This is why Japan is ending negative rates, where the Bank of Japan uses their Dollar reserves (bonds) to buy back their yen from the U.S. Treasury. 

Japan raising rates means they’re going to collapse their bond market. (Basel III)

Bitcoins intrinsic value is ZERO.

There IS NO Bitcoin without Dollar liquidity. (i.e. U.S. Treasury bonds)

Whomever is buying UST bonds with yen is a shadow bank.

This is where the QFS comes in.

The U.S. Dollar is likely to crash this month.

            I want to know the thoughts of God. Everything else is just details.
            A Miracle is when God makes His Reality our Experience              
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PostSubject: Re: Q Drops and Deltas Plus Pdf   Q Drops  and Deltas Plus Pdf - Page 13 I_icon_minitimeTue Mar 12, 2024 10:07 am


{Picture of handcuffs and prison bars}

- Personal evidence..
- Publishing.. :page_with_curl:
- Follow my steps!
- The last days of Joe Biden.

The investigation is over, it's his turn!

Join, it's not too late!:point_down:

( Mr. Pool ( ) :x:

            I want to know the thoughts of God. Everything else is just details.
            A Miracle is when God makes His Reality our Experience              
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PostSubject: Re: Q Drops and Deltas Plus Pdf   Q Drops  and Deltas Plus Pdf - Page 13 I_icon_minitimeTue Mar 12, 2024 10:08 am


Join, it's not too late!:point_down:

( Mr. Pool ( ) :x:

            I want to know the thoughts of God. Everything else is just details.
            A Miracle is when God makes His Reality our Experience              
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PostSubject: Re: Q Drops and Deltas Plus Pdf   Q Drops  and Deltas Plus Pdf - Page 13 I_icon_minitimeTue Mar 12, 2024 7:49 pm

PROJECT ODIN will go together with the EAS/EBS... It is a military unit that supervises military forces in ground operations.
ODI N means:


During the EBS
Every major media channel on the planet will be…

The documentaries will be broadcast for 10 days all the channels on the planet will be taken over by the Alliance everything will be revealed political institutions famous religious

The final three days will reveal suppressed extraterrestrial life Patents and the new Earth.

PROJECT ODIN and military GESARA, a monumental combination that promises to overthrow the Cabal's hold on global power.
Prepare for the most dramatic change in modern history when the Military Emergency Broadcast System (EBS) emerges, signaling a new era of truth, justice and liberation.
The stage is set, the actors are in position, and the world is about to witness a seismic shift that will reshape the course of history.

PROJECT ODIN, a project shrouded in secrecy, is about to be revealed to the world.

But what is PROJECT ODIN and how does it connect to the military GESARA and the long-awaited Emergency Broadcast System (EBS)?

In this article, we delve into the heart of this remarkable transformation, revealing the hidden truths and unveiling the future that awaits us.

PROJECT ODIN: PROJECT ODIN, as cryptically mentioned by Ron CodeMonkeyz, is not just another codename; It is the key to dismantling the Mossad Media satellite network that has been at the center of global manipulation for too long.
This bold mission is not for the faint of heart; is the linchpin of the Quantum Starlink system, a quantum leap in technology that promises to redefine our world.

The new Quantum Systems, part of Quantum Starlink, represent a paradigm shift in technology.

These systems are protected by secret space programs that operate beyond the reach of the Cabal, ensuring their integrity and security.

As the Cabal-controlled media crumbles, these Quantum Systems will emerge as heralds of truth and transparency.

The Cabal's Last Stand: Q, the enigmatic figure behind many revelations, has predicted the elimination of the Mossad media.

But what comes next is even deeper. Whiplash has hinted at a major theatrical production, a misleading depiction of World War III, that will actually serve as a catalyst for the activation of military forces around the world.

A Biblical Scenario Revealed: In a twist of fate, this orchestrated chaos will pave the way for the activation of Armed Forces around the world, unleashing a torrent of events that will bring the Cabal to its knees.

The NESARA/GESARA funds will finally see the light of day and the people will be entrusted with the monumental task of rebuilding a long-oppressed world.

Identifying the Illuminati's Satanic Strongholds – The Kabbalah network stretches far and wide, but Q has given us insight into its most prominent strongholds.

From the Vatican to Buckingham Palace, from the White House to the heart of China, these places hold the keys to the power of the Kabbalah. As the dominoes fall, 34 satanic buildings and dams will collapse, forever changing the landscape of the world.

