The ones who will be deceived are the ones as it was in the days Christ walked on the earth. They were always wanting the great signs and wonders, that would help or make them believe Christ was who he said he was. SHOW me a sign or SHOW me wonders, then I WILL BELIEVE. It never was and never will be about signs and wonders, it's about FAITH. Faith in the one true God and in the WORD OF GOD.
People will get just what they want, signs and wonders[A strong delusion] from the Man of Sin,Son of Perdition,the Beast,Antichrist,Abaddon,Apollon,
the Destroyer,the Little Horn,the Wicked One,the Wicked,the Cruel,the Bloody and Deceitful Man,the Man of the Earth,the Mighty Man,the Enemy,the Assyrian,the King of Babylon,the Spoiler,the Prince That Shall Come,the Angel of the Bottomless Pit.
These are just some of the many names of the Antichrist as referred to in the scriptures and the one who gives man what he wants.
I believe God will test mankind with this strong delusion,to see if they will stand firm in the Word of God or fall for the lies. It's ALL written in the Word of God how Christ WILL return and not to believe a lie, that a christ or a god has already arrived.