The United States in an almost instant military dictatorship... commanded by none other than Joe Biden:

A multitude of events take place:

As the Kabbalah faces its reckoning, a cascade of events will unfold.

            I want to know the thoughts of God. Everything else is just details.
            A Miracle is when God makes His Reality our Experience              
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PostSubject: Re: Q Drops and Deltas Plus Pdf   Q Drops  and Deltas Plus Pdf - Page 13 I_icon_minitimeTue Mar 12, 2024 8:58 pm

The fate of our nation lies within our grasp. Together, we can overcome any obstacle and triumph over adversity. History has shown attempts to derail progress, like with Kennedy, but this time, with Trump, they will not prevail.

Let us ignite the flame of change. Join our movement and let the colors of our nation's flag shine brightly once more.

            I want to know the thoughts of God. Everything else is just details.
            A Miracle is when God makes His Reality our Experience              
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PostSubject: Re: Q Drops and Deltas Plus Pdf   Q Drops  and Deltas Plus Pdf - Page 13 I_icon_minitimeTue Mar 12, 2024 9:25 pm

Digging around d through some of T's old history discussions and found this that seems beyond important today. Thought I'd share again with you all. Enjoy!

You all must learn to relearn our history. Not just the big figures, but in depth.

Revolutionary War “celebrity figures” get all the attention, but let’s not forget it was The People who did the sacrificing and fighting and dying. And it wasn’t everyone. The same scoffing, scolding and sighing current Democrats and RINOs engage in directly emulates the Loyalists during the Revolutionary War. Remember, technically speaking, every revolutionary was in fact a traitor to begin with.

However, once we declared our independence, we become freedom fighters. When we won that independence, despite loss and after loss from the laughable Gen. Washington who rarely ever won a single battle, and the British chased us around and nearly defeated us, all of the “traitors” we call patriots today created and joined the United States of America. This country wanted freedom most of all, but the wisest of them realized that separating powers and binding the hands of tyrants was necessary.

The one flaw, according to the wiser ones, was a permanent corrupt senate. That flaw has never been corrected. Senators are now corrupt and have usurped the power of The People. They are, in fact, completely treasonous. It is they, along with permanent fixtures in the House from cheating states, alongside cancerous executive branch and other long standing institutions which have all contributed to the perverted and illegitimate ruling class we have today.

The greatest crime, to them, is to have The People dare to assert control and power over The People’s House. To make them feel subservient to we meager peasants. Lindsay Graham wanted all of us shot who dared defy the outright fraud. They do not fear us. They hate us and want to destroy us. They call us terrorists. They called the original patriots terrorists as well. They called them traitors. 

Once again, the original patriots were indeed traitors in a technical sense... but today, due to the hard won freedoms enshrined in the Constitution, it is now the blackmailed, Satanic criminals we call representatives who are the traitors. They would rather send money to foreign nations than spend it here. They line the pockets of Big Business and give The People a smidgeon of their own money back. 

These are traitors. They don’t represent us. They only pretend to just to go through the charade of democracy and elections and constitutional order, but when The People demand answers and to see the evidence they pay for, our so-called representatives refuse.

Why? Because the elections have been rigged for decades. Exposing that exposes them and their entire lie. The whole system is a fraud. They are traitors and they know it.

Regardless of Trump and his plans, patriots had only begun to fight, just like John Paul Jones! 

So I say, rise up! Arm yourselves, train, organize, gather together and worship in the way you see fit, ignore all false edicts from a fraudulent government, and unite with The People of the United State of America, not the Marxist infiltrators the phony government is forcing you to obey and acquiesce to. They have lost their minds. They are using our own system against us. We have a second amendment and a first amendment for a reason. Use words to attack and guns to defend. That’s how I see it. But these phonies selling out to China and the globalist order need to recognize that America is not theirs to toy with.

Thomas Jefferson once expressed this view strongly in a 1787 letter to a diplomatic official in London:

[The motives of Shays’ Rebellion] were founded in ignorance, not wickedness. God forbid we should ever be 20 years without such a rebellion. The people cannot be all, & always, well informed… What country can preserve its liberties if their rulers are not warned from time to time that their people preserve the spirit of resistance? Let them take arms. The remedy is to set them right as to facts, pardon & pacify them.

            I want to know the thoughts of God. Everything else is just details.
            A Miracle is when God makes His Reality our Experience              
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PostSubject: Re: Q Drops and Deltas Plus Pdf   Q Drops  and Deltas Plus Pdf - Page 13 I_icon_minitimeWed Mar 13, 2024 9:56 am

twtr X post

Time for Real Donald Trump to return to X

Elon responds
Posted @ 12:00 am March 13, 2024
0000 military time    (zero hour)

2676 (
Feb 09, 2019 3:48:12 PM EST

Optics are important.
Stealth bombers silent?
Re_read Mueller re: 'designed to' drops.
Probe conclusion coming? 
Coincidence 'conclusion' occurring as new AG installed?
What is the purpose of WHITAKER?
Re_read drops re: 'Scaramucci' model.
Who did Scaramucci remove?
Optics important?
What occurs post installed 'BLOCKADE' removal?
[RR] 'complete' removal?
OIG release of findings?
How are they preparing to combat [narrative = vital]?
House intel launch of more 'FAKE' investigations in attempt to retain 'FALSE NARRATIVE' and claim 'POLITICAL ATTACK(S)' if investigated/prosecuted themselves? 
Attempts to retain 'BLOCKADE'?
Attempts to prevent public release of the TRUTH?
ZERO leaks re: HUBER?
Do not mistake 'public' silence for inaction. 
"This is not another 4-year election." 

            I want to know the thoughts of God. Everything else is just details.
            A Miracle is when God makes His Reality our Experience              

Last edited by Dove on Wed Mar 13, 2024 1:04 pm; edited 1 time in total
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PostSubject: Re: Q Drops and Deltas Plus Pdf   Q Drops  and Deltas Plus Pdf - Page 13 I_icon_minitimeWed Mar 13, 2024 10:34 am

2:22 am est. 

E posted this video! 
Then deleted it! 

One of our followers caught it! Ty 
The video highlights said

Welcome to the E channel
We intend to help you like never before
In fact, we plan to crush your enemies to dust.
From a Team of less than 10

ME:  The poster then put up Q drop #46.  BUT the video is 47 seconds long

46       (
Nov 02, 2017 12:57:19 PM EDT
Why is the information re: BO important re: U1 and export approval to Canada to EU?
Where is BO today?
Did BO and/or his admin ever make false statements that U1 would never be exported from the US? 
Who made those statements? 
Who did they report to?
Why is this relevant?

The public has been given a select taste (i.e. sampling) - rest assured others have it all (100% verifiable and impossible to refute). 
Why is this relevant?
Who controls the narrative?
Why are left wing organizations beginning to report on DNC/D corruption? 
Does the CIA have operators inside the MSM?
What happens if exposed?
What happens if tied back as 'knowing' to execs?
What does this have to do with 'leaking'?
What if it can be verified no sourced stories (made up) were in fact (and approved) to be published?
The wormhole goes deep.

Q post 47:

Nov 02, 2017 1:08:46 PM EDT

Anonymous ID: zGyR4tyi No. 147636035 
You can paint the picture based solely on the questions asked.
Be vigilant today and expect a major false flag.
Does anyone find it to be a coincidence there is always a terrorist attack when bad news breaks for the D's?
What is that called?
Military relevant how?
BO could not and would not allow the military to destroy ISIS - why?
How was ISIS formed?
How has POTUS made such progress in the short time he's been President?
Alice & Wonderland.


            I want to know the thoughts of God. Everything else is just details.
            A Miracle is when God makes His Reality our Experience              
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PostSubject: Re: Q Drops and Deltas Plus Pdf   Q Drops  and Deltas Plus Pdf - Page 13 I_icon_minitimeWed Mar 13, 2024 10:35 am

the time of E's post was 0222 am

Nov 23, 2017 10:25:26 PM EST
Anonymous ID: AMBznWhW No. 150682213 
is this relevant?
At In-Q-Tel, Painter’s work focused on identifying, researching and evaluating “new start-up technology firms that were believed to offer tremendous value to the CIA, the National Geospatial-Intelligence Agency, and the Defense Intelligence Agency.” Indeed, the NGA had confirmed that its intelligence obtained via Keyhole was used by the NSA to support US operations in Iraq from 2003 onwards.
A former US Army special operations intelligence officer, Painter’s new job at Google as of July 2005 was federal manager of what Keyhole was to become: Google Earth Enterprise. By 2007, Painter had become Google’s federal chief technologist.
‘TK’ refers to Talent/Keyhole, code names for imagery from reconnaissance aircraft and spy satellites,


            I want to know the thoughts of God. Everything else is just details.
            A Miracle is when God makes His Reality our Experience              
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PostSubject: Re: Q Drops and Deltas Plus Pdf   Q Drops  and Deltas Plus Pdf - Page 13 I_icon_minitimeWed Mar 13, 2024 10:45 am

Q Drops  and Deltas Plus Pdf - Page 13 RAFw26k2_normalFORSCOM Q Drops  and Deltas Plus Pdf - Page 13 1f1fa-1f1f8

1st Battalion, 509th Infantry - Geronimo jumped into to #TheBox at @JRTC_FTJohnson
to seize an airfield in preparation to face 1st Brigade Combat Team, @82ndABNDiv
Posted  0800   Mar 13, 2024

144        (
Nov 12, 2017 2:52:34 PM EST
Q !ITPb.qbhqo
Patriots don’t sleep.
40,000ft. v. necessary to understand [US]/SA/global events.
Paint the picture.
Decrease altitude (we will not fly that high again).
Higher the altitude greater the [risk] of conspiracy ST.
Many cannot/will not swallow.
What is No Such Agency - Q group?
Who has clearance to full picture?
SIS is good.
+++Adm R+++
What agency is at war w/ Clowns In America?
How does POTUS shift narrative?
(New) Age of Enlightenment. 
80% covert. 
20% public.
What has occurred over [th]e last several months?
C-info leaks? 
Operations (think SA + ???)?
CNN sale?
What co’s rec large cash injections by Clowns In America (public)?
Who does [i]t hurt? 
Who control[s] the MSM? 
Primary objective from beginning: POTUS discredit MSM.
[W]hy is this relevant?
How is information transmitted?
How are people inform[e]d?
Why was Sarah A. C. attacked (hack-attempt)?
Why was Op[e]ration Mockingbird repeated?
Why was Jason Bourne (CIA/Dream) repeated?
Think social media platforms.
Who are the Wizards & Warloc[k]s? 
What council do the Wizards & Warlocks control?
Think Snowden (inside terms dropped).
Alice & Wonderland – understood.
Snow White – understood.
Iron Eagle?
Godfather III?
Everything has meaning.
Disney is a distraction.
Senate & Congress = puppets (not all)(power shift).

            I want to know the thoughts of God. Everything else is just details.
            A Miracle is when God makes His Reality our Experience              
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PostSubject: Re: Q Drops and Deltas Plus Pdf   Q Drops  and Deltas Plus Pdf - Page 13 I_icon_minitimeWed Mar 13, 2024 11:08 am

:eagle::flag_us::boom:ELON MUSK CRUMBS:boom::flag_us::eagle:

At 00:00:31

World stalemate. 
We all have the goods on everyone else.
Trump and others are WORKING to BALANCE the WE’RE DOING WELL for AMERICA (for the common person to endorse) while at the same time PURIFY OUR GOV'T and REMOVE the BAD ACTORS who are ENTRENCHED. There is SO MUCH string pulling and BLACKMAIL that we NEED TO CUT THESE OFF to TRULY GAIN the POWER GRANTED TO US by the Patriots and hard working people of this great country.

            I want to know the thoughts of God. Everything else is just details.
            A Miracle is when God makes His Reality our Experience              
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PostSubject: Re: Q Drops and Deltas Plus Pdf   Q Drops  and Deltas Plus Pdf - Page 13 I_icon_minitimeWed Mar 13, 2024 11:13 am

Q Drops  and Deltas Plus Pdf - Page 13 GIiMof3bwAAwzrX?format=jpg&name=small

Q Drops  and Deltas Plus Pdf - Page 13 Y9FET_al_normalGH17TAFKAG

[size=17]Well, well, well,..
The Trump Announcement happened 14 min to [size=17]00:00

23:46:35 2+3+4+6+3+5=23=Q Drops  and Deltas Plus Pdf - Page 13 203cPAINQ Drops  and Deltas Plus Pdf - Page 13 203c

He Promises That:


##14 10/31/2017 23:00:15
Was Trump asked to run for President w/ ASSURANCES MADE TO PREVENT TAMPERING?
How is POTUS always 5-steps ahead?
Was TRUMP asked to run for President?
Does POTUS know where the bodies are buried?
Does POTUS have the goods on most bad actors?
Was the election 
SUPPOSED to be rigged?
Did good people 
PREVENT the rigging?
Why did POTUS form a panel to 



##4461 06/13/2020 15:03:17
Only when evil is forced into the light can we defeat it.
Only when they can no longer operate in the [shadows] CAN people SEE the TRUTH for THEMSELVES.
Only when people see the truth [for themselves] will people UNDERSTAND the TRUE NATURE of their DECEPTION.
Seeing is BELIEVING.

Sometimes you can't tell the public the truth.

It had to be this way.

This is not another 4-year election.


            I want to know the thoughts of God. Everything else is just details.
            A Miracle is when God makes His Reality our Experience              
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PostSubject: Re: Q Drops and Deltas Plus Pdf   Q Drops  and Deltas Plus Pdf - Page 13 I_icon_minitimeWed Mar 13, 2024 11:16 am



Q Drops  and Deltas Plus Pdf - Page 13 1f4a5Q Drops  and Deltas Plus Pdf - Page 13 1f4a5Q Drops  and Deltas Plus Pdf - Page 13 1f4a5[size=17]BOOOOOM TIMEQ Drops  and Deltas Plus Pdf - Page 13 1f4a5Q Drops  and Deltas Plus Pdf - Page 13 1f4a5Q Drops  and Deltas Plus Pdf - Page 13 1f4a5
Q Drops  and Deltas Plus Pdf - Page 13 1f4a5Q Drops  and Deltas Plus Pdf - Page 13 1f4a5PRESIDENTIAL NOMINEEQ Drops  and Deltas Plus Pdf - Page 13 1f4a5Q Drops  and Deltas Plus Pdf - Page 13 1f4a5
AT 23:46:35
Q Drops  and Deltas Plus Pdf - Page 13 1f4a5PAINQ Drops  and Deltas Plus Pdf - Page 13 1f4a5

It is my great honor to be representing the Republican Party as its Presidential Nominee. Our Party is UNITED and STRONG, and fully understands that we are running against the Worst, Most Incompetent, Corrupt, and Destructive President in the History of the United States. Millions of people are invading our Country, many from prisons and mental institutions of other Countries. High Interest Rates and Inflation are choking our great middle class, and ALL, our Economy is bad, and our Stock Market is rising only because Polls are strongly indicating that we will WIN the Presidential Election of 2024. We are now, under Crooked Joe Biden, a Third World Nation, which uses the Injustice System to go after his political opponent, ME! But fear not, we will not fail, we will take back our once great Country, put AMERICA FIRST, and MAKE AMERICA GREAT AGAIN - GREATER THAN EVER BEFORE. November 5th will go down as the most important day in the history of our Country! GOD BLESS AMERICA

Q Drops  and Deltas Plus Pdf - Page 13 GIiAkkUaUAAPkYU?format=jpg&name=medium

            I want to know the thoughts of God. Everything else is just details.
            A Miracle is when God makes His Reality our Experience              
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PostSubject: Re: Q Drops and Deltas Plus Pdf   Q Drops  and Deltas Plus Pdf - Page 13 I_icon_minitimeWed Mar 13, 2024 11:21 am

Reposting again! 

He won the Republican nomination! 

He mentions the military in this. You must listen to this video. 

3:40 video 

To the public/sleepers… 

He now publicly receives 

34         (
Nov 01, 2017 10:56:16 PM EDT
Q Clearance Patriot 

My fellow Americans, over the course of the next several days you will undoubtedly realize that we are taking back our great country (the land of the free) from the evil tyrants that wish to do us harm and destroy the last remaining refuge of shining light. On POTUS’ order, we have initiated certain fail-safes that shall safeguard the public from the primary fallout which is slated to occur 11.3 upon the arrest announcement of Mr. Podesta (actionable 11.4). Confirmation (to the public) of what is occurring will then be revealed and will not be openly accepted. Public riots are being organized in serious numbers in an effort to prevent the arrest and capture of more senior public officials. On POTUS’ order, a state of temporary military control will be actioned and special ops carried out. False leaks have been made to retain several within the confines of the United States to prevent extradition and special operator necessity. Rest assured, the safety and well-being of every man, woman, and child of this country is being exhausted in full. However, the atmosphere within the country will unfortunately be divided as so many have fallen for the corrupt and evil narrative that has long been broadcast. We will be initiating the Emergency Broadcast System (EMS) during this time in an effort to provide a direct message (avoiding the fake news) to all citizens. Organizations and/or people that wish to do us harm during this time will be met with swift fury – certain laws have been pre-lifted to provide our great military the necessary authority to handle and conduct these operations (at home and abroad).

            I want to know the thoughts of God. Everything else is just details.
            A Miracle is when God makes His Reality our Experience              
